Beyond The Sun

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Beyond The Sun Page 18

by Sandra Bischoff

  It was something Xavier wanted to change. He wanted the world to know they existed outside of lore. He wanted his people to be accepted, but not because Hollywood said so. He wanted the human world to embrace his people in peace. Unfortunately, he had met with resistance from both sides - more so from his people.

  It baffled him. They worked in the human world and had for centuries. Vampires needed to survive somehow. The humans believed they were all independently wealthy. Xavier laughed, if they only knew how many of his kin were homeless, living on the streets of the city and feeding on rats to survive.

  His gaze fell from the crumbling walls. Xavier looked out across the waters of the Hudson River. His ancestors chose this island for the safety it provided. They would know if anyone approached from every direction. So far, their defenses had never been tested. Any intruder this evening would have gotten an eyeful the moment they made ground. Especially given his pets were enjoying moon bathing.

  A puff of hot air brushed his neck. He received a soft nudge on the shoulder. Sadly, he rubbed the muzzle of the ebony dragon next to him. “I know you are eager to fly, my friend, but you know the rules. Only on the new moon.” The dragon nudged him harder. Xavier chuckled. “Just a few more days, no need to be impatient.”

  The dragon pulled back, hissing and rose to its full height, ready to attack. It glared over the King’s shoulder.

  Xavier frowned and faced the intruder.

  “Who the hell do you think you are-” Anything else he was about to say was lost. He beheld eyes so like his.

  The new comer’s brow rose. He stepped into the dim light from a torch on the castle wall. One glare from him and the dragon backed down and ambled away. “Let’s cut to the chase. I think we both know my presence is not unexpected. Is it, Dad?”

  The King glanced around and gestured toward the decrepit doors. “I think this conversation-”

  “This conversation will happen. I don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say.” Jared leveled his gaze on his father.

  “You mistake what I am about to say, Mr. Bonatelli. I was going to say we should take this into my study. There are people who do not need to know certain aspects of this house. Do we have an understanding?”

  Two pairs of blue eyes met, and a silent truce was made. For now, at least, it would appear the head of the Conservatorship was here for a planned meeting. Later, however, their lives would never be the same.

  In silence, they made their way into the ruins and through the hidden passageway leading down to the Palace. A century ago construction had begun on the underground living area. As the castle crumbled above, the royal family carved out a posh niche for themselves. Had it been above ground, the King’s home would outshine Buckingham Palace.

  Jared had been denied this glitz and glamour growing up. Contemplating it all, he realized he didn’t care. He was raised by human parent’s who loved him. Protected from the man he now followed.

  They negotiated the corner at the bottom of the stone staircase and were dwarfed by the height of the great room’s ceiling. All around them, the history of their people draped the walls. Tapestries, paintings, books and scrolls of the old world were spread everywhere. But this wasn’t why he had come. Jared wanted answers he couldn’t find in the written or visual histories.

  He wanted - no, needed -to know why his mother sought to protect him from his father. There were only two people who knew the story, and one of them wasn’t talking. Semiramis only said revealing himself would lead to his death. Jared wouldn’t accept her answer.

  The moment the door to the study closed behind them, Xavier’s hard exterior faded. He appeared older, tired.

  “What brings you here?” Xavier sat back in a leather chair, rubbing his forehead.

  Jared walked around the room, pausing to study an artifact here and there. “You mean you still have to ask? Okay I’ll play the game. You have obviously noticed I am not human, anymore. The interesting thing is, I lived as one for my entire life. The question is, why did my mother go to such lengths to hide me from you?”

  “Hide you?” The King sat forward. “Who is your mother? I can honestly tell you, I have had so many lovers - human or otherwise - I have no idea whose offspring you are.”

  “The Conservatorship had to clean up after a number of your affairs, didn’t we?” Jared smirked. “How many more brothers and sisters of mine are out there, Majesty?”

  “Before meeting you, I thought there was only Absinthe.” Xavier shook his head. “I have never been able to father another child. You are a miracle. But you’re not answering my question, who is your mother?”

  Jared stopped in front of Xavier and stooped to meet his gaze. “The Goddess Semiramis.”

  Xavier’s jaw dropped. He struggled to get away from the boy. “She cursed me. She said my blood would be the death of me. I thought it was an idle threat. I never believed her powers could touch me. A century later I tried to make amends. I repealed the law, the one condemning all half-breeds to death at birth. It brought so much misery to everyone. But it wasn’t enough to mend the rift in my home. But you… you’re not possible! I never…” Xavier stammered, heading for the liquor cabinet. Jared was right there on his heels.

  “I don’t need to give you a biology lesson, do I? We’re both adult enough to know how this happened.”

  “You don’t understand. I never was with the goddess.” He raised the glass to his lips. It never made contact.

  A vision formed in the rippling surface of his brandy. What appeared to be an intimate moment between he and the Queen morphed, and the woman’s features changed. Semramis laughed before resuming her disguise. It had been a trick. Allura never welcomed him back into her bed since the day he murdered his grandson. He thought their lovemaking was a dream, nothing more. Shortly thereafter, his wife was killed by the Resistance. He was never able to make amends.

  “Enjoy the history lesson?” Jared’s eyebrow rose. The glass went back to being nothing more than brandy.

  “How did you…”

  Jared tapped his temple. “I am the son of a vampire and Goddess, I can do pretty much anything. Messing with your head is just one of the tricks I’ve learned. But I proved my point, didn’t I? I am your son. Now you and I are going to have a little heart to heart, and you are going to tell me why my sister wants me dead.”


  THE METAL SHUTTERS LOWERED HOURS AGO ON the pale blue Victorian home. Sam sat next to the bed in the master bedroom. Her hand wrapped around Alex's, she held it to her cheek. Her tears moistened their joined hands. For hours Sam sat there reading or just talking to her, anything to keep her mind active. Periodically there would be eye movement behind Alex’s closed lids but nothing more.

  Alex opened her eyes slowly. “Where am I?” Her voice was raspy

  Sam sniffed back her tears and brushed the hair from Alex’s forehead. “You’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you again.”

  Alex blinked and focused on the room. A dark figure lurked just inside the doorway, and a tear slid down her cheek. “Jared?”

  Sam sobbed next to her. Zephyr stepped forward. The hope in her chest died. “No, Alexandra. I’m not Jared. Sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Where is he? I thought he’d be here.”

  Zephyr sat on the bed next to her. Sam stood, slipping her hand from Alex’s. “I’ll give you two a little privacy.” She dabbed at her eyes and slipped from the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

  Alex swung a confused gaze up at Zephyr. “He came to rescue me. I remember his voice. Where is he?”

  Zephyr took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “I wish I knew. There was a fire and explosion at Absinthe’s estate. We think he was caught inside. There hasn’t been word from him since.”

  Alex frowned. “How long?”

  “It’s been a week since I pulled you out of Absinthe’s dungeon. He’s been missing since.”

  A flood of tears coated her cheeks.
Alex rolled away from him to hug the pillow under her. “Get out.”

  “Alexandra, please, we need to talk.” Zephyr placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, but she pushed it away.

  “I said, get out.” Her voice was stronger. Jared was gone, and she was alive. Where was the justice? He had given his life so she may live. Why? “Leave me alone.”

  Zephyr stood. He placed a gentle hand on the top of her head. “As you wish, but know I am only a thought away.” She glanced up, and he was gone.

  Alex broke down sobbing, curled in a ball in the middle of the massive bed. Jared came to save her. She heard his voice calling to her, and she hadn’t been able to answer him. She wanted to tell him…she wanted to tell him that she loved him. But she never had the chance. Life was so cruel. Where was the rewind button for life? Why did Jared have to die?

  “Who says I’m dead?”

  Alex froze. She had to be hallucinating. It wasn’t him. He was gone. Her gums throbbed painfully. “Jared,” she whispered, not wanting to turn around and find out it was her imagination. He was a ghost, he had to be.

  “Alex? Who told you that I was dead? I am perfectly healthy.” Jared moved around to the other side of the bed and crouched, putting his chin on the mattress to look her in the eye. “What do you think, am I dead?”

  She reached out a tentative hand and touched his cheek. His eyes lit up the second she made contact. He covered her hand with his, kissing her palm. Every emotion came to the surface at once, and she choked on her unshed tears. She sat up to make room for him to perch on the bed next to her. She flung her arms around his neck, tackling him into the mound of pillows. Alex began placing small kisses all over his face. The throb in her mouth intensified.

  Jared laid back, his arms encircling her waist. “Maybe I should die and comeback more often, especially if this is the welcome I get. I take it you missed me?”

  Alex leaned up and smacked his chest. “You die again, and I’m going to kill you, myself.”

  Jared laughed harder. “You’ll kill me, huh? You kill me, and I’ll come back to haunt you forever.”

  Alex laughed; her newly dropped fangs gleamed in the dim light of the room. “You promise?” Straddling his legs, she crawled up his body. Her eyes glowed with a hunger only he could fulfill. She nuzzled his neck, kissing his pulse.

  Jared sucked in a sharp breath and tilted his head, giving her better access. “For you, anything. I love you, Alex.”

  “I love you too, Jared.” She lisped before sinking her teeth into his neck. Forever.

  Hours later they lay entwined in a cocoon of pillows and blankets. Alex’s hand caressed his hair, absently lost in thought. His head lay on her chest. Her fingers toyed with a lock curled around his earlobe.

  Jared snuggled closer. “You’re awake.”

  Her hand stilled. “Can’t sleep.”

  He kissed the valley between her breasts and propped his head on a hand. The glow from his eyes bathed her in a pale blue light. “Let me guess… Zephyr.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know what to do. I was awful to him.”

  “The one thing I know about Z, he has thick skin. Don’t worry so much about how you treated him. He understands.”


  “No buts.” He cupped her cheek. Her gaze lifted to his. “Alex, he would have killed Absinthe for you.”

  “Would he? He doesn’t know me, Jared. How could he kill for someone he never knew existed before last week?”

  His thumb traced the curve of her bottom lip. “It’s one of his strange quirks. Zephyr may not wear his heart on his sleeve, but the second he saw you, he felt the connection. He knew you were his daughter, and he would move heaven and earth to make sure you were safe.” Jared leaned in to kiss her lightly.

  Alex sighed against his lips. When he pulled back, a quiet sound of protest escaped her. She tried to pull him back, but he resisted. Huffing at him, she fell back against the pillows. “Tease.”

  “Always.” He smirked.

  “So then tell me, how do I fix this?”

  Jared sat up and reached for his robe across the bottom of the bed. He pooled it on top of her stomach. “The first thing you should do is talk to him.” He paused, listening intently. “He’s still here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, these spidey senses are pretty good, you know.” He winked at her.

  Alex slapped him on the chest. “That’s not what I meant. I know he’s here.”

  Laughing, Jared feigned being hurt. “I knew that. Just testing you.” He sobered and kissed the hand she hit him with. “Go find him. Trust me.”

  She stood from the bed and pulled on the robe, laughing when she heard the sharp intake of breath behind her. Inhaling, Alex caught the scent of his arousal. She sent him a saucy wink over her shoulder. “I’ll be back soon enough so we can take care of your little problem.”

  “I wouldn’t say it’s little.” He made a grab for her, and she danced away from him.

  Wagging a finger at him, she laughed again. “You’re distracting me.”

  “Fine.” He pouted. “Abandon me.”

  “Never. But I will be back.” Glancing back, she blew him a kiss and escaped into the hallway.

  Alex padded quietly down the circular staircase to the foyer. She hesitated to continue for only a moment while she got a bearing on where Zephyr was lurking. Closing her eyes, it was easy to reach out and find him. Leaving the entryway she bypassed the kitchen and family room heading out onto the patio through the sliding doors. A chill passed through her, and she pulled the robe just a little tighter.

  A faint glow in the window of Jared’s gym caught her attention. She walked toward it. With each step she felt her stomach do a back flip. There was no way he’d want her intruding on him. She should cut her losses now and go back to bed. Stopping in her tracks she glanced back up at the house. Jared stood at the window. He nodded, encouraging her to keep going. She took a deep breath and continued to the gym.

  Her hand hovered over the handle. He’s going to push me away. He isn’t going to want me here.

  An audible click and the door opened on its own. Alex pulled her hand back as the door swung open. She stood there unsure of what she should do.

  “I know you’re out there.”

  She jumped at the low accented timber of his voice. How did he do that?

  “I can hear you too.” Zephyr stuck his head out of the training room. His jet black hair was plastered to his brow with sweat. “Let me just clean up.”

  Alex followed him into the training room. He unwound the boxing wraps from his hands. Flexing his fingers he sat back on the bench and grabbed a towel to dry off. “So tell me Alexandra, why aren’t you resting?”

  “I couldn’t sleep. The way I treated you has been bothering me.”

  Zephyr shrugged. “I didn’t take it personally. You were worried about Jared. You didn’t want me around as a reminder that I failed him.”

  Shaking her head, Alex sat next to him. “No, you didn’t fail.”

  “Yes, I did. If I hadn’t left him, I would have been able to get him out before the explosion. Your grief is entirely my fault.”

  “No, you don’t understand.” Tears sprang to her eyes. “He’s home.”

  Her father blinked. “Jared made it out? How is that possible? The damn wolf said nothing. I’ll skin him alive.”

  Alex put her hand on his arm. “All that matters is that he’s home safe. But it’s not why I’m here. I’m here for us, you and me.”

  He pulled on a black t-shirt and gathered his hair in a low ponytail at the base of his skull. “Doesn’t explain why you are here and not up there. Though I will admit, this is strange to be discussing with you. My daughter is involved with the man I treated as a son. Very strange.”

  Her laughter filled the empty space. “I can see why it would make you cringe. I love him. He loves me. There’s no need for you to feel uncomfortable about it.”

  He growle
d. “Uncomfortable is not how I feel. I know you don’t understand your heritage yet, but…”

  She met his glare. “Then teach me. You and I were cheated. I want us to start over. Tell me what it is you feel.”

  Taking her hands in his, Zephyr gazed deeply into her eyes. “It’s a possessive feeling. You are my daughter. We have a blood connection. I will never be at ease with another male taking care of you, albeit the one who happens to have been trained by me. I know he can do so more than adequately, but you are mine.”

  His sincerity startled her. No one ever claimed her like this. Her whole life she waited for it to happen. Now she had a family who wanted her. “I… I don’t know what to say.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Alexandra, you have to believe if I had known about you, I would have taken you in. We do not throw our children away in such a manner. If your mother had told me…”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “Tell me about her.”

  “Your mother?” He frowned.

  “Yes. What was she like? How did you meet? Why did you leave her?” She had so many questions and no answers. She could hardly contain herself. “Most of all, what was her name?”

  “You don’t even know her name?” When she shook her head, his heart broke. No child should have to go through what she did. “Her name was Isabelle. She was beautiful, the same chocolate eyes, same chestnut hair. I met her at The Final Resting Place. She worked there as a waitress and was completely aware of this world. We were together for well over a year. Being a human she knew I could never be hers fully. There was always my duty. Damned though it is.” He sighed. “It wasn’t I who left.”

  She lifted her eyes, confused. “She left you?”

  He chuckled and held his arms open wide. “Yes, can you believe it? She had all of this, heart and soul, and she left. I never knew why. She just vanished. Until Jared told me about you, I had thought to never see her again. Now here you sit, looking so much like her it chokes me.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Alexandra, I have never begged for anything in my whole life, but I am begging you now. Please let me be a part of your life.”


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