Thank You for Being Late

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Thank You for Being Late Page 56

by Thomas L. Friedman

  Murthy, Vivek

  Muse (Somali pirate)

  Muslim Brotherhood


  mutual assured destruction (MAD)

  Myers, Richard

  Namib desert beetle





  Nasser, Gamal Abdel

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  National Geographic Channel

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  National Public Radio

  national security

  Native Americans


  natural selection


  Navarro, Joe

  Naylor, Kit

  NBD Nano

  Ndiaeye, Mayoro

  Ndiamaguene, Senegal

  Ndiaye, Ndiougua

  Ndiaye, Ousmane


  Neota Logic




  networking; fiber optics and; latency in; Moore’s law and; software-enabled; wireless

  Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

  New Deal

  New Media Inc. (Yeni Medya)

  New Yorker

  New York Times; author’s column in; human vs. algorithm quiz in

  New York Times Book Review

  Nice, France, Bastille Day terrorist attack in

  Nicklaus, Jack

  Niger; population growth in

  Nigeria; population growth in

  1959: The Year Everything Changed (Kaplan)

  Niskayuna, N.Y.

  nitrogen, nitrogen cycle

  No Country for Old Men (film)


  Nolan, Rick

  Nomani, Asra Q.

  Norman, Greg

  Norman, Jeff

  North American Free Trade Agreement

  North Korea; nuclear program of

  Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ)

  Noyce, Robert

  nuclear testing moratorium

  nuclear weapons

  Nutch (search engine)

  Obama, Barack; foreign policy of; gay marriage and

  Obama, Michelle

  Obama, Sasha and Malia


  Occupy Central movement

  oceans, acidification of

  oil prices

  Olin College of Engineering

  1G wireless networks

  123D Catch

  ONOS (Open Network Operating System)

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin)

  open-source community

  open-source software


  opinion writing, craft of


  Oracle SQL

  Orenstein, Peggy

  Origin of Wealth, The (Beinhocker)

  Ornstein, Norm

  Oromo people

  Osofsky, Justin

  Ottoman Empire


  ownership; political innovation and; resilience and

  ozone layer

  Packard, Wayne


  Palantir Technologies

  Paleolithic era


  Palestine Liberation Organization

  Palmer, Arnold

  Palm Pilot

  Paprocki, Loren

  Parenti, Christian

  Paris climate agreement (2016)

  Park Nicollet Health Services


  patents, technological change and


  pausing, importance of

  Pawlenty, Tim

  PayPal; Working Capital of

  Peace Corps, expansion of

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on

  peer-to-peer payment system

  Periscope (app)

  Perry, Matthew

  Persian Gulf

  personal drones

  Personal Genetics Program

  pesticides, overuse of

  Peter Hobart Elementary School

  Petritsch, Wolfgang

  phase changes, supernova and


  Phillips, Richard


  “Physics in Finance: Trading at the Speed of Light” (Nature)

  “ping” command


  Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley (Clodd)

  Pires, Clint

  Placed Inc.

  PlaceIQ Inc.

  planetary boundaries

  PlayStation 3

  Pleistocene epoch


  Pluralism Project

  politics: bipartisanship in; compromise in; disruption in; dogmatism in; money in; polarization in; trust and; see also geopolitics

  politics, innovation in; adaptability and; diversity and; entrepreneurial mindset in; federal-local balance in; Mother Nature as mentor for; need for organization in; ownership in; “races to the top” in; resilience in; specific reforms in


  Pol Pot

  polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

  Popular Science

  population growth; climate change and; political instability and; poverty and; in weak states

  Population Institute

  poverty; advances in connectivity and; chickens and; global flows and; population growth and

  power of flows

  power of machines

  power of many; Mother Nature and; supernova and; see also population growth

  power of one; ethics and; supernova and

  Prabhu, Krish

  prairie, as complex ecosystem

  Present at the Creation (Acheson)

  Preston-Werner, Tom

  Prickett, Glenn

  privacy, big data and

  Private Photo Vault

  Production and Operations Management Society Conference (2014)

  productivity, supernova and


  Progressive Policy Institute

  progressivism; economic growth and


  Project Dreamcatcher

  Project Syndicate

  public spaces

  Putin, Vladimir

  Putnam, Robert


  Qualcomm; maintenance workers at

  Qualcomm pdQ 1900

  Quednau, Rachel

  Queen Rania Teacher Academy

  Quiz Bowl (TV show) (QI)


  rain forests

  Rain Room


  Rattray, Ben

  Reagan, Ronald

  Real Time Talent

  Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke)

  regulation, technological change and

  Regulatory Improvement Commission (proposed)

  Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation

  relationships, human, connectivity and

  Republican Party, Republicans: climate change denial by; dogmatism of; implosion of; liberal; polycultural heritage of

  resilience; in Mother Nature; ownership and; political innovation and

  retailing: big data and; supernova and



  Rifai, Salim al-

  Ringwald, Alexis

  Rise and Fall of American Growth, The (Gordon)

  Rise of the West, The (McNeill)

  “Rising Menace from Disintegrating Yemen, The” (Henderson)

  Roberts, Keith


  “Robots Are Coming, The” (Lanchester)

  Rockström, Johan

  Rodríguez, Chi Chi

  rogue states

  Rosenstein, Wendi Zelkin

p; Royal Ontario Museum

  Rugby World Cup (1995)

  Ruh, Bill

  Russ, Pam

  Russell, Richard B.

  Russert, Tim

  Russia; aggressive foreign policy of; as authoritarian state; and collapse of communism; drought in; nationalism in; NATO and; nuclear weapons of; U.S. relations with

  Rutter, Brad

  Sabbath (Muller)

  Sagliani, Anthony

  Sahara desert

  Said, Khaled

  St. Louis Park, Minn.: author’s childhood and adolescence in; blacks in; diversity in; failed solar Wi-Fi project in; harsh climate of; inclusive ethos of; industrial pollution in; Japanese Americans in; Jewish community in; neighborhood associations in; public-private collaboration in; public schools in; sense of community in; Somalis in

  St. Louis Park High School; diversity in; student leadership in

  St. Louis Park Historical Society

  St. Louis Park Middle School

  St. Louis Park Public Schools Foundation

  St. Louis Park School Board

  St. Louis Park Talmud Torah Hebrew school

  St. Paul, Minn.

  Salina, Kans.

  Salisbury, Harrison

  Samuels, Sondra

  Sandel, Michael

  Sanders, Bernie

  Sandy, Superstorm

  Sanford, Stefanie

  San Francisco, Calif.

  Sani, Haysem

  Santorelli, Steve

  Sarao, Navinder Singh

  Sarbanes-Oxley Act

  SAT/PSAT, Khan Academy and

  Saudi Arabia

  Schleicher, Andreas

  Schulman, Dan

  Schwartz, Nelson

  Schwietering, Kari


  scientific progress, acceleration of

  sea levels

  sea life

  search engines

  Search Institute

  Second Industrial Revolution

  Second Machine Age, The (Brynjolfsson and McAfee)

  Secret Service, U.S.

  Seidman, Dov

  Seitz, Nick



  Senate, U.S.; Armed Services Committee of


  sensors; in consumer electronics; in dairy farming; definition of; locomotives and

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  Serious Man, A (film)

  Serra Cafema Camp, Namibia

  Sevareid, Eric


  Shankar, Sadasivan

  Sharef, Eleonora

  sharing economy, trust and

  Sharon, Ariel

  Shehata, Zyad

  Shimizu, Diana


  Silver Shirts

  Sims, Zach


  Singh, Prabhjot

  Sirosh, Joseph

  skill sets: basic; college degrees and; intelligent assistance and; intelligent assistants and; social; workforce and


  Slack (messaging app)

  Sleiman, Ghada

  Smart Cities project

  smart machines


  Smith, Lee

  “SMOP” problems

  social capital, trust as

  social media; constructive vs. destructive aspects; flow of information on; see also specific platforms

  social safety net, portability of

  Social Security

  social skills

  social technologies; in age of accelerations; global flows and; innovation in; technological change and; trust and

  software; APIs and; function of; networking and; open-source, see open-source software

  software innovation: big data and; collaboration and; computer memory and; integrated circuits and; Microsoft and; Moore’s law and

  solar energy

  Solidarity movement

  Soloway, Jill


  Somalis: in Minnesota; as pirates

  Somé, Batamaka

  “Someone Like You” (song)



  South Africa

  South Carolina

  South China Sea

  Southeast Asia

  South Korea

  South Vietnam

  Soviet Union; collapse of

  space race

  Spano, Jake

  Spengler, Oswald


  spread spectrum

  stability, stasis vs.

  Star Trek (TV show)

  Star Wars: Jedi Knight (video game)

  Stashick, Randy

  stasis, stability vs.

  Steffen, Konrad

  Steffen, Will

  Steinberg, Hattie M.

  STEP (St. Louis Park Emergency Program)

  Stephenson, Randall


  stock market: high-frequency trading in; interdependence and

  Stone, Debra

  Stone, Michael

  storage, computer, see memory, computer

  Strobel, Margaret


  suicide bombers

  Sulaimaniya, Iraq

  Summers, Lawrence

  Sunni Triangle

  Sun Sailor (St. Louis Park)

  supernova (cloud computing); adolescents and; big data and; complexity and; designers and; education and; encryption in; financial flows and; as force multiplier; freedom in; global flows and; God and; growth of; hospitality industry and; innovation and; machines and; Moore’s law and; phase changes and; and power of many; and power of one; productivity and; retailing and; social change in; terrorists and; transformational power of; Watson and

  supernova (stellar)


  Sweeney, Latanya

  Sweidan, Adam

  Sydney, Australia, Martin Place siege in

  Syria; civil war in; drought in; as geopolitical superstorm


  Tambor, Jeffrey

  Tandy laptops


  taxes, value-added


  tax reform

  Tea Party

  Technion university

  technological change; acceleration of; adoption rates of; author’s experience of; designers and; disruptions and; the Machine and; patents and; physical vs. social; platforms and; regulation and; social technologies and; stepped increments in; supernova in, see supernova (cloud computing); 2007 as inflection point in; unintended consequences of; workforce and; see also Moore’s law

  Tel Abyad, Syria

  Tel Aviv, Israel

  telecommunications, “last mile” in

  Telegram (app)

  TeleRam Portabubble


  Teller, Edward

  Teller, Eric “Astro”

  Telog Hydrant Pressure Recorder


  terrorists, terrorism; connectivity and; Islamist; “loner”; U.S. strategy for combating; videos by; as “wound collectors”

  Texas Instruments

  Teymur, Ekrem

  That Used to Be Us (Friedman and Mandelbaum)

  “thinking without a box”

  Thompson, Chris

  3-D digital models

  3-D inking

  3-D printing

  3G wireless networks

  3-2-1 Service

  Thrivent Financial

  Thrun, Sebastian

  Thurmond, Strom

  Tigris River

  Tilman, G. David


  Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)

  Tipirneni, Ashok

  Tocqueville, Alexis de


  “topsoil of trust”

  Torvalds, Linus

  Toynbee, Arnold

lantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

  translation software

  Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

  transparency, in workplace

  Transparent (TV series)

  Trestman, Marc


  Tropic of Chaos (Parenti)

  Truman, Harry

  Trump, Donald

  trust: community and; financial flows and; as human quality; politics and; sharing economy and; as social capital; social technologies and

  Trust (Fukuyama)

  truth, live video and



  Turki, Karim

  Turner, Adair

  24/7 Customer

  Twenty-Fourth Marine Expeditionary Unit

  Twin Cities Business

  Twin Cities Metropolitan Council


  2G wireless networks


  Uber; surge pricing algorithms of


  Uganda, population growth in

  Ukraine; 2014 uprising in

  unemployment, political instability and


  United Bearing

  United Nations; Human Development Report Office of; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of; Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of; Population Division of; Refugee Agency (UNHCR) of

  United Press International (UPI)

  United States: China’s relations with; global dependence on; illegal immigration into; immigrant entrepreneurs in; Madagascar and; Middle East policy of; population growth in; post–Cold War hegemony of; Russia’s relations with


  USA Today

  value sets: of author; community and; cultural identity and; in opinion writing; sustainable vs. situational; see also ethics, innovation in

  van Agtmael, Antoine

  Vedantam, Shankar



  Ventura, Jesse

  Veritas Genetics


  version control systems

  Vestberg, Hans

  video, live, empathy and

  video games


  Vietnam War


  Vital Signs of the Planet (NASA report)

  voice prints

  Volkswagen Beetle

  wage insurance

  Wakefield Research

  Walensky, Norm

  Walker, Robert

  Wall Street Journal

  Walmart, online operations of

  Wanamaker, John

  Wanstrath, Chris

  Warburg, Bettina

  Waryan, Don

  Washington Post

  Waters, Colin

  water scarcity

  Watson, Thomas

  Watson (computer)

  Watson (software): medical applications of

  weak signals, detection of

  weak states: in age of accelerations; biodiversity loss in; breakers and; building stability in; civil wars in; climate change and; in Cold War era; contrived borders of; dwindling foreign aid to; global flows and; infrastructure in; Internet and; population growth in; risk to interdependent world of

  We Are All Khaled Said (Facebook page)

  Webster University


  Weekend Edition (radio show)

  Weiner, Jeff

  Weisman, Alan


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