Her Spellbound Wolf (Sawtooth Shifters Book 5)

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Her Spellbound Wolf (Sawtooth Shifters Book 5) Page 10

by Kristen Strassel

  “You shouldn’t let me?” Lyssie raised an eyebrow. “You just told me that I should do things that scare me. This scares the hell out of me. Is that what it looks like when you pull the alpha male card?”

  I laughed. “What, you don’t like it?”

  She sighed. “I really shouldn’t. But let me tell you a secret. I love it.”

  IT WAS NO SECRET WHERE Ember had set up camp. She and her pack had taken over the villas at The Bald Mountain Resort. It overlooked both Granger Falls and Sawtooth Forest. The town quickly divided over their opinion of her presence. Not only was she harassing many hardworking business owners, but she was also interrupting the life blood of the region—ski season. Rooms were at a premium, and she was taking prime space away from people who spent their money in Granger Falls.

  Not everyone was sorry to see her here. Running a small business was much like skating on a pond. The ice could give way at any time. Ember knew where the ice was flimsy, and some people would’ve gladly sold their stake in town in return for a fresh start.

  Add to that she was gorgeous, cunning, and the most exciting thing that had happened in Granger Falls in my thirty years. Some of us had to be careful what we wished for.

  “Do you ski?” Lyssie asked. “Kiera loves snowboarding, but I’ve never tried it.”

  “Baron does, too. The two of them are having a blast, with their extreme sporting expeditions. I love the mountain as a wolf. As a human, my sport of choice is hockey. I haven’t played this winter. The Lowes have a big Christmas game every year, but it didn’t happen this year since X was in rough shape.”

  Lyssie shook her head. I could see her making a mental list of everything Ember had taken away from us. “Don’t get me wrong. I love winter. I love snuggling under blankets, the cocoa, and the way the air feels when we leave work and its dark out. It’s so crisp. My dream is to open a booth at the farmers’ market and sell my knitted stuff. I might want to use you as a model.”

  “You can use me any way you want, darlin’.”

  We pulled into the parking lot. The villas were the exclusive area of the resort, detached from the bigger hotel. Sleek black SUVs packed the parking lot. Ember didn’t skimp on details. My mud-splattered, beat up truck would trip every warning bell Ember’s pack had, but that didn’t bother me. I didn’t planning on staying here long, and I wasn’t in the mood for hide and seek.

  Lyssie stayed in the passenger’s seat, smiling, when I cut the engine. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  The beautiful thing was I could never tell. She surprised me every day.

  “I love it when you call me darlin’,” she said softly. “Make sure to do it in front of Ember.”

  Two werewolves stood guard outside the largest villa. Ember expected company. Lyssie and I held hands, walking side by side to the door. We received a grunt of acknowledgement from the guards, but they let us pass.

  Lyssie knocked on the door, hard.

  “I want to get this over with,” she muttered.

  Ember answered the door herself. An oily smile slid up the side of her over-made up face. I never noticed makeup on women unless they wore way too much. Always made me wonder what they had to hide. With Ember, I knew.

  “Hey, Dallas. I see you brought us a pet.” Ember stepped toward Lyssie, who grasped my hand, her body tensing, but she didn’t retreat. Maybe the dream had been a premonition. “I knew you’d come to me willingly.”

  “Actually, I came to thank you for your generous donation to Forever Home. You already have a lot of influence in town, Ember. Is it okay for me to call you that? Anyway, people have been matching your donation. A lot of animals are going to find and keep good homes, thanks to you.” Lyssie plastered a smile on her face. Ember would never detect the venom dripping from her sweet tone.

  “You better find them homes. That check serves two purposes. First one will concern you the most. You cash that check, you owe me. But in the grand scheme of things, you’re insignificant, Lyssie. Is it okay if I call you that? The check’s real purpose is a down payment for the purchase of the land your precious little shelter is on. Turns out, it’s way undervalued. No one in this town seems to understand what they have to lose. Which is great for me. Maybe I’ll use that savings to boost wages in the new resort, but probably not. If I learned anything in Montana, it was to protect my investments.”

  “Good, we have something in common,” Lyssie said. I hadn’t expected her to take the lead. She had this. I was familiar with this role. I protected anyone who fought for me, by any means necessary. I’d done it with my brother for years, and I planned to do it for Lyssie for the rest of our lives. “I protect what’s mine, too.”

  Ember burst out in an ugly cackle. There was no question she was an animal. “Listen, human, I’ll use your boyfriend as a chew toy until I get my point across. How long was he sick? There’s only so long his body will be able to take it. So he’s got two choices. He can come to me now proud and willing, or crawl to me weak and broken. Play nurse as long as you want, but in the end, you’ll lose him. This fight doesn’t concern you. Cut your losses, and walk away.”

  I squeezed Lyssie’s hand. Ember figured out how to tap into her worst fear. “If she walks, I’ll follow her. You chase me, I’ll run to her.”

  The tension left Lyssie’s body and she laughed.

  “Why are you chasing someone who doesn’t want you? He’d come to you, if he wanted you. The guys have told us the legends of this forest. Wolves mate for love. Mating by force almost cost them everything. I say almost because there are still these great guys willing to fight for what they want. And this great guy doesn’t want you, Ember.” Her face brightened as her strength blossomed. This was Lyssie’s second chance. Now she had a say in what happened to her. “Sure, you have tons of things I don’t. Money, power, a hot body. And you’re a wolf. I can’t compete with that, can I? On paper, we shouldn’t be having this conversation. I’m crazy to fight you. What do I have to offer, compared to you? But Dallas doesn’t want that. He wants me. I can give him all things you can’t. The things you’re trying to take away. Home. Security. That’s what wolves want, at least in Sawtooth Forest. I fall asleep listening to his heart beat, and we dream the same dreams. I took care of him at his worst, when he was starving and beaten. I did it because it was the right thing to do. Not because I wanted anything in return. I knew someday he’d be wild and free. And that’s why I deserve him at his best.”

  If Lyssie had a microphone, she would’ve dropped it and walked off stage. But no, this Lyssie didn’t back down from a fight. She had no fear. She knew what belonged to her and she’d fight to keep it.

  I couldn’t be more in love with her if I tried.

  “You think I’m only here for your wolf? He’s a fool to resist me. I’ll own this town, and there will be no place for either of you. You can do this the easy way, human, or you can make it hard on yourself. Either way, you’re at my mercy.”

  “Bullshit,” I growled.

  Ember didn’t expect it and stepped back. Good.

  “This is our forest, you’re at our mercy. Your days here are numbered. People around here don’t care about money. They care about tradition and family. And they’re a lot smarter than you think. Your plan will destroy this town. You have us outmanned, that’s no secret. But the wolves of Sawtooth Forest fight for what’s theirs. We’ll fight for the town, and we’ll fight for our mates, no matter who they are.” I slipped my arm around Lyssie’s waist and pulled her against me. “Lyssie saved my life. All you do is destroy things.”

  Ember rolled her eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m looking forward to watching you die slowly, absolutely destitute.”

  “I’ll die in the arms of my mate, with everything I ever wanted.” I led Lyssie away from the door. As far as I was concerned, this fight was over. Ember would drag it out into the town and the forest, but Lyssie said it best.

  We dreamed the same dreams. And mine was to grow old with the
beautiful woman walking beside me.

  “I’m still shaking,” Lyssie said when we got back to the truck. She traced her finger along the line of my neck, squinting in confusion, then repeated the motion on the other side, moving my head so she could get a better look. “The bite mark is gone.”

  “It is?” It had faded to an ugly pink reminder of my encounter of Ember, but refused to disappear. Until now. “You sure?”

  Lyssie’s smile was brighter than the sunshine. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  “You know what that means, right? You’re mine.” I captured her lips in a long slow kiss.

  “I can’t believe I did that.” Lyssie looked out the back window as I started the truck. “She’s still there. I’m surprised that stare down hasn’t melted our skin from our bones. This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.”

  “What are you talking about? You were amazing. I’m so proud of you.” I leaned over and kissed her. We weren’t running away from here. This was our land, and there was no need to burn rubber in the parking lot. “She expected you to run. To hand me over. It undermines her strength, to her pack and ours, that she can’t intimidate a human.”

  “That was the scariest thing I ever did. She could’ve attacked us, or worse, you could’ve gone with her.” Lyssie shuddered. “But you’re still here with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I backed up, waving to Ember, who stood in the doorway, fire burning her eyes. “I’d love to tell you this is over, but it’s just the beginning. We’ll take care of Ember, but there will be something else we have to fight for. I’ll always come home to you, Lyssie.”

  Lyssie exhaled. I’d never seen her smile like this. It took over her whole being, and she’d never looked so beautiful. “For the first time, I actually believe it. There’s always been a little voice in the back of my head, nagging me, telling me I’ll lose anything that’s important to me. But it’s gone. You’re mine.”

  “Damn straight, darlin’.” I was going to have to pull over in the next parking lot and kiss the hell out of her. “I’m yours. Forever.”


  I hope you loved Lyssie and Dallas’ story as much as I loved writing it. The next couple to get their happily ever after is Chandra and X in Her Spellbound Wolf. Find out why Chandra has been bought to Sawtooth Forest, and why she knows so much about the pack. Everyone gets their happily ever after. Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion to the Sawtooth Shifters series!

  One-click Her Fated Wolf Now!

  Sign up for my newsletter to find out about new books: http://www.kristenstrassel.com/shifterlist

  If you love Lyssie and Dallas’ story, make sure to check out Running Wild, the first book in The Real Werewives of Alaska Series.

  The Real Werewives of Alaska is the hottest new reality show on TV.

  Each week, a shapeshifting football player finds his forever mate.

  Wolf shifter Sebastian is putting it all on the line by becoming the Alaska Bloodhounds’ running back. He’s been kicked out of his pack and threatened with death if he sets foot in the state again. Getting involved with a reality dating show? Out of the question. Until he meets his forever mate at the Real Werewives welcome party.

  Naomi’s a commitment-phobe, but when her mom signs her up for The Real Werewives of Alaska, she’s game. Forever mates? Nope. She's on the show to get exposure for her travel blog. But when a smokin’ hot wolf with amber eyes wants to take her on a date, suddenly forever doesn’t seem so bad.

  When his old pack comes for him, can Sebastian keep Naomi safe or will she run?

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  Keep reading for an excerpt from Her Fated Wolf...

  Her Fated Wolf Chapter One


  Another second closer. Every one counted.

  The moon expanded inside my skull, the throb of my heartbeat intensified with the gravitational pull. The second hand of the old clock in the Lowe’s living room slammed forward. The rhythms didn’t complement one another, and my vision became a dizzy swirl.

  Time to shift.

  All my life I’d been forced to hide. Who I was, what I wanted. I couldn’t believe I’d been here a month, among my own kind, and had yet to blow my cover. I was conflicted how I felt about that. My camouflage was like an armor, but the Sawtooth wolves should’ve known one of their own.

  Unless I was so far removed from my wolf they couldn’t recognize it in me.

  Delaney, the only human here, stopped dead in her tracks when she came around the corner. It was a shame she was human, she would’ve made a great wolf, always a little on edge. She couldn’t speak, and many days, I felt like I had no voice, either. I couldn’t tell what she signed to me in the shadows, her hands flailed wildly, repeating the motion.

  “I’m fine.” I backed away from her. “Has anyone shifted yet?”

  She shook her head.

  I should’ve told her what was wrong. She knew it was something. My head was in my hands, sweat trickled down my forehead. Wrong didn’t begin to describe it. This is what I’d wanted my whole life. To run as a wolf in Sawtooth Forest. But I’d been questioned and judged the entire time I’d been here taking care of X. These wolves didn’t trust easily, and neither did I.

  We needed each other.

  “Tell them I’ll be down in a minute.” Everyone was on edge for this shift. X had healed completely from the Christmas night battle, and he insisted on getting revenge on his attackers. He wasn’t the only wolf that had been attacked, and there was a huge score to settle.

  Delaney ran down the stairs. Guess I wasn’t getting an Oscar for that performance. It needed work, in all forms. I stood at the top of the stairs, lurking in the shadows I’d been dying to break free of. Everything seemed normal.

  “Stop worrying, angel,” Shea assured Delaney, taking her in his arms and kissing the top of her head. I loved it when he did that. She was his mate. Well, she was human, so that made her his girlfriend. “This is what we do. We’re wolves. We’re still here. We might have wounds to lick, but we always come back stronger.”

  It might not have helped her, but it gave me comfort.

  X was the only one who noticed I came back in the room. No surprise there, everyone was tangled in their own drama. X’s older brother, Major, was busy with his mate, Cass, and her daughter. Cass had been cold to me ever since I got here, and I had yet to figure out why. X turned to me, his eyes lit up. He’d been standing by the door, tail wagging in anticipation.

  After tonight, I’d finally see him in his human form. My tail wagged at the thought of it.

  I wish they’d hurry up, he said. Wolves could understand each other no matter what form they were in. Delaney would’ve heard something totally different.

  “It’s almost time.” I sank to my knees and roughed his fur. His scent overwhelmed me, this close to my own shift. Earthy, spicy, and hopefully mine.

  He wriggled free, staring at me with those incredible golden eyes. His brothers all had them too. They were gorgeous, with their long, dark hair and rippling muscles. There weren’t any pictures around the house, and I could only dream of what X looked like. You understand me, he whispered.

  I nodded.

  X pushed his snout into the crook of my neck. You’re gonna shift. I can smell it.

  My skin stretched to the absolute limit. I had an overwhelming urge to run, hide. I’d had to do it all my life, find a place to take cover. No one had ever known my true nature. It would cost me my freedom.

  My skin ripped my secret free. Brown fur blossomed over my arms. Long, black claws replaced my fingers as they retracted into paws. Shifting always terrified me. It was one of the reasons I’d studied veterinary medicine, desperate for the answers that no one would give me. When the moon reached its full beauty, my skull snapped, and there was no
more hiding what I was.

  I knew it, X said, smothering me in kisses. I can’t wait to run with you.

  For the first time, I welcomed my shift.

  “Holy shit.” Major whistled low, approaching us. He stopped short of touching me. I wasn’t sure of wolf etiquette in Sawtooth Forest, but it would’ve been as welcome as if he’d grabbed me in a dark alley. “Can’t say I’m totally surprised, but it’s still a shock.”

  “There was never a good time to tell you.” My voice sounded different when I was a wolf. Like it was made of the same things that built the forest, it had grit. “Things have been crazy since I got here.”

  Shea approached, clutching Delaney’s hand. He stopped next to his brother. “I knew there was something different about you. You knew too much about us. But, hey, welcome. You may have noticed, we need she-wolves like whoa.”

  “Yeah, and we don’t have any.” Cass slid her arms around Major’s waist. She’d shift next, her scent overpowered me. “Who the hell is she? I don’t remember a Chandra growing up.” Her expression hardened, and she pulled Major back with more force than I expected. “We’ve had an enemy under our roof the whole time. Is she one of the Montana wolves? What has she done to X?”

  “I’d never hurt him.” Even if I was an enemy, harming a wolf would go against everything that I stood for as a veterinarian. There was no right and wrong, just healing. “I’m one of you. You’ll see tonight. I’ll fight.”

  “No,” Major snapped. “If you’re a Sawtooth she-wolf, we can’t send you into battle.”

  “Please.” All this time, waiting to run, and they were going to hold me prisoner? Hell no. “I’ve never been able to run the forest. Free.”

  “See?” Cass raised an eyebrow. She didn’t have a chance to say anything else, her back arched dramatically, and she fell to all fours, her shift in progress.


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