The Sheikh’s Unexpected Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 16)

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The Sheikh’s Unexpected Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 16) Page 15

by Cara Albany

  No. This time it had felt as if Ahmed did not want to let her go. That if she went away, something vital would have been taken out of his life.

  Once again, she asked herself how it could be that such a sudden attraction could have developed between them.

  Was it only the beginning? Or was it the end?

  As she'd driven her car along the straight highway, back toward Qazhar city, Gemma had tried to understand what had compelled her to run from him the way she'd done.

  Had it just been fear of the future? Or had it just been her habitual reluctance to be involved with anyone?

  But surely that couldn't apply to the man she had just given herself to, could it? In being with Ahmed in the most intimate way possible, she had assured herself of one thing, above all else.

  She would never be the same again.

  With or without Ahmed.

  She felt a tightness in her chest and a familiar unease settle in her belly.

  And wasn't that what this was all about?

  That simple choice.

  Was she going to go forward with him?

  Or without him.

  She took her phone and went to one of her social media pages. The one she used to type in her hourly, sometimes more frequent, messages to her followers.

  The empty box stared back at her. She stared at the number next to it. The one that told her how many million followers she had.

  They were waiting.

  She thought of what she'd said to Ahmed. The promise she'd given him. The one about respecting his privacy.

  It would be so easy just to type a few words in that empty box and announce to the world that she had just spent the most incredible night of her life with the world's sexiest man.

  If she wanted she could have made it sound so superficial, so trivial. Almost as if it didn't really matter that much.

  And she knew that if she made that announcement they would all go wild. There would be a frenzy.

  And it would all center around Ahmed.

  Never mind her life, she thought. Ahmed's life would be turned upside down.

  He deserved better than that.

  Now that she knew him, now that he knew her so intimately, she knew she could not do such a thing.

  What they'd shared up at the encampment was too important, too special for that.

  Up there, this morning, she'd acted impulsively. Almost in a panic when she'd realized what had happened. The connection they'd made together was special. Something she'd never thought she'd find in her life, let alone so rapidly.

  Maybe there was something else for her and Ahmed to explore, she told herself.

  In admitting that to herself, she knew she was setting herself up for a whole lot of complications. Maybe things would work out. In her heart, she believed there was a chance.

  But would they work out?

  In her heart, she knew the answer to that question.

  She looked at the screen of her cell phone.

  There was only one message she wanted to post there. And it would be one that respected Ahmed's wishes for privacy as well here own desire to send a signal.

  To the anonymous people she'd never even met.

  But, more importantly, to the man who'd changed everything for her.

  She typed into the empty box and breathed out a satisfied sigh.


  She sat back and smiled, wondering if he would see the message. If he would understand what she was saying.

  The answer came thirty minutes later, when she heard a soft knock at her door.


  Gemma opened the door and saw him standing there.


  He smiled at her, his gaze as penetrating as it had been last night. He looked so gorgeous in his suit, the neck of his white shirt open at the collar.

  Somehow, seeing him standing there in the corridor, he looked different from the way he'd looked out at the encampment. There had been a wildness about him out in the desert. A primal quality in his demeanor. Now, as he stood there, all of that wildness had been reined back in.

  He looked almost civilized again, she told herself. Almost.

  He didn't immediately say anything. They both gazed at one another. Nothing needed to be said. Those few words she'd typed had said it all, as far as she was concerned.

  And he'd understood. She felt relief sweep through her.

  "I got your message," he said in a low voice.

  She smiled at him and leaned against the edge of the door. "It wasn't just meant for you," she explained.

  "Really," he replied. "So, I'm just another one of your followers, am I?" he teased.

  She shook her head. "I might have lots of followers, but you're sure one in a million," she retorted. She narrowed her eyes, realising how sharp that might sound. "You know that already, though. Don't you?"

  "For a while there, I wasn't sure," he said. He tilted his head. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

  "You want to come into my private place?" she asked lifting a brow. "I'm afraid it's nothing like your desert retreat."

  He peered over her shoulder to the inside of the apartment. "Looks nice."

  She pulled the door open and extended a hand. He moved past her and she caught the aroma of his scent. It triggered an instant reaction, memories flooding into her mind. She pushed them away.

  Although she was glad to see him, she wanted her mind to be as clear as possible. She wondered what he'd come here to say to her.

  It couldn't be one last goodbye, could it?

  Butterflies started fluttering in her belly at that thought.

  He sat down on the sofa and she sat alongside him, making sure she kept a sensible distance.

  He gazed around the room and nodded approvingly. "I can see that Rashid spared no expense."

  She shrugged. "It's okay."

  There was an awkwardness between them that she hadn't expected.

  "Would you like a drink?" she asked, probably too quickly to avoid seeming preoccupied.

  He shook his head and narrowed his eyes. He leaned forward, stretching an arm across the back of the sofa. He looked so calm, so focused.

  "About that message," he said.

  She lifted her brows and tightened her lips, almost fearful of saying anything that would break the spell of this moment.

  He paused a moment, his gaze lowering as if he was trying to find just the right words. Maybe he realized this was important. That, by coming here, there was a purpose behind the visit. Something he wanted.

  Something they both wanted.

  He gazed into her eyes. "Was it meant for me?" he asked.

  Gemma smiled softly and nodded. Still, words failed her. All she could think of was the way he was looking at her. The dark, seductive look in his eyes that made her feel the same warmth she'd felt last night.

  Her heart was beating faster, now.

  "I was waiting," he said. "You know that, don't you?"

  She squinted at him. "For what?"

  He leaned closer. "A signal."

  She tilted her head wanting him to continue, needing him to confirm what she'd hoped would be the effect of those brief words.

  "What kind of a signal?" she asked hesitantly.

  "That what we said to each other up there when you left isn't true," he murmured.

  He hesitated, and she knew the next thing he'd say would probably be the most important of all.

  "When I saw those words, I knew you were calling me." He sighed and shifted closer. "Asking me to come to you. To come back to you."

  She felt her face flush, felt the heat in her middle. Nerves clawed at her, trying to get her to do the wrong thing again, but she ignored them this time, determined to see this through.

  Because she knew she might never get a second chance.

  This was their second chance.

  Their only chance.

  Ahmed reached over and ran the back of his fingers gently down the side of her cheek. Sh
e leaned against his hand, savoring the feel of his skin. She closed her eyes briefly as she did so. She knew he was watching her. That he was close enough to lean forward and kiss her.

  She wanted that now. More than she could ever have imagined. Wanted to feel the softness of his lips. Those lips which had driven her wild last night.

  She opened her eyes and saw that he was watching her with the most amazing expression she'd ever seen on a man's face.

  It was an expression of love and adoration and wonder.

  One question came to her mind. "How did all this happen, Ahmed?" she asked.

  He grinned. "Fate. Destiny. Call it what you like. All that matters is that it is true. It's real."

  He was right, and she knew it. She'd known it from the moment she'd driven away from him at Qabiyah and all the doubts and fears had faded, to be replaced by a longing she'd never felt before. A longing to be with him at any cost.

  Then he did what she wanted. His head dipped forward and he claimed her lips with a loving kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close.

  She gasped and sank into his embrace, sliding her hand up the front of his shirt, feeling the strength of his body, the heat of his skin.

  This was where she belonged. In his arms.

  His lips were soft and moist, his kiss tender. Last night's urgent desire had been replaced by a gentle and deep affection.

  She held onto him, not wanting that kiss to end. But finally it did end.

  "Gemma," he gasped. His brows were furrowed, his gaze steady and even. She knew he was about to say something to her, and that it would change everything for them both.

  "I know what you're going to ask me," she said quickly. "And I want you to know I've been thinking since I left you back at Qabiyah."

  "You have?" he asked.

  She nodded. "I was too hasty, Ahmed. When I left you up there. The truth was, I didn't know what I was doing. It all happened so fast."

  He lifted her hand and kissed it, just like he'd done when all this had begun. This time though it was different. Because they weren't strangers anymore.

  She smiled at him as he released her hand. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," she said.

  He grinned. "All my thoughts have been about you, Gemma," he said. His eyes narrowed. "Do you have any idea what I've been going through today? Thinking I'd lost you."

  She cupped the side of his face in her hand and smiled at him. "You haven't lost me," she said softly.

  His features brightened. Then he kissed her again. This time there seemed to be an almost palpable relief in that kiss. For both of them.

  Their lips parted. "You're not going back to him, you know that, don't you," Ahmed said urgently.


  He nodded. "It's over for Rashid. From now on, you'll be with me."

  She frowned. "But what will he say?"

  Ahmed shrugged. "He can say what he likes. But, from now on I want you with me." He grinned. "If that meets with your approval, of course," he added, lifting a sly brow.

  She smiled at him and laughed. "Of course it does."

  She settled into against him, leaning her head against his chest. She could feel his heart pounding, feel his heat against her skin. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

  Ahmed curled his arm around her, holding her close. They sat like that for a few minutes, saying nothing to each other, content to be this close.

  Her mind filled with questions about the future. Now that she'd made her choice, now that a commitment had been made, she wondered how things would work out between her and Ahmed.

  Should she say in Qazhar with Ahmed? What would Rashid say when he found out? How would things work out between her and Ahmed now that she'd almost agreed to stay a while?

  Those questions would be answered in good time, she told herself. Right now, the only thing she wanted was to be with him. She'd let destiny work itself out, just like it had done when she and Ahmed had been brought together.

  Maybe sometimes it was best just to let fate have its way, she reflected.

  She felt Ahmed's heart quicken slightly and his body seemed to tense. She wondered what was wrong and sat up, gazing at him. "What is it?" she asked.

  He drew in a deep breath and returned her steady look. He shifted on the sofa and took both her hands in his. "Gemma. I want to ask you something."

  Her throat tightened. "Yes?"

  He nodded. She saw him swallow. He looked suddenly nervous, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. "I know we've only know each other a short time."

  "That's an understatement," she agreed.

  He smiled and continued. "And I know I probably have no right to ask you this. But, if I don't, I'll never be able to look at myself in the mirror again, thinking that I didn't seize the opportunity destiny has placed in my hands."

  "What do you mean?" she asked softly.

  He looked suddenly earnest, more serious than she'd ever seen him. His gaze became softer and then he smiled at her. He leaned closer. "I love you, Gemma," he breathed.

  His words triggered a flaming of emotion within her. For a moment, she was lost for words. Somehow, hearing him say that here, seemed more real than when he'd spoken those same words to her up at the encampment. She remembered how he had breathed those exact same words into her ear as they'd made love.

  Now, though, with him sitting right next to her, holding her hands, with his eyes filled with emotion, it all seemed so inevitable.

  Undeniably true.

  She knew what she had to say in response. Because the words that were in her own mind were also true. "I love you too, Ahmed," she said quietly.

  They were the most momentous words she'd ever uttered and she saw their effect instantly in the change that came over his features. He smiled broadly at her, relief flooding across his face.

  He embraced her and kissed her, lavishing all his affection on her once again.

  She'd never felt like this before. It was incredible. The kiss went on for a long time. But she wasn't about to complain, not when she was in his arms, feeling his heat, sensing the strength of his love for her.

  His lips parted from hers. "Habibti," he murmured in his own language.

  She squinted at him, not knowing what that words meant.

  "It means, beloved," Ahmed explained. "It is what a man says to the woman who is his true love. The one he is destined for," he added.

  She felt her mouth open in surprise and she didn't know how she was going to respond to that.

  He looked at her evenly. "You are my beloved, Gemma," he stated firmly and softly. There was no doubting his sincerity, she told herself. She could see how much that declaration had meant to him. He would not have said such a thing to her if he hadn't meant it, she reflected.

  "You are the most precious thing to me," he said. "I want you by my side. Always."

  What was he asking her? She narrowed her eyes at him, momentarily unsure of what he was actually saying.

  As if sensing her confusion, he continued. "Will you stay here, in Qazhar, with me? I don't want you to leave. Not now. Not ever."

  She felt her face flush with emotion. Was he proposing something? But surely all of this was too soon.

  "We have to get to know one another a little more, don't you think?" she asked. "I mean, there's still so much we don't know about each other."

  He nodded. "Of course. But we've made a pretty good start, haven't we?"

  She smiled at him. "You might be right about that," she admitted. "But, still. I'm not sure I can stay here indefinitely. That's such a huge commitment."

  That admission prompted him to take her shoulders, gently but passionately. "Surely you don't mean that," he gasped.

  Her body softened instinctively as he held her. She always wanted to be in his arms. Would always want him by her side.

  Even as she'd uttered her doubts to him, she'd known they weren't true. In spite of all her reasonable objections and those fast-fading d
oubts, she knew she wanted to stay with him. Her life had changed and there would be no sense in walking away. Not that she thought she could do that, anyway.

  Right now, the prospect of walking away from Ahmed was unthinkable. Not while he was holding her like this. Not with him looking at her with such passion, such need.

  Such love.

  "Will you give us time?" he asked urgently. "Can you feel the truth in your heart?" He touched his own hand to his chest. "My heart is full of love for you, Gemma. Truly."

  Emotion swept through her upon hearing those words. She felt exactly the same about him. The admission was unavoidable. As the truth was. She'd told him she loved him, and she wasn't going to walk away from him.

  Gemma touched her hand to her heart. "And I feel the same about you, Ahmed," she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion.

  He embraced her and kissed her. Then he gazed into her eyes. "You are the most precious person in the world to me. I will do whatever I have to do to make you happy. Nothing will stand in my way."

  His voice was firm and she knew he meant every word.

  She smiled at him. "So what are you asking me? Really."

  He narrowed his eyes and grinned. "I think you know. But perhaps, you're right. We need time. Together."

  She gazed into his eyes, understanding exactly what he meant. She agreed. The time would come when all of this passion, all of the love they shared for one another would lead to the one obvious question he would ask her.

  But, right now, wasn't the time. That time would come. Soon enough.

  She nodded. "Let's just get to know each other better," she suggested with a mischievous grin.

  Ahmed glanced over toward the bedroom door. "I think I know just the place where we can continue."

  She followed his gaze and nodded. "I think you're right."

  He stood and held out a hand to her. She took his hand and stood up next to him.

  And then they walked hand in hand together toward the bedroom.



  Gemma stood on the garden lawn of Ahmed's palace and gazed around her at the hundred or so guests who had just witnessed the wedding ceremony inside the palace.


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