Shadow Form (Dark Impulse Book 2)

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Shadow Form (Dark Impulse Book 2) Page 6

by Edmund Hughes

  “I’m sorry,” said Jack. “I… I don’t know what just came over me.”

  “It’s okay…” Meghan folded one arm across her breasts, her free hand resting on the spot where Jack had bitten her. “A little weird. But that kiss on my neck… That was amazing.”

  “No, it’s not okay,” said Jack. “And it wasn’t amazing.”

  This was what he’d been afraid of when Mira had first turned him into a vampire, and when he’d started to feel his bloodthirst and physical effects of his craving. The possibility of his urges winning out over his willpower had always been there.

  It threatened to lead him down the darkest of paths, if he gave into it. He would become a monster, the type of creature that his grandfather had fought against and Katie had warned him about. He would be giving up his humanity, his life, and any semblance of goodness left in him.

  “It gets boring here when I’m all alone,” said Meghan. “I was being kind of a bitch before. I’ll tell you what you want to know if you hang out with me for a while.”

  Jack ran a hand through his hair, feeling his stomach sink. He’d bitten and enthralled her, all because she’d been trying to weasel another bribe out of him. In her newly enthralled mind, she didn’t even recognize that he’d done anything wrong.

  “Just tell me about the men,” said Jack. “That’s all I want to know.”

  “I don’t know much about them,” said Meghan. “They paid in cash. Didn’t even tell me their names. I was being mean trying to get money from you before.”

  “There was nothing about them that stood out?” asked Jack.

  Meghan frowned for a couple of seconds, and then her eyes lit up.

  “Martine stopped by to see them,” she said.


  “The owner of the business,” said Meghan. “She almost never stops by, which made it even weirder.”

  Jack nodded. This was something he could use.

  “Good,” he said. “What else can you tell me about Martine? Does she live nearby?”

  “I have her phone number and address right here,” said Meghan. “But it’s only supposed to be for emergencies…”

  Jack smiled at her, feeling a little cruel as he watched Meghan’s eyes flutter hopefully in response.

  “For you it’s okay though,” said Meghan. “Here. I’ll write it down on a sticky note.”

  “Thank you, Meghan,” said Jack. “Now, when I leave here, I want you to forget all about this and return to normal.”

  “Uh… I guess I can try?”

  “Forget about me, too,” said Jack. “If you see me again, I don’t want you to recognize me or act as though you even know me.”

  “That’s a really weird thing to ask someone to do, you know,” said Meghan.

  Jack sighed. It had been worth a shot. It would be so easy if the effects of his enthrallment were something he could take back with a simple command. Too easy.

  “Just do your best,” he said.


  Jack’s phone rang almost as soon as he’d left the motel’s check-in office. He hurried over to the car before answering it, not wanting to be stuck out in the constant drizzle of the rain.


  “Hey,” said Katie. “Where the fuck are you? I thought I told you to stay with Ryoko!”

  Jack winced. “I had to run some errands,” he said. “I thought you’d be by sooner, anyway. She was asleep when I left.”

  “She’s awake now,” said Katie. “I think she’s going to need more than just me for emotional support tonight.”

  “You’re at the mansion?”

  “I’m staying the night,” said Katie. “I don’t like the idea of it just being you and her after what she’s been through.”

  “Fair enough,” said Jack. “I’m on my way back. I’ll see you soon.”

  Katie said goodbye, and Jack hung up the phone. He sighed as he started the car up and pulled onto the street. He’d lost control in the motel’s office and broken one of the few rules he’d managed to hold himself to thus far. And as ashamed as he was of himself, a part of him had enjoyed it. He’d taken what he wanted and cut through a barrier of pointless resistance and nonsense.

  “No,” Jack muttered. “I won’t let myself make a habit of that.”

  The hum of the car’s engine and the rhythmic squeak of the windshield wipers put him in a contemplative state as he drove through town back toward the mansion. He parked the car in the garage and headed in through the servant’s door to avoid having to get wet again. Katie was in the lounge, and she stood up and hurried over when she saw him.

  “About time,” said Katie.

  “What’s going on?” asked Jack.

  “Nothing,” said Katie. “That’s why I’m worried.”

  Before either of them could say anything else, Ryoko made her way into the lounge with soft steps. She’d changed back into one of her maid uniforms at some point, and she bowed to Jack and Katie on approach.

  “Mr. Masterson,” said Ryoko, in a level voice. “Can I do anything for you? I’ve only just started on dinner.”

  “Ryoko…” Jack frowned. Ryoko’s expression was the neutral mask she always presented whenever she was going about her day to day maid duties.

  “One of the cherry trees in the yard had a branch snap off in the wind,” said Ryoko. “I’ll take care of the cleanup tomorrow. It was too dark by the time I’d noticed.”

  Jack glanced at Katie, who only shrugged back at him. He walked over to Ryoko and put a hand on her shoulder, gently steering her toward the kitchen so they could talk privately.

  “Remember what I told you earlier?” asked Jack. “How I wanted you to rest for today? I can take care of dinner, and the fallen tree branch, and anything else that comes up. I want you to focus on recovering.”

  “Mr. Masterson…” Ryoko couldn’t meet his gaze.

  “Jack,” said Jack. “You can call me Jack.”

  “…Jack.” She finally glanced up at him, and the dam broke. Tears streamed down her face. Jack pulled her into a hug, ignoring her enticing scent as she pressed her face into his shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “You don’t have to push yourself so far.”

  Ryoko shook against him. She was sobbing, but she still held tight to what little control she had left, keeping any sound from escaping her lips. She wiped at her face, smudging makeup that she really hadn’t needed to put on in the first place.

  “I do,” she whispered. “I have to do this.”

  “No, you really don’t.” Jack smiled a little. “Katie and I will survive without a maid for one night.”

  “That’s… what I’m afraid of,” she said, in a faint, far-off voice. “It’s all gone. My uncle was… the only family I had. To lose him…”

  “I’m so sorry.” Jack pulled her tight again. Ryoko let out a shaky breath against his chest.

  “I don’t even have a real home anymore,” said Ryoko. “My uncle was renting the restaurant’s building. We lived in the apartment on the second floor. But after today… I can’t even… go inside.”

  What could Jack even say to comfort her about that? Nothing. He kept his arms wrapped around her, wishing he could do more.

  “I don’t have anything anymore,” said Ryoko. “No family. No home. We were poor, so there’s no money… No inheritance, like you have.”

  “I’ll help however I can,” said Jack. “If you want a raise, or a bonus. Whatever you need to feel more secure.”

  Ryoko lifted her head to look up at him. Her eyes were studded with tears and red around the edges from all the crying she’d already previously done.

  “What I need is to feel like someone that isn’t so worthless,” she whispered. “Someone with a place to be, and maybe a job to do.”

  “Ryoko, you aren’t worthless!” said Jack. “And you can stay here, regardless of whether it’s as a maid or as a friend. The mansion can be your home if you need it to be.”

oko took a breath through her nose, wiped the back of her sleeve across her eyes, and cleared her throat.

  “Mr. Masterson,” she said, in a neutral tone of voice. “I didn’t have a chance to plan a proper dinner because of… Anyway. I can make sandwiches, if that’s alright?”

  Jack squeezed her hand.

  “That’s fine, Ryoko,” he said. “That’s totally fine.”

  Dinner was a strange affair. Jack and Katie struggled to make conversation, trying to keep on light topics while also avoiding any talk of the supernatural. Ryoko declined Katie’s invitation to sit and eat with them, instead hovering around the dining room and kitchen, trying to keep herself busy with minor chores.

  “Mr. Masterson,” said Ryoko, as Jack finished clearing a rogue bread crust from his plate. “Would you mind terribly if I turned in early tonight? I’m feeling a little tired.”

  “Of course not, Ryoko,” said Jack. “And you can sleep in tomorrow, if you feel like you want to.”

  Ryoko bowed to him and then turned and headed off toward the servant’s quarters. Jack frowned and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Don’t worry,” said Katie. “I’m going to stay close to her tonight. I’ll sleep in the same room as her, if she lets me. Or at least in the servant’s chambers, so I’ll be nearby.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” asked Jack. “Maybe she just needs some space.”

  “I don’t want to take the chance,” said Katie. “As far as I’m concerned, she’s a suicide risk. Seriously. I’m really worried about her after what she’s been through.

  Jack blinked a couple of times, staring at her blankly.

  “You don’t think so?” asked Katie.

  “I don’t know what to think,” said Jack. “Or what to do. I feel totally unable to help her.”

  “We just have to do what we can to be there for her,” said Katie. “It’s all we can do.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Jack smiled a little. “Thanks for coming over tonight, by the way.”

  “You’re welcome,” said Katie. “That also brings me to the next thing we need to talk about. Namely, where the fuck you were this afternoon, and what you were doing.”

  Jack leaned back in his chair. Ryoko had brought a bottle of wine out for them earlier, and he finally took the liberty of pouring himself a glass.

  “I was trying to find the men who we fought in the pizzeria,” said Jack. “I did manage to find a few leads.”

  “Did you not hear me when I told you not to do anything stupid?” asked Katie. “If you have leads about where these fuckers might be, pass them on to the Sheriff and Bruce. This is their job, and they’re better at it than you are. These guys are normal criminals. This isn’t like it was with your broodmother, Jack.”

  Why not pass the info on the Sheriff? Jack considered what would, or more precisely, wouldn’t happen if he did. Sheriff Carter was dedicated, but old. If he did manage to track Khumar and Monty down, what then? It would all come down to whether he could shoot them before they overwhelmed him.

  And Bruce? He was too busy stalking Jack to be counted on. Jack tapped his fingers on the table, wondering if there was any point in telling Katie what her fiancé had been up to. She might be able to confront him about it, but it would also mean forcing her to take sides, which might not end well.

  “Jack?” asked Katie. “Hello? Are you listening to me?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I can’t make any promises. Those men need to pay for what they did to Ryoko.”

  “You’re way too fucking stubborn sometimes,” said Katie. “At least tell me that you haven’t been using your powers.”

  “No,” said Jack. “Of course not.”

  He hated lying to Katie, but telling her the truth about how hard it had been to keep himself under control would only hurt their relationship. Especially if Jack admitted to having fed off an innocent person behind her back.

  “Jack…” Katie set her hand on top of his and met his gaze, her expression cold and serious. “I know how things have been a little wild between us lately, but I need to make this clear. I won’t let you turn into a monster.”

  “What do you mean by that?” he asked.

  “I won’t let you turn into a monster,” she repeated.

  Her tone was flat and confident, as though she was making a solemn promise rather than reassuring him. And that was exactly it. Katie would go to whatever means necessary to keep from feeling like she was betraying Jack’s grandfather’s legacy. If he did turn into a monster, she would be the first one to try to take him down.

  “Alright,” said Jack. He finished drinking his wine and stood up to leave, feeling like it was hard to bring the conversation back from where it had gone. He made it to the hallway before he heard Katie clear her throat.

  “Do you want to feed on me tonight, Jack?” she asked.

  “…Yeah. I do.”


  “I forgot to bring the handcuffs,” said Katie. “But I took the potion before dinner.”

  “We’ll just have to be careful, then,” said Jack.

  He led her upstairs and into his bedroom. Without the handcuffs, there was no point for them to head down into the basement workshop, but he still wanted them to be out of sight and out of earshot of Ryoko, if she was still awake.

  “Do you want to sit down on the bed for it?” asked Jack.

  Katie nodded and took a seat. Her white blouse had a drooping neckline, but she still adjusted the hem of it to the side, giving him a clear view of her neck. She had such a great neck, and looking at it exposed like that for him while inhaling her scent was almost enough to make him lose control.

  “You’re looking at me weird,” said Katie.

  “Sorry.” Jack sat down next to her. “You just have a really nice smell.”

  Katie looked like she was stifling a smile.

  “A nice smell?” she said. “You aren’t talking about my perfume, are you?”

  “Nope.” Jack leaned in closer to her, slowly inhaling her intoxicating scent and letting out an appreciative sigh.

  “What does it smell like?” asked Katie.

  “It smells like your blood,” said Jack.

  Katie met his gaze, leaning back on one arm and uncrossing her legs.

  “What does my blood smell like, then?” asked Katie. “And what does it taste like?”

  Jack shrugged, trying not to let his impatience show.

  “Sweet,” he said.

  “Really?” Katie shook her head, smiling a little more. “That’s the best you can do?”

  “It tastes…” Jack hesitated. He’d never really thought about how to accurately describe the taste before. “I guess it’s not so much a singular thing. More like a feeling.”

  He spoke the words more quietly. The two of them had drawn closer together, and Jack’s mouth was only a couple of inches away from her neck. Close enough for him to notice her shuddering at the sensation of his breath on her skin.

  “A feeling of what?” asked Katie.

  “The same way you make me feel,” whispered Jack.

  His lips grazed against Katie’s skin, and she let out a small, high-pitched gasp.

  “How…” Katie took a slow breath. “How do I make you feel, Jack?”

  He kissed her neck in answer and let one of his arms wrap around her waist. Jack held her firmly, hesitating with his fangs out as he considered the question. How did Katie make him feel? It was the same as what Ryoko had talked about. Like he had someone, an old friend who was very nearly family, here on an island that had once been home. On top of all the other emotions he felt for her, Katie made him feel like he wasn’t quite so alone.

  Jack sank his fangs into her neck. He heard a breathless whimper escape Katie’s lips, and felt her body tense up, pressing in closer to his. He drank deeply of her blood, even though he didn’t feel like he needed to. He held onto her tightly, savoring everything about the moment and not wanting to let go.
/>   He barely had time to lick the residual blood from his lips as he finished before they were kissing and pawing at each other’s bodies. Jack knew that it was just a basic, primal reaction. Feeding was an intimate and occasionally erotic act, and given his and Katie’s closeness, it left them primed for this sort of thing to happen.

  Knowing that didn’t make stopping it any easier. Jack kissed Katie deeply, and let one of his hands grope at her butt as he slowly grinded into her. Katie’s legs were wrapped around his waist, and she was rubbing and grinding against him, feeling the same need. Jack pulled her blouse down roughly, revealing her bra-clad breasts.

  “Jack…” whispered Katie. Her hand was down his pants, and Jack groaned as he felt her discovering his arousal. “We… need to stop.”

  Jack kissed her again, knowing that she was right, but wanting nothing more than to strip her naked and show her a little of the dirtiness that was on his mind. Katie kissed him back, but she regained enough control to remove her hand from his pants and press it against his chest instead.

  “No,” said Katie. “We can’t. I know how we both react whenever you have to feed off me, but we really can’t, Jack.”

  “I know,” he said. It took him another kiss and a good ten seconds to act on those words, disentangling himself from Katie’s legs and moving himself to a safe distance.

  “I feel like we’re just running in circles,” said Katie, once they’d both caught their breath and returned to their senses.

  “What does that mean?” asked Jack.

  “I’m engaged,” Katie whispered. “Bruce and I have even been talking about setting a date for the wedding, lately.”

  Jack scowled, feeling annoyed and a little angry at her mention of Bruce.

  “What am I supposed to say to that, Katie?” he asked.

  She glared back at him and stood up from the bed, fixing her blouse.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” she said. “I don’t think you have the tact to pick the words that would help in the first place.”


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