The Princess, the Pea, and the Night of Passion (Passion-Filled Fairy Tales Book 1)

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The Princess, the Pea, and the Night of Passion (Passion-Filled Fairy Tales Book 1) Page 4

by Rosetta Bloom

  He thought for a moment, then said. “That people often want to be listened to more than they want you to solve their problems, so sometimes it’s best to be quiet and listen.”

  She nodded and smiled. “You will make an excellent ruler, since you’ve learned this lesson already. There are men who rule for years and never learn or care to learn.”

  “I know you think I’m a cad who simply came here to bed you,” he said, surprising her with his candor. “But, I came because I like you, Adara. I like you in ways I hadn’t thought possible, beyond just the physical. I hope you like me, too.”

  He was hinting that he wanted more than sex, and part of her liked that. But, she knew sex was all she could give, as she was betrothed to another and would be forcibly taken away tomorrow. She wished she could give him more, because she liked him, too. More than she should. He seemed kind and eager and, most important, willing to listen. “I do like you,” she said and felt herself blush. She didn’t want to continue this conversation or examine how she felt about him, so she poured herself some ale and drank it down. She hated the taste of this drink, but it seemed to be the preferred beverage around these parts. She poured some more ale and offered the mug to Richard, who swallowed his down as well.

  He looked at her like he wanted to say more, but she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to talk about feelings that could come to nothing. She wanted to distract him. She wanted simplicity. She wanted more physical pleasure. An idea popped into her head. “Would you like to help me practice?” she asked.

  He quirked up an eyebrow, confused, but clearly intrigued. “Practice what?”

  “Well, in my country, it is customary for brides to perform a dance for their husbands on their wedding night. Given that I’d decided to flee, I didn’t really pay that much attention to my preparatory mistress when she was teaching.”

  “A preparatory mistress — what is that?”

  Adara smiled, glad to tell him something he didn’t know. Glad he was eager to learn. “She was in charge of teaching brides-to-be anything they needed to know for their wedding night, including a wedding dance. She taught us what we might expect on our wedding night, as well as offered suggestions of things we might do to pleasure our husbands. Most importantly, she reminded us to be tempered the first time we were with our husbands, lest he think we weren’t chaste.”

  Richard smirked. “You weren’t tempered with me.”

  “And you’re not my husband,” she said. “Though she did have suggestions on how to cover if one wasn’t a virgin. I was curious, so I paid attention, even though I didn’t need it. Now, it turns out I will need it.”

  Richard gave a cocky head shake. “You know I’ve ruined you for any other man. You’ll never be satisfied by your sultan.”

  She raised an eyebrow. He was probably right. Even if the sultan had been as virile as Richard in his youth, there was no way he could be as good at his current age. “Well, you may be right,” she said coyly. “But I still must be prepared for my wedding dance. Will you watch it and tell me if anything needs improvement?”

  Richard’s smile brightened. “I live to be helpful,” he said, flashing his dimple.

  Adara took his hand and led him back to their feather mattress. She lifted the blanket that had covered the bed, and bade him to sit down. Once he sat, she stood before him, in the skimpy gown, amazed at the singular focus with which his gaze held her. She hesitated as she watched, but then drew the blanket nearer to her, trying to remember how the dance started. The blanket was larger than the scarves she had been taught with, but it would still create the same effect.

  She held the blanket up, hiding her face, then slowly lowered it, her eyes catching his as she licked her lips and thought about how nice it would feel to lick him. She began humming a song, the music that would play for the dance, were she to have married the sultan. She moved the blanket behind her, shimmying her hips seductively, gliding across the room, her feet and arms doing the gentle, seductive moves her preparatory mistress had showed her.

  She rotated her belly and hips, moving them in a motion designed to make a man want to do nothing more than fill her with his manhood. Her hips bumped from side to side, faster and faster. Then she went into her spins. Several fast, loopy circles, the blanket billowing in front of her like a veil. Richard smiled, and it made her want to go faster. She did, spin after spin, moving around the room and finally toward Richard. There was the risk of dizziness, but the secret to spins was “spotting” — finding a single spot in the room to focus on after completing each spin. She chose Richard’s gorgeous smile. That dimple, those succulent lips, and the things she knew that marvelous tongue of his could do. That was her spot, and she wanted nothing more than to fall into it.

  She spun to a finale, halted in front of him, and dropped to one knee, her head bent down, hair cascading toward the floor. She was out of breath as she knelt before him. She lifted her head, her chest heaving, and stared at him. He smiled genuinely. “I could see nothing wrong with that,” he said.

  She laughed. “Perfection?”

  “Of course,” he said, his bottom planted firmly on the feather mattress, but his torso leaning toward her. “It was done by you, so it must be perfect.”

  “Then maybe I’ll show you something else my preparatory mistress suggested we do. She only spoke of it, so I have no first-hand knowledge, but I’ll do my best.”

  Richard raised a curious eyebrow, and Adara took her hand and shoved him backward on the mattress, so he lay flat on his back. She climbed on top of him, straddling him, and kissed him on the mouth. His kiss was deep like before but somewhat hesitant. When she looked in his eyes, she could tell he didn’t like not knowing what was coming. She grinned at him, and said, “Don’t worry. You’ll like it.”

  Then she scooted down his body, grabbing his pants waist and pulling them off so that he was naked. She wiggled her ass along his legs, then leaned forward, so her face was almost touching his dick. She smiled, as she cupped her hands around his already erect cock, then stared into his eyes, as she slid his manhood into her mouth. The shock on his face when she did it made her smile, and when his first gasp of pleasure escaped, she felt practically giddy that she had done this to him. She let her tongue explore his manhood, which had thickened fully and felt warm and pleasant in her mouth.

  She took one hand and gently ran it along his inner thigh as she suckled his cock, and he gave a little moan. She tickled his balls with her fingers and he moaned again. She slid her tongue around a moment or two more, then withdrew. She wasn’t ready for him to come yet. When she looked up at him, his mouth was open in a small O of ecstasy. She raised an eyebrow, then kissed his belly, slowly kissing her way up his chest, until she kissed his mouth.

  She felt his hands wrap around her and slide down her back gently. He pulled her close to him, his hands gently exploring her backside, then sliding into her pussy. He pushed a finger in and she moaned into his mouth, which was kissing hers. The sensation of his lip vibrating from her moan with his finger inside her drove her wild. She wanted him. Now.

  “Take me,” she said through ragged breaths.

  He pulled back and smiled. “Princess, I would deny you nothing.” He tilted to the side, rolling them over so he was above her. She smiled at him, and then he flipped her over to her stomach, startling her. He prodded her to her knees and she wasn’t sure exactly what he meant to do, but then she felt his fingers slide into her wetness, and fondle her. A tremor of pleasure shot through her for a few moments. Then he withdrew his wet fingers and slid his cock into her, taking her doggy style. He kissed her back and grabbed her breasts as he pounded her insides.

  The rhythm with which he pushed inside her reminded her of the cadence of the dance she’d just done: seductive, sultry and climaxing with a frenzy. With him entering her this way, she felt like he was deeper inside her than he’d ever been before. She loved the sensation of him joining with her, the way his fingers felt gripping her bre
asts, pulling her tighter to him. As he headed toward climax, he grabbed her hips and held on tight, as if he needed to brace himself for the oncoming orgasm.

  Adara’s breathing was heavy, and her entire body felt the anticipation of the coming release, as Richard went harder and deeper. She grabbed the feather mattress beneath, her squeezing it tightly as Richard released inside her, her own body climaxing with his.

  Now that they were finished, Adara felt so good, she couldn’t support being on her knees any longer and collapsed on her belly. Richard lay down beside her, slinging an arm across her and pulling her to him. Adara was so tired, she could barely stay awake, but she enjoyed the feeling of lying in his arms. As she nodded off to sleep, she thought she heard him say, “Adara, this won’t be our last night like this.”

  Chapter 9

  Adara was still deep in the haze of sleep when she felt Richard’s hand gently shaking her. “Wake up, sleeping beauty,” he whispered.

  She shook her head, refusing to open her eyes. “I’m too exhausted to wake up,” she said slowly.

  He laughed. The sound, hearty and deep, caused her to open her eyes. Richard was dressed already, and sunshine was streaming in through the windows. She sat up. “They can’t find us like this,” she said, panic setting in. “The whole point was to protect my virtue. If your mother finds us, or, my God, if she tells my father’s men.”

  Richard knelt beside her on the feather bed, putting a calming hand on her shoulder. “Relax. It’s still early. No one will know if we move this mattress and get you in that,” he looked toward the pile of mattresses, “that thing my mother had the servants create.”

  Adara looked at him and laughed. “So, that thing isn’t normal?”

  Richard shook his head. “No,” he said. “I haven’t a clue why my mother would instruct the servants to create such a bed, unless maybe she was hoping you’d fall and break your neck.”

  Adara playfully slapped his arm, but she was a little miffed. “She really doesn’t like me, does she?”

  Richard shrugged. “I think she likes you well enough,” he said. “It’s just that she’s obsessed with princesses. I suspect Lionel nurtured the seed of doubt about whether you’re actually a princess. It probably didn’t help that you were interesting, intelligent and vivacious, when every other princess she’s seen has been dull, boring, and bordering on stupid.”

  Adara frowned. “I thought we agreed you shouldn’t hold it against them that their families don’t teach them to be interesting or encourage intelligence.”

  “The way your family taught you?” he asked, a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his lips.

  “Don’t tease me,” she said, feeling embarrassed.

  His smile faded, and he shook his head. “But, I’m not. You are the bravest, wisest, kindest woman I’ve ever met. Much more so than those princesses. And smart. So smart to escape your country and survive on your own for months.”

  Adara blushed. He was too kind, too flattering, and she suspected he believed every word, which made it all the harder knowing what would happen when her father’s men showed up. Only, his thinking she was brave and wise was a mistake. Adara had not been wise in coming to the castle and admitting the truth. “We survived until the cold, icy rain and winds showed up, and then I spilled my biggest secret, like a fool.”

  “Not like a fool,” Richard retorted, stroking Adara’s cheek. “Lionel would never have let in a beggar. Only a princess. You were wise to tell him the truth. And wise to trust me. I’m going to help you get away from your father’s men.”

  Adara stared at him. Last night, he said he’d help, but she’d thought it a promise made in the heat of passion. Now, here in the light of day, he was promising her yet again, and he seemed deadly serious. “How?” she asked.

  “I’ll tell you later. I need to leave to do something first,” he said in a low voice.

  She looked at him curiously and stated the obvious, “You can’t leave. We’re locked in.”

  He looked down, his cheeks coloring slightly. Then, he swallowed and said, “There’s a secret passageway. It’s how I got in here last night, and I’m going to use it to leave.”

  Adara felt the anger flare in her. She stood and pointed at him. “You could have told me last night. Nassi and I could have escaped this morning. We would have had a head start. “

  He was shaking his head and putting his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. “It would only have given you a head start,” he said. “I have a plan that will divert your father’s men permanently, so you don’t have to run, looking over your shoulder all the time. Please, trust me,” he said.

  Trust him? Richard. A man who had lied to her — well if not an outright lie, a lie of omission by not mentioning the secret passageway. She wanted to tell him no, that she would never trust him. But he stood there, looking so earnest, with his heart on his sleeve, she thought that saying she wouldn’t trust him would crush him. She couldn’t speak. She did want to trust him. After everything last night, she felt close to him, closer than she’d felt to anyone. Maybe, it had only been carnal passion, but it felt like they’d connected on a deeper level. Trust him? She was already up a shit creek without a paddle; it wouldn’t hurt to let the boat drift a bit longer. “OK,” she said. “I’ll trust you.”

  She helped the prince slide the mattress into the secret tunnel, which was a wall opening hidden behind a hanging tapestry. He was about to seal the tunnel, when she realized she wanted to say one more thing. “Richard,” she called out. He stopped and looked up at her, startled. “You said you want to help me, and I believe that you’re going to do everything you can to succeed,” she said, pausing, not wanting to think of it. “But, if you can’t stop my father’s men, promise me that you’ll hide Nassi. My father will kill her for helping me. Just keep her as a servant, tell them you found me alone, but don’t let her go back, too. It was my idea to leave, and she shouldn’t be punished for it.”

  Richard took a step closer to her, kissed her lips. “I’ll keep both you and Nassi safe,” he said. Adara nodded.

  He gave her another kiss, then turned to leave. She found she wanted to say one last thing to him. “Wait,” she said. “Just one more thing.” He motioned for her to continue. “Well, I was just thinking of your problems with your mother, where she brings you princesses you don’t like. Well, if they’re not your type, certainly don’t marry them. I think my mother has shown how horribly a bad marriage can end. But, instead of just rejecting everything your mother offers, show her you’re listening to her, the way you’ve learned to listen to your people. Show her by setting off to find your own princess. Show her you’re taking charge, and I’m sure she’ll stop pressuring you. Your mother just wants you to be happy, so don’t resent her for it.”

  He smiled. “You are wise, Adara.” He looked into the passageway, then back at her. “I’ll see you at breakfast, and I promise that you won’t have to go with your father’s men.”

  Chapter 10

  Adara had climbed to the top of that awful stack of mattresses, rumpled the covers a bit so the bed looked slept in and then climbed down. She was so tired, she could barely stay on her feet. She wished she and Richard had actually spent more time sleeping last night. As much as she’d enjoyed what they’d done, she was exhausted. She wondered if the queen would notice if she slept through breakfast.

  Lionel came about an hour after she’d rumpled her linens, bringing her fresh clothes for the day and telling her he’d be back shortly to reunite her with “Nasty.” Adara corrected him that it was Nassi. In an unrepentant tone, Lionel offered an apology, and Adara was sure he’d called Nassi that on purpose. She got dressed, this time in a gown that seemed more becoming of what the area’s royalty wore. The bosom was beige, and the bodice and skirt were a royal red and yellow, with ornate designs embroidered on them. There were also petticoats to fill out the skirts.

  Adara did her best with it, though she’d need Nassi’s help to lace the dress in
the rear. The hallmark of royalty in this region seemed to be wearing clothing that required the wearer to receive assistance from a servant or a lady in waiting.

  When Lionel returned, Adara asked him to bring Nassi, and he refused.

  “Please,” Adara said. “I require assistance with the clothing you’ve brought me.”

  He seemed too ready for this. Adara had noticed the cloth draped over Lionel’s arm, but hadn’t paid it much attention until he held it out to her and said, “I’ve brought you a shawl, M’lady.”

  Ugg. She wanted to slap him. She managed to refrain. Adara had seen her father slap servants before, but she didn’t want to be like her father. She also didn’t want the queen or Richard to be upset with her. She took the shawl, draped it over her open-backed dress and followed Lionel to a small room with many windows. Nassi was sitting on a bench beneath a window.

  Adara hurried toward Nassi and embraced the girl. “Are you alright?” she asked. “Did they lock you in, too?”

  Nassi scrunched her face in confusion. “Lock me in?”

  Adara nodded. “Yes, they locked me in my room last night.”

  Nassi shook her head. Adara sighed. “Can you help me?” she asked, taking off the shawl. “Fasten my dress and tell me about your night. Then, I’ll tell you about mine.”

  Nassi stood and pulled the corset beneath the dress tight. Adara sucked in a breath as Nassi fastened it. Nassi explained how she’d been taken to a small chamber with a bed and left there. Adara asked if the bed was unusual. No, just a single mattress, Nassi said. Adara asked if anyone had come into Nassi’s room, and there had been no one. Apparently, Adara’s evening, from the peculiar bedding to the princely visit, had been unique.


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