Notes on His Pillow

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Notes on His Pillow Page 43

by Diana Currie

  Sighing in defeat I let go of Adam's arm. "Come on Lindsey; let me get a few groceries together for you. Brett has nothing but beer in his fridge."

  Lindsey smiles and sets Chloe down on her feet. "Thank you, Amanda," she replies sincerely.

  "If you're willing to take his dumb ass off my hands then I should be thanking you," I say sarcastically, ruffling Brett's hair as I pass him. He rolls his eyes at me but has no witty comeback.

  Lindsey follows me into the kitchen where I begin placing items I bought for Brett into a brown paper bag. I feel her eyes watching the back of my head and I know this is my opportunity to clear the air between us. I haven't been the most welcoming person to her and there are things to say while we have this moment alone.

  "Lindsey, I want to make sure you know that Adam and I-"

  "Are together?" she interrupts.

  Turning around to face her I reply, "Yes, we are together. But I was going to say that we both support you. I know how hard it is taking care of a child by yourself and I don't want you to ever feel like you're alone. Adam wants to help you and so do I."

  She blushes lightly and pushes a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "I didn't know about you," she says awkwardly. "I mean that I didn't know Adam had a girlfriend when I decided to come here. He told me about you but not that you were dating. I had no idea he would move on so quickly."

  "Adam told me it was over between you two many months before he left," I say biting my lip. I need her to confirm Adam's words were the truth.

  "We've always been so hot and cold I guess I didn't really believe he was serious until he moved here. I thought by now he would be sick of this place and eager to come home. He will always think of Chicago as his home."

  I turn away to reach some canned soup and crackers from the cabinets above my head. "He's building a home here you know. I've only known Adam for a few short months but in that time I've fallen in love with him and he's happy here," I say bravely, turning around to look her in the eye. I need her to understand what I am saying. "And he's fallen in love with me too."

  Lindsey sighs. "I can see that. You're just leaving out one important thing."

  "And what is that?" I ask nervously.

  "Adam may love you more than he ever did me, but he has never stopped loving my daughter."

  Chapter Twenty Eight: Adam’s Baggage

  A week has passed since reconciling with Adam and we have plans to meet up with Lindsey to discuss how he is willing to help her. To my surprise Lindsey is still staying at Brett’s house and from what he told me she’s actually being very helpful as he continues to recover from his accident. Before that awkward meeting takes place this afternoon I have a much more emotionally draining event to get through; Tyler’s first day of school.

  My little boy is starting kindergarten; I can hardly believe it. Tyler is so excited to ride the bus and use his new lunchbox that he doesn’t seem nervous at all. I expected at least a few butterflies in the tummy but so far he’s been fearless. The extensive support system he has might be helping with that. Tommy, Adam, Gabby, and I are all here at the bus stop to see him off. I told Tommy that Nikki was welcome to join us but he declined the offer.

  While we wait in front of my house for the bus I snap some pictures of the kids and Adam offers to take one of Tyler with me and Tommy standing behind him. When the sounds of the buses engine roars from around the corner I can feel my eyes begin to water just a wee bit.

  “Here it comes,” says Tommy and for the first time Tyler looks a little nervous.

  “You’ll do great, little man,” he encourages and pats Tyler’s shoulder.

  His little brown eyes look up at me and I smile. “I’m so proud of you. Have fun today, okay?”

  He nods and takes a step towards the street as the bus approaches. “Wait, wait, honey. Don’t go until the bus doors open,” I warn.

  “Or you get runned over,” Gabby adds helpfully.

  Adam chuckles under his breath and discreetly places his hand at the small of my back. When the bus doors open I see that the driver is young woman I don’t recognize. It’s hard to believe, but there are still some people in this town who I don’t know on a first name basis. She looks at me standing between Tommy and Adam with a raised brow probably trying to determine which man is my son’s father and why the other one is here since there are no other children getting on the bus. I ignore her obvious curiosity and just smile and wave as Tyler boards the bus and sits in the third row against the window. He waves at all of us as the doors close and the big yellow school bus pulls away with my baby inside.

  “You look like you’re about to cry,” Tommy notes after the bus is out of sight.

  “Shut up, this is a big milestone. I’m just a little sentimental is all.”

  Adam rubs my back supportively and I don’t hesitate leaning into his touch. It feels good having him back at my side physically and emotionally.

  “So what do we do with ourselves until three o’clock?” I say to no one in particular.

  Gabby answers me, “Make pancakes and cookies.”

  “I thought you have to go to school today too, baby?” Tommy says. He picks her up and presses his forehead against hers in mock seriousness.

  “I want to stay with you,” she replies.

  Tommy pokes out his bottom lip. “I want to be with you too but I have to work today. I’m training Nikki actually,” he says looking over to me.

  “You are?” I giggle. “She agreed to stand on her feet all day for slave wages?”

  “Not exactly slave wages; I’m making her the assistant supervisor. She’ll be working under Janine,” he replies guiltily.

  “You nepotist,” I tease with mock horror. I knew Nikki would never agree to ring register or slice deli meats but I’m a little surprised Tommy would create a new position just for her.

  “I know, I know,” he moans. “I’m just trying to help her out.”

  “That’s very friendly of you,” I say.

  Adam chuckles and then says to me, “I need to go into the office for a few hours. I’ll pick you up at the B&B at noon, right?”

  “Yes, I’m going to drop Gabby off at school while I work and then we can get her on the way to Brett’s house.”

  Adam smiles and holds his hand up for Gabby to give him a high five. Then he turns to me and starts to lean in to kiss me before thinking better of it since Tommy is standing behind him. He switches his action to a high five and I feel my face blush a little as he stifles a grin.

  After dropping Gabby off in time for her class’ finger painting I make a quick trip to the grocery store to get some things I need for the B&B. With September officially here and school back in session the busy tourist season is just about over. Bookings will be spotty until the holidays when families come to town for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I pick up some of Adam’s favorite foods and a few other items that I’m running low on like flour, sugar, and cooking spices.

  It takes about two hours to go through all the bedrooms making sure that every single one is clean and ready for potential guests. All except Adam’s of course. From what he’s told me about the house his brother is building it will be many more months before he checks out of Thatcher’s for good. I know Adam is excited about his house getting built but I rather like having him around. He’s still eager to be settled in the new house by Christmas but I am going to enjoy the next four months that he’s here.

  The living room and kitchen are clean so I set about doing a little weeding of the flower beds at the front of the house. The gardening reminds me I need Mr. Thatcher to bring his lawn mower over again so I can get the grass cut one more time this season. It would be really nice to get the backyard tamed enough to sit out on the porch without being eaten alive by bugs. It’s a nice private yard that I keep meaning to work on so the guests can use it.

  I am on my hands and knees pulling up weeds and thinking about sitting outside with Adam in front of a fire pit when a car pulls up behin
d me. “Is it noon already?” I ask as Adam steps out of his shiny Lexus and walks towards me.

  “What? I missed what you said because I’m so focused on this magnificent view you’re greeting me with.”

  I look over my shoulder and try to sneer at him but Adam’s not looking at my face. I’m sure my ass is covered in dirt from the flower beds but he doesn’t seem to notice. “You like this, do you?”

  “It would be much more appealing to see in my bedroom than out here facing Main Street, but yes. Very much so.”

  Turning over to sit on the lawn I dust my hands off and roll my eyes. “Nobody driving by is staring at me, Adam.”

  “And the house across the street?” he teases.

  “Mr. Wallace lives there. He’s seventy five and has cataracts.”

  Adam laughs heartily. “Good, because this delicious booty is all mine.”

  “You’re in an uncharacteristically good mood considering what we’re about to do,” I say dryly.

  Adam reaches out his hand and helps me to my feet. “I’m trying to see the bright side. The sooner I address my issues with Lindsey the sooner she will leave us alone.”

  “Is that really what you want; for her to take Chloe and leave you alone for good?”

  “I don’t see any other way,” Adam replies grimly.

  The mood between us sours as we both know there is no easy solution to Adam’s problem. For Chloe to stay in his life it would mean Lindsey has to as well, but if he’s even thinking about ways to continue his relationship with Chloe he hasn’t mentioned them to me. Adam has already made the heartbreakingly difficult decision to walk away once. I’m not so sure he can do it a second time. All I can do is keep reminding myself about the house he’s building on the outskirts of town. Swainsboro is where he’s chosen to put down roots. Here with me is where he’s chosen to be.

  Outside Brett’s house I take a deep breath before knocking. Usually I’m not shy about pushing the door open and calling to him before just letting myself in but with Lindsey here I’m out of my comfort zone. Gabby is unaware of my apprehensions and walks in like nothing has changed. Adam smiles awkwardly and holds the screen open for me to go in ahead of him.

  “Brett? We’re here,” I call.

  “Not Tyler. He’s at school,” Gabby corrects me.

  I look in the living room first but don’t see Brett. Thinking he might be in his bedroom I walk past the kitchen and down the hall.

  “In here, Mandy,” he says.

  It surprises me to find him sitting upright at the kitchen table. It’s almost as if he wasn’t badly injured a week ago. “Wow, you must be feeling better, huh?” I greet him happily.

  “Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better. Lindsey’s taken great care of me,” he replies. “Hi, Adam. Hey, Squirt. So your brother’s at school, huh?”

  Gabby walks up to him and pushes his t-shirt sleeve up looking for the bandage that was there the last time she saw him. “Boo boos are gone, Mommy,” she reports happily.

  Brett laughs and pulls her up to sit on his lap. “Gabby, there’s someone in the other room who wants to play with you. Her name is Chloe. Can you do me a favor and play dolls with her?”

  My daughter’s eyes light up hearing there is another girl around. “Sadie?” she asks referring to Brett’s neighbor.

  “No, not Sadie. Chloe. Go see for yourself.”

  Gabby hops down and runs into the living room. We hear Lindsey introducing the two girls and then she appears in the archway to the kitchen. “Hi. Thanks for coming,” she says to Adam.

  “You’re welcome. The sooner we find a solution we both can live with the better for everyone.”

  Adam and I sit down at the kitchen table and Lindsey walks to the refrigerator to get drinks for us. She seems at home in the kitchen and sets four glasses of sweet tea on the table before sitting down besides Brett. Adam and Lindsey are staring at each other without speaking and when I look at Brett he raises his brows at me. He can obviously sense the tension too. It might be just me but this informal discussion is beginning to feel like a divorce negotiation. Tommy and I spent three grueling hours in a conference room at our lawyer’s office one day going over the shared assets that needed to be awarded to one side or the other. Even that meeting didn’t feel as tense as this one.

  “So,” Adam begins, “the first thing we need to get straightened out is how I can help you from here since we’ve already talked about how I’m not leaving Swainsboro. If it’s only money you need I want to know why. You were managing fine when I left; what’s changed?”

  For the first time since showing up here Lindsey has the decency to look ashamed. “I lost my job in a layoff. They claimed it was a last in, first out policy but I suspect all the days I had to take off to watch Chloe didn’t help matters. My parents sent me a little money to help out but it only covered my rent through the end of this month.”

  “When did this happen?” Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You stopped taking my phone calls,” she says indignantly. “It happened a little more than a month ago. I’ve been living off my savings but they’ve run out. It’s not just financial support I need, Adam. I hate doing this alone. There’s no one in Chicago to back me up when I need help.”

  “Have you thought about moving back to Indiana with your parents?” Adam asks.

  “And waste my degree? There are no public relations jobs in Muncie.”

  Adam rubs his hands over his face. Lindsey’s situation is clearly worse than he anticipated. “Have you looked for other jobs? Gone to any interviews?”

  Lindsey shrugs. “Everything I found so far would be a step down; all entry level positions. That would look really bad that I’m willing to take a pay cut.”

  “You’d rather be a month away from eviction and forced to fly two thousand miles to ask an ex-boyfriend for a handout than take an entry level position? Lindsey, that is the kind of absurd way of thinking that always gets you in trouble. Any job is better than no job.”

  “Did you sign up for unemployment?” Brett asks.

  “Yes, I got the first check but it’s not even enough for rent.”

  “What about a roommate?” I suggest. “Your apartment must be close to the University of Chicago, right? It’s the start of fall semester. I bet you could find someone who needs housing that can contribute to your rent.”

  For the first time since we arrived Adam’s expression brightens. “That’s not a bad idea. Maybe you could offer a lower rent if the person would agree to some babysitting duties?”

  Raising two kids of my own I know how much help just having a second set of hands can be sometimes. “If you can find a job soon it might be enough to make ends meet, Lindsey. It would be a big help even if the person just gave Chloe a bath or kept her occupied a few nights a week while you made dinner. I know how hard it is to get housework done with little ones underfoot, constantly calling your name and making messes.”

  Lindsey smiles slightly. “I suppose.”

  “You suppose?” Adam repeats slowly. “Now that Brett appears to be on the mend I assume you’d be willing to go back to Chicago as soon as arrangements can be made there?”

  “Of course. I didn’t intend to stay here forever,” Lindsey says defensively.

  Brett frowns. “You’re welcome to stay though, if you need some time to find the right job. It’s been nice having you here.”

  Adam clears his throat and says, “Alright, tonight I’ll create a Craigslist add for your roommate search. And I want you to send out that resume we created to at least five companies. We’ll find you a new job, someone to bear part of the burden of your cost of living, and that should get you back on your feet.”

  “Sounds so simple,” Lindsey replies.

  “Supporting yourself is a simple formula. Make money, pay your bills, and you can live independently. You can take care of Chloe on your own. I wouldn’t have left if I didn’t think you were more than capable,” Adam says sincerely.

  I w
ant to say something encouraging too but everyone at the table is distracted when Gabby and Chloe run giggling into the kitchen. They are both dressed in Brett’s clothes and wearing smeared red lipstick all over their mouths.

  “What are you two doing?” I exclaim trying to hide the amusement from my face. They have been up to no good but look so darn cute together.

  Gabby pushes Brett’s Braves cap up her forehead so she can see us better and strikes a pose. Lindsey gasps. “They found my lipstick. And my jewelry!”

  Chloe is wearing one of Brett’s wife beaters like a dress, complete with a tie around her waist for a belt. She imitates Gabby’s stance and giggles, “shoes!” I note she’s wearing Lindsey’s high heels, and on the wrong feet to boot.

  “Very classy, ladies. You two look fabulous,” I comment.

  Adam chuckles and even Brett finds the pair adorable. Lindsey on the other hand appears more annoyed than anything else. “Chloe, where is mommy’s lipstick? You know you’re not allowed to play with my make up.”

  “It’s okay, Lindsey,” I say. “I’ll go clean them up while you guys finish talking. I need to get home by three o’clock for Tyler’s bus anyway.”

  Brett eases out of his chair and quietly follows me down the hallway. We find in Brett’s room that Gabby and Chloe have raided his dresser drawers and pulled out everything he owns. Brett begins putting it all away while I get the girls dressed in their own clothes again.

  “So, Brett, how’s it been going having Lindsey here all week?” I wonder.

  “She’s been great. I still felt like shit the first couple days and she was really helpful; making me food and she even did my laundry once.”

  “I’d hope she would make herself useful after you took her in when no one else wanted her.”

  Brett sighs under his breath. “I know you don’t like her, Mandy, and you have good reason not to but Lindsey really isn’t that bad. We’ve talked a lot and she’s actually really cool. Did you know she can speak French? And she knows how to blow glass. She was telling me how it’s done and it was fascinating."

  “It sounds like you two really hit it off. Too bad she’s leaving as soon as humanly possible,” I say sarcastically.


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