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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

Page 24

by P. Macias

  “Si,” replies the waiter, scared and anxious to get away from Greg. These hombres are real enojado and I don’t know why, thinks the waiter, starting to sweat.

  “Jose Enrique, tell us what the damn nota dice!” demands Carlos, with frustration looking at Jose Enrique grow pale and scared.

  Jose Enrique looks up with fear and anger in his eyes. “They took our mujers!” shouts Jose Enrique, in horror, frustration and rage while looking around to see if he can see the guey that sent him the note.

  Carlos takes the nota away from Jose Enrique’s hand in frustration, not understanding what he meant. He reads the note aloud so Greg can hear.

  “De La Cruz, we have your tesoros and you will get them back when you agree to work with El Mextli el Rey de Baja California.”

  Carlos let out an anguished yell almost falling to his knees with the intense pain that he feels when he realizes that the Cartel has his Baby.

  Gregory turns and smashes his fist into the wall yelling out in pain not believing that his Bella is in the ruthless hands of the Cartel.

  He’s shaking with rage, looking for the waiter and going to him. “You will give me all the details that you can remember, now!” demands Greg in a forceful and angry voice, pulling the waiter outside to get all the details.

  Carlos follows Gregory, pulling Jose Enrique along to hear all the details.

  “Now, tell us everything that you can remember about the guey that gave you that note,” demands Greg with fury, trying to not take out his anger and frustration on the waiter.

  “I told you that it was the first time that I saw him in the club. He was tall, dark and was wearing black shirt and pants. He has straight long black hair to his shoulders and has a tattoo on his left forearm that looks like an Azteca Indian,” replies the waiter, trembling with fear.

  The waiter looks at the three strong, tall, intense looking hombres. He’s scared for his life. It looks like someone is playing with these hombres and I don’t want anything to do with it. Dios mio, help me, I don’t know what’s going on, contemplates the waiter.

  “Okay, but you better be available if I need any additional information. Here’s my number if you see the guey in here, if you recall anything, anything at all!” growls Greg, looking at the waiter memorizing his face. “Don’t try to hide because I will find you.”

  “Si,” answers the waiter, trembling. He’s ready to run back to work before they change their minds and start punching him.

  “You better not disappear because we will find you!” says Carlos, looking at the license that he withdrew from the waiter’s wallet, handing it over to Gregory to write down his information.

  “No, I will be available,” says the waiter, waiting for his wallet.

  “Here,” says Gregory, shoving his wallet back to him and pushing him forward onto the path to the club.

  “What are we going to do? I don’t want the Cartel to hurt our mujers. If we call the police they might hurt them,” says Jose Enrique, starting to panic.

  “Jose Enrique, we are going back to the casa and we are going to call the government agency that has been working with you,” says Carlos, taking control of the situation, looking at Gregory nod in agreement.

  We cannot not stay out of this now and not advise the familia that we are CIA agents. Not when our mujeres are in danger, fuck our jobs and careers, thinks Gregory, looking at Carlos.

  “Si, I’m in,” says Carlos, knowing full well what Greg is thinking. “Let’s go.”

  “Okay,” replies Gregory, turning to go to his carro, knowing full well how angry the familia and CIA agency are going to be with him and Carlos.

  “Come on, Jose Enrique, let’s get back to la casa,” says Carlos, walking him to his carro. “Do you want to leave my car here and we can go in yours,” asks Carlos. “My car is a rental.”

  “Si, that sounds good,” replies Jose Enrique, starting to snap out of the despair, impotence, fear and rage that was paralyzing him. “We need to do something before they hurt our mujers!”

  “Si, we do,” agrees Carlos, sitting in the passenger side watching to see if Jose Enrique is now okay. He waits for Jose Enrique to get into the carro to start talking. “Jose Enrique, I need to tell you something real important.”

  “What can be more important than our mujers are in the clutches of that ruthless low life bastardo!” growls Jose Enrique, with fury reflecting in his eyes. They’re shining with the intense emotions that are ruling him.

  “Amigo, I need you to know that Gregory and I are CIA agents. We were assigned to gather Intel on the Cartel’s phone calls and to determine the level of your involvement,” says Carlos, with regret in hurting his best amigo and now familia. “I’m sorry for the secrecy and deceit in approaching you.”

  “Que la chingada are you saying Carlos! Did you marry my hermana also for kicks and giggles!” shouts Jose Enrique, in rage. He stares at Carlos and watches him grow furious.

  “No, guey, I love Patricia with todo my alma and corazon,” growls Carlos through clenched jaw. “I knew that you and the familia were not involved and never will be involved with the Cartel. I also know that the Cartel has been harassing you and your familia. That’s why we’re here, to gather Intel and to assist if needed.”

  “A lot of help you and Gregory have been!” yells Jose Enrique in rage. “Do you see what has happened? The Cartel has our mujers. Your CIA agency and all the other government agencies could have helped. They could have stopped this a long time ago!”

  “Jose Enrique, I know and that’s exactly how we feel. Now we need to go call them to get them to move and get our mujers before those bastardos hurt them!” says Carlos, with pain mirroring in his voice and eyes. “Our mujers are in grave danger.”

  “Si, guey, I know! They also have my prima Claudia! The government doesn’t appear to be doing anything to rescue her!” yells Jose Enrique, trying to control his emotions, turning on the car.

  “Let’s get to your casa. We need to get all the agencies involved. I don’t care how late it is and who I have to call to get them to take actions!” growls Carlos with rage. “Gregory is following us. Jose Enrique, we sincerely fell in love with Patricia and Isabella,” says Carlos, with sincerity and honesty.

  “I really hope so, guey. I really gave you all of my trust and you gave me nothing but lies and deceit!” replies Jose Enrique, with clenched jaw.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  They arrive at Jose Enrique’s casa and go into la family room. Jose Enrique is trying to decide if he should wake up his padres or wait.

  “Si, Jose Enrique, I think that it’s time that your padres learn about the Cartel,” says Carlos, pacing back and forth.

  “Yeah, we need them to know and also your tios. The casas are going to be full of government agents,” says Gregory, pacing, trying to think of what to do.

  I hate this, I have my hands tied. It sure does me a lot of good being a CIA agent. This is fucking too much to stand, thinks Gregory, attempting to control his terror and rage.

  “Carlos, we need to get this going now because time is running out for our mujeres,” yells Greg, pulling out his cell. He calls the Special Operations Officer Jackson.

  The cell call went through to SO Officer Jackson voice mail. “Jackson, this is Greg and I need you to call me back a.s.a.p. It’s an emergency,” says Gregory. He ends the call, turns to get the number of the FBI agent from Jose Enrique.

  “Jose Enrique, you have the number of the FBI agent that you have been talking to?” asks Gregory, with urgency and exasperation. “You need to get your padres up so we can communicate what has been happening.”

  “I’m calling the police to get something going now,” says Carlos, with frustration pulling out his cell to make the call.

  “Si, I’ll go and wake mis padres,” says Jose Enrique, going to get them. He walks out of the family room and into the hallway to get to their room.

  He pauses outside the door, dreading the reaction of his p
adres. I don’t want them to get scared or ill, thinks Jose Enrique. He knocks on their door. “Padres, I really need to talk to you,” says Jose Enrique, through the door, praying that they hear him.

  They come out of the room and see Jose Enrique waiting for them down the hallway. “Mi hijo, que pasa?” asks his Mama Queta, with concern upon seeing how grave and pale Jose Enrique looks trying to control his emotions and terror.

  “Mama,” crocks Jose Enrique, trying to control his emotions. “Let’s go to la family room.” He walks towards where Gregory and Carlos wait for them.

  “Mis hijos, que esta pasando (what is happening)?” asks Mama Queta, looking at the grave, furious and terrified faces of all three of her hijos. They all look like they’re ready to cry, thinks Mama Queta.

  “Tell us que esta pasando,” demands Papa Francisco, knowing that something terrible must have happened to have his muchachos acting like this.

  “Padres, Jessy, Paty, and Bella have been kidnapped by the Baja California Cartel,” says Jose Enrique, with anguish, feeling a tight pain in the center of his chest. He’s trying to control his emotions, turning to Carlos and Gregory to elaborate.

  “Si, we’re calling all the government agencies to get them to move now and rescue our mujers,” says Carlos, with grief and terror in his eyes, trying not to break down.

  “Si, the police are on their way and I know that the FBI and CIA will be here soon,” says Gregory, wiping his mano across his face, rubbing his eyes, refusing to break down.

  Not now when I needed to be alert and ready to move for my Bella. I need to get my Bella back en our casa a.s.a.p., contemplates Greg.

  “Mis hijos, why is this happening?” asks Papa Francisco, looking at Jose Enrique, Carlos and Greg for answers. He’s trying not to get scared for his hijas.

  “Padres, we tried to keep this under control and not to get you and mis tios involved. We didn’t want to worry you ………..” replies Jose Enrique, starting to pace back and forth.

  “Dios mio, mis niñas!” cries Mama Queta. She contemplates the magnitude of danger that las niñas are in. She couldn’t tolerate so much terror and pain, and she faints.

  Gregory is closer to Mama Queta and is able to catch her before she hits the floor. He takes her to the sofa. “Queta!” cries Papa Francisco, going to her, to see if she’s breathing.

  Jose Enrique calls 911 to get the paramedics to come to la casa, looking at Carlos and Greg for directions.

  “The police are on their way,” says Carlos. He pulls out his cell to call Special Operations Officer Jackson, letting it ring, hearing it go to voice mail. He dials again. I will call until he answers the call, thinks Carlos with anxiety. SOO Jackson finally answers after the fourth call goes through.

  “Corona, this had better be good!” yells his SOO Jackson, sitting up in bed.

  “Sir, I need you to get us some help in rescuing our women. The cartel has kidnapped my wife, Greg’s wife, and Jose Enrique’s fiancée,” states Carlos. “I need the government to get on it.”

  “Corona, what are you talking about?” asks SOO Jackson, getting up from his bed in his boxers. I don’t understand what’s going on and when did they get married, ponders SOO Jackson. “Did you say your wife?”

  “Yes, Gregory and I were married two weeks ago,” says Carlos. “We didn’t want this to interfere with the mission.”

  “You should have told me because this changes everything! I need to talk to the CIA Commander Martin about what has transpired,” growls SOO Jackson, starting to get dress. “Where are you?”

  “We are at Jose Enrique’s home,” replies Carlos, looking at Jose Enrique and Gregory. “Sir, we need your help in rescuing our wives.”

  “Corona, I need all the Intel,” says SOO Jackson, walking to his desk to write down all the Intel. “Okay, I have it.”

  “Please, help us get our wives,” implores Carlos. He was imploring, willing to beg if necessary.

  “Agent Corona, I will be there shortly after I make a call to Commander Martin,” says SO Officer Jackson, not believing that his men fell in love and married.

  They should have advised me of this. Yeah. I know that they didn’t want to be removed from this mission. I understand, but I know it was not wise. Their safety, the De La Cruz’s safety was jeopardized when the agents’ hearts and minds became involved. They will not be able to react in dangerous situations, contemplates SOO Jackson. Now the cartel has these young women and who knows if we will be able to rescue them in time. This is exactly what happens when your heart is involved.

  I need to get the FBI and get the military to help in their rescue. I know that their cousin and brother are Navy SEALs, thinks SOO Jackson, making the call.

  SOO Jackson makes the call to the CIA Commander Martin and waits for the call to be answered. “Jackson, this better be good!” barks CIA Commander Martin, into the cell, waiting to hear what in the world happened that couldn’t wait till morning. He turns to see what time it is, it’s fucking 0000 hours! He sits up in bed in his shorts, waiting to hear what’s so important. “Well?”

  “Commander Martin, I’m calling to inform you of the new developments with the De la Cruz family and the new drug cartel. The cartel has kidnapped three of the young ladies early this evening at approximately 2200. The cartel sent a note to Jose Enrique De La Cruz. The young ladies that were kidnapped are Ms. Jessica Acosta, Ms. Isabella De La Cruz and Ms. Patricia De La Cruz. I need to advise you that Agent McKenzie married Ms. Isabella and Agent Corona married Ms. Patricia,” says SOO Jackson, not sure how this was going to affect them.

  “This is incredible and there really isn’t much we can do or say about the marriages. Agent McKenzie and Agent Corona are permitted to marry. The issue here is the fact that they didn’t advise the CIA. They were supposed to be transferred from this mission when we were informed of their marriage,” says CIA Commander Martin.

  “Yes, Sir,” replies SOO Jackson, waiting to hear if he’s going to get the Navy SEALs to deploy to rescue these young ladies.

  “I will call the CIA Director Young and request that the Navy SEALs get deployed immediately to rescue these young ladies. I know that you have the crucial Intel from the kidnappers note? You have the location where the cartel has taken these young ladies?” asks CIA Commander Martin, going to his office to write down the Intel.

  “Yes Sir. The drug cartel is the one that is new and is in control of the Baja California with the ambition of taking control of California. He’s new and ruthless trying to establish his power and position. He’s located in Baja California and I have the air traffic reports that indicate where a helicopter was in route at the time frame of the kidnapping. Sir, I emailed you the Intel,” says SOO Jackson.

  “Good, now I will give the Navy this Intel,” says CIA Commander Martin. “With any luck the young ladies will be rescued before they come to any harm. Keep me informed on any new developments. I will contact the FBI to advise them of these new developments with the De La Cruz family.”

  “Yes, Sir,” replies SOO Jackson, ending the call. He strides quickly to his room to get dressed. He’s soon out of his casa and in his car, heading to the De La Cruz residence.

  The paramedics arrive and start to check Mama Queta vitals. They’re concerned with her blood pressure and unconscious state. The paramedics take her to the ER. Mr. De la Cruz goes, along leaving los muchachos behind to deal with all the agents that are arriving.

  “Si, padre you go with my madre, I will talk to all the government agencies and to mis tios,” says Jose Enrique, starting to take control of the situation.

  “Si, my hijo,” replies Papa Francisco, getting into the ambulance with his esposa with concern on his face.

  Jose Enrique calls his tios to get them over and to inform them of what is taking place.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Gregory and Carlos are taking control in conveying to the police, FBI, and CIA all the kidnapping information and the note.

ent McKenzie and Agent Corona, I need to speak to you,” says SOO Jackson, walking to the side of the room near the French doors that leads to the patio to have a little privacy. “Can you advise me why you did not inform me of your marriages?”

  “Sir we didn’t want our marriage to affect our mission. We didn’t want to risk being transferred,” replies Gregory, looking at Carlos who is nodding in agreement.

  “Sir, we needed to be close to our wife and familia to monitor the cartel. We feared for their safety. Look what happened right under our noses. We never thought that they would kidnap our wives,” says Carlos, with pain and fear in his eyes.

  SOO Jackson sees the terror, pain and frustration that Carlos and Gregory are trying to control. I really feel bad for them and I pray that everything will work out. I know that the director has requested to have the Navy SEALs deployed to rescue the women, thinks SOO Jackson.

  “I just finished speaking to the Commander Martin. He advised that CIA Director Young has requested the Navy SEALs to be deployed to extract the young ladies, your wives. The note actually allowed us to determine fairly quickly the whereabouts of this new drug cartel lord. He’s definitely a new drug cartel lord that is anxious to take over California and he has control of Baja California,” says SOO Jackson, looking at Gregory’s and Carlos’ relief on hearing that the Navy SEALs are being deployed.

  “I believe that your brother and a De La Cruz are part of the Navy SEALs. I think that they are part of the team that is being deployed,” says SOO Jackson, looking at Carlos reaction.

  “Yes, Sir, that’s correct, they’re family,” says Carlos, looking at SOO Jackson with some relief that his hermano and Christian are part of the team that is being deployed.

  “Have you heard anything on the FBI agent that was kidnapped by the other drug Cartel lord in central Mexico?” asks Carlos, knowing that la familia is real concerned for Claudia. “The FBI agent is my wife’s cousin.”


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