Notes on His Pillow

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Notes on His Pillow Page 35

by Diana Currie

  "You guys ready for movie night?" Tommy asks.

  "Yeah! "Yay!" they reply.

  "Nikki had tons of DVD's. You're cool with them watching Good Will Hunting, right?"

  My eyes bulge and Tommy begins laughing. "Calm down, I'm teasing. She's got Mary Poppins cued up," he says still smiling.

  "Jerk," I reply slapping his arm. Tommy grabs his arm and winces pretending that my wimpy slap actually hurt him.

  “Mommy, don’t hurt Daddy!” Gabby says seriously. Tommy pulls her in front of him like a human shield to protect himself. I smile and chuckle at his playful antics.

  "Hi Amanda," I suddenly hear as Nikki walks up behind Tommy to stand beside him.

  "Hey, Nikki," I greet awkwardly. "How have you been?"

  "I'm good. And you?"

  "Very well. Thanks."

  I kick the pavement with my sneaker. This is more awful than I anticipated. Gabby takes her book bag from me and I give her an extra long hug goodbye. Tyler is already in the apartment and just waves.

  "Tommy, step outside with me a minute?"

  He glances at Nikki who just smiles more widely. Maybe this confrontation is difficult for her too. Tommy asks her to check on the food and she goes back into the apartment without another word. He closes the front door and steps onto the concrete porch with me.

  "What's up, Mandy?"

  "I'm having dinner with Adam tonight. We're going to Sarah's with Rebecca and Eric."

  "Okay," he says not understanding where I'm going with this. I'm not quite sure either, but feel like there's something I need to get off my chest.

  "I've been thinking all week about what to do about these new relationships we have. It's going to be impossible to be seen out with Adam or Nikki without the town talking. Even if we both profess to be just friends with them the town won't believe it."

  "So what are you saying?"

  "I guess I'm saying that I want to tell the kids that you and I both have new friends. Not that we're boyfriend/girlfriend with them, but that we've both met people that make us happy and then just ask them if they have any questions."

  "But I'm not dating Nikki," he insists.

  "I know. But she lives here. Once the town figures that out you won't be able to convince them otherwise. And seriously, Tommy? Who do you think you’re fooling?"

  "I'm not trying to fool anyone. I'm pacing myself. I'm not sure that I'm ready for the possibility of getting my heart broken again just yet."

  His honesty surprises me. "Really? I feel that way about Adam too. It's scary."

  "Yeah. Nikki has always been a little flighty. I don't know if I can trust her when her longest relationship was three months."

  "I understand what you're saying about Nikki, Tommy, but trust me. It would be different with you."

  "You think?"


  Tommy smiles shyly. "Thanks, I think. It's weird talking about this with you."

  "I know. Hopefully someday it won't feel so weird."

  "Yeah, well, in the meantime while it's still weird let’s just keep calling Nikki and Adam our friends. Has Ty asked you anything yet?"

  "No, but it's been harder to hide from him than I expected. I want to say something to him soon before he starts to wonder."

  "Should we talk to them together?"

  "That might confuse them to see us sitting together but talking about other people, don't you think?"

  "Okay, however you want to handle it. I better get inside. Have a good time tonight," he says sincerely. I can see he's eager to end this difficult conversation.

  "Thanks. Enjoy movie night."

  I drive home thinking over a lot of concerns lurking in the back of my mind. Maybe I should have told Tommy how serious Adam and I have gotten; that he loves me. It worries me that I might be getting too involved with him too soon, but I know in my heart there was no stopping it. I tried for weeks with no success and it feels good to finally be letting him in. And I'm still dreading the kid's reactions to their mom and dad dating. Tyler has been getting better with change in the past year. I suppose part of the reason is because he's been exposed to so much of it, and also because he's becoming more mature. When he was Gabby's age something simple like trading in his old dirty sneakers for a new pair would be a struggle. Now he's excited for new things. He and Gabby like Dr. Adam; maybe the news won't be as difficult to handle as I fear.

  Adam and I arrive at Sarah's before my friends and we pick a booth where they'll be able to see us from the entrance. I notice Rachel isn't behind the bar tonight and wonder if maybe she has the night off. I was looking forward to seeing her. A few people notice Adam and me sitting together on the same side of an otherwise empty booth and I'm sure they are coming up with theories about why we're here. I try not to let it show how much that bothers me. I'm wearing a red sleeveless top with tight black jeans and Adam is in equally dressy casual attire. My nerves get the better of me until Rebecca and Eric arrive and we finally look more like a group of friends out for a drink.

  I always have fun with Rebecca and now that she is dating Eric her personality has really blossomed. She's more talkative and sure of herself; it's a joy to see. And they seem so in love. Eric's always smiling when he looks at her and keeps his arm around her shoulder most of the night. Adam gets along great with Eric; they can talk sports, politics, and movies. They talk to one another happily while Rebecca and I catch up. A few times I notice people around the bar watching our table but Adam is conscious of the situation and refrains from touching me all evening.

  About an hour into our double date Adam receives a text message. My first thought is that there's an emergency at Dr. Brickman's office but then he smiles as he reads the message. "My younger brother is coming to town next weekend," he announces.

  "Alexander?" I ask.

  "Yes, and he's bringing Paige too," Adam says as he types a reply message. "Would you come to my parent's house on Sunday to meet them?"

  "Really? Meet Alexander and Paige?"

  Meeting Andrew and Bianca was nerve wracking but I think I held my own with them. I don't know why but the idea of meeting Adam's other brother is even more intimidating. Perhaps it is because this time I will be introduced as Adam's girlfriend. I'm also a little worried Alexander will try to pull a quarter out from behind my ear.

  "Is Paige his wife?" Rebecca asks.

  "Yes," Adam answers as he tucks his phone back into his pocket. "They live in Atlanta and finally have a weekend free to come visit. I haven't seen him in six months."

  "Oh, and your other brother is building your house, right?" asks Eric.

  "His team is building it; they're about three weeks into the project. Andrew comes down a few days a week but he lives around Atlanta too and has business to attend to there as well. He won't be here next weekend, Amanda, if that makes coming to the party easier on you," Adam says to me.

  "Why are you nervous about going to the Brickman's, Mandy?" Rebecca asks with concern in her voice.

  I feel my face flushing with all three of them staring at me. How can I explain my feelings right? "Adam's whole family is very enthusiastic about us being together. I guess we'll make your mother very happy with the news, huh?"

  Adam smiles at me. "Only if you're ready to tell them."

  "I don't want to lie to them any longer. And besides, they all knew we should be together before we even did. If the party is Sunday I'll have Tyler and Gabby with me, is that alright?"

  "That would be no trouble at all. They're great kids. Maybe Alexander will do a few tricks for them," Adam suggests.

  Rebecca and Eric looked confused. "Alexander is a professional magician," I explain. "He does shows for local theater, office and birthday parties, and other functions like that."

  "What a cool job!" Rebecca exclaims.

  Adam chuckles. "He's always been a performer, ever since he was about five. My mother's been known to hide his props so he won't turn her elegant parties into spectacles of magic and illusion."
  Eric laughs. "I wanna meet this guy sometime, Adam."

  "Will Caroline make an exception for Tyler and Gabby, you think?" I wonder.

  "Of course, baby," Adam says taking my hand in his. "And Sunday will be low key, I promise. Alexander and Paige, and my mom and dad. That's all."

  I smile and squeeze his hand encouragingly. "Okay, then I would love to come meet them. And we can tell them that we're together." Saying so out loud reminds me that I hadn't intended on telling everyone in Swainsboro that Adam is my boyfriend so even though it hurts me to do so I take my hand back from his grasp as inconspicuously as possible and shove it under the table.

  Adam understands what I did and leans in to whisper to me, "There aren't as many eyes on you as you think, Amanda. Except mine, of course. And when I get you home it will be more than just my eyes."

  I shiver with anticipation.

  When Adam pulls the car into my driveway an hour later I know exactly what I want. Alone time with Adam. By that I mean naked alone time. But I don't know if we should stay at my house or go to the B&B. The walls are so thin at Thatcher's and we have other guests right now, so although it feels a little strange for me to consider being with Adam in my home I decide it's the wiser option.

  Adam surprises me by kissing me in the car. I think maybe he's preparing to convince me to let him come inside. Tonight he needn't worry. I smile widely at him when he pulls back and say, "I hope that wasn't a good night kiss because I was about to invite you inside."

  The relief is evident on his face. "You're sure?"

  Nodding I push the door open and step out. Adam follows me to the front door as I hunt for my key. His hands come up to my hips and I love that he's so eager to touch me. When I push the door open and flip on the light I remember just how messy the house is. Tyler left a lot of toys in the living room and Gabby's dolls are still having a tea party at the kitchen table.

  "I'm sorry about the all the toys. This place looks like a toy store," I begin to say.

  Adam shuts me up mid apology by closing the door behind us and lifting me into his arms. He wraps my legs around his waist and presses me against him hungrily. "I know that children live here, Amanda. Toys on the floor are no shock to me. All I want to know is where we're doing this."

  I smile despite my nerves, knowing exactly what he's talking about. Adam has sex on the brain too. I drop my purse by the door and wrap my arms tightly around his neck. "My bedroom. I want you so much," I say and press my lips to his.

  Adam carries me all the way upstairs and into the master bedroom. He's the first man since my husband to be in here. I thought that would feel weird, like maybe it would be wrong to ever share this space with someone new, but now that Adam is here I realize that who I chose to bring in here makes all the difference. It would have been wrong to let Brett, excuse my language, fuck me in Tommy's bed. It's a completely difference experience with Adam because our relationship has grown slowly and I'm surer than ever that he belongs here with me. I’m sure that I love him. After tonight I won't think of this as my ex husband's bed any longer.

  Adam sets me down gently on two feet and his sweet smile is more reassurance for my heart. I know he wants to rip my clothes off, I want to do the same to him, but yet he is cautious and waiting for a signal that I am okay with this.

  "Love me, Adam," I whisper holding my arms open to him.

  "I always have," he responds burying his face in my neck and kissing me adoringly.

  I melt in his arms, happier than I've been in a long time. We fall back onto the mattress together, tugging at one another's clothes. Adam stands up and reaches for my feet. One by one he takes off my boots and then socks. I lean up on my elbows to watch him and he smiles as he slowly undoes the buttons on his shirt and lets it drop to the floor. He removes his belt next and then unbuttons his pants. I smile while blatantly ogling his torso. Adam has such a lean muscular frame, his flat abdominal muscles leading my eyes down below the waistband of his pants. He follows my silent plea to see more by slowly removing his pants, kicking them off with his shoes.

  "Take off your blouse, Amanda," he instructs in a smooth commanding voice.

  His eyes widen at the sight of the lacy red bra I'm wearing beneath my top and seeing his reaction gives me courage. I beckon him closer with my index finger and Adam smiles as he steps between my legs and help me out of the tight jeans. His boxer briefs are tented in the front and I want so badly to touch him. Adam has other plans though and tugs me closer to the edge of the bed, kneeling on the carpet. He kisses the inside of my thigh and very delicately reaches for my panties. It's been a very long time since I've experienced this kind of attention and devotion. The sensations are almost too much to bear and I'm embarrassed to admit that I need to hold a pillow over my face to absorb the screams that escape my mouth as he brings me to climax.

  The moment he climbs back onto the bed I am all over him; not capable of waiting another second before getting him naked. My hands frantically tear his boxers down his legs and I am greeted with an engorged member that is begging for attention. Tonight my slightly rounded body doesn't intimidate me. I sit astride Adam with the confidence his love has given me; the fading stretch marks on my stomach a faint memory. Adam palms my breasts and moans in pleasure as I rub myself against him. Soon he can take the sweet torture no longer and quickly flips me onto my back as I squeal with surprise.

  "I'm going to make love to you now, Amanda," he says while staring into my eyes.

  My arms stretch up above my head and I spread my hips wider for him. Adam smiles warmly at my invitation as he settles himself down for a long session of love making. I lose track of time as we move together in perfect rhythm again and again. He brings me to the highest heights multiple times, seeming to never get enough. Adam makes the most alluring sounds as I pour my love for him into my actions and before long he is giving me signs that he's losing control. When Adam's strength and stamina finally run out he lies beside me and pulls my exhausted body into the crook of his arm, which is where I stay all night long as we sleep.

  Chapter Twenty Three: Alexander and Paige

  Sunday morning I run around the house getting myself and the kids ready for the party at Adam's parents' house. I'm picking Adam up on my way since I have car seats in my car so it's easier for me to drive. The kids and I will be meeting Adam's brother, Alexander, and his wife Paige. I'm nervous about this party not just because I'm being introduced to new family members but also because Adam will be announcing that I am officially his girlfriend.

  Two days ago I broached the subject of my relationship with Adam to Tyler and Gabby. I told them that I wanted to spend more time with Adam and have him come over the house like Uncle Brett does or Ty's friend Aiden does. Neither of them seemed to have a problem with that idea. When I asked them if they liked Dr. Adam both kids told me that, yes, they really liked him. It surprised me how nonchalant they were about the discussion. The last thing I asked was what they thought big people like Mommy and Dr. Adam did when they were together. Tyler answered "Monopoly" and Gabby thought it was "watching TV." I smiled at my great kids and told them they were both correct. I'm still not sure about kissing him in front of the kids so I might start with some innocent hand holding and see if it even fazes them.

  Adam looks happy as I pull into the driveway of the Brickman's large house in the forest. I have only been here once and am hoping this visit goes as smoothly as the last. Tyler and Gabby always add an extra element of stress to any situation. I've packed a bag of toys, their favorite snacks and drinks, and an emergency Disney DVD in case they begin to misbehave. It's very important to me for Adam's family to be as accepting of my children as Adam has been. He doesn't seem nervous at all for the impending introductions.

  The living room is mysteriously empty when we enter but there are a number of voices coming from the kitchen. Adam takes my purse and bags for me as I look around. The room is just as clean and elegant as the last time I saw it, not a speck
of dust anywhere. I notice a beautiful ornate ceramic vase on a side table and the glass top coffee table; nothing about this room is kid proofed. Gabby starts to feel shy from being in a new place and Adam lifts her into his arms in a very natural way. I take Tyler's hand more for my own comfort than for his and we all follow the sounds of conversation and laughter coming from the back of the house.

  Caroline has laid out an impressive spread of food that completely covers the granite island in the center of the kitchen. She and Gregory stand on one side and two people I presume to be Adam's brother and sister-in-law are on the other. They are all snacking on the food and chatting happily; their heads turn in our direction when we enter the room.

  "Darling, you're here!" Caroline announces happily. She rushes over to kiss Adam's cheek. "And who is this young lady?"

  Adam turns Gabby towards his mother and says, "This is Amanda's little girl. Gabby, do you remember meeting my mom at the B&B?"

  "Hi," Gabby replies in a small voice.

  "I'm so happy you're here Gabby. I made so much macaroni and cheese and baked so many chocolate chips cookies that I don't think I can eat it all by myself. Are you hungry?"

  "Yeah," she says and wiggles out of Adam's arms.

  Caroline points to the kitchen table where a special platter of kid friendly foods has been laid out. She walks over to check it out and Caroline turns to me and Tyler with a satisfied smile on her face. "Amanda, it's great to see you again. And you’re Tyler, right?"

  My son nods his head and pulls his hand away from mine. He's eager to join his sister at the table of goodies. "Thank you for having us, Mrs. Brickman," I say as Tyler wanders away from me and grabs a cookie.

  "We're all so happy to have you here again. Adam certainly is fond of you," she says. "Come, meet Alexander and Paige."

  Adam smiles at me as we approach the others and Caroline makes introductions. Alexander is shorter than Adam, his hair is a lighter blonde and his eyes are a deep blue. I can see now the family resemblance between the three brothers; they all look like Gregory. Paige hugs me the second Caroline says her name and it catches me completely off guard. Her personality is overwhelmingly bubbly and energetic. Alexander's wife has jet black hair hanging long in loose curls and fashionable bangs. She doesn't appear as elegant and proper as Bianca and Caroline, but her sense of style and effort is still far beyond my own. Her clothes look expensive; name brands for sure.


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