Lyon's Crew

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Lyon's Crew Page 15

by Alison Jordan

  She was already writhing, trying to get as much friction as she could to get off, but she wouldn't be able to, not for a long time.

  I warmed up her ass with my palms before bringing the paddle down hard on it.

  "Aiiiieeeee." Her body jumped, I held her down with my hand on her back.

  "You still don't know what you did?"

  She shook her head furiously as I brought the paddle down again and again, each time harder than the last. Her pale skin was already turning red, oh this was gonna hurt for a while. Served her right.

  "I'm gonna keep this up until you figure it out."

  She spent the rest of the night sobbing and pouting while I laid with my hands clasped behind my head still mad. In the end I didn't have the heart to spank her too harshly.

  Her pitiful tears were breaking my heart but I knew they were more because of my silence than from her spanking.

  "Why won't you talk to me, you've already taken out your anger on me, punished me, so why won't you talk to me?"

  I turned my head and glared at her.

  "Do you have any idea who these fucking people are, do you know what could happen to you flirting with that guy, these fucks see a woman or girl in a restaurant eating dinner with her family and decide then and there that they want her and just takes her, never to be seen or heard from again. They pass women around between each other and in some cases have been known to trade a woman for a pack of cigarettes."

  "So why are you dealing with them?" Oh she was fiery was she, stubborn as fuck.

  I pulled her up from the pillow until our noses were almost touching.

  "That's none of your fucking concern, don't ever fucking ask me that shit again."

  "You're just being mean, I didn't mean anything by it, besides you were mad before we left."

  "katarina what the fuck, did you look in the fucking mirror before you left this room?" She had that confused look on her face again.

  "Yeah, so, Carol and I thought it would be something you would like, you didn't like it, well why didn't you just say so?"

  "My sister Carol told you to buy that?"

  "Yeah, why, what's wrong with it, it's what biker girls wear isn't it?"

  I pulled out my phone and not giving a shit about the hour of night I dialed my little sister who was about to get an earful if I could keep it to just that.

  "Carol, yeah, tell me about this outfit you got for Angel, the black one piece leather number...uh huh...a what?" I couldn't help it I busted out laughing and hung up the phone.

  Angel was looking at me like I'd lost my mind but I was laughing too hard to care. When I could breathe again I pulled her under me still chuckling.

  "I fucking love you babe, priceless, the last fucking innocent left in the world."

  She had no idea what I was talking about but yet she smiled and grinned with me, because her man was back to being loving again.

  I think I'll wait until I've finished satisfying us both before telling her that she'd worn her lingerie outside by mistake.

  Chapter 24

  He rolled around the bed with me clutched close to his chest. I was laughing and smiling too though I had no idea why. I don't know what carol had said to make him howl with laughter and I didn't care, all I know is that my Colton was back and that's all that mattered.

  "Baby, where did you buy the outfit you were wearing?"

  "Huh, um, some kind of specialty shop Carol said, why?"

  "What else did they have in the store babe?" He was grinning down at me and brushing my hair off my face.

  I squinted at him because I wasn't sure what he was getting at.

  "Well, they had whips and chains and fake...things but I didn't really pay any attention." I could feel my stupid face heating up, I'm such a dork, I really shouldn't be embarrassed by those things but I am.

  "Babe, it's a sex shop."

  "A what?"

  "A sex shop, she bought that for me yes, but for the privacy of our bedroom."

  "You mean, it's a ...oh my word, Oh My Word, OH MY WORD." I wanted to run and hide in sheer mortification but Colton wouldn't let me.

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I didn't know baby."

  "The other biker sisters saw me, they had to know, they're probably laughing at me right now, I can never face them again." I cried into his chest.

  "Quit it babe, I doubt they noticed, you were only off the bike when we reached the pier and it was already dark by then and before that no one could tell while you were on the bike."

  "So that's why you got so mad."

  "Babe, I told you I didn't know what it was, all I know is that the sight of you in that shit made me want to fuck and I imagined that every man who saw you in it was thinking the same thing and that pissed me the fuck off cause I don't want no other fucker jacking off to my woman's ass."

  "So you do like it." I grinned and poked my tongue out at him.

  "Too fucking cute, now kiss me."

  I was only too happy to oblige, I'd missed him, for those few short hours when he'd been so mad, so distant, I'd missed him a lot.

  "I should really make love to you right now to make up for being a dick, but I so want to fuck you, my dick can't stand all this tension, he's about to bust, I'm going to take just enough time to get you warmed up but then I'm hitting it hard."

  I whimpered in my throat and my panties paid another price.

  "Damn, I sprung another leak."

  "Yeah? let me clean that up for you."

  "When we fuck it should be deep...long...and hard, that's what we're about to do after I eat you first, I need to have you cum on my tongue."

  I pulled her up on her hands and knees pulling her panties down as I kissed my way down her back. I couldn't resist pushing my middle finger into her tight hole, making her pelvis twitch.

  "Uhmmm, yeah Angel, nice fucking pussy."

  I spread her open as she knelt before me her head resting on her folded hands on the pillow, her ass in the air.

  Wetting my four fingers I rubbed them into her cunt before sticking my tongue in the opening, I teased her with the tip until she wiggled her sweet ass and whined, then with my nose pressed flat against her ass hole I frenched her cunt, my tongue drowning in her pussy nectar.

  "I can hear your pussy purring, yum, can't wait to get in there and make that bitch yowl."

  I licked her sweet slit with the flat of my tongue enjoying the way she moved.

  I flipped her over onto her back and dove right back in.

  "Tonight you're taking all of me if it takes all night, I'm not stopping until I'm balls deep in your pussy, then I think I might plug that ass."

  I lifted her ass in my hands and brought her up to my mouth, I didn't even have to tell her to pull on her tits as I raised her legs and threw them over my shoulders.

  Fuck, her pussy was flooding, I tapped her clit, hitting her piercing while my tongue lapped at her.

  My eyes were glued to the way she pulled on her nipples. I had my cock in one hand, stroking, while her legs were on my shoulders, her back arched high off the bed.

  In one fast move I pulled her legs down and impaled her on my cock, she fucking yowled.

  "Told you I was gonna make that pussy yowl, now purr for me Angel."

  I held her by the waist and pummeled her, that's the only way I can phrase it, I used my cock to tell the story. Visions of her tight ass straddling that bike in that tight as fuck leather, oh yeah, we were going back to that shop for sure.

  "Still not deep enough." I pulled out, my cock bobbing like he was searching for the warmth of her pussy and laid next to her.

  "Turn around, reverse cowgirl, now grab my knees, good girl, now rub that wet pussy up and down my cock from crown to base."

  She grabbed my knees and did as I said.

  "Fuck yeah, look at that nice pink cunt, now sit on my dick." She worked her juicy pussy down over the head of my cock and worked her way down.

  "Almost there." I ran my ha
nds up and down her back to her ass, where I teased her with a fingertip. I still wasn't hitting where I wanted to. I needed to dominate the shit out of her, the anger had turned into this burning need to control.

  I eased her off and pushed her head down on the bed as I knelt behind her. I went in easy but with a new twist.

  * * *

  "I can't, I can't."

  "Yes you can, eaaassyy."

  He held my hands behind my back while he knelt behind me with one of my knees raised as he fucked me slow and deep, the thing is, from this angle he's hitting it too deep, but damn does it hurt so good.

  I'm begging him to stop but my hips and ass won't stop fucking back at him. I'm drooling and crying, at least I think I'm crying but it's the best hurt I've ever felt.

  I guess Colton really was on a mission tonight because he wouldn't let up. He was like a madman, pounding and thrusting, stretching my pussy to fit his monster cock. When he pulled my head back by my hair I came.

  The fierce tug on my hair hurt like a bitch, but the pounding in my pussy took my mind off that.

  I'm not sure what got into Colton but he was a beast right now, he growled instructions at me.

  "I want that ass higher."

  What's a girl to do, I lifted it higher, he dug deeper and I came again, harder.

  We spent quite a few hours at it, there was a point where I just cried my way through my orgasms because I was so overwhelmed, my body had never felt anything like it.

  Afterwards Colton cleaned us both up and put me to bed, the sheets were a mess but we were both too tired to care. That night I slept wrapped in his arms feeling loved and secure once more. I could go the rest of my life without another day like today.

  There were only two days left before our trip, if we worked it right it should take us about two days to get there, but that would involve some hard riding. Angel was on the back of my bike for that one no questions asked.

  I had to work it so that no one connected what was about to happen to her being home for the weekend.

  She needed her mom, the two of them were close and after that one time when I'd had to put Tina in her place for making my girl cry, she'd been on her best behavior. I wish I could give her this under better circumstances, but it is what it is.

  The guys were hyped, we had already decided on a plan of action, I still gave them an out if they needed it but they all said the same thing, they were all in.

  Kat was bustling around the office doing her thing and I was grinning all day like an ass, not even the crew's teasing could get me out of my groove. I'd nailed my baby in the shower this morning after she'd gotten me nice and hard with her mouth, there's no better way to start the day if you ask me than to have your woman's screams ringing in your ears from a good hard riding.

  It's been hours since we've been at work and I finally took a break from the shop to do some work on the computer, for some reason I had Angel come sit in my office and work on the laptop, I just needed her near after the fucked up day we'd had yesterday.

  * * *

  I can't believe the person I've become with Colton, don't get me wrong I love it. I love sucking his cock, and having him do all those things to me, like tying me up, oh and when he pulls my hair I just wanna swoon. In fact I think have a time or two.

  It's amazing how I can be this way behind closed doors and still be the same innocent girl to the rest of the world, it makes me wonder what secrets other people are hiding.

  When he's not inside me I miss him, I'm learning how to take all of him inside me but it's not easy. We used lubrication at some point last night but I'm just too small to fit all of him in any of my holes, he'd said we won't stop though until he fit and he meant it, by the last round last night I was taking him all the way in but with a little discomfort. He'd said after that that we'd work on it some more. I can't wait.

  "What are you thinking about and blushing over there?"

  Shit, I thought he was reading order forms on the computer.

  "Nothing..." My voice squeaked.

  "Come 'ere." Shit he was giving me that look, that panty melting look he got just before I got a pounding.

  I walked over to his desk trying to keep my legs together, my kitty was juicing something awful.

  Of course he put his hand right up my skirt and inside my panties. Taking his fingers out he smelt them before licking my juices from them.

  Opening his pants he took out his rod which was already wet with pre cum.

  "Ride him..."

  Chapter 25

  It's crunch time, we're on the road, I've got twenty of my men with me, they've brought along their old ladies as cover since we're supposedly using this trip as our annual road trip.

  Mom and Char are manning the phones as they usually insist on doing, Em is running things for the week or so I'll be gone and I'd left four guys at the garage and then there were the other crew members who worked elsewhere who will keep an eye on the town and our remaining families, like I said, I never leave my town unprotected.

  Katarina was having a blast, we'd been riding for a good six hours already and it would soon be time for a break for the girls, if it was just us guys we could go for another couple hours at least, but we had to make sure our women were taken care of.

  I pulled into the parking lot of an out of the way steak house we'd been to before, the food was spectacular for a place in the middle of nowhere. They must have great word of mouth too though because the place was always packed.

  I looked over my shoulder at her overexcited face. "Can you get down or do you need me to lift you off?"

  She sighed and laid her head against my back. "Just one more minute and I can do it myself." I gave her her minute while the rest of my crew walked by us with their smart ass comments.

  "Your girl's green boss, gotta toughen her up." That was followed by,

  "Come on champ shake a leg." She just groaned and held onto me tighter.

  "My legs hurt." She whined which for some reason I found adorably cute.

  Jared took his life in his hands by offering to take her off the back of my bike.

  "Get the fuck outta here Storm."

  "Geez Lyon, take it easy will ya, just trying to help."

  "Yeah, your help might get your ass kicked."

  "Colton stop picking on Jared."

  "You be quiet spider monkey."

  "Hey." She punched my side with her tiny fist making me laugh.

  "Well you're clinging to me like one, you ready?"

  "Yes sir."

  I just looked back at her with a raised brow,"You like playing with fire don't you Angel?"

  "What you gonna do about it?"

  "Fancy being fucked in a restroom in Oregon do you?"

  "Ooh can we?"

  "Geez Katarina, didn't you get enough this morning and last night?"

  "Well yeah, but it's sooooo good." She grinned and winked at me.

  "You just have newness fever, in a couple weeks you won't be so horny all the time."

  "What's the matter old man, too tired to keep up?"

  "Oh ho we got jokes, okay hot stuff you're on." She actually clapped her hands in anticipation. I wondered if she realized how much she'd changed in the short space of time we'd been together, from the way she dressed to the way she spoke, even her laugh was different.

  She still has moments when she would go into her little shell, but those were becoming few and far between.

  Catching her neck in the crook of my elbow I followed the guys and girls into the restaurant, with a headcount of forty two they decided to give us the private room in the back which is a good idea since my boys didn't know how to act at chow time and we needed room to spread out, because when we were on the road we were Lyon's Crew, we tended to leave the sophistication back home, shedding it like a cheap veneer, not that we didn't remain complete gentlemen, but can you imagine the kind of attention we got when we rode forty strong and sometimes more?

  Chicks came out of the woodw
ork, dudes sized us up and some lesser beings aka ass hats even went so far as to pick fights with us, so on the road our bikes shone to a high gleam, our leathers were fuck awesome and our faces said 'danger, fuck with us at your own peril'.

  We've been known to close down a bar or two here and there, usually when some asshole got grabby with one of the sisters, that was a big fucking no no.

  It was hot as Hades backyard outside and the first thing I noticed after we were seated around the long ass table was that the air-conditioning made my girls' nipples pucker to the point that I could actually see the imprint of her piercings. Removing my leather vest I threw it over her shoulders, helped her pull her arms through and closed up shop.

  I guess she knew what I was doing because she just rolled her eyes at me, shrugged her shoulders and picked up her menu.

  "Have the steak it's good here."

  "But I want chicken fingers and french fries." She gave me the pouty lip, yeah she wanted to get fucked alright, she was pulling out all the stops. Little did she know that there's no way I'd ever fuck the future mother of my kids in some seedy out of the way bathroom.

  "You can have fries with your steak, it might be hours before we stop again you're not eating chicken fingers as a meal."

  The waitress came over to take our drink orders, I didn't tell my guys what they could or could not do but they knew there was a two-drink maximum when we were riding and if it was hard liquor that was cut down to one. I didn't take chances with peoples' lives and if anyone of them showed that he couldn't handle his liquor he'd better stick to soda or juice or his ass would get left behind in whatever town or city he fucked up in.

  I ordered Angel a banana shake since she loved the fuck out of those things and got myself a club soda and lime. There's no way I was riding with my baby on my bike while I'd been drinking, not gonna happen.

  My guys thank fuck, followed suit and that's why they were my guys, they use their heads. After the waitress had gotten about halfway through, this chick Samantha came over to the table, fuck, I'd forgotten all about her trifling ass, no we'd never fucked but she always gave it her best shot whenever we came through.


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