Notes on His Pillow

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Notes on His Pillow Page 47

by Diana Currie

  I'm still laughing to myself as I open the door in the hall that leads to the garage. The light is already on and I gasp when I spot Tommy in the garage kissing Nikki. He pulls away from her quickly, embarrassed to be caught in the heat of the moment. They both pause, looking worried about what my reaction might be. They're acting like two teenagers getting caught by their parents and it makes me giggle. I'm relieved to feel nothing but happiness for them. And a little smugness for having seen it coming. I knew I was right about their feelings for each other and I'm glad that they've finally figured it out.

  "Making out at a six year old's birthday party?" I tease. I shake my head and say tsk tsk tsk as I walk through the garage to open the outer door.

  "I'm sorry, Amanda. I didn't mean for you to see that," Tommy says gently.

  "Good thing it was me that found you and not Tyler, huh?" I add.

  "We were going to tell you today," Nikki says in defense of their actions. "We just started dating; we’re not just screwing anymore."

  "Nikki!" Tommy hisses. "Do you have to be so crass?"

  "Hey, it's totally cool. I'm glad I ran into you, actually," I say casually. "So, Tommy... how do you feel about me moving in with Adam?"

  Chapter Thirty One: Adam’s House

  "Hi, Mrs. Coleman. Did you have a nice Thanksgiving at the Simpson's house yesterday?"

  The elderly woman and frequent guest at the B&B carefully hangs up her sweater on the coat rack by the front door before answering. "They served lamb. A lamb on Thanksgiving!" she exclaims. "Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

  I shake my head. "No, ma'am. I haven't."

  I've never been able to figure out if Agnes Coleman likes me or not. With her personality it is hard to tell. Even though her brother is the mayor of Swainsboro and his house is large enough for company she always chooses to stay at Thatcher's when she's in town. There's even more space there now that Nikki moved out but Mrs. Coleman is probably more comfortable staying at the B&B after so many years. I'm wondering if Nikki mentioned to her Aunt Aggie that she's now living with my ex husband? That isn't the kind of information Mrs. Coleman would let slip by without a comment or two, but so far she hasn't said anything. Maybe she has more respect for me than I thought.

  "If you're craving turkey I can make you some for dinner this evening," I offer. "We had a huge bird at my house and I brought Adam enough leftovers to last for a week!"

  She looks at me confused, cocking her head to one side. "Adam Brickman? He's staying here again too?"

  "He actually never left," I reply smiling. "Adam's building a house from the ground up on the property he purchased. It’s right off the highway down that old dirt path that's visible from the road."

  "Oh? I'm glad someone finally bought up that land. There's been hanky panky going on down that dirt path ever since I was young," she comments disapprovingly.

  "Well they won't be able to go down there much longer. Adam's house is nearly done and then it will be part of his driveway. He's been living here all summer while his brother's company builds the house."

  "You still fancy him, huh?" Mrs. Coleman states with a gleam in her eye.

  Bluntness has always been this old lady's style; that and crankiness. I don't know why her question surprises me but I still blush in embarrassment. "We're dating now actually; have been for a few months."

  I guess Nikki didn't gossip as much as I expected her to because Mrs. Coleman's eyes widen and I can see she is genuinely surprised. It reminds me that she once commented on the fineness of Adam's ass and I think I see a hint of admiration in her eyes.

  "Good for you, Amanda," she says in a rare moment of kindness and pats my shoulder as she walks past me. When she reaches the stairs she turns to me and adds, "I think I will have some turkey for dinner if you'd be so kind. I like cranberry and sweet potatoes too. Who made the stuffing, your ex mother in law?"

  "No, um actually my mom flew in for the holiday and she made a pineapple stuffing. It was very good and I have some in the refrigerator here if you'd like to try it."

  "Nadine was in Swainsboro? My word, I never thought I'd see the day! Well, I'll try some of that too then. Can't be any worse than Nancy Miller's stuffing. Tastes like dried out dog food," she mutters.

  "It'll be ready at six o'clock," I reply trying to conceal my smug smile. I happen to agree with her wholeheartedly.

  She climbs slowly up the stairs complaining about her arthritic knee and I think to myself that if she has trouble with the stairs then she ought to stop booking the same room over and over; she knows it's on the second floor. Once I hear her door shut I turn my attention back to the note I was writing when she walked in. So far I've got 'Dear Adam'. I want to write him something romantic today before leaving to take the kids home. Tyler is off from school and the daycare is closed for the holiday so they've been here with me all day. I figured I would feed them an early dinner at the house before Tommy picked them up tonight.

  Adam works at his dad's office until four o'clock so he'll get back to the B&B before I can return to make the Thanksgiving leftovers for him and Mrs. Coleman. I tap my pen against the desk thinking of what to write.

  Let's eat dessert in bed tonight and...


  I've been thinking all day about your...


  Tonight I want to do that thing you like where I…


  No kids around, let's do it!

  I roll my eyes at myself. Sometimes I feel like there isn't a dirty talking bone in my body.

  "Mom! Mom! Mommy!" Gabby yells from the living room and I'm reminded why I can't focus on my boyfriend's body or what I want to do to it later tonight.

  "What, Gabrielle? What!" I yell back.

  "More juice!" she replies with a big grin.

  I walk over to her and reluctantly take the sippy cup from her hand. "One more juice, but I'm telling Daddy you need to drink milk tonight."

  After getting the princess her apple juice I decide to forgo the attempt at flirting and just leave Adam a simple note. When I go into his room to leave it on his pillow I'm surprised to find a note already there. Adam's left one for me too and suddenly I feel tingly deep down inside my belly. He only leaves me notes up in his room when the context is naughty.

  I'm taking you out for dinner tonight, my Love. Wear those sexy black panties I bought you. ;-)

  I smile, clutching the note to my chest. You know you've reached a comfortable place in a relationship when a man can demand you wear a specific pair of lingerie to dinner and not be insulted. His request confirms Adam is thinking the same as me; that tonight we are kid-free and need to make the most of it. I'm so excited about the possibility of making sweet unrushed love to him tonight that I'm actually considering wearing that itchy lace butt floss he calls "panties."

  Making sure our date goes well tonight is important to me not just because I want it to end with sex but also because I feel the need to reassure Adam of my deep feelings for him. I haven't given him an answer about moving into his house yet. I know he's waiting but the truth is I haven't decided. Tyler and Gabby probably wouldn't have trouble adjusting to the move, especially once they see how nice Adam's new house is. It's me that would have anxiety from the change because I would know what's at stake. I would feel intense pressure to make my relationship with Adam work no matter what because if it ever fell apart I would then have to uproot my kids once again and find a new place to live. I don't anticipate that happening, but then again, when I married Tommy I never thought we'd break up either.

  Quickly I revise my note and leave it folded in half on his pillow. Can't wait for tonight! I agree to your panty request, Dr. Brickman. See you at five o'clock. Xoxoxo

  I take the kids home around three o'clock and make chicken nuggets and tater tots for dinner. Gabby wants to read her bedtime stories with me before Tommy picks her up so we do bath time and pajamas after dinner. Tyler packs his overnight bag while I do a mock bedtime routine
with Gabby. We use Mr. Bubble in her bath and read two of her favorite books before Tommy arrives. He's taking them to Savannah tomorrow to see a movie so I know they will have a good time.

  As soon as I'm alone I run around the house trying to get ready for my date with Adam. This requires showering and shaving, finding an appropriate skirt and top to wear over my Victoria's Secret panties, and applying just enough makeup to make it look like I'm not wearing any. I get back to the B&B just a few minutes behind schedule and can hear Adam walking around in his room above the kitchen.

  He must be able to hear me putting Mrs. Coleman's dinner together because after just a few minutes the stairs creak as he comes down the staircase. Adam is dressed up in a pale blue dress shirt and black slacks. He's wearing a shiny black belt and black shoes. The top two buttons on his shirt are open and his hair is slightly damp from a shower. He looks edible.

  Adam approaches me immediately, placing his hands on my hips. "You look amazing," he says as he leans in to kiss me. "Almost ready to go to dinner?"

  "Ten more minutes. I'm making Mrs. Coleman's dinner."

  "Mrs. Coleman?" he repeats trying to remember her. "Oh, Agnes! She's here?"

  "Since yesterday. You two haven't crossed paths yet?"

  "No, not yet," he answers pulling his hands off my hips. "Does she know about us?"

  "Yes, I mentioned we're dating. I'm not hiding us anymore," I say seriously.

  "Just dating?" he mimics putting his hands back where they were. "I thought we were madly in love."

  I giggle as Adam nuzzles his nose along my neck and gently bites my earlobe. He's in a very playful mood this evening; it must be the promise of sex later on that has him worked up. "I am madly in love with you, Adam Brickman," I whisper. "Now get out of my kitchen so I can concentrate or we'll never get out of here."

  Adam wiggles his eye brows at me as he goes into the living room. I quickly finish reheating Mrs. Coleman's proper turkey dinner and call up to her at six o'clock that it's ready. We stay a few minutes longer while Adam catches up with her and I wash a few dishes. Finally, at a quarter after six we are on our way to the restaurant.

  I'm surprised to see Adam has chosen to take us to the only formal restaurant in town as opposed to Sarah's. "Are you getting tired of the food at the bar?" I wonder.

  Adam smirks. "Never. I thought the ambiance at Mario’s might be better suited for date night."

  "You would be right."

  "Is this okay? You said you didn't want to hide anymore," he asks concerned.

  "I love that you brought me here." I take his hand in mine and squeeze. Adam brings our joined hands up to his lips and kisses the back of my hand.

  Inside the restaurant we get seated in a cozy booth in the main dining area. Mario’s has been in business my whole life but I haven't been here many times. Dad only brought me here for very special occasions while I was growing up. Most of the time when we ate out it was the diner or Roy Rogers.

  Adam sits down beside me instead of across the table. The waitress takes notice of the seating arrangement and looks just as surprised as me. "You're acting strange tonight," I say after she walks away with our drink orders.

  "Why do you say that?"

  "You're more affectionate than usual. Giddy almost."

  "I'm always affectionate, Amanda. You said we could be open with our relationship now so I'm holding you to that. Everyone in town knows about us and no one cares."

  "They're all talking about us behind our backs, Adam," I reply rolling my eyes at him.

  Adam blushes. "Oh. Regardless, it feels good, doesn't it?"

  "Yes," I admit.

  The town has figured out that since our divorce Tommy has started dating the mayor's daughter and I'm dating the new pediatrician. It makes for good gossip I'm sure, but for the first time I don't care. It does feel great to be out on a date with Adam without looking over my shoulder to see who's watching us. I'm sure some people are, but finally I feel confident enough not to stress over it.

  I lean my head on Adam's shoulder and cuddle into his side as we look over the menu together. Adam orders red wine and we both decide to get steak. It's quiet in this restaurant and it's nice to share a peaceful meal with my boyfriend since dinnertime at home is always chaotic and noisy. There are no relaxing meals when I'm always telling Tyler to stay in his seat and Gabby to use her fork.

  "Are you happy that Nadine kept her promise about coming to Thanksgiving dinner?" Adam asks.

  "I felt a little ashamed because I was so sure she'd flake out."

  "You still have trouble trusting her, don't you?"

  "Wouldn't you? I want to be able to move forward but there's this little piece of my brain that won't let go of that feeling of abandonment. I keep waiting for her to disappoint me again."

  "It'll just take more time, sweetheart. At least you two are keeping in touch and she seems genuine in her interest in the kids," he says and kisses the side of my head.

  "Yeah, she was great with them," I agree.

  "Do you think Chloe will have the same issues with abandonment when she gets older? Lindsey and I both passed up the opportunity to raise her," Adam says, his voice rough.

  I turn in the seat so we are now face to face. "Adam, you didn't do the same thing as Lindsey. She abandoned her daughter. You found her a loving home."

  He smiles and says, "Thank you for saying that. Bianca sent me a bunch of pictures from their Thanksgiving with her parents in Atlanta. Do you want to see?"

  "Of course I do."

  Adam pulls his phone out of his pants pocket and scrolls through a few messages until he finds the one from Bianca. She texted him pictures of Chloe sitting on Andrew's lap, one of her with Bianca's parents, and one of her sitting on the bed in her new bedroom.

  "Aw, she looks so happy. Bianca did a great job with her room," I say taking a closer look at the last picture. Chloe's room has purple walls and in the picture she's sitting on a white framed bed with a pink and green comforter. On the wall behind her are large wooden letters hung in an arch that spell out CHLOE.

  "Andrew told me she was a little scared in their house the first few days. It's been over a month now and she's much more comfortable. She even called Bianca mama once."

  "I bet Bianca is loving that. I'm so happy everything is working out for them."

  "We'll get to see them at the Winter Gala. You still want to take the kids, right?" he asks.

  "Yes. I need to get my drawings of Savannah over to your mom soon. I've only had time to go there three times. I've relied more on Google maps than I want to admit."

  Adam chuckles. "I haven't told you yet how proud I am of you, Amanda. I think it's great that you're doing this."

  "Thank you. I'm excited too," I reply. His praise makes me feel good about myself in a way I haven't experienced in a long time.

  "I know my mom can't wait to see them, but I'm curious how they're coming along too," he adds.

  "When we get home I'll show you what I've done so far."

  "Speaking of our home," Adam begins to say.

  I know he's about to bring up the subject of his nearly completed house and the fact that I haven't decided whether or not I want to live there with him. Luckily for me the waitress interrupts his train of thought when she brings out our food. I'm running short on time to give him an answer. When we began dating Adam gave me all the space I needed to feel comfortable but now when I ask for more time he is being a little less patient with me. I can't blame him for wanting my decision but for me it's not as easy as giving a simple yes or no answer. The house is almost completed and I suspect Adam feels rushed because he doesn't want to move in there without me.

  When our dinners are eaten he asks the waitress to bring us a brownie sundae. It looks delicious so I take one of the two spoons and take a bite. The brownie is warm and soft in my mouth. Chocolate heaven. "Oh my God, you have to try this. Adam?"

  "Mmm hmmm," he replies with his face in my hair. He starts to kiss my ne
ck and his hand is moving up and down my thigh. Suddenly the brownie isn't the only thing on my mind.

  "Adam, what are you doing to me?" I whisper.

  "Does it feel good?"

  "A little too good. Why are you feeling me up in front of our neighbors?"

  "Your neighbors aren't here, Amanda. I checked," he admonishes. His lips continue to kiss along the column of my neck and it's hard not to melt into his touch.

  "No, not my next door neighbors. But in a town this small everyone is a neighbor! Brett's cousin Jared is here with his wife Laurie. The guy who owns the clothing store I shop at is eating salad three tables away from us with his daughter. And my high school Chemistry teacher is over there with the school nurse. Hmm, that might actually be a better story than you and me."

  I feel Adam's warm breath as he chuckles silently against my ear. "Finish your dessert. I want to show you something," he says.

  I lift one eyebrow at him suggestively. "Not that," he laughs and rolls his eyes. "Well, actually, yes that. But not until later. I want to take you to see the progress on the house first."

  "Oh, okay. I'd love to see how it's coming along."

  "I was hoping you'd say that." He smiles wide and waves to the waitress to bring over our check.

  As Adam pulls his car into the unpaved driveway at his house I struggle to find anything else that looks unfinished besides the road. I saw the blue prints months ago but the house is still larger than I expected. The exterior is perfect; shutters are hung, porch railings painted, and a door knocker has been added to the front door.

  "Wow," is all I can say as we walk up the porch steps.

  "Good wow?" Adam asks.

  "It's beautiful. And the lights are on?" I take a peek through a front window. "The electrical work is all done?"

  Adam smiles. "Electrical, plumbing, flooring... it's all done. Andrew is coming Monday for the final home inspection."

  "You said it wouldn't be until Christmas!"

  "I've been downplaying the progress for a few weeks now because I wanted to surprise you," he says guiltily as he unlocks the door. He pushes it open and we walk into the foyer.


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