Boss’s Secret Baby for Christmas

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Boss’s Secret Baby for Christmas Page 4

by Black, Natasha L.

  I nodded to myself and grabbed my jacket. “Wendell, I’m headed out,” I told my assistant as I passed his desk. I briefly saw the way that his eyes widened, but I hurried past him before he could comment. The last thing I wanted was to have to try to explain myself or to come up with some sort of excuse for my behavior.

  It felt like I didn’t breathe again until I was down on the sidewalk outside the building. I shook my head, feeling silly. What, was I running away from her? All in the name of physical attraction? That was ridiculous.

  First of all because it wasn’t like I couldn’t handle myself. Second of all because I, Adam Parker, didn’t have to run away from anything.

  In any case, there was nothing I could do now but figure out some other way to occupy myself for the evening. I considered heading to the nearby bar and getting a drink. Usually, that could help. Except that it would probably be pretty dead in there, as early as it was, and if I managed to find someone attractive that I might want to go home with, chances were I was going to find myself comparing her to Mindy.

  Wouldn’t that be awkward, even if it was only in my head.

  So no, maybe not the bar. Instead, I turned my footsteps toward the gym. Frustrations like these, the best thing I could do would be to take them out on a punching bag. Hopefully I could get it all out of my system, and the next time I saw Mindy, I’d be able to forget all about the lust I could never act on.

  I knew it never worked that way, but that didn’t stop me from lying to myself for a couple hours about it, pretending I was sated when I was anything but.



  Friday evenings at the bar that Risa worked at were becoming pretty common. It was a good way to blow off a little steam at the end of the week, and Vera and I were getting along really well, in spite of the fact that we were technically competing with one another for a full-time job.

  Adam had given me no hints of what he was thinking that day I had been into his office, and I just didn’t know what he thought of me. Was he willing to forget about the fact that I had practically bowled him over in the middle of the hallway? For all I knew, he had already made a note that I was a spaz who they should never hire.

  Tonight, though, Vera wasn’t there at the bar with me. She had a date, although she wouldn’t tell me any of the details of it. I didn’t plan to stay long, but I did want to check in with Risa, maybe catch up a little during one of her breaks if possible. To be honest, I was kind of glad that Vera wasn’t there that night; it would mean that I could slip out early and head home. It had been a long week, and I was tired.

  I didn’t want to admit it, but my sleep hadn’t been particularly restful ever since my meeting with Adam. Between worrying about what he must think about me and imagining him without a shirt on? I was having a hard time not dreaming about him. I was doing everything I could to keep things totally professional, but he was so darned good-looking. Not to mention the feel of the muscles through his shirt as I bounced off of him was enough to keep me up thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts.

  I couldn’t seem to quit staring every time that I had seen him that week. Which, granted, hadn’t been all that often. It was as though I had a sixth sense that was specially attuned to his presence, however. Whenever he was even remotely in the same area as me, I felt a little prickle of excitement go through me, and as soon as I looked over, sure enough, there he was.

  All six foot two inches of him, from his carefully windswept blond hair to his large, tanned hands, and well-clad body.

  When Vera had told me that she couldn’t come to the bar that night, my first thought had been to say something to Adam about it. I knew he frequently went to the same place. Even though we had never interacted at the bar before, surely it wouldn’t be too terrible if we did?

  I had held back, though. Part of it was nervousness. What would we even talk about? I thought the conversation had gone smoothly enough there in his office, but when I thought back to it, I realized that it hadn’t actually been much of a conversation at all. Rather, I had talked and talked, without really asking him anything at all. He had mostly just listened to me babble on.

  I could kick myself for that. I mean, sure, I had asked the one question there. That had really been my opportunity to get to know my new boss, a man who I found attractive. Who knew if I would ever get the opportunity to ask him questions about himself again? Not only that, but it had been my chance to impress him with an interesting question, but I had only blurted out a question that basically echoed the one he had asked me. So much for brilliance.

  No, it hadn’t been a conversation. Besides, then I had been talking about things I knew: my reasons for becoming a designer and the things I had done already since coming in as an intern. Now that all those topics of conversations had already been covered, well. Who knew if we had anything else in common at all?

  So, I didn’t ask him to meet me at the bar. If we ran into one another, maybe we would say hi. Otherwise, I’d just check in with Risa and then head home to bed. That was what I had resolved.

  I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when I didn’t see Adam in there. Nor did I get a chance to really catch up with Risa. She got a partial break, but things were busy for her, and she got called back behind the bar before we’d really gotten a chance to talk.

  I was just getting ready to leave when a guy cornered me, a leering grin on his face. He was attractive enough, I guess, but he wasn’t really my type. Short dark hair, pointed face, dark eyes. Something about him triggered all the warning bells in my head, and it only became more obvious as he made a pass at me and I told him I wasn’t interested, that he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “Come on, you don’t want to go home already,” he complained, fencing me into the corner with his body as I tried to get my coat on. “Unless you want to go home with me, that is.”

  “Look, I told you I’m not interested,” I said, trying to lean around him so that I could get Risa’s attention. But there were too many people between us, and it wasn’t working. I felt a thrill of danger go through me as I thought about what my other options would be.

  Before I could act on any of them, however, I heard another male voice. And there he was, acting as my knight and savior.

  “She said no. I suggest you run along. Now.”

  The guy looked up at Adam. For a second, it was clear that he was sizing up his opponent. He would be no match for Adam in height or muscle, though, and he clearly realized it. His face twisted with bitterness, but finally, he left.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, my shoulders slumping as the adrenaline left me.

  “Are you okay?” Adam asked, concern in his voice.

  I nodded, trying to open my mouth to thank him. I couldn’t seem to get the words out, though. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my beating heart.

  “Come on,” Adam said, his hand gentle on my shoulder as he steered me out of the bar and toward a waiting vehicle.

  I knew I should tell him no, but I was still in shock. Anyway, Adam was one of the good ones. I was sure of it. After all, he had just saved me. That said, as we headed back to his place, I knew I should tell him to take me home. But I didn’t.

  The next thing I knew, I was sitting at his table drinking a mug of steaming black coffee. That revived me a little, and my earlier words of gratitude came spilling out.

  “Thanks for that, back there,” I said. “I was trying to get the guy to leave me alone, but he just wouldn’t, and…” I forced myself to shut up, knowing I was babbling.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Adam said, looking vaguely uncomfortable. He had been sitting across from me up until then, but now he got up and started puttering around, looking as though he was looking for something to occupy his hands. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “I am. Thanks to you,” I said.

  Adam flashed me a smile. There was still something troubled about his gaze, like there were more questions lurking there behind his e
yes. What I wouldn’t give to talk candidly with him. He was making it very clear, though, that this was just as uncomfortable for him as it was for me—although probably for very different reasons.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I was there in his home. That we were mere steps away from his bedroom. Unlike the guy earlier in the evening, Adam was definitely my type, and then some. He was one of the most attractive guys I had ever laid eyes on. I couldn’t seem to stop staring at him.

  Adam raised an eyebrow at me. “You’re staring,” he said, and even though there was a factual element to what he said, there was teasing in his tone.

  As for me, I was obviously out of my mind, as I blurted out, “You’re stupidly good-looking.”

  For a moment, we just stared at one another, but before I could feel mortified, he started laughing, and after a slight hesitation, I joined him, laughing helplessly at the words that had just come bursting out of my mouth.

  In a weird sort of out-of-body experience, I saw myself get to my feet and walk around the table. I saw myself grab him by the lapels of his work shirt and pull him down toward me. I saw myself kiss him.

  Then, it was as though time sped back up again. We were making out heatedly, our lips pressing hard against one another’s, our tongues twisting and twining. I moaned against his mouth, and that only made him pull me closer, his hands tight on my hips.

  We kissed until we were breathless and then kept going. Suddenly, he scooped me into his arms, causing me to gasp. He carried me into his bedroom and tossed me on the bed, savagely stripping me out of my clothing even as he continued to kiss at my lips, to nibble at my jaw, to nuzzle at the soft space beside my ear.

  I had never felt so filled with lust before. It burned through me, causing tingles to run up and down my spine. I felt as though I couldn’t stand it any longer, as though I needed him inside of me or else, or else… I didn’t even know what I thought would happen if I didn’t get that. I simply knew that I couldn’t stand it. I needed this. I needed him.

  I had never slept with a virtual stranger before, but there was never a thought in my head to stop him. I might not know him all that well, but I could tell he would treat me right. I was sure of that, if nothing else.

  We pressed naked against one another, arching in rhythm with the pulse of pleasure spilling through us both. His fingers found their way between my legs. He teased my opening before pressing his hard cock up against the same spot, thrusting easily into my slickened core.

  There was barely a pause for me to catch my breath, but the quickness of his movements had me gasping out his name, my fingernails digging into the hardened muscles of his shoulders. I rocked into each thrust, whimpering as he slowed down, teasing me. I could feel his smile against my skin. “God, you’re so wet for me,” he growled quietly, his voice husky with passion.

  “For you,” I gasped mindlessly in affirmation. “Just for you.”

  He groaned at those words, his hips snapping into mine, picking up the pace again, until there was barely any time at all between the pull and the push. We moved so beautifully together, and as heated as my body had been before, the passion was even hotter now. I felt as though I would be swallowed alive by it, as though surely it had reached its peak.

  It was his fingers stroking the nub of my pleasure that sent me spiraling over the edge, crying out his name. I came harder than I had ever come before, harder than I could ever have hoped to come, and oblivion swallowed me up before I had time to think too hard about what I had just done.



  I felt a sense of disquiet even before I opened my eyes the following morning. It had taken me awhile to get to sleep the night before, even as Mindy had passed right out. It had taken everything I had not to go into the guest bedroom to sleep instead. But I hadn’t wanted her to wake up feeling as though I had abandoned her.

  I stared down at Mindy as she continued to sleep that morning. In sleep, she looked even younger than she actually was. I thought back to her file: twenty-four years old. That meant that she was twelve years younger than me. In spite of the fact that she had been the one to start things the night before, I knew that I should have stopped them.

  I was her boss for God’s sake.

  I had already had all the reasons in the world not to sleep with her. I had known her age, and I had known the fact that she was an intern with my company. I had known that I wasn’t looking for more than a one-night stand where she was surely looking for more.

  I had known all the reasons that this was a terrible idea, but I had let myself be swayed anyway.

  But the fact that she had been the instigator of the kiss did little to assuage my guilt. I had known exactly what I was doing, bringing her home. I had known I was tempting fate. That said, I had been sure I could keep my hands to myself. She could sleep in the guest room, and I would sleep alone like I normally did. I wanted her, but I could surely control my impulses for just one night.

  I had just wanted to make sure that she was okay. She had looked so scared at the bar, so pale. I had wanted to punch the asshole who had made her feel that way. From the other side of the room, it had been obvious to me that Mindy wasn’t interested in him.

  In any case, what was done was done. The only thing to do was deal with what had happened. There had to be some way to get out of this without hurting her and without ruining either of our careers.

  The truth was, the previous night had been good—really good. It wasn’t like I didn’t have anything to compare it to either. Except that I really didn’t have anything to compare it to. I had a hard time thinking back to a night of sex that had been half as good as that.

  I could only imagine what it would be like to go for it again, to really take our time, to tease her, to bring her to the brink again and again. If I could make her come a second and a third time, maybe more, what would that look like? What sort of noises would she make?

  There was a big part of me that just wanted to curl my body around hers, to kiss her awake, to bring her breakfast in bed. Was that just the part of me that missed having a wife around? I didn’t think so. In any case, I knew I couldn’t do that. She was my Employee.

  I didn’t know what the future held for us, but it definitely wasn’t a lovey-dovey, breakfast-in-bed kind of relationship. That was simply impossible for me.

  I could feel a headache coming on, so I carefully slipped out of bed, leaving her slumbering there as I went into the kitchen to make some coffee. I contemplated making some breakfast, but I didn’t know what she might like. Anyway, I knew it would be better for both of us if I didn’t make it seem like she should stick around. It would be better for her to head out sooner rather than later.

  I drummed my fingers on the counter, indecision after indecision warring inside of me as I wondered what to do. Should we talk about it? Should we pretend that nothing had ever happened? It seemed like an eternity until the coffee was done. I poured a mug for myself but had barely taken a sip of it when Mindy came into the kitchen wearing her clothes from the night before.

  “Um, good morning,” I said, not feeling my usual suave self. “Did you want some coffee?” Mindy laughed and shook her head. I frowned, not understanding what was so funny. Finally, I asked. “Are you okay?”

  Mindy nodded. “Yeah, sorry. It’s just the irony of it.” I frowned, wondering what that meant. But before I could ask, she continued. “Well, I’m off to work now.”

  I frowned deeper, not understanding that comment either. “Work?” I said. “We don’t usually work on the weekends, not unless we have a new and important client.”

  “Oh, I know,” Mindy said, turning back to me from where she’d already been headed toward the door, like she couldn’t get out of there quickly enough. She nodded toward my coffee, flashing me a grin that was at odds with the way she was hurrying to be gone. “I work at a coffee shop on the weekends to help pay the bills. Hence the irony of you offering me coffee.”

  I bl
inked, processing. I supposed that all made sense. But before I could say anything else, she was gone. I stared at the spot in the kitchen that she had vacated, wondering how the hell I had lost control of the situation, or if I had ever even had it in the first place.

  I shook my head and then downed my coffee, wincing at the bitter taste. She was perplexing, that was for sure. But there was something about that grin she had flashed me right there at the end that was hard for me to forget.

  I headed into my room to pull the sheets off my bed, not wanting the memory of her to stay around for too long. I knew I had to stop thinking about her, at least in that way. It was just a relief to see that she seemed to not want to dwell on this either. Maybe it had just been a one-night thing.

  It had been a mistake, and I didn’t make a habit of dwelling on my mistakes for any longer than I had to.



  The weekend was flying by. I could barely believe that my Sunday shift at the coffee shop was already done and I was hanging up my apron until the next weekend. I felt as though I had barely had any time yet to process the fact that I had slept with Adam. Now, it was almost time to go back to work.

  I was trying not to think too hard about it. I wanted to be the kind of girl who was cool with whatever life and relationships threw at her. I mean, it wasn’t like Adam and I could really have a relationship, could we?

  At the same time, Friday night had been amazing. As much as I was trying not to admit it even to myself, sleeping with him had been something of a big deal. I mean, I was twenty-four years old and not exactly a virgin, but I also hadn’t been with a lot of other men. There had been only one actually, my college boyfriend, and the experiences hadn’t been anything like what it had been like with Adam.


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