Another Solution (Crowley County Series Book 4)

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Another Solution (Crowley County Series Book 4) Page 10

by T. E. Killian

  He had a feeling of dread sweep over him as he stepped into the briefing room a few minutes later. The graveyard shift sergeant was already there and so were the other members of Jason’s squad. There were fourteen of them not counting him. Then he thought. The new guy would make fifteen.

  The other sergeant, Gus Hoffmann, began the briefing of all that had happened on his shift just as Floyd came through the door with the new deputy right behind him.

  Jason had purposely chosen to stand on the other side of Gus so he could get a better look at the new guy when Floyd brought him in.

  So he began his inspection. The guy was about the same height as Jason but probably outweighed Jason by a good twenty pounds but he wasn’t fat. He obviously worked out regularly. He had blond hair and eyebrows like the pictures Jason had seen of California surfers. And just because of the way the guy carried himself, Jason would have disliked him immediately even without what Floyd had said about him earlier.

  The man came into the room like he owned it and looked at everyone there, including Floyd, as if they were beneath him.

  Floyd looked at Gus who had stopped his briefing and Gus nodded back at him.

  The big sheriff then stepped forward and said, “Good morning everyone. I would like to introduce to all of you our new deputy, Larry Palmer. Larry comes to us as a lateral from SPD with ten years in over there.”

  Floyd looked at Jason then and he knew the big sheriff wanted him to come over there so he did, reluctantly.

  “Larry, this is your sergeant, Jason Walker. He’ll be riding with you for the first week to get you acquainted with the way we do things here in this department.”

  Jason stepped forward and held out his right hand and Palmer only hesitated briefly but it was enough to tell Jason volumes about the guy.

  Not only that, but the guy looked at Jason as if he knew him. He was sure he’d never met the guy before though.

  Floyd soon left the room and Palmer took a seat at the closest empty table. The rest of the briefing went quickly after that. As all the other deputies began leaving the room, each one stopped by Palmer to welcome him.

  Even though Jason didn’t think Palmer deserved it, that was a nice gesture by his squad. He was pleased with the deputies on his squad. They seemed to be a good cohesive unit especially when something unusual came down.

  Soon the room had emptied out and he and Palmer were the only ones left. He wasn’t sure what would be the best course for him to take with this guy. He was pretty sure by now that the guy was going to be difficult to deal with. Then something that Mike had told him once came to his mind.

  Of course, Mike had been talking about a classroom full of high school students, but Jason had a hunch that it could apply to this situation as well. Mike had said that you could always start out tough and then loosen up a little but you could never start out easy and then try to get tougher.

  Okay, then tough it would be. He stepped in front of the table that Palmer was still sitting at leaning his chair back on two legs. Jason glanced down at the guy briefly before saying, “Make sure you have all your gear including your AR and meet me in the compound by the supervisors’ parking area in ten minutes.

  With that, he left the room and quickly made his way to his office. As he sat there killing a few minutes, he wondered if he should call Karen or not. He was concerned about her that was for sure. But their relationship was so new that he was afraid to damage it before it really got going. And he knew he could do just that if he overstepped the invisible boundaries she had set around herself.

  When Jason stepped out into the compound, he wanted to turn around and go back inside the building. The jerk must have asked someone which vehicle was Jason’s, because he was sitting on the hood of it.

  Jason didn’t acknowledge the guy but held up a set of keys and jiggled them before walking down to the other end of the row of vehicles and stopping in front of one of the swing cars which would be Palmer’s temporary patrol vehicle.

  When Palmer caught up with him, Jason handed him the keys and said, “This will be your vehicle while you’re on probation.”

  Once they were both in the vehicle, Palmer started it and drove out of the compound without asking Jason where to go.

  “Today, we’ll be patrolling around the town of Crowleyville so you can get accustomed to the layout and begin learning the streets.”

  When the guy finally spoke, Jason was sorry he did.

  “Hah. That should take about ten minutes in this hick town.”

  Jason let that comment slide knowing the guy was probably just trying to get a rise out of him. He wanted to throw back at the guy why did he come if he thought like that. But he remained silent as they began to patrol around town.

  After an hour, Jason said, “Why don’t you pull into the 7-Eleven? I could use another cup of coffee about now.”

  As they were coming out of the store with their coffee, an old Volvo station wagon pulled in next to their Tahoe and Jason groaned. Palmer gave him a look but didn’t say anything.

  A short round older woman jumped out of the Volvo and quite efficiently blocked their path to their vehicle. She was wearing a bright floral print dress with a large floppy hat on her unnatural looking short black hair. She was carrying a large tote bag that looked to be full and heavy.

  When the woman stopped in front of Palmer, Jason breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t her target of the day. Great.

  She pulled out a steno pad and looking Palmer in the eye from a foot down said, “I’m Jillian Clark, owner, editor, and star reporter for the Crowleyville Gazette. And I would like to ask you a few questions about your switch to Crowley county if you don’t mind.”

  Jason almost felt sorry for the guy . . . almost. Jillian was truly a character in his book. She was a hard drinking, cigar smoking, old time newspaper reporter. How she knew about Palmer and even more, where they would be was one of those little mysteries that must make her a good reporter.

  He just leaned against the hood of the Tahoe while Jillian took Palmer through his paces.

  When they were both back in the patrol vehicle later, Palmer turned to Jason and said, “You could have warned me about her.”

  Jason laughed. “Sorry. Everyone around here is so used to Jillian that we don’t think about how she hits newcomers.”

  “You mean she’s like that all the time?”

  Jason pretended to think about that for a moment. “No, I think she toned it down a little bit just for you.”

  * * *

  Karen’s day was dragging and she knew she needed to have a decent lunch or she’d never make it through the rest of the day. So she called Daisy who as usual was eager to meet with her.

  They decided to go to Thelma’s to avoid the well-meaning interruptions that would undoubtedly take place at Best Friends.

  Since they both worked at or next to the hospital, it usually worked well for them to ride together.

  As soon as she slid into Karen’s car, Daisy said, “Okay, girl give. What all happened out at Jason’s grandma’s farm yesterday?

  Karen wasn’t sure where to start, so she began with that and was just finishing telling her about how profoundly Jason’s grandmother had affected her again.

  Daisy laughed. “I haven’t been around Miss Hattie, as all the locals call her, much but I’ve heard lots of stories about her. Enough in fact to know that if anyone gets on her bad side, they’re in for it for sure.”

  She paused and smiled at Karen. “But don’t worry. It looked like you got on her good side last Sunday and even more so yesterday. In fact, it sounds as if she truly likes you. And that will take you a long way with both her and Jason.”

  Daisy paused and seemed to be in thought. “In fact, I’m almost sure that Jason would never have anything to do with anyone especially a woman if Miss Hattie didn’t like her.”

  That made Karen feel good but she was still confused. “But how can she tell by just holding my hand briefly and looking i
nto my eyes?”

  This time Daisy giggled. “Apparently that’s just her way. I heard Jason say once that she would have made a good cop since no one could ever get a lie past her.

  They both laughed at that as they made their way to a table in the restaurant.

  The conversation over lunch had been light and uplifting for Karen. It was exactly what she had needed and she felt so much better when she started back to work. But when she thought about it she was sure that Daisy had planned it that way. She smiled to herself as she thought that Daisy sure was becoming a special friend.

  But her new found energy didn’t last long. She only made it until three-thirty. At that time, Karen wasn’t sure she’d be able to make it through the appointment she was working on much less her four o’clock before she collapsed. She had hoped that she would be able to sustain the second wind her lunch with Daisy had given her.

  She was letting her patient rest from a series of tiring exercises when the receptionist came through the swinging door and approached her.

  “Karen, there’s a man out front to see you and he’s wearing a deputy’s uniform.”

  That brought an instant smile to Karen’s face. She was pleased to think that Jason had stopped by to check on her and rushed out to the waiting room to see him.

  But, it wasn’t Jason! It was Larry Palmer and he was wearing a uniform just like Jason’s minus the stripes. And he was just standing there grinning at her.

  She didn’t know what to think. How? Why?

  He swaggered over to where she stood frozen to the spot.

  “Hi sweetheart.” He held his arms out wide. “Look at how far I’m willing to go to get my girl back. I even rented one of those townhouses in the complex where you live. You’re going to be seeing a lot of me now.”

  Karen didn’t say anything yet. She couldn’t say anything.

  He was still standing close to her and he was still grinning at her.

  Finally, she found her voice. She intentionally kept her voice low but tried to interject a firm warning in it. “Larry. I already told you that I don’t want to have anything to do with you and if you keep bothering me, I’ll get an order of protection against you.”

  He laughed loudly drawing stares from other people around the room. “You can’t get one of those against me, sweetheart. No judge would give it to you.”

  “If you keep bothering me, then I guess we’ll just have to see if I can or not.”

  With that, she turned and rushed back through the swinging door to her workstation. Out of the corner of her eye, she could tell that he started to follow her but must have thought better of it. As the door swung closed behind her, she saw him go out the front doors.

  Karen was shaking so badly when she made it back to her station that she had to sit down before she fell down. The sweet elderly man she’d been working with gave her a look of concern.

  “Are you all right Karen?”

  His soft voice brought her out of her stupor enough for her to attempt a smile, shake her head, and say, “I’ll be okay in a minute, why don’t you start doing the last exercise from before.”

  As soon as she finished with that patient, she rushed over to the desk they all shared in the therapy room and grabbed the phone. She didn’t stop to think of the significance of the fact that she remembered Jason’s cell phone number. She just hurriedly dialed it.

  When he answered, she quickly said, “Jason, are you where you can talk?”

  “Sure, I’m in my office at the station. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to call you today and check on you but I’ve been busy with a new deputy.”

  Karen’s breath left her in a whoosh. That new deputy must be Larry. This was really starting to get creepy.

  Jason must have heard that sound for he said, “Karen, are you okay?”

  She took a deep breath and said, “No I’m not. But listen Jason. What is that new deputy’s name?”

  She could tell he was puzzled but he answered anyway. “Larry Palmer. Why?”

  She started crying and she knew Jason could hear her.

  “Karen! Tell me what’s wrong or I’ll be on my way over there right now.”

  She tried to breathe normally but hiccupped instead. Finally, she was able to say, “He was just in here.” She paused to catch her breath. “Larry is my ex-fiancé.”

  She heard a loud noise that sounded like he’d hit his desk with his fist.

  “I knew there was something about that guy I didn’t like besides his bad attitude.” He paused for a moment. “Listen, Karen, are you still at work?”

  She was barely able to get the one word out, “Yes.”

  “Good. Stay there until you hear from me. I’m going to go in to tell Floyd right now.”

  “Okay. I don’t think I want to leave here today without you anyway.”

  “Good. I’ll call you as soon as I can, okay?”

  When she hung up the phone, she tried to pull herself together and after almost ten minutes, she thought she might be able to do her four o’clock now.

  * * *

  Jason was so mad by the time he made it to Floyd’s office on the other side of the squad room, he was afraid he might not even be able to talk. So he stopped just outside Crystal’s office and took several deep breaths before entering.

  Crystal, Floyd’s secretary, looked up and smiled at him. “Hey Jason how’s it going?”

  He tried to smile back at her but didn’t make it. “Hey Crystal. Is he alone?”

  “Yes, but he’s on the phone.”

  He didn’t stop but kept on going until he reached the four armchairs to the side of Floyd’s desk. With the phone to his ear, Floyd waved at him with his free hand and Jason plopped down in one of the armchairs to wait.

  In less than a minute, Floyd hung the phone up. He took one look at Jason and quickly took the armchair across from him without saying a word.

  Most people who didn’t know Floyd very well thought he was an impulsive, impatient man but he was actually quite the opposite. And that was just one of the things Jason liked about his boss.

  Floyd leaned back in his chair and waited for Jason to begin.

  When Jason finally organized his thoughts, he said, “I just talked to Karen and you’re not going to believe what she told me.”

  When Floyd nodded for Jason to continue, he said, “Remember, I told you how her ex-fiancé never showed up at the church on her wedding day.”

  Floyd nodded again and said, “I’d sure like to get my hands on a guy who’d do that to any woman. But that little gal seems so nice.”

  Jason grinned in spite of the situation. “Well, the guy has been harassing her since Saturday night.”

  Floyd jumped in then, “Does she have any of this documented so we can get an order of protection against him?”

  He shook his head. “No, but he knocked on her door last night and harassed her at work just a little while ago.”

  Floyd seemed to know that there was more to this and was waiting for Jason to tell it.

  He looked Floyd in the eye and said, “You’re not going to like this any more than I did.” He paused for another breath. “I just found out a few minutes ago that Karen’s ex-fiancé is Larry Palmer.”

  Jason had been ready for Floyd’s reaction. Floyd slammed both fists down on his chair arms and said, “I knew there was something about that guy that just wasn’t right.”

  Both men were quiet for a short time. Jason was wondering how to get Floyd to let him do what he would like to do.

  Jason was startled when Floyd spoke. “Where is Karen right now?”

  “I told her to stay at work until I could come get her.”

  “Good. Go get her and bring her back here. I need to talk to her and then the three of us need to do some planning.”


  Jason shot out of Floyd’s office punching the speed-dial number for Karen’s cell phone as he went, hoping she had it with her and on. She did and he told her he was on his way.

  He was thrilled that Floyd was thinking the same way that he was at least so far.

  Thirty minutes later, after Jason had followed Karen home to leave her car there then brought her back to the station in his Tahoe, they walked into Floyd’s office together.

  Floyd was sitting in one of the armchairs waiting for them. He motioned for them to sit.

  Once they were settled, Floyd looked at Karen and said, “Would you describe Palmer for me, from your viewpoint?”

  She seemed surprised at Floyd’s question. She looked at Jason who tried to give her an encouraging smile. She frowned slightly before beginning.

  “Well, I didn’t realize most of this while I knew him before. I only fully understood all of it after he dumped me. He is controlling, manipulative, and has a terrible temper.”

  Before Floyd could respond, she added, “Oh and he is rather self-centered.”

  Floyd ran his hand through his crew cut hair. “I don’t doubt any of that for a minute. He comes across that way to me too.”

  Karen just stared back at Floyd so he said, “Are you afraid of Palmer?”

  Jason could tell that she was thinking her answer through carefully before answering. And it also looked like she didn’t really want to answer it either.

  Finally, she nodded her head emphatically and said, “Yes! Yes, I am. I’ve seen him get so mad that he hit walls and doors with his fists.”

  Floyd leaned back as if contemplating that. Then he leaned back toward Karen and said, “Do you have any proof that he is a threat to you.” Before she could answer, he added. “I believe you Karen but you’ll have to convince a judge not me okay.”

  She frowned and shook her head causing her ponytail to fly from side to side. “No, but if he leaves any more messages on my voice mail, I’ll keep them for you.”

  Floyd frowned then stood and moved over to his desk. He opened a drawer, pulled something out, and came back to sit down again.

  He held up what looked like a small locket on a chain and said, “This is a very small, very sensitive digital recorder that also sends out a GPS tracking signal when turned on. I want you to wear this around your neck all the time. It will even pick up both sides of a phone conversation. All you have to do is hold it up near the phone speaker.”


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