Another Solution (Crowley County Series Book 4)

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Another Solution (Crowley County Series Book 4) Page 18

by T. E. Killian

  Even though she also tried extra hard to be happy for Brandi and Larry, she was just simply having a difficult time believing Larry had changed as much as he was trying to show today. She stopped and said a quick prayer in her mind for those two.

  Once they were all seated in the sanctuary, she found herself sitting with Jason on her left and Brandi on her right. They still had ten minutes before the worship service was due to start. So Brandi turned to her and Karen knew she was about to get filled in on everything that had happened since Friday night. But that was okay. She looked forward to it.

  Ten minutes later as the service began, Karen was still reeling from Brandi’s description of how Larry was acting with her. Had he truly changed? That much? She sure hoped so, especially for Brandi’s sake.

  After the service, they decided to go to Thelma’s for dinner and Karen rode with Jason. As Jason turned left out of the church parking lot, she just happened to look down the street to her right and saw a man sitting in a car at the curb. She looked again but he had ducked down and she could no longer see his face. But she could have sworn that it was Ben.

  She debated whether to say anything to Jason about it or not. But she finally decided that he would get angry with her if she didn’t and she wouldn’t blame him.

  “Jason.” When he turned and smiled at her quickly, she said, “When we pulled out of the parking lot just now, there was a car sitting at the curb down the street a little way.”


  “Well, I can’t be sure, but I think it was Ben in there but whoever it was ducked quickly and I didn’t see his face but for an instant.”

  Jason hit the steering wheel with his fist and said, “Even if you were sure it was him, we couldn’t prove he was following you or anything else. We’ll need more to tie him to all this harassment.”

  “I know. But I thought you would want to know and I didn’t want you getting angry with me for not telling you.”

  He laughed. “Karen, it would take a whole lot more than that for me to get the least bit mad at you. Instead, I’m mad about you.”

  She smiled back at him with a warm feeling spreading throughout her body.

  A rather large group wound up at Thelma’s. In fact, the group was so big that Thelma put them in one of her private rooms, which was usually reserved for parties. There were sixteen of them counting the two little ones.

  Everyone was making a fuss over Sue Ann and Floyd’s new baby. They had named her Mary Ann. When asked, Sue Ann said, “Well, you know where she got the Ann and if you think about it you’ll know where she got the Mary. It’s just that Jo never uses the Mary part of her name.”

  They all laughed at that and the merriment continued around the two big tables.

  After they ordered, Karen excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. When she was halfway there, she noticed that Jo and Sue Ann were both following her. She smiled at the thought of spending a few minutes with those dear, sweet ladies.

  Karen went straight to a basin to wash her hands and wasn’t too surprised that the others did too.

  Jo spoke first. “Oh Karen we’re all so excited that you and Jason are getting married.”

  Sue Ann snorted. “Yeah we’ve all watched that guy make a fool of himself over you for a year now. It’s about time you put him out of his misery.”

  They all laughed at that and Karen was feeling especially good about her growing friendship with these two women.

  Jo smiled at her again and said, “Well, since your wedding is only six weeks off, we need to get busy.”

  When Karen gave her a puzzled look, both of the others laughed and Sue Ann said, “Well you don’t think we’re going to let you get marred without a shower do you?”

  Karen hadn’t thought about anything like that and said so. “I don’t really expect anything like that. But it’s nice of you to think of it.”

  Jo just shook her head. “Oh no you don’t. We’re going to do this for you. You wouldn’t want Miss Hattie to get mad at us do you?”

  Karen was puzzled again. “Miss Hattie? What does she have to do with it?”

  The other two giggled and Jo said, “Well, she told us that the shower would be at her house and for Sue Ann and me to make all the arrangements. So if you know Miss Hattie at all, then you know that it’s a done deal.”

  Karen laughed then and said, “Okay. I guess you’ve convinced me.”

  Sue Ann leaned toward Karen and said, “Have you two decided where you’ll live?”

  “Oh yes. Since Jason’s townhouse is much larger than mine, we thought we’d put mine up for sale and live in his at least for a few years.”

  They were approaching the table and the others now and Karen touched Jason on the shoulder as she slid into the chair he had pulled out for her.

  Yes, she could certainly get used to his good manners and she had a sneaking suspicion where they came from . . . Granny.

  * * *

  Jason couldn’t help noticing that as soon as Karen left for the ladies’ room, Jo Turner and Sue Ann McCracken also left the table and followed her.

  He didn’t know either one of the women very well, but he had gotten to know Sue Ann some since she and Floyd got married. He knew that she was a nice woman but also one who was capable of doing a lot of maneuvering to get things done.

  So what were those two up to now? Hopefully, Karen would tell him when she got back to the table.

  As he watched the three women approach the table ten minutes later, he wasn’t too sure about the giggles coming from all three of them. Combined with the knowing smiles they were all wearing as they sat back down at the table, he knew something was up. Also, he had a feeling that he had been the subject of their girl talk.

  He jumped up to hold Karen’s chair for her. But then he looked down at her as he sat back down beside her and he was almost hypnotized by those beautiful, bright blue eyes.

  Then her smile finished him off. He was still finding it hard to believe that all those special smiles of hers were just for him now. After a year of waiting for her to decide to give him a chance, he was still just a bit overwhelmed by it all.

  It took him a moment to realize she was talking to him. He shook his head and said, “I’m sorry Karen, I must have been daydreaming.”

  She giggled and said, “But you were looking right at me.”

  He laughed. “That’s the problem. Whenever I look at you like that, I get lost.”

  “That’s sweet Jason. But I was trying to tell you that Granny has already issued the order that a shower will be given for me and it’s going to be held at her house.”

  Jason grinned. “That’s Granny all right. She doesn’t waste any time when she decides to do something. When is it?”

  “I don’t know yet. Jo and Sue Ann are planning it and they said they’ll get back to me soon on a date.”

  At the stricken look that must have suddenly passed over his face, Karen laughed and said, “That’s okay Jason. You won’t have to go to the shower.”

  Relief swept through him. Just the thought of him being the object of a room full of women had made him start to sweat.

  He was still recovering from that scare when he heard a strange musical tone and looked up in time to see Palmer pull out his cell phone and read a text message. He then leaned over and said something in Brandi’s ear before leaving the table.

  Jason still didn’t trust the guy, so he excused himself to go to the men’s room. As soon as he turned the corner out of their private room, he saw that Palmer was headed for the exit.

  As Jason reached the glass doors of the exit, he could see Palmer walking across the parking lot to where a man was standing next to a car. He talked to the other guy or rather listened mostly. Then they seemed to argue before Palmer turned and started walking back toward the restaurant entrance. The other man seemed to be yelling something at Palmer as he walked away from him.

  Jason made it back to his seat before Palmer came back into the room. He wait
ed for Palmer to take his seat next to Brandi before he turned to Karen.

  She was already giving him a look that told him that she didn’t think he’d been to the restroom.

  His suspicion was confirmed when she crossed her arms and said, “Jason were you spying on Larry just now?”

  He just grinned back at her, held up both hands, and said, “Busted.”

  When she didn’t laugh, he leaned close to her and said, “What does this guy Winslow look like?”

  She started to say something else but stopped and said, “Ben? Oh, he’s about your height with dark red hair and brown eyes. Why?”

  Jason frowned and nodded toward Palmer. “That’s what I thought. Our reformed boy over there just met up with Winslow out in the parking lot.”


  She looked a little pale at first then she said, “I hope it doesn’t mean he hasn’t changed after all.”

  Jason was afraid to tell her what he thought so he kept it to himself as he looked over at Palmer again. The guy was really talking it up with Brandi now. Jason swore to himself right then that if the guy was just messing around with Brandi, then he’d make him feel very sorry that he had.

  After dinner and everyone was leaving the restaurant, Karen turned to Jason and said, “Jason, I know what you’re going to say, but please let me finish before you say no. Okay?”

  Jason laughed and touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “Well, what is so important that you have to start out that way?”

  When she tried to glare at him, he said, “Okay, I promise I’ll listen to you.”

  “Okay. I want you to take me by my house to get my car. You don’t need to be coming out there to get me every morning.”

  He opened his mouth to speak and she placed her fingertips on his lips.

  “I don’t want to be out at Granny’s this time without my own transportation. And I don’t think anyone will bother me on the short drive from there to the clinic.”

  When he frowned, she added, “Please Jason?”

  He shook his head. “I sure hope I’m not going to regret this, but okay. Let’s go get your car.”

  They were almost to her townhouse when Karen suddenly said, “Jason? Do you really think that Larry is in with Ben on something?”

  He had to think fast. He wasn’t sure how she would react to what he really thought so he hedged a little. “I’m not sure, Karen. But I’ll find out first thing in the morning. Palmer is supposed to come back off Admin leave tomorrow.”

  That seemed to satisfy her, at least for now.

  * * *

  As soon as Karen was behind the wheel of her car and headed out to the farm with Jason following her in his truck, her mind started going in circles. So much was happening in her life so quickly that she just couldn’t keep up with all of it in her mind.

  When her phone rang, she was rescued from all those thoughts . . . maybe. Her built-in Bluetooth gave the caller ID on her dash and she groaned when she saw that it was her mother. Well this was a good time to talk or rather listen to her mother while she was driving.

  Thankful for the hands free system, she punched the answer button on her steering wheel and said, “Hi Mom. How are you today?”

  There was a pause before her mother said, “Karen, I would like to come over there this afternoon and talk with you. It’s been so long since we’ve had a nice talk don’t you think?”

  Karen’s first thought was that her mom was going to try to talk her out of marrying Jason.

  When she didn’t answer, her mom went on. “I wonder if you could invite this Jason Walker to be present too. I would like to meet him.”

  Karen was still a bit leery but said, “Sure Mom, but I’m not staying at my house right now. Let me give you the directions to Jason’s grandmother’s house. That’s where I’m staying for a while.”

  “But Karen whatever for?”

  “It’s okay Mom, I’ll explain it all when you get here okay?”

  Her mother acquiesced reluctantly and they disconnected just as Karen pulled up to Granny’s house.

  As soon as they were inside and sitting with Granny in her living room, Karen smiled timidly at Jason and said, “On the way over here, my mom called and she’s on her way here right now.”

  Jason looked surprised but before he could say anything, Granny spoke up. “Well, I for one look forward to meeting the woman who did such a fine job of raising you Dearie.”

  Karen flinched at that comment. If Granny only knew. But then when she looked a little closer at Granny, she had a suspicion that Granny did in fact know. There was a twinkle in her eye and a firm set to her jaw. This could prove to be a rather interesting afternoon. One she wouldn’t want to miss for anything.

  Jason finally found his voice. “Are you all right with that Karen?”

  She tried to smile at him and said, “Yes, it had to happen sooner or later. She says she wants to meet you.”

  “Well, that’s good. Isn’t it?”

  She shook her head and said, “Frankly, I have no idea. We’ll just have to wait and see what kind of mood she’s in when she gets here.”

  Karen turned to look at Granny just as the older woman gave her a smile and winked at her. Somehow, that made her feel so much better about the whole situation. And as she thought about it, she realized that she could face not only her mother but her sister too with these two at her side.

  Karen thought once about warning them about her mother being a retired college professor but somehow she didn’t think that would make a bit of difference to either one of them. So she kept it to herself.

  They sat there not really saying much, drinking iced tea for the next forty-five minutes until they heard a car pull up outside.

  Karen rushed to the door and watched as her mother got out of the car . . . alone. She breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t have to face both her mother and her sister this time. Maybe her mother was actually going to accept the situation as it was.

  She opened the screen door and met her mother with a hug once she reached the porch. Her mother remained somewhat stiff during the hug and neither spoke.

  Karen led her mother into the living room where Jason was standing in front of the sofa where they’d been sitting. Granny was still firmly planted in her platform rocker. She just sat there moving the rocker gently back and forth as she studied Karen’s mother.

  “Jason, Granny, this is my mom, Vickie Bierstadt. Mom, this is Jason Walker and his grandmother Hattie Walker.”

  Jason walked over to them and held out his hand, “I’m pleased to meet you Mrs. Bierstadt.”

  She shook his hand and turned toward Granny who was still sitting but she was holding out her hand like a queen to her subjects.

  Vickie paused for a moment then walked over to Granny and shook her hand. Neither woman spoke, as they both seemed to be sizing each other up.

  Finally, Granny said, “Have a seat Vickie it’s good to have Karen’s mother in my home.”

  Then after an awkward few minutes of everyone intentionally not looking at each other and only small talk, Granny broke the silence.

  “What is it you do over there in Springfield Vickie?”

  “Oh, I’m retired now. But I worked for the college for thirty-five years.”

  It was only then that Karen realized that her mom was probably only about ten years younger than Granny. Her mom had been thirty when Karen was born and she remembered Jason saying that Granny was in her early seventies. Hopefully, that would give the two women some common ground.

  Vickie turned to Jason and said, “I understand you’re a sheriff’s deputy?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Karen wasn’t going to let it go at that. “Jason’s a sergeant Mom.”

  Vickie just nodded her head and silence settled over the little group again. Karen didn’t know what to say to break the rather awkward silence and she knew Jason was even more uncertain. In fact, he was looking at her as if he expected her to start
the conversation.

  That was when Granny jumped up out of her rocker and said, “Vickie, why don’t I show you my garden, it’s getting along nicely now that spring has finally sprung.”

  Karen was almost shocked when her mom jumped up and followed Granny out the door with what looked like a relieved look on her face.

  That left Karen and Jason staring at each other wondering what was going to happen next.

  After a moment, Jason leaned over and said, “I love you Karen Bierstadt.” He kissed her and leaned back. “I just wanted you to know that. And no matter what your mother thinks of me, I’m never letting you go now that I’ve finally got you.”

  She smiled up at him and said, “Good because I’m not about to let her or anyone else keep us apart.” And she kissed him back.

  About fifteen minutes later, the two older women came in the door laughing. Laughing? Karen couldn’t remember the last time her English professor mother had laughed like that.

  They all sat back down and had an enjoyable visit afterward.

  When her mom left, Karen was just standing on the porch still in shock. Jason put his arm around her shoulders and said, “Why don’t we go back in and see if Granny will tell us what she said to your mom?”

  As soon as they were seated on the sofa again, Granny started cackling and pointing at them.

  “You should see the looks on your faces.” She sobered and said, “Now, I guess you two would like to know what went on out in the garden.”

  When they both nodded, she said, “Well, it’s plain and simple. I just asked her if she wanted a relationship with her daughter or not. And if she did, she needed to open her eyes and she’d see the love you two have for each other.”

  Karen frowned. “That’s all?”

  Granny giggled. “Well, that’s not exactly the way I said it but it’s the gist of it anyway.”

  Then she cackled again causing Karen and Jason to join her in her laughter.

  For the first time in years, Karen suddenly felt good about her relationship with her mother.

  Then she remembered that someone was still stalking her and it was probably Ben this time. But why? And what would he do next?


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