Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5)

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Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-408-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Saints and Sinners MC, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017


  “You are fucking beautiful,” Pea said.

  Melissa smirked, shaking her head. “You don’t need to say crappy one-liners. I’m a sure thing.” She ran her hand down his pants, rubbing his cock. The one thing she could guarantee was him being rock-hard.

  “You know your sister hates me, and she doesn’t like that we’re married,” Pea said.

  Being the older sister, Melissa paused as she looked at the man who had asked her to marry him. She hated the institution of marriage, and believed it was old, archaic. Her parents had the greatest marriage, and had been close friends to the Saints and Sinners MC. When they died, everything had fallen to her to make things right. Penny relied on her, and her beautiful sister was so loving, so gentle, that Melissa would do anything.

  Pea was a strange guy. The guy you never took home to Mom and Dad. He cheated regularly. From the moment they had met and first fucked, she had known she was never going to get love or a happily ever after from him. But the truth was, she didn’t want that. It was too much hard work, and she was having to look after her little sister.

  Then when Pea had come to her house a couple of months ago, and saw how bad it had gotten for her, he’d come up with this suggestion of them getting married. She’d been trying to make ends meet. Her parents hadn’t been rich, and taking care of Penny hadn’t been easy. Penny was a dream to look after, but Mel wasn’t used to having to deal with the responsibility.

  She was a good-time girl. All she had ever wanted to do was get out of Sinners’ Corner from the moment she became a teenager. Instead, she’d ended up caring for her baby sister through high school. She never made Penny feel bad about that either. Penny was a nice girl and easy to handle. There were no drugs, or underage pregnancy to worry about. What got on top of Mel were the constant bills. No matter how many jobs she worked, she couldn’t deal with it. From the hospital to the funeral, to the house, and everything, she couldn’t pay.

  Pea had come in and taken all of the problems away. He’d wanted a hot fuck, but instead, he’d been with her as she went through each bill, and he sat down with a notepad and worked it out.

  In that moment, he’d become her hero.

  She wouldn’t take charity, and in order to help her, he’d offered her marriage.

  Every club whore she’d been with wanted to be an old lady. Mel hadn’t wanted to be an old lady. She loved fucking members of the club for a bit of fun, but an old lady meant life to these men, and she didn’t know if she had what it took to do that. Life! It was just too much, or at least it was for her. Was there any way she could commit to someone that long?

  She didn’t want to be a one-man woman. She wanted it all. If a guy she liked the look of wanted to party, then she wanted to be there with him.

  Marriage was about being faithful, and that wasn’t something she could be.

  When she told Pea that, he’d laughed. He gave her an option for marriage, which saved her sister being taken from her, and gave her the security she needed while also allowing her freedom.

  Their marriage was a strange one. Open, and when she saw him with other women, she felt great because she didn’t just stay with him. They were great together.

  “Penny doesn’t get it. She knows I never wanted to get married. Also, you’re part of a very bad bunch of men. That upsets her. She’s worried about me.” She stuck her lip out, and moved over his lap, straddling him. Pushing her pelvis against his cock, she gave a little moan.

  “You like to play the wounded sister, don’t you?” he asked.

  “It gets things done. Penny doesn’t complain, and I have an easy life.” She slammed her lips down on his as he grasped her ass, tugging her close. This was one of those rare occasions when they acted like a married couple. Neither of them wanted anyone else, but only each other, and she loved these moments as much as she loved everything else about him.

  She did love Pea in her own way. She just wasn’t in love with him. It made a weird kind of sense in her head.

  Who would pass up a man who wanted you to fuck and take care of you?

  They were all crazy in her book.


  Pea grasped Mel’s nice ass. He’d fucked it many times, and it was always better each time he was with her. This woman was the dream woman for him. She needed him in a lot of ways, but she didn’t need him in that way. He took care of her, paid all the bills, settled her debts, and did what he was meant to do. Penny was also taken care of.

  From the moment he’d had the idea of marriage, Mel had surprised him. She didn’t need him being faithful. In fact, she’d seen him many times in the club fucking random women. She either smiled, sometimes joined in, or just left him to it.

  There was no jealousy, no possessive feelings.

  His club brothers thought he was insane. There’s no way something like this was going to last.

  None of them had a fucking clue what he wanted, or how he wanted to deal with it. This was his life, and he intended to live exactly how he wanted. Nothing and no one was going to change that for him.

  Chapter One

  Present day

  Mel stared at the stick again. She’d purchased nearly three hundred dollars in pregnancy test kits, and each one was saying the same damn thing. She’d told Penny at Saint and Natasha’s wedding, but she didn’t want this.

  There was no way she could go through with this. Tears filled her eyes as each one she read told her that she was in fact pregnant. She’d taken another three hundred dollars’ worth of tests just last week, and they had all said the same. She was pregnant.

  It wasn’t even the same pee either, so she had to believe the sticks now.

  Sitting back in a heap, she felt tears spring to her eyes. This couldn’t be happening. Not now, not ever.

  Her stomach chose that moment to turn. She grabbed the toilet seat and threw up everything she’d eaten that day. Her cravings were already going through the roof, and what she’d eaten was twenty doughnuts. Yes, she was craving sugar like she couldn’t believe.

  She flushed the toilet and grabbed some tissue, wiping her mouth before throwing that down the toilet. There’s no way she could tell Pea.

  What was she going to do?

  Glancing at the time, she groaned. He could be coming home any minute.

  Ever since they had promised to give their relationship a real go, Pea had been home by seven nearly every single night. He brought her flowers, chocolates, jewelry. The gifts were beautiful, but he didn’t seem to realize that she didn’t need them.

  Gathering up the pregnancy sticks, she placed them in a small box she had kept, and once she was sure all evidence was gone, she went and tossed them into the trash outside.

  The fresh air felt good on her clammy ski

  Closing her eyes, she basked in the cool air, not wanting to go inside for fear of being sick again.

  “Are you okay?” a very masculine voice asked.

  She turned to see Big Ricky standing in her driveway. There was no sign of a car, and she frowned. “Yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on?”

  “I was just walking around in the neighborhood. I was passing through.”

  “Oh. Would you like to come in for some coffee?” she asked.

  She knew that Big Ricky was part of some mafia gang, the Lorenzo family, and he’d been placed in their small town for some reason. Pea had gone into a lot of detail, and like all the times before, she’d zoned out.

  The less she knew about club business the better it was for her. She didn’t need to know the workings of the club. Even after all this time, she didn’t really care for it. She was loyal to them though. She’d never turn into a rat. Entering her home, she took a second to make sure she wasn’t going to vomit, and then proceeded to the kitchen.

  Big Ricky was a large man, tall and muscular, and he had that sophisticated air about him, which at times was quite disconcerting.

  She filled the kettle and put it on the stove to begin heating up.

  Normally she had a coffee machine with it filled, but since being pregnant, she’d found that vomiting was too much. The stench of coffee always setting her off, so she’d gone to the making it for those that wanted it.

  The smell was acrid and horrible, but if she was making for one person, at least the whole house didn’t stink of the stuff.

  “What brings you around here?” she asked. “I’ve never seen you here before.”

  She made sure not to breathe as she handed him the cup of coffee.

  “I was just out for a walk. I like to do that, walk.”

  “I bet you scare the crap out of anyone that sees you.” She went to the fridge and poured herself a glass of filtered, chilled water.

  “Yes, I do scare the crap out of everyone.”

  “It’s probably because they know you’re a mob boss,” she said, taking a seat at the counter across from him. Her stomach was all over the place, and she left to grab some salted crackers. Taking a seat, she began to nibble on them.

  “I’m not an actual boss, you know. I’m just a guy that gets things done.”

  “Through torture?”

  He sighed. “I’m not a bad man.”

  “You’re a good man that does bad things?”

  “Something like that.”

  She smiled.

  “Are you afraid of me?” he asked.

  Mel shook her head. “I’ve done nothing to threaten or harm your family. I know how the whole mob thing works, and I’m good.” She winked at him, noticing that he was sad. “What’s wrong, Ricky?”

  “I guess I’m used to women pandering to my every need rather than cower or look afraid.”

  “Do you take your gun around with you everywhere?” She nodded to his holster, which was placed inside his suit. “That’s going to get you a lot of attention.”

  “I have no choice but to take it with me.”

  “Then that’s your problem. Women won’t really give you the time of day if you’re carrying a gun around with you. It’s scary, and Sinners’ Corner, the latest scandal here was about salt being used in place of sugar in cupcakes. Not a whole lot happens here.”

  “You’ve got an MC.”

  “Exactly, they tend to keep the crap out.” She pointed behind her as she said this. “Want a cracker?”

  He took a cracker, and she nibbled on a second one, hoping it was going to calm her stomach.

  “It’s nice not having someone whimpering whenever I raise a hand,” he said. “I went to the diner, and I honestly thought they were all going to duck for cover.”

  Mel laughed. “I can imagine something like that happening. I wish I could have been there. It would have been so funny.”

  She sipped at her water and watched as he glanced around her space.

  “You have a nice home.”

  “This is your way of making small talk?” she asked. She did have a nice home. It was quite funny really. She’d been told by a couple of her former lovers that she was the perfect wife. She kept a beautiful home, and was a lady to the outside world, but a whore in the bedroom.

  She grabbed another cracker, and took a bite.

  “So rumor has it that you’ve got a thing for Prudence Anderson. The librarian. Have you gotten anywhere with her yet?” She took another drink of water, and saw that she’d surprised him.

  “How do you know?”

  She laughed. “It’s the only thing that makes you less scary to this town. You’re always at the library, and I bet you’ve got much better things to do than sit around at a library.”

  “You’re refreshing, you know that?”

  “I’ve been called that a time or two.” She ate her fourth cracker, and finally her stomach began to ease.

  “It’s nice talking to someone who’s not afraid of me.”

  “I don’t really talk to a lot of people.”

  He sat back, watching her. “I’ve heard a lot about you and your marriage.”

  “Now that doesn’t surprise me. A heads-up, Ricky, if you live in this town for long enough, they seem to think they’ve got some right to talk about you. I’d ignore it. I do.”

  “You and Pea don’t have a conventional marriage.”

  She folded her arms and leaned on the counter. “Pea and I have had a very … complicated relationship.”

  “But we’re working on it,” Pea said, drawing their attention toward the door.

  Mel saw Pea glaring at Ricky.

  “What are you doing here?” Pea asked, not looking toward her.

  “Your wife looked ill, and I was passing through.” He shrugged. “Nothing going on here, Pea. I assure you. Your wife is the only person I know that has yet to flinch from my presence.”

  “It’s quite sad, actually. I told him I had no friends,” Mel said, and burst out laughing.

  Slowly, she watched as Pea relaxed, moving to stand behind her. “Are you okay?”

  His touch made her ache all over. Never had he had such an effect on her. It was instant, startling, and made her want him there and then.

  Instead, she grabbed another cracker. Her hand shook a little, but the men were giving each other a death glare. The tension was making her uncomfortable. When it got too bad lately, she’d start throwing up. Right now, she wasn’t ready to admit she was pregnant to anyone but her sister.

  “He was curious about our marriage. You know, you being a man-whore and me just being a whore,” she said.

  Pea finally looked down at her, and she hoped he read what she was trying to say.

  Please, don’t do that. Don’t be that jealous guy. Nothing is happening here.

  They both had a past. She wasn’t rushing to the clubhouse to fuck up every single woman he’d been with.

  No, she was the good wife now. Staying at home, waiting for him, and getting fucking pregnant!

  Life sucked.


  Pea didn’t like seeing Big Ricky in his kitchen, drinking his coffee, or talking to his wife. Gripping Mel’s shoulder, he gave her a squeeze and headed toward the kettle, pouring himself a drink, and turning to look at the larger man.

  He was deadly. Pea knew all about the shit that Big Ricky had done. That kind of man he didn’t want in his home near Mel.

  She didn’t have a clue what kind of man was sitting opposite her.

  The mafia was an entirely different ballgame than anything he was used to. This man had tortured men until they begged for death, keeping them alive until only he was ready. Pea had seen some of the shit he’d done, and he didn’t want that shit coming to his home.

  The Lorenzo family always got cocky. It was what they were known for. The man in front of him cleaned up that mess.

  There was nothing to stop the Lorenzo family’s enemies from coming to this
town and killing anyone associated with him. Mel belonged to him. She was club property. His property, and there was no way in hell that he was going to let anything happen to her.

  She was his wife.

  He’d vowed to protect her, and by doing that, it was getting rid of this fucker for good.

  “I better be going,” Ricky said. “It was lovely to talk with you, and to have a nice conversation.”

  “You, too, Ricky.” Mel got up and saw him to the door. Pea didn’t say a word but followed her. “Have you ever thought of asking her on a date?”

  This made him frown.

  Ricky looked back at Mel.

  “Prue. Ask her if she’d like to have dinner or something. She’s not seeing anyone. I don’t think she’s ever seen anyone at all.”

  “You think she’d accept an invitation from me?”

  “Of course she would. Goodbye,” she said, closing the door as Ricky left. “What the fuck was that all about?” she asked, whirling around with her arms folded.

  She always looked so stern and proper when she gave him the serious face.

  “What? I was looking out for you.”

  “You were looking out for me? You were being a total asshole.” She glared at him, and then stormed past him.

  Pea drank more of his coffee, and watched as she cleaned Ricky’s cup and packed away the crackers. He watched her ass as she moved around the kitchen. The jeans she wore molded to every single curve, and he wanted them off her.

  It had been a long day, and he’d struggled to focus on anything but his need for this woman. He watched as she bent down to wipe a stain from the floor. She always kept everything so nice and tidy.

  This was his wife. The woman he’d married because she’d needed the help. She’d offered him what no one else ever had, a freedom to do whatever the hell he wanted. There had been no claim until they had agreed just before his Prez’s wedding to be exclusive. Still, she hadn’t been with a man for long before then. Mel hadn’t wanted any other man after Councilman Wallace, and the only person she’d been with for nearly a year and a half was Pea.


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