Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 12

by Alison Jordan

  "Humph, I'll be the judge of that, you know I've been talking to your mom on the phone lately Katarina, and I promised her I'd look out for you like one of my own."

  "Yes I know, she told me."

  Kat seemed just a tad bit intimidated by mom.

  "I didn't see your truck outside, a little bird told me someone got rid of it for you, oh Colton that's just perfect, now she can drive the Volvo..."

  "Mom seriously, I hate that freaking car, why the hell would I give it to my woman to ride around in? Besides, you know good and well I gave it to that mother of five in Glenwoods whose douche bag of a husband left her and took the only means of transportation."

  "Oh yeah, I forgot about that, well that's fine then I guess. So where are we going for lunch, my treat?"

  "Actually I'm taking Kat by Stacy's and Em's place."

  "Oh merciful heavens you're going to paint all over this poor child's body too?"

  "Mom, go home, better yet go find Char or your husband and relax if you know what I mean."

  "Don't tease your mother, just promise me you're not going to cover this child in paint."

  "That my dear mother is none of your concern, what a man does to his woman's body is personal, private, her body belongs to me, get the drift?"

  "Oh my, my..."

  I didn't too much care for the big stupid grin that spread across her face, I could just imagine what she was thinking, if I wasn't careful I'd be hearing wedding bells before long.

  "Let's go Angel, goodbye mother, we'll do lunch some other time."

  "Angel, he calls you Angel..."

  She poked around in her bag for a tissue to wipe the tears that had gathered suddenly in her eyes.

  "Mom cut that shit out, I got things to do, I can't deal with one of your crying jags right now."

  "You go on son, don't mind me, don't forget dinner tomorrow night, Kat you will be there of course."

  "Yes ma'am."

  "Good, you kids run along now and Colton please, keep it small."

  I ignored her and led Kat out of the office.

  * * *

  His sister's tattoo parlor wasn't anything like I expected, the place was spacey and chic with marble floors and gilded mirrors on the walls. The artistes were very sophisticated looking men and women with well coiffed hair and spiffy outfits, nothing at all like one would expect in a tattoo parlor.

  "Why are we here again?" He hadn't exactly been forthcoming about this little field trip. I knew from past conversations that we both wanted me to get tattooed, but nothing had been said lately or not since I moved in anyway. "I've been talking to Stacy about what I want done, we're not starting for at least another couple of weeks though because I'm already taxing my endurance waiting for you to heal, if I tack on another couple of days because of your tats I'd go out of my fucking mind."

  "It hurts that bad?" As much as I liked the idea of a tattoo, I'm not very fond of pain.

  "No, it's not that, it's just that it's going to be a lot of work, especially your back art and it can be very uncomfortable after. We're just here to look at what she's come up with so far and maybe super impose it on your back to see how it'll work out."

  "Who's going to do it?"

  "Stacy and only Stacy, I'll be here with you so not to worry, the rooms are all private so no one else will be able to see you while she's working on you."

  "Hello little brother, hi Kat, I heard you put a smack down on Jennifer, way to go." Stacy came up behind us, she gave me a high five before leading us to her work station.

  "Colt I hope this is what you had in mind, if not we can tweak it to your specifications, you were pretty adamant about what it is you wanted and I tried to get as close as possible."

  She held up a drawing that I thought was phenomenal. The picture depicted me kneeling as if in prayer, with angel's wings protruding from my back. The words Lyon's Angel in cursive was written over my head, it was amazing.

  "Damn sis, this is great, it's exactly what I had in mind."

  I looked on in awe, I'd never seen anything like it, except maybe for Colton's tattoos, his art was all fire and tribal symbols, all manly and hot, this looked very feminine and classy to me, I couldn't wait to get started.

  "I have plans for other parts of your body but that can wait, this is for your back, what do you think?"

  "I love it." Lyon's Angel, wow.

  * * *

  I needed my name on her as soon as possible, to me that was more personal, made more of a statement than a diamond ring.

  Katarina got undressed and straddled the chair so Stacy could do her thing.

  "If you want we can start on the outline." She offered when she was finished lining up the art work on Kat's back.

  "Not today, give us a few weeks, now where's the other one?"

  Stacy brought out the other drawing I'd asked her to work on for me. It was a picture of Kat that would take up my side in a lounging position. Kat's mouth hung open in surprise.

  "You're're going to..."

  "What the fuck Angel?" She broke down in tears, Stacy excused herself while I tended to my crying baby.

  "Hey, what's all this?"

  "You're going to have my face on your body, it's just, it's so...permanent and it says so much and I'm just so overwhelmed."

  "Babe, we talked about this shit yeah, you're my it, my one, what's the problem?"

  She just shook her head as I hugged her, damn I wish I could take her home and love her out of her crying jag. I was going to have to come up with something because this abstinence shit was a pain in the ass.

  "Babe let me talk to you about something." I had a brilliant idea, didn't know how it would work after all everyone wasn't into this shit, but if I didn't get part of me into some part of her soon, there might be serious repercussions.

  She kept looking at me all afternoon after our little talk, thank God she'd said yes to my proposal, the only problem now was that I had a boner the rest of the day just thinking about it. I was tempted more than once to say fuck it and head out, but I couldn't just leave the guys with the heavy load.

  Katarina was a born tease, she kept shaking her little ass at me every chance she got which only made my situation worse, she might fuck around and find herself impaled right there in the fucking office if she wasn't careful and I know she doesn't want that because what I had planned for her might involve a lot of screaming on her part.

  "Baby, cut that shit out." She's looking at my crotch and biting her lip while rubbing her legs together under the desk.

  "I'm not doing anything."

  "My ass, and don't give me that innocent look, that shit'll get you fucked into the ground."


  She made that little noise she always made when I was getting to her. I checked my watch, two more hours shit, I'm not sure I'm going to make it.

  I made it a point to stay out of the office the rest of the day, my guys seemed to know something was up but had the good sense to keep their damn mouths shut, though there were a few snickers and a whole lot of whispering going on. It didn't take me long to find out what the whispering was about when Jared approached me all tongue in cheek.

  "So boss, I was thinking of taking Katarina over to the house to see my dad, he hasn't seen her in a while, I'll have her home by say ten or eleven."

  I looked up at him without saying a word, somehow these fucks had gaged the situation and decided to have some fun at my expense.

  "So you're the sacrificial lamb huh." I wiped grease off my hand.

  "Huh?" He looked at me as if all confused and then looked around at his cohorts.

  "You let those assholes talk you into pulling the lion's tail, which one of them is going to remove my boot from your ass?"

  He jumped back laughing when I got up from my stooping position next to the bike I was working on.

  "Take it easy Lyon, I was just you know, making a suggestion, I can always take her home another time." He ran back to the guys who w
ere laughing and having a grand old time. If I wasn't in such a bad way I would think up some way to make them suffer but as it is, all I could think about was getting my Angel naked.

  There was a chorus of laughter when I checked my watch again for the fifth time in as many minutes.

  "Fuck it, I'm outta here, you fools lock up."

  I paid no attention to their asinine behavior as I made my way to the office. She was busy typing something into the computer.

  "Shut it down, let's go."

  She looked up at me in confusion until she got a good look at my face, her hands flew over the keys as she logged out and shut down. She barely had time to grab her purse before I was pulling her behind me.

  "Shit, your car, fuck...okay you drive, I'll be right behind you."

  I might have to rethink this whole thing with her driving to work in a separate vehicle.

  We made it home in one piece, I had shit to do to prepare for what laid ahead and got to it.

  "Strip babe, I'm going to get shit ready." She went into the bedroom to do my bidding while I gathered what I needed in the bathroom. I was finally going to get some use out of the massage table my crazy mother had set up in my bathroom.

  "Come on babe, let's get this show on the road." I'd unbuttoned my jeans and removed my shirt after washing my hands, couldn't touch my girl with oil stained hands.

  I laid her down on the table but had to steal a kiss before I got started, my cock jumped in it's confinement and a little pre cum beaded and flowed.

  I had the shaving cream, the hot water and the razor next to me on the table, pulling her ass closer to the edge, I spread her legs open so I could see what I was doing.

  With soft gentle strokes, I applied the shaving foam to one side of her pussy lips, I pushed my big thumb inside her moist slit to keep her in place as I scraped the hairs away.

  "Stop moving around before I cut off your clit, you wouldn't want that now would you?"


  She tried to stay still but the little twinges of my thumb in her opening wasn't helping.

  Taking my time I shaved her as bald and smooth as I could before cleaning her up.

  Her pink, wet pussy winked at me, I spread her open and licked her from her rosebud to her clit, she almost came off the table.


  She quieted down while I made another foray through her labia, pushing my tongue deep, sucking up her essence, her pussy was so small and tight it clamped down on my tongue.

  I fucked her pussy with my tongue as I raised her ass higher, inserting my middle finger in her little rosebud, testing her tightness there.

  Her juices ran down my chin as I double penetrated her with tongue and fingers, I had to stop so I could continue with the night's preparations.

  Tonight I was going to fuck her ass, I wonder how well she would take me with the piercings, hopefully she wouldn't tear.

  * * *

  Chapter 19

  I left her in the bathroom to finish getting herself ready after instructing her on what to do. I was about to introduce an eighteen year old girl into unchartered waters, I had to do this shit right for both our sakes or we'd both live to regret it.

  Anal isn't for everyone, I'm not a big fan myself but fuck, this going without for so long was beginning to get to me. Being around her all day, laying next to her at night, it was too much.

  I'd thought I could handle it, but I've been beaten.

  I've been in ...situations before where I've gone for much longer without even thinking about the female, but not with my Angel.

  That's one of the things that cemented it for me, that drove it home that this girl was mine. If she was in the room my complete attention was on her. It's like all else ceased to exist, there was just Kat only Kat.

  She's been practicing her skills on me at night, giving me head, letting me eat her to my heart's content but it wasn't enough, I could never get close enough, I needed to stamp my mark on her, make her crave me the way I was coming to crave her. I couldn't wait for the day when we were totally in sync and I knew that sharing our bodies as often as fucking possible was the quickest way to get there.

  "I'm done."

  She came out of the bathroom all red blush and biting lips. My dick was standing at attention, I don't think my boy has ever been this hard in my life, he looked vicious even to me.

  * * *

  The tattoos that cover his muscular arms and part of his back and chest makes me drip, but the sight of that barbell at the crown of his cock makes me positively delirious, knowing what that thing can do, how it feels when he rubs it against that place deep inside of me, or over my love button, I blush just thinking about it.

  If someone had told me that I would be this sex crazy I would've laughed my ass off, but now I was Colton's little cum slut and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  It has been tough making do with blow jobs and having him go down on me, don't get me wrong, it's fun and I do get to cum lots and lots, but I miss the feel of him moving inside me...

  "Bring my pussy over here, I feel like tongue fucking you for at least an hour..."

  I made my way over to the bed where he grabbed me and pulled me onto my back beneath him.

  "Spread... good girl."

  His hands, oh my,umph.

  "I'm going to make this first time so good for you, but first we've got to get you ready."

  "Yes sir." I watched his eyes flash with heat, I knew what me calling him that did to him, I also knew that I was the lucky girl who would reap the rewards.

  The way he looked at my body made me blush, it's as though he was trying to decide which part of my body to touch first.

  I studied his face, his every move, I saw when his nose flared and a strip of red ran across his cheeks.

  When he raised his eyes to mine, the heat I saw there made my breath hitch and my tummy tighten. I felt wet heat seep between my legs.

  "Fuck..." His nostrils flared again as he used his finger to take that wetness and grease my rosebud as he calls it.

  When he eased his finger inside slowly, gently, I lifted off the bed.



  One finger was nice, two felt amazing and full and like I was about to explode.

  "Good, you're taking my fingers, how does it feel Angel?"

  Now he was biting his lip and looking into my eyes and oh sweet heaven I'm not going to survive this. Breathe Kat, you remember how.

  "Good, feels good...sir."

  The kiss that followed was toe curling and destroyed me, he kissed me like my mouth held the secret to everything that was good in the world.

  I was so preoccupied with that kiss that I barely registered his entry into my ass, until I felt the ring at the head of his cock and what it did to me. He took his time easing into me, his lips never leaving mine, my hair held tight in his fist, holding my head captive for his tongue's onslaught.

  With my legs locked around his waist he started moving in and out, my nails dug into his shoulder and back from the intense pleasure that coursed through me.

  I clenched around him and couldn't let go.

  He tugged on my hair and left my mouth to bite into the vein in my neck.


  I relaxed around him and he started the in and out motion again, his lips wrapped around one of my pierced nipples.


  I came hard and loud which seemed to loosen me up even more as I felt more of his length slip inside, that ring hit against something deep inside and had me seeing double and babbling.

  He wasn't saying anything but when my eyes could finally focus I saw the way he gritted his teeth fighting for control as he watched me.

  I bent double as he suddenly reared up and went even deeper even as he took my mouth again in a heated exchange of tongues and moans. His groin rubbed me just where I needed him most and I came one last time as he emptied himself inside me with a loud drawn out groan.
  Without a word he pulled out and picked me up from the bed, taking us into his shower where he cleaned us both up since I was a limp mess.

  "Do you have any pain?" I could only shake my head no, I felt a little soreness but noting major, I have to admit I didn't think I would like this but I freaking loved it. I'm such a nasty freak.

  "What are you thinking Angel?"

  "Is it bad that I really enjoyed that?"

  "Nothing we do is bad baby, as long as we both enjoy it it's golden." My legs were weak as a newborn lamb's as he dried me off and took me back to bed.

  He held me all throughout the night, one of my breasts held captive in his palm as he curved his body around me from behind.

  * * *

  Life is strange as fuck, here I'd almost given up on finding her, and she just fell into my lap. My perfect mate, the one I would love unconditionally for the rest of my life. I felt everything more with her, everything seemed better, tasted better, felt better, my heart is full.

  "Sleep Angel."

  Colton you can't give me that bike."

  "Why?" I was truly stymied.

  "Because it cost like half a million dollars that's why?"

  She knew her shit.

  She started fidgeting again,she'd been doing that ever since we'd left the house this morning. I'd awakened her with more of the same, only this time I'd had her on her knees. She'd shredded the sheets and drenched us both in her juices, but she's been skittish ever since.

  "Babe, seriously, you gave me your virginity, do you really think a bike is worth more than that?"

  I'd just accepted delivery on her gift, the one I'd ordered especially for her after our first time. I could see the gleam in her eye, her mouth was saying one thing, but her heart something else entirely.

  She walked all around the tomahawk which I'd got to match mine, at least she won't be able to do any stunts on this thing, this was built for luxury not stunts. She probably wouldn't get to use it much because she was going to be on the back of my bike most of the time, but she'd always have it for those rare times I let her ride on her own next to me.


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