Theirs by Midnight

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Theirs by Midnight Page 7

by Kelex

  Their mate…

  The man Eilam was slowly growing to love more and more every single day.

  It broke his heart to think of how they’d hurt him. He’d only seen the security concerns and the reasons not to hold a ball. Not once had he stopped to think of Adriel’s reasons for holding it other than a frivolous party added to the list of so many the king had held before.

  He spun Adriel to face him, the glittering stars above casting a glow on the man’s face. Here in Adriel’s realm, the sun shone for long hours, with the glitter of stars in the corners of the sky. But during the later hours, the sun set and the sky was a mysterious sight, black velvet covered with tiny jewels in formations he’d never seen before.

  The ocean lapped gently at the rim of sand and behind them, nestled between groves of palm trees, stood a house made of glass where they could see the sun rise and set. It all came from Adriel’s imagination. Like the magic that had created Midnight itself, Adriel had built this private world for himself. No one but the three of them had ever been here.

  It had already become one of his most favorite places on earth—though he was quite sure he was no longer on earth. As long as he was there with Noah and Adriel, it didn’t matter where they were.

  He turned Adriel around to face him and dragged his mate in for a kiss. Adriel tasted of sweetness and sin, the very best flavors Eilam knew. When he drew back, Noah leaned in to capture Adriel’s lips, as well. Eilam watched them kiss, growing hungrier by the second.

  While he’d love to spend hours lazily licking every inch of Adriel’s body, they only had twenty-four hours before they needed to return to reality. And he knew Noah had big plans for this night.

  “Where’s Noah’s box?”

  “Inside the house,” Adriel said, pulling from Noah. His voice almost sounded intoxicated.

  Eilam smiled, loving that their mate appeared as needful as he felt. He lifted his stare to Noah’s. Noah’s eyes glowed with need, a need that enflamed Eilam, too.

  “Don’t you want to see what’s inside?” Noah asked Adriel before licking a path up their mate’s neck.

  “Mmm-hmm,” Adriel murmured before turning his head for another of Noah’s kisses.

  Noah soon led Adriel inside.

  Eilam took his time, strolling behind the pair.

  He knew his brother bear had needs and he wouldn’t stand in the man’s way. If he needed to back away and simply watch them play, he would, and he’d love every second of it. Once they reached the house, the huge crate took up nearly the whole living area.

  “What in the heck did you bring?” Adriel asked.

  Noah took the crow bar that had been wedged just inside one of the corners and began pulling one side off. Eilam joined him, pulling the wooden planks away. By the time the third side came off, it was clear what was inside.

  A spanking bench.

  And a box overflowing with bonds, whips, paddles, and other assorted toys.

  Eilam’s gaze moved to Adriel’s reddening face.

  “What is all that?” the king asked.

  “A present,” Noah said with a cunning grin. “For you.”

  “And just what do you think I’m going to do with that?” Adriel asked.

  Noah picked up one of the floggers from the top and rapped it onto his palm. The sound of slapping skin made Adriel jump. “I think we can come up with a few ideas.”

  “You plan to whip me?” Adriel asked. Before either of them could answer, he shook his head. “No.”

  “Don’t knock it until you try it,” Noah said. “Plus, you agreed to do whatever we said. Remember?”

  Adriel looked mortified. “I didn’t know you’d ask this.” The king turned to eye Eilam, fear in his eyes. “I’m your king. I don’t do… this.”

  “Sometimes we all need to learn how to give in,” Eilam murmured. “A lesson in surrender can’t hurt.”

  Adriel’s eyes widened. “You want to see me bound and whipped?” Their mate then turned to Noah. “You want to shame me. Payback for ignoring you all those months. Is that it?”

  Noah sighed. He dropped the flogger and walked closer to Adriel. When he came to a stop, inches from their mate, he lifted the king’s chin and held the king’s stare. “Do you trust me to protect you?”

  Adriel held Noah’s gaze. “I did.”

  “This is no retribution. No payback. There can be no pleasure without pain. Some pain can even be pleasurable.” Noah paused. “But if you don’t want to play, I won’t force you.”

  Eilam saw Adriel wavering. “When you come… it’s almost painful at times, isn’t it? The buildup… the fighting against the rising pleasure and trying to hold it back...”

  Adriel tilted his head to eye Eilam. “I suppose.”

  “Giving in to that pleasure,” Noah added. “Being made to focus on the line between pleasure and pain… heaven and hell… it can make things all the more enjoyable.” He lifted Adriel’s hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss there. “It’s also a way to build trust. You might be bound and spanked, but ultimately, you are the one in control. One word… and it all stops.”

  Adriel held Noah’s gaze. There was something in his eyes that made Eilam think the man was considering yielding.

  “Maybe not today,” Noah murmured. “We can do other things if you’re not ready.”

  Adriel didn’t answer. “One word and it all stops?”

  Noah nodded. “You choose the word.”

  “I think a simple no works quite well,” the king answered.

  “A safe word,” Eilam said. “No doesn’t hold the same weight in this kind of play. For some, crying the word no, only to be ignored, is exciting. But the safe word—that’s never ignored. When you reach your absolute limit, you say that word and it’s all stop.”

  Adriel frowned. “What kind of word should I choose?”

  “Whatever you want—but it should be easy to remember for all three of us.”

  “Triad,” Adriel said, the word coming easily from his lips. “Triad.”

  “Triad it is,” Noah said, lifting Adriel’s hand to his lips again and pressing a gentle kiss. “And we need to know hard limits.”

  “Hard limits?”

  “Things you absolutely don’t want,” Noah said.

  Eilam moved closer, running a gentle hand down Adriel’s back. The king’s body was trembling, but he sensed it was anticipation, not fear. He licked a trail along Adriel’s neck and felt the man leaning into him. A moan escaped their mate’s lips, and it was then Eilam was convinced of the king’s desire.

  He wanted this. There was no doubt now.

  “I don’t know,” Adriel whispered. “What should be my limits?”

  “We can try a few things, see what feels good, what doesn’t,” Eilam breathed into Adriel’s ear. “You only need to be honest with us… and be vocal when you don’t care for something.”

  “And vocal when you do,” Noah added before pressing a kiss to the king’s lips.

  Adriel writhed between them, moaning against Noah’s mouth.

  Eilam drew the king’s heavy velvet cape from his shoulders and let it fall to the floor at their feet. After pulling off the king’s heavy golden necklace, Noah pulled the king’s tunic up and over Adriel’s head. Eilam dispensed of the hose and boots quickly… and then their mate was completely naked before them, only in his crown and rings.

  With the wave of a hand, they were all suddenly upstairs—and naked. The bench and the box were in the large bedroom, the rest of the crate apparently left below.

  “You weren’t supposed to use magic, remember?” Eilam chided.

  “I forgot,” Adriel said with a shrug.

  “Not again,” Eilam said. “Not getting out of a bond. No slipping away to avoid our touch when things push your boundaries.”

  Noah added. “You must trust us to protect you and listen. We need to trust in your surrender.”

  “I was simply excited.” Adriel eyed him. He nodded slightly. “No more
magic. As promised.”

  Eilam looked to Noah, who smiled slightly.

  Noah took Adriel’s hand and drew him closer to the bench. “Lie down… on your stomach.”

  Adriel cast a glance at Eilam before following Noah. He climbed onto the bench and got into position. Eilam walked closer and helped secure one of their mate’s ankles before closing the soft cuff around one wrist, too. Adriel lifted his gaze and held Eilam’s before turning to Noah.

  His lips were parted, his breathing growing rapid. His eyes were dark, the pupil so large it nearly hid the lovely lavender of his eyes. Sweat beaded on his forehead already, and they hadn’t even truly begun.

  “Test the cuffs,” Noah said.

  Adriel pulled on them.

  “Nice and tight?”

  “Yes,” the king whispered.

  “Are they hurting you?”

  “No,” Adriel whispered.

  Noah sighed. “You need to speak up, Adriel. We need to be able to hear you when you speak. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” Adriel responded, a bit louder, but still lower than his normal speaking voice.

  It seemed enough to appease Noah.

  Eilam rose to his feet and took a step back, watching Noah take charge. He had to admit, it was intoxicating to see Noah like this. His brother bear had often surrendered to him. Seeing the man in a new role was enlightening.

  “What is your safe word again?”

  “Um, Triad,” Adriel said.

  “Again,” Noah commanded.


  “Do not forget it,” Noah said sternly.

  “I won’t,” Adriel answered.

  “This is a spanking bench,” Noah murmured as he began to run his hands over Adriel’s backside. “Perhaps we start with something as simple as that. A good spanking for the petulant king.”

  “I’m not petulaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh,” the king began speaking as Noah’s hand came down on his ass.

  “What was that?” Noah asked.

  Their mate was silent a moment. He drew in rapid breaths, his body moving with each inhale and exhale. “I’m not… I’m not… petulant,” Adriel said between gasps for air.

  Noah spanked him again, the sound of flesh being struck exciting Eilam to no end. That, and the way Adriel’s body bowed and the sweet moan that came from his lips after.

  “You speak and expect those around you to jump. You pout if you don’t get your way. Is that not petulance?” Noah asked.

  “I always get my way,” Adriel muttered.

  Noah spanked him again. Adriel’s body tightened like a bow before another musical moan poured from his lips.

  “That wasn’t you stomping your foot and pouting when we wouldn’t come to bed the other night?” Noah asked.

  Adriel was silent. “That was different.”

  “How so?”

  “My magic doesn’t work on you two,” Adriel answered.

  Noah gave him another spank.

  Eilam circled the bench and saw the king’s ass pretty and pink. A smile came to his lips as he circled back around and saw the lust in both Noah’s and Adriel’s faces. His cock grew harder by the second. Reaching down, he gripped the base and stroked it a few times.

  Adriel’s stare moved to his hand. His gaze followed Eilam’s hand, and he licked his lips hungrily.

  “Have we done enough yet?” the king said. “I want to fuck.”

  “Oh, we’ve barely gotten started,” Eilam answered.

  A pout came to Adriel’s lips, and Eilam could only laugh out loud. “Punished for pouting and you only pout again?”

  “I thought this wasn’t a punishment?” Adriel asked, frowning.

  “It’s the good kind of punishment,” Eilam whispered. “The one you’ll beg for.”

  “I don’t beg,” Adriel spat.

  “He doesn’t beg,” Noah said. “Perhaps he needs to learn how.”

  Eilam eyed Noah. “You think?”

  “I do,” Noah said. He grabbed one leg of the spanking bench and turned the heavy piece of furniture until Adriel faced the bed. “Let’s show him what he won’t be getting until he begs sweetly.”

  Eilam met Noah’s stare, excitement growing even more. He reached for Noah’s hand and drew his brother bear closer, his cock thickening impossibly more.

  “What are you doing?” Adriel asked, still bound to the bench.

  Neither of them answered. Eilam only dragged Noah into his arms and kissed his male with every ounce of the desire pumping through his veins. Noah kissed him back, equally excited, if not more. They feasted on one another’s lips, starving for more. Together, they climbed on the big bed they’d shared with their king, but this time, he was relegated to simply watching them and not touching.

  “Unfair,” Adriel cried, tugging at his bonds.

  Eilam pushed Noah to the bed and ran a hand down the center of his brother bear’s chest. The arrow of tight curls leading him further tickled his fingers as he lowered them farther. When he reached the focus of his desire, he gripped the thick base before lowering his head to swirl his tongue around the plump head.

  A moan came from Noah’s lips as he swallowed the tip, and it only enticed Eilam to take more. He sucked a few inches to the back of his throat, savoring the taste of his bear. Noah’s body tensed, struggling under him.

  Just like Adriel, Noah’s breathing quickened. His lips parted as moan after moan poured from his lips. The more Eilam suckled down his throat, the louder his lover became. It was music to his ears and only drove his need to taste and tempt all the higher. By the time he had all of Noah down his throat, he looked back at their little witch to see a burning need in Adriel’s eyes.

  Adriel’s hips moved. His cock pressed against the bench, giving him friction—and would potentially give their mate a chance to come. Not hardly. Eilam let Noah’s cock fall from his lips before he climbed out of the bed.

  “We have a little problem,” he said when he saw confusion on Noah’s face.

  Noah turned to look at Adriel humping the bench. “Oh no, no, no.”

  It was Noah’s turn to jump from the bed. He marched over to the box of goodies and dug through them until he pulled out a cock cage.

  “What are you doing?” Adriel asked, eyes wide.

  Noah unfastened Adriel’s hands. “Sit up.”

  With his ankles still secured, Adriel pushed himself up to sit, his hard cock jutting out before him.

  “What is that?”

  Noah sat down on the bench, facing Adriel. He placed the cage over Adriel’s cock and locked the base. “This is a cage for your cock.”

  When he was done, he rose and instructed Adriel back down. Once the king’s hands were rebound, Noah stepped back, looking at his work before climbing back into the bed.

  Eilam slipped in beside him and returned to the job at hand.

  “Bastards,” Adriel whispered when he apparently realized he couldn’t dry hump the bench any longer.

  Eilam chuckled around Noah’s cock between his lips.

  The amusement faded, desire quickly taking back over. The last few weeks, they’d focused on Adriel and his needs. In their desire to woo the king, they’d ignored the need between them. Years of being together, they knew one another’s bodies so well. Eilam soon got lost in Noah. He sucked his bear down to the root and back up, savoring Noah’s musky flavor.

  Lifting Noah’s legs, he lowered his head. Eilam left a wet trail as he licked a path down Noah’s sack and laved the tight bud below. He paused, eyeing Adriel, before ensuring the king was enjoying the show. From the languid look on his mate’s face, he would guess the answer was a resounding yes. Eilam went back to work, licking Noah into a frenzy. He speared his tongue inside before circling the hole with the tip of his tongue. Again, he licked the tender flesh before suckling one side of the sack into his mouth and sucking.

  When he returned to draw Noah’s cock back between his lips, his brother bear was the one begging.

  “Please, Eila
m,” Noah whispered.

  Eilam rose only long enough to fish a bottle of lube from the drawer. He coated his cock, watching Adriel and Noah the whole time. “Do you want to see me fuck him?” he asked Adriel.

  “Yesss,” he hissed before writhing against the bench.

  Eilam smiled, holding his mate’s stare as he got into position with Noah. After another swipe of lube against Noah’s anus, he pressed the head of his cock against the tight hole he’d just licked. Slowly, he entered his long-time lover. Their eyes met as he slid home, their bodies once again becoming one after so long.

  Eilam tilted his head and saw the lust on Adriel’s face. He rocked his hips back and then thrust forward, moving his gaze between his two lovers. He didn’t know being watched could be so sexy… or he’d have done it long before. Knowing Adriel was bound to the bench, likely imagining Eilam’s cock was fucking him, was heady.

  “Do you want me to fuck you like this?” Eilam asked Adriel.

  “Yessss,” the king hissed, his hips moving at the same speed Eilam’s were.

  Eilam turned to Noah, watching his brother bear’s pleasure. He gripped Noah’s cock and stroked the length in his palm, pushing the male higher. When he sensed Noah about to come, he pulled out and pinched the base of Noah’s cock.

  “Godsdamnit,” Noah cried, his back arching. He punched the bed and looked down his body. “Asshole.”

  It had been just as hard for him to pull out when his body had yearned to explode within his brother bear. Eilam grinned. “A little lesson in patience isn’t a bad thing for you, either.”

  Noah’s head fell back against the mattress as Eilam slipped from the bed and ran his hands down Adriel’s naked body. The king’s body tensed, his need mounting higher and higher. He wasn’t sure how much they should push him this first time, but seeing the man’s desire was like fire to his blood.

  A little patience wouldn’t be a bad thing for me, either.

  Chapter Eight

  Adriel pulled at the bonds at his wrists and ankles, wishing he’d never made the promise not to use his magic. With a wave of his hand, he could be in the bed with them, kissing and watching Eilam fuck Noah up close and personal. It wasn’t fair… but he sensed it was important to them that he follow the rules, no matter how hard it was for him to control his need. He didn’t think he much liked the idea of punishments, not when they could be touching him the way they touched each other.


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