The Shoppe of Spells (The Gatekeeper Series)

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The Shoppe of Spells (The Gatekeeper Series) Page 13

by Grey, Shanon


  “Well, you figure, they can see them move about, but they can’t smell them. It upsets them. Meesha will let me know when they are around, whine and watch an area even though she can’t see them, but she doesn’t become agitated.”

  “I see.” Morgan sounded sad.

  “We could try it for a while.”

  “But I’m not staying,” she countered.

  Dorian expression was one of surprise. “You’re going back with them?”

  Morgan fiddled with a piece of loose wicker on the seat of the swing. She had come to the decision last night, right before drifting off to sleep. She could think better away from Dorian. In fact, when she was anywhere near him, her brain didn’t want to function, period. Unfortunately, her body was all too ready to take over. So much was happening—so fast. She needed time to think.

  Although the shop and the gardens were compelling, she wasn’t quite ready to take on all this hoodoo stuff that kept happening to her. Until a week or so ago, her life had been simple. Predictable. She even complained to Jenn that her life was too predictable. What was the old saying, Be careful what you ask for; you might get it? Now, she would give just about anything to go back to simple and predictable.

  Morgan knew in her heart that she couldn’t make things be the way they were before. Her life was forever altered. It would have happened anyway, sometime in the future. She understood that. She also knew that, before Melissa and Thomas Kilraven had died, she’d had more options. They knew it, too, and, from what the letter said, they wanted to allow her to make her choices.

  She decided to be as honest with him as she could. “Dorian,” she began and turned in the swing, rested her leg on the seat between them, keeping some distance, “things are happening so fast. With this,” she looked down and added quietly, “and with you.”

  Dorian put his hand under her chin and lifted it, looking into her eyes. Those pools of green that drew him in like a beacon reminded him of the dark waters in an unexplored grotto. He wanted to fall into her eyes and never look back. He started to lean forward, to touch his lips to hers, and stopped himself. This was what she was talking about. He could feel the current between them. He dropped his hand.

  Morgan also felt the electricity sizzle. It no longer hurt her, it was just there. More compelling. It was as though she was beginning to crave the feeling, whenever he touched her.

  “It’s this,” she said. “This thing that happens between us. I don’t understand it. I’ve never felt it before. Is it just you? Me? Us? I feel as though I can’t get enough of you—I mean this.” She felt her face heat up.

  “I know,” he tried to reassure her. “I’ve never felt this before either—with anyone. And, if you think you are drawn to it, trust me, you have no idea.”

  Morgan laughed. She couldn’t help herself. It was the expression on his face. It helped lighten the tension.

  He smiled at her. A megawatt smile. His eyes crinkled at the edges. “Look,” he said, running his hand through his unruly hair, black waves being ruffled by the breeze, “I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll try.” He shrugged, “Can’t say I’ll always succeed—you are one tempting woman. But I’ll never go any further than you’re willing to let me.” He caught her sound, put a finger to her lips. “I’ll also try to control this thing for both of us. Just stay. For a little while. Until we can talk things out and you can get a better feel for this place. It’s not always like it’s been this week. I promise. Actually, it can be downright boring.”

  Again, she laughed. “Yeah, right.”

  At that very moment, they heard Meesha scratch at the cottage door. Before they could yell, “No!” Kayla opened the door and Meesha bolted inside. Dorian and Morgan leapt from the swing and raced to the cottage, colliding with each other as they tried to pull open the door at the same time.

  “After you,” he yanked open the door.

  Morgan ran inside and straight to the bedroom, expecting a flurry of fur from a cat and dog fray. She skidded to a stop, Dorian bumping into her. Mrs. T lay curled up as they had left her, guarding her young ward. Meesha lay on the foot of the bed, her head resting on her paws, quietly watching Morgan and Dorian stumble over one another. Meadow laughed. Except no sound emerged. Morgan forced herself to smile down at her.

  “I see you have everything under control,” Morgan said, choking back the emotion as she thought of what the poor child had been through, and the fact that, even though she didn’t look it, this frail body, nestled between two loving animals, was thirteen. A budding woman.

  Not speaking, Meadow gave a slight nod of her head.

  “Then we’ll just tiptoe back out of here and leave you to your menagerie.” Morgan turned, avoided walking right back into Dorian, and walked through the cottage and out the door, hoping to make it before the tears fell.

  She was outside, in the garden area, when Jenn caught up to her and placed a hand on her arm. “You okay?”

  Morgan could only shake her head no, afraid her voice would crack.

  Jenn saw Dorian coming out of the cottage and waved him away. He kept coming but skirted around them. Not looking back, he called over his shoulder, “I’m going to Teresa’s to pick up some buns and sweet stuff for the sweet stuff.” He disappeared around the side of the shop building.

  “Let’s go inside,” Jenn urged Morgan forward.

  “Oh, Jenn,” Morgan said as she sank into the kitchen chair.

  Jenn brought them both coffee and sat across from her, patting her hand. “She’s going to be all right. I promise.”

  Morgan looked into Jenn’s baby blues, “You’ve never lied to me before—”

  “—and I’m not now,” Jenn stated. “She’s a sick little girl, but I have a feeling she’s going to be fine. The physical will be taken care of...and we have incredible specialists working with us to deal with the other. She’s going to be fine.”

  “Have you decided where they’re going?”

  “Yes. I was talking with Kayla and John.”

  Morgan raised her brows at the mention of John’s name.

  “I know. Don’t go there. I completely lost it. Me! Goofy. There is just something about him. It’s a good thing I’m going home.”

  “Jim?” Morgan asked, referring to the man Jenn had been seeing.

  “No. Yes. I mean…well…we’ve been having some problems. Nothing huge,” she added at Morgan’s wide eyes. “It’s just that we seem to be heading in different directions lately.” She took a deep breath. “I would never consider anything…I mean, I want to give Jim and I a chance… It’s complicated,” she finally finished and took a gulp of cool coffee.

  “Complicated’s something I can relate to. About your talk with Kayla?”

  “I want her placed in my house. It’s got the tightest security.” Jenn was referring to the largest of their facilities. It was located in Williamsburg and, although she traveled to all the homes, this was where she kept her offices. Because of the sensitivity of records, it had been built with the heaviest security features and the most personnel. It was also where she housed the “highest risk” families. It was a huge facility on a lot of acreage done in a Colonial Williamsburg style. Jenn loved the buildings and the grounds. It was her crowning achievement.

  “Morgan,” Jenn began and bit her lower lip.

  “What?” The tension in Morgan skyrocketed.

  “No. Nothing like that, sweetie. I was just wondering. Well, Meadow and Mrs. T seemed to really hit it off. Do you think I might borrow Mrs. T to travel back with us and stay with Meadow until she gets better? There are all these postulates about animal therapy…” Jenn left it hanging—even she knew she was reaching.

  “They are generally referring to dogs, Jenn,” Morgan said with a laugh. The idea of Mrs. T as a therapy anything… Nevertheless, she had seen how the cat had taken to Meadow—an instant bond of some sort. Morgan wasn’t sure she wasn’t a little jealous. Then remembering what Dorian had said, she knew th
is was the perfect solution.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” Morgan said. “If anyone or anything can bring that girl to talk, it’ll be Mrs. T.”

  Jenn rose to go tell Meadow the good news when they heard the front door unlock.

  “That must be Dorian,” Morgan commented. “With treats. Jenn, you haven’t tasted anything, until you’ve tasted Teresa’s baking.”

  Dorian walked through the shop laughing. He had someone with him. “Look who I ran into outside the shop?”

  “I just wanted to see how your eyes were doing.”

  “Dr. Yancy. Hi.” Morgan turned and grinned.

  His warm eyes crinkled with humor.

  Morgan loved it when people smiled with their eyes. “Oh, by the way,” she began and turned to see an odd expression on Jenn’s face, “this is—”

  “Uncle Mike?” Jenn sounded dumbfounded.

  “Jenn?” Dr. Yancy’s face blanched. “What are you doing here?”

  Jenn threw her arms around the thin man. “Morgan, this is the favorite uncle I’m always telling you about. What are you doing here? I thought you were someplace near Atlanta?”

  “I am. Morgan just happens to be a patient.”

  “What?” Jenn looked from her uncle to Morgan.

  Morgan shrugged. “When Jasmine got the bug spray in my eyes, this is the doctor they called to treat me.” Remembering what he had said about her “mother,” Morgan cocked her head to study him a little closer. She looked at Jenn, but Jenn seemed truly surprised to see him here.

  “Talk about a small world,” Dorian spoke up, setting packages on the counter. “And to celebrate this little family reunion, I have brought hot cross buns from the B & B.” He lifted the bag and waved it around the room. The sweet smell of yeast, cinnamon, and sugar filled the air.

  “Teresa sent Meadow a special plate, just for her.” He set one package aside. Whipping out a tray from below the counter, he set up a plate, added a small flower in a little vase from the window, grabbed an extra bag of goodies and backed his way out the door. “Don’t stand on ceremony. And don’t let them get cold,” he called through the screen door. “Oh, and save me one or two.”

  Morgan got up and set plates around the table, leaving Jenn and her uncle to talk. She filled a plate with buns, poured fresh coffee for everyone, including Dorian, and returned to the table.

  “Can you believe it? He actually works for that place we were looking up?” Jenn shook her head.

  “Bask & Morrisette?”

  “No, actually the whole place is called Abbott House,” Jenn corrected. She reached for a bun, placed it on her plate and licked her finger. “It must run in the family. I have a foundation, he works for a foundation.” She filled her mouth and stopped talking.

  Morgan watched her friend eat. Jenn approached food as she did life. Like it was a treat and not a morsel should be missed. She found it amazing that Jenn kept her athletic, yet curvy figure. As far as Morgan knew, Jenn never dieted and never gained an ounce—not in all the years she’d known her, anyway.

  Dr. Yancy turned to Morgan, “Before I get Teresa’s sugar all over my fingers, let me take a look at your eyes.”

  Morgan turned to him and opened them wide. It was fun to do that and not be afraid of some comeback.

  “Doesn’t she have the most gorgeous eyes, Uncle Mike?” Jenn asked.

  “Yes, they are quite beautiful and have healed nicely.” He offered no mention of Melissa’s, put his light away and grabbed a bun, took a bite, closed his eyes and moaned. “Made by the hands of an angel.”

  From the look on his face, Morgan sensed there was more to that comment than baking skills. That, and the way he’d avoided the suggestion he go see Teresa the last time he was here, made Morgan wonder about the real history between those two.

  Jenn was watching Morgan. “So, can I take her?” she asked between bites.

  “Take who, where?” Dorian asked as he piled in beside Morgan.

  Morgan spoke, not looking at him. “She wants to take Mrs. T back to be with Meadow for a while. I guess that’ll be all right. She can be her feline nurse.”

  “Just make sure you ask Mrs. T,” she commented to Jenn.

  Not missing a beat, Jenn teased, “Already have. She said it was okay with her if it was okay with you.”

  Morgan sensed the tightness in Dorian’s body and added, without casting him a glance, “I think I’ll stay around here for a bit. Until we get things straight.”

  She felt him relax next to her. He smiled and popped half a bun in his mouth.

  Morgan smiled as well, taking a sip of coffee. God, she hoped she was doing the right thing.

  “Oh,” Dorian piped up. “I have news…or gossip, as you ladies might prefer.”

  Jenn and Morgan put down their food and looked attentive. “Yes?” they encouraged simultaneously and smiled at one another.

  “Well,” he stretched out the moment, watching the anticipation grow. “Teresa says Rob has checked out. He said something about having to get back to the University earlier than expected. He told her to tell you,” he looked at Morgan, “to call him when you get home.”

  “It’ll be a rainy day in hell,” she muttered under her breath. Her body relaxed, not having to deal with him as well as everything else.

  “And to give you a hug,” he threw his arm around her, squeezed and let go. “Mission accomplished.” He reached for another bun.

  John came through the door. “Sorry guys. Got a call from Abbott House. Driver’s on his way. Plane’s waiting at the airport. Looks like weather’s heading this way. He wants to be up and gone before it gets here.”

  Everyone sprang into action.

  Chapter Ten

  For a group of people unfamiliar with one another’s ways of doing things, they became synchronized fairly quickly. Jenn made phone calls to confirm the hospital was set up for an early arrival, while Dorian and John conferred on security set-ups. Kayla was getting their things together. Morgan, a little out of her element, decided it would be a good time to talk with Meadow about Mrs. T.

  “You’re sure you won’t mind taking care of her while you get better?” Morgan watched the young girl beam, a smile spreading from ear to ear. She hugged the cat tightly to her. Mrs. T, for all the indignity, seemed not to mind. She looked up at Morgan from beneath Meadow’s chin, as if to say, Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her.

  Morgan reached over and took one paw, holding it gently in her hand. It was astonishing to look at the dual pair of eyes so alike—and like hers. The cat seemed truly content with Meadow. Morgan felt her chest tighten. It would be the first time in two years, since she’d found Mrs. T on her doorstep—meowing indignantly, as though she’d forgotten to let her in—that they had been separated for any length of time. Morgan knew this was goodbye. She could never take Mrs. T away from Meadow. They belonged together. Just as the image blurred from sudden tears, she felt Meadow’s hand on her arm, squeezing. She blinked. Meadow was frowning and when she caught Morgan’s attention, she looked from her to Mrs. T.

  “Oh, no, sweetheart. It’s okay. This is where Mrs. T wants to be. I’m going to miss her, that’s all. You promise me you’ll keep in touch and let me know how she’s doing, okay?”

  Meadow stroked Morgan’s arm in reassurance. Morgan leaned over and kissed the young girl on the forehead.

  Dr. Yancy stepped into the room. “Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to take a look at our patient, if you don’t mind?”

  Morgan stood. “Here, let me take Mrs. T for a moment. I can say goodbye while you visit with the doctor.” Meadow handed the cat to Morgan, who immediately turned and looked back at the bed. “We’ll be right in the other room,” she said, not quite certain if she was telling Meadow or the cat.

  Dr. Yancy took her place on the bed and proceeded to explain to Meadow what he was doing. Kayla stood, ever vigilant, at the foot. From the slight droop in Kayla’s shoulders, Morgan guessed that Kayla hadn’t slept in a while. O
nce they got Meadow to the children’s hospital and through surgery, Kayla could relax and get the sleep she obviously needed. Morgan opened her mouth to say as much and closed it again, knowing Kayla wouldn’t take reassurances at this point. Instead, she walked into the outer room.

  The room was bright and cheerful with the daylight flooding into it from the myriad of windows. The crystals and rocks sparkled in the sunshine. It seemed so different with Meadow here. She’d almost forgotten the darkness it hid. Mrs. T squirmed, wiggled out of her arms, and scooted through the door Dorian opened.

  Morgan started to go after her when he grabbed her arm. “She has her own potty place and will return shortly. I’ve seen her do this several times.”

  “Really?” Morgan had been so vigilant about keeping her indoors, she now felt a little guilty.

  Dorian nodded and realized he was still holding her arm, letting the current flow between them. She pulled away as he let go, each aware that they were prolonging the contact.

  Dorian cleared his throat, yet his voice still came out a little husky, “Everything’s about ready. The car’s here. As soon as Dr. Yancy finishes, we can get her situated.”

  As if on cue, Dr. Yancy appeared. “She looks okay. I think I’m going to go up with them.” Morgan saw concern in his face.

  “Dorian,” the doctor motioned for Dorian to follow him outside. Morgan followed.

  “She’s weak,” the doctor stated. “Also, a bit dehydrated—”

  “I keep Ringer’s Lactate in the pharmacy. Also saline. Will either of them do?” Dorian said.

  “Let’s go with saline; she’s pretty small. That’ll keep her hydrated until we get her to the hospital.”

  “Be back in a minute.” Dorian took off for the shop.

  Morgan and the doctor stepped back inside. Mrs. T slipped back in before she closed the door, walked past everyone and went into the bedroom. Instead of lying next to Meadow, she carefully curled up at the foot of the bed. Kayla reached down, stroked her, and looked at Morgan. “Pretty remarkable cat.”

  “Pretty remarkable kid,” Morgan replied and left for the main house.


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