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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

Page 25

by P. Macias

  “Yes, we are aware of this. The Delta Force has been deployed in rescuing the FBI agent De La Cruz,” says SOO Jackson, feeling some empathy for the De La Cruz familia.

  “Is there a reason why the De La Cruz familia was not advised of this?” asks Gregory, feeling very pissed off at the government agency. I have never felt this immense disappointment and frustration in our government before, thinks Greg.

  “Agent McKenzie, you and I know that the government does not communicate any information until they want to. You know it is always on a need to know,” says SOO Jackson, with some weariness.

  This is a real difficult mission and the cartel is real difficult to locate. They move around so much and so quickly. I pray that these young ladies get rescued. We have learned that this family is made of good, hard-working, upstanding American citizens and don’t deserve this pain, ponders SOO Jackson with weariness.

  CIA Commander Martin calls CIA Director Young about 00:15. “Directory Young, we have new developments on the De La Cruz family. At approximately 2200 three young ladies were kidnapped by the new cartel drug lord in Baja California. We have the Intel on the kidnapping. Sir, requesting assistance from the Navy SEALs for extraction,” requests Commander Martin, waiting for the response.

  “Commander Martin, I will make the request. Forward the Intel,” says the CIA Director Young, going to his office and ending the call.

  Jose Enrique walks to his office in the casa to call his tios. This is surreal. I also need to call Jessy’s padres. Dios mio, please protect Jessy, Paty, and Bella. I know that mis tios and Jessy’s padres are going to be devastated. I need to make sure that they don’t become ill like my madre, ponders Jose Enrique.

  Nicolas wakes up with all the noise and changes into his jeans. He strides quickly down the hall. He walks up to Jose Enrique, wondering what’s happening. Jose Enrique makes a hand signal to indicate to give him a minute.

  Nicolas nods and looks around the familia room full of police officers. Greg and Carlos are also there talking to some men in black suits.

  The call is answered by his tio Jose Arturo immediately. “Mi hijo, que pasa?” asks Tio Jose Arturo, with anxiety. I know that something is wrong if Jose Enrique is calling at this time of the night, ponders Tio Jose Arturo.

  “Tio Jose Arturo, I need you and my Tia Maria to be fuerte. Tios, I need you to come over to my casa. Greg is here, it is about Bella. Tio, Bella has been kidnapped along with Paty and Jessy” says Jose Enrique, in a low tortured voice.

  “Oh, Dios mio, no!” yells Tio Jose Arturo, doubling over in dolor, trying to control his tears turning to look at his esposa Maria. “My hijo, we are on our way.” He ends the call.

  Nicolas stands at the entrance of the Jose Enrique’s office listening to what he’s imparting to his padres. Oh, Dios mio, take care of Bella, Paty and Jessy. Take care of Christian and Gabriel, if they’re also part of the Navy SEALs that are being sent to rescue them, contemplates Nicolas. Nicolas stands close to the chair, observing Jose Enrique.

  Jose Enrique looks at Nicolas as he ends the phone. He walks over to Nicolas. “Nicolas, they kidnapped my Amor, Bella and Paty,” says Jose Enrique, with pain in his voice.

  “Si, I heard. Jose Enrique, we need to have faith in dios that he will protect them and they will return a casa,” replies Nicolas, looking at him. “I bet that Christian and Gabriel are part of the rescue team.”

  “Si, I think that they are. Nicolas, mis tios are on their way,” says Jose Enrique.

  The good thing is that we all live close to each other, ponders Jose Arturo, driving down the street. They arrived at the casa de Francisco. He tenderly assists his esposa Maria out of the car and hugs her as they go to the door.

  The casa is full of people and they go to Gregory. “Gregory, what happened?” asks Jose Arturo, waiting for him to give him all the details. He assists his esposa, Maria, to the sofa and sits down next to her, taking her hand in his. They wait for Gregory to enlighten them.

  Nicolas walks over to stand close to his padres. Oh damn no, I don’t want mis padres to also get sick, thinks Nicolas.

  “Señor, Señora ……” says Greg.

  “My hijo, is this true? Why did you not tell us, tus tios and tus padres?” demands his Tio Jose Arturo, standing. He walks and stands in front of Jose Enrique, waiting for his response.

  “Tios, we did not want you, mis tios, and mis padres to worry. We told the drug cartel that we’re not interested. They have been attempting to force us by beating Ricardo up and sabotaging our job sites,” replies Jose Enrique. “The FBI and CIA told us that they were going to capture the drug cartel lord.”

  “Si, mi hijo, but we needed to know this. We needed to protect our familia,” replies his tio Jose Enrique. He looks at his nephew and shakes his head. “Where are Francisco and Queta?”

  “Tio, mi madre fainted and the paramedics took her to the ER. My papa went with her,” says Jose Enrique, looking pale and distressed.

  “Have you called your Tio Jorge? He needs to know what’s happening to the familia and the threat from the drug Cartel,” says his Tio Jose Arturo, pulling out his cell to call his hermano.

  The call was picked up by his hermano quickly. “Si?” asks his hermano, Jorge, knowing that it’s an emergency. They all agreed to call at any time when there’s any type of threat to the familia.

  “Hermano, I need you to come over to Francisco’s, we have an urgent matter to deal with,” says his hermano Jose Arturo, ending the call and walking to the government agencies to demand some answers.

  “Señores, I am Jose Arturo De La Cruz and I want all the information that you have on the whereabouts of my daughters and when we will have them home,” demands Jose Arturo, with authority. “I want to know what you, the government, are doing to protect my family and business.”

  The CIA Officer and the FBI agent turned to look at Mr. De La Cruz and realize that he’s not a man to take lightly or to give half answers.

  Mr. De La Cruz stands firm, tall and strong at his fifty-five years of age. His hair is black with some white at the temples. His green eyes are full of rage and hard life experience. Nicolas stands next to his padre.

  They both stepped up to advise him of the status of his daughters. “Señor De La Cruz, we have Intel that at this very moment the Navy SEALs are on the mission to extract your daughters. They are being deployed for the extraction.” replies the CIA SOO Jackson, looking at Señor De La Cruz with respect.

  “I want to know what the FBI is doing about rescuing my niña, Claudia De La Cruz. We were informed six days ago about her being held by the cartel in central Mexico. This is beyond ridiculous and I demand that my daughters get extracted immediately. We are hardworking American Citizens. We are not, or ever will be, involved with the low life drug cartels. My familia have done nothing wrong. I will call my Senator, the Attorney General, on Monday morning and have my attorneys at the U.S. Attorney's office in this district on this. I demand immediate action from this government.”

  The FBI Agent McDonald advises Señor De La Cruz of the Delta Force at that moment was extracting his daughter in central Mexico. “Mr. De La Cruz, the FBI Director Edge has requested the assistance of the Delta Force to extract our FBI Agent De La Cruz. There has been a delay due to unforeseen circumstances in the extraction,” replies FBI Agent McDonald, looking at Mr. De La Cruz with sincere empathy and regret. “We have Intel that states that Ms. De La Cruz is with the Delta Force extraction team and is waiting for pickup.”

  “This is good to hear, but I want to know why your agencies have kept all of this a secret? We have the right to know what is transpiring every single minute that my daughters are in danger,” growls Jose Arturo, with anger. His vein is throbbing at his temple from the strength of his emotions. “There is absolutely no reason why we should be going through this.”

  “Mr. De La Cruz, on behalf of the United States FBI Agency and CIA Agency we apologize for our inadequacy in handling this situation
. You are totally correct and within your rights,” replies SOO Jackson.

  Nicolas and Jose Enrique stand behind Jose Arturo De La Cruz. They also hear the information that the FBI agent and CIA officer told him.

  Chapter Forty

  The helicopter lands onto el Mextli landing pad. Jamie and the other two hombres pick up Bella, Jessy and Paty, moving quickly down the landing area into the waiting carro.

  “You guey’s better keep your manos off them,” says Jamie, looking at each hombre. “El Mextli wants them para el (for himself).” He advises them, attempting to keep them from abusing them with the fear that el Mextli wants them. I don’t know if he does want them, but I will attempt to stop any abuse.

  Los hombres look at Jamie and are just as scared of him as el Mextli. Yeah, this guey wants them para el, thinks one of the hombres, turning to look at las mujers. It is too bad that I might just try anyway, because they are real hermosas. He turns to look at his partner and notices that he’s looking at las mujers with hunger.

  The hombre turns to look at his partner and knows that he will try to taste them. Yeah, he nods in agreement that he will participate, smiling with a big evil grin.

  Jamie sits back and observes the exchange. I just know that these guey’s will try to touch them. I will need to put some guards in the room. Que la chengada, this is the part of my trabajo that I hate. I need the money and I’m great at most of the job. I just hate it when it involves mujers and niño’s, ponders Jamie.

  The car stops in front of the bella villa that is the domain of el Mextli. Jamie orders los hombres to take las mujers to the room at the very top floor. This is the best room because it is huge and has its own bano, thinks Jamie.

  This room also is the only one on the top floor. I will put some guards that I can trust in the front of the door. Si, I will put four guards because todos estos guey’s will be trying to get to these mujers. It is not every day that these guey’s get to see, let alone have the opportunity of touching or tasting them, contemplates Jamie, striding down the hall.

  I better follow them up to the room and make sure that they put them on the cama and tie their ankle to each cama. I will take their sapatos. I will not allow them to take their ropa. It is good enough that they are on the top floor. Si, I know that el Mextli will not even question this.

  “Hurry up!” yells Jamie at the guey’s. He’s tired of seeing them look at the mujers as they walk. I need to smack them in the head, thinks Jamie with annoyance. He follows through with his thought. He smacks the hombres in the head with his whip. Si, they better hurry. “Hurry gueys!”

  Jamie sees one of his trusted hombres. “Benny, I want you to get me four of the best guards that we have up to the top floor,” orders Jamie. He turns to the other hombres. Yeah, this makes them pissed off, thinks Jamie, grinning.

  “Si,” replies Benny, walking away quickly to bring the four guards to the top floor.

  Jamie opens the door to the room that is made of a thick wood. “Put the mujers on the cama and take off their sapatos!” barks Jamie, in a rough angry voice, looking at them carefully with his gun in his hand. “Tie one ankle to the cama with a chain that reaches the bano.”

  Los hombres turn to glare at Jamie with anger. He’s going to make sure that we don’t get to taste these mujers, thinks the wild hombres.

  Damn! I can just kill him for this, thinks El Zorro furiously. He does as he is told and walks out of the room quickly, not looking back. I need una cerverza. I’m going out of the villa to go into el pueblo.

  The other two hombres didn’t bother to even get mad knowing that they have to follow orders or be killed. It was the way of life here in El Mextli domain.

  Jamie stands on guard and watches los hombres leave. Good thing that these two hombres know better, but El Zorro is vicious. I will need to take extra care to watch. The mujers are each on their own cama and have one ankle tied to the bed post with enough chain to reach the bano, thinks Jamie.

  Jamie is satisfied and closes the room just as the four guards are walking down the hall. Si, I have the only key and these guey’s are my hombres. I know that they will obey my orders, thinks Jamie.

  “I want you to stay here, keeping guard until I send four other guards to relieve you. I don’t want anybody up on this floor. You will advise me immediately when there’s anybody that is attempting to enter this room,” orders Jamie, looking at his hombres. “I want two hombres at the top of the stairs and two at the door. I will put two guards outside below the window.”

  “Si, patron,” reply all four hombres at the same time, taking their posts.

  Jamie is satisfied and goes to put the other two guards below the window. Once he’s done securing the mujers, he goes to el Mextli to advise him that the mujers are secured. Jamie knocked on the door and waited for El Mextli to permit him to enter into his officina.

  Hmmm, I have been having great suspicions that el Mextli is gay. Why I think this, I really don’t know, but I feel it, thinks Jamie.

  “Pasa!” says el Mextli, looking out the window thinking of his next move. I’m just so smart and great. I have managed to take control of Baja California in a very short time. I know I will also take control of California in no time. I now have the mujers De La Cruz’s in my manos. I will force la familia to commit to me and put some hombres to work in the compania. Si, this is working out just as I planned, contemplates el Mextli.

  Now, my next move will be to force Lopez to associate with me. I will make my next move after I finish establishing this association with the De La Cruz familia.

  “Si?” asks el Mextli, turning to look at his hombre. Oh damn, I really like Jamie. This is part of the reason that he’s my right hand. I find Jamie real fascinating and virile, he thinks. Even though I sometimes think that he’s not really cut out to be my right hand. I see a soft spot every so often and I don’t like that. I need to establish my domain. I need strong and vicious hombres working with me.

  “Si Mextli, las mujers are secured in the room and I have put guards at the doors,” says Jamie looking, at El Mextli with some anger and fierceness in his brown eyes. I will not allow him to even want to look at them, he thinks.

  El Mextli scrutinizes Jamie. Si, he’s real aggressive. I wonder what provoked this in him. I hardly ever see him show his emotions. Si, this is what I like about my hombre. I wonder if he knows how much I crave him. Right now is not the time to investigate this. I need to plan my next move. “Muy bien,” says el Mextli, going to pour himself a shot of Tequila, gazing at Jamie with a raised eyebrow. “Do you want a shot?”

  “Si,” answers Jamie, with relief that el Mextli didn’t question his actions. Hmmm, I just feel something else is on his mind, Jamie thinks.

  He walks over to take the shot. Si, I really need this right now. It has been real stressful and I need something to undo some of the knots in my shoulders.

  “I want to make sure that we make the call at the right time this morning to put some pressure on the De La Cruz’s. It has worked out real good and they have not alerted the police. Si, we need to call them in the early a.m. to put some pressure. We will have the mujers talk to them. We need to make sure that they are up for this. Make sure to keep them guarded. I don’t want los hombres to abuse them just yet or for the mujers to escape,” says el Mextli, walking to the window, looking out into the ocean. It is a wonderful noche, he thinks. El Mextli takes a shot of Tequila with pleasure.

  “Si, Mextli. That’s a great plan,” says Jamie, relieved that he’s more concerned with the next step in his plans than in the mujers.

  “What time do you think would be good?” asks el Mextli, turning to look at his hombre.

  Si, I like him more every day. He looks at his full firm lips. I especially love how his pants fit nice and tight, thinks el Mextli, turning around so he will not suspect.

  I hate hiding my feelings from him and the entire mundo. I know that I’m all hombre and I’m also very powerful. I could force him but that will n
ot do me any good and will not be very fulfilling. Maybe I should look at someone else that will respond to my needs. He shrugs his shoulders and turns to Jamie. El Mextli takes a manly stance and has vicious glint in his eyes. Si soy, el Mextli and I will not subordinate to him or anyone.

  “Pronto, I will have the De La Cruz and Lopez in my manos. I will then get control of other powerful wealthy familia’s in el Northe de California. Si, California is muy importante and powerful,” says el Mextli, going to sit at his desk. “We will make the call at six in the morning.”

  “Si, Patron. I will keep track of the mujers and los guards,” says Jamie, relieved that he’s in charge of the mujers.

  El Mextli looked at me in a very strange way a few minutes ago. I’m not sure if what I saw was correct or just my imagination, thinks Jamie.

  I think that I will have to stop working for him after this job is completed. He turns to walk out of the room with, anxiety. “Mextli, I will be back in an hour,” says Jamie, walking out of the office.

  Jamie walks outside to check on the guards that were ordered to stand below the mujers window. Si, they are right where I want them, thinks Jamie. He walks out into the yard to see what is going on with the other hombres or what they are saying.

  Upstairs in the room Bella wakes up and looks around the room. This is not the bano at the club. What happened and why I am waking up in this strange bed? thinks Bella. She looks around the room, shaking.

  I need to go to the bano again. She tries to move and realizes that she’s tied to the bed with a chain on one ankle.

  What is this? She turns and sees Paty and Jessy on another cama, still sleeping. I will go to el bano and then go and wake them up. We need to find out where we are and what we’re doing here, thinks Bella. She takes a deep breath to stay calm.

  We need to escape now. This is not good and we are not waiting to find out who they are and what they want from us. Damn, I need to hurry to the toilet and try to remember what Christian always told us to do when in this situation.


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