Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5)

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Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I didn’t think she’d leave,” Pipe said.

  Helping the Prez of the Hell’s Wolves carry the furniture upstairs, Pea placed it against the wall.

  “You had every intention of tearing the carpet up?” Vanilla asked.

  “Of course, but to get this shit in here, I needed her gone. She won’t go shopping for random shit. Once I have it all set up, she won’t argue. I’ll move everything around when I lay the carpet. It’ll be fine.”

  “Well now that most of us are here, we need a course of action for Big Ricky,” Saint said. “I’m open to suggestions, but other than kidnap and interrogate him, I’ve got nothing.”

  “You want in his home?” Pea asked.

  They all talked as they worked.

  “It’ll be a safer way than starting a possible war with the Lorenzo family,” Rage said. “This is our turf, but if they feel we’re causing trouble, it won’t stop them from taking over.”

  “I hate this shit,” Vanilla said. “Sinners’ Corner is ours. They want to conduct business on our turf, they should be forced to come through us.”

  “It’s why I think this is not about taking over turf,” Saint said. “I’m a nosy bastard, and I want to know what he’s trying to hide from the outside world.”

  “You think he’s using your club as a blanket cover of some kind?” Pipe asked.

  They were bagging up the torn-up carpet and throwing it out into the hallway.

  Pea grabbed the cleaning equipment and wiped up the dust while Zeus vacuumed the room.

  When everything was clean, they all got brushes and began to paint the walls. With most of them working on the paint, it wouldn’t take them long to get finished.

  “He’s got to be using the club for cover,” Rage said. “No one knows he’s here, do they? Everything associated with Sinners’ Corner is about the club.”

  “Then you need him to be distracted.”

  “Big Ricky doesn’t get distracted.”

  “No, he doesn’t unless you consider a certain blonde.”

  All the club turned to him.

  “Blonde?” Saint asked.

  “Am I the only one that listens to my woman when she talks?” Pea asked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rage said, glaring.

  “Big Ricky is spending a lot of time at the library where a certain blonde is working. She went to school with Elena. Seriously, I wonder at times how far our club has come if you guys don’t even pay attention to the small stuff, for fuck’s sake.”

  “You think we could get her on board?” Saint asked.

  “Ask her as a favor. I don’t know, maybe the whole club could become members of the library. I know Mel keeps trying to get me to sign up.”

  “So we organize a date between the two, and then do a recon on the house?” Vanilla asked.

  “I like it.”

  “I know that Autumn goes to the pool on Saturday nights. She has four guards with her. They try to blend in, though,” Willy said.

  “The house will be pretty much free rein. We’ll get it done and organized.” Saint nodded at all of them.

  The next course of action was already decided, and Pea got to work on the nursery. Penny texted to let him know when they were heading home.

  By the time Mel got back, the nursery was complete, and the few pieces of furniture already put up.

  The moment she stepped through the door, he saw the tears in her eyes. She covered her mouth and shook her head. “You did that on purpose to get me out of the house.”

  “I did, and I know what a pain in the ass you are when it comes to spending money. I figured if I did all the spending, you wouldn’t be a giant pain about it. What do you think?”

  “I think it looks beautiful.” She reached out, running a hand over the crib. “You’re amazing.” She threw her hands around his neck and he held her, loving her closeness. He’d give anything for her to be like this.

  She pressed a kiss to his lips, and he smiled down at her. The rest of the world fell away as he stared into her eyes, feeling like he was falling under her spell all over again.

  Someone clearing their throat interrupted the moment.

  He turned his head to see the club staring at them as if they were strange.

  “Beers and steak,” Pea said. “Let’s go and eat.”

  Pea didn’t release her. He held her hand as they made their way downstairs toward the kitchen.

  The last thing he wanted to do was to let her go. She was his woman. The love of his life.

  Chapter Seven

  Mel pushed Pea to the bed and straddled his waist.

  “Damn, woman, what are you doing to me?” he asked.

  She reached between them, sliding her fingers through her slit, and watched as his gaze followed her actions. “Don’t you want to fuck me?” she asked, tilting her head to the side in an attempt to be coy.

  He grabbed her hips, and then glided his hands up to cup her tits. They were still so sensitive, and she arched up, moaning.

  “You know, I think I’m getting a pregnancy fetish or some shit,” he said, pinching her nipples, and then moving his hands down to grasp her hips.

  Her hand moved from her clit to hold his cock. She worked his dick, going from the root to the tip. Pre-cum leaked out of the head; she smeared it over his dick, getting him slick.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I can’t wait to see you full with my kid.”

  “You want to see my big stomach.” She moved her hand in a curve over her stomach.

  “I’m going to hold you so tightly as I fuck you. Your tits are going to be heavy as well.” He sat up, and took one of her tits into his mouth.

  Since her nipples were so sensitive, he was careful as he sucked on one bud before licking across to the other. “I don’t want you to feel left out.” He spoke to her breasts.

  “There’s no way that could happen.” She gripped the back of his head, moaning as his cock pressed against her clit, rubbing.

  He lifted his head up, and his hand sank into her hair, holding her close. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Me neither.”

  Pea kissed her deeply, and she didn’t want to let him go as he ravished her mouth.

  “You feel so fucking good, and you’re all fucking mine.” Pea’s hand moved from her head down to her ass.

  He turned her so that she was on her back and he was over her.

  “You always want to be on top.”

  “I know what I’m doing. Lie back and relax.”

  He left the bed, and she watched him move from the room. When he returned he had a little bag from Dirty Deeds.

  “I had no idea you went to the sex shop. I’m jealous.”

  “I wanted to do something for you, and I figured the best way of getting you to play along would be to make you join in.”

  “It sounds sexy.”

  “It will be. Sit up.”

  She did, and he pulled out a blindfold. Raising a brow, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

  “Are you going to go all dominant on me?”

  “I’ve got no whips in here. I’m afraid you’re going to have to get those kinds of kicks off the porn you watch.”

  “We could watch it together. You’d be able to learn some stuff.”

  “I’ve learned enough, thank you.” He secured the blindfold, and she was now in the dark. “Can you see?”

  “Nope. I can still hear, though. Is that allowed in the rules?”

  “You’re a pleasant pain in the ass. Lie down, please.”

  “You’re being very polite, Pea. Where is my husband?”

  “Ha-ha. Do as you’re told, wench.”

  She laughed, loving his attention. Lying back on the bed, she gasped as he grabbed her wrist, and he secured something soft around it.

  Next, he did her other wrist, and she found herself even more aroused.

  “I can do whatever the hell I want to you now. You’re at m
y mercy.”

  “I like being at your mercy,” she said. The bed dipped as he climbed onto it.

  She wished she could see him, but she didn’t mind just feeling him.

  The tips of his fingers moved up from her ankle going to her knee, then past her thighs to her hips.

  His lips nuzzled the curve of her stomach. “I was reading one of these books about some of the positions we can enjoy.”

  “When I’m as big as a beached whale, there’s not going to be a lot.”

  “I liked the spooning one. I’m looking forward to that more than any other.” His lips trailed up, sucking on her each nipple before he took her mouth.

  He left the bed once again, making her moan.

  “Stop tormenting me.” She gasped as something soft trailed across her body. He stroked across her nipples, teasing each one.

  “You’ve got a gorgeous body.” Whatever he used moved down across her stomach, and her thighs. He missed her pussy, and she whimpered.

  “You want to be touched?”

  “You know it. Please, Pea.”

  “Please what?”

  “Please, touch me. Make me come. I want you.”

  The bed dipped, and something hard and cool touched her pussy.

  Slowly, he pressed whatever it was into her pussy, stretching her. His tongue latched onto her clit, sucking on the bud until she was fighting against the cuffs around her wrists. She couldn’t handle his restraint and how he was teasing her, driving her wild with his minimal touch.

  “You’re so wet.” He pulled out the fake cock, and pressed it against her lips. “Taste yourself. Taste how sweet you are.”

  She flicked the tip, and heard his moan. “I want your cock, Pea.”

  “You want my dick in that mouth of yours.”

  “Yes, I want to suck you in deep until you come and I swallow you down.”

  “Now that is too good to resist.” He moved so that he was straddling her chest, his balls resting above her tits.

  She couldn’t see but felt as the tip of his cock rested against her lips. Teasing the head with her tongue, she opened her mouth as he slowly sank his length within her.

  “Now that is a pretty sight. Fuck, baby, you know how to suck a man’s cock.” He eased out only to plunge back inside going to the back of her throat. She wanted to watch, to touch him, even as the blindfold was turning her on.

  He kept fucking her mouth, and she wanted to taste his cum, for him to flood her mouth so that she could swallow him down.

  Pea was the one in charge, and as he pulled away, she missed him, wanting him back in her mouth so that she could suck him.

  “I don’t want to come in that pretty mouth of yours. I want to come deep in your cunt.” He lifted her hips up, and his tongue was at her pussy. “First, I want you to come on my tongue.”

  He flicked her clit, and slid down to fuck inside her pussy.

  The pleasure was intense, instant, and Pea knew how to touch her body to bring her to orgasm. He flicked her clit, sucked it hard, and her release had been building all night. She came, screaming his name, and he licked her throughout, not letting her go for a second. He drew every single ounce of her orgasm from her, leaving her gasping.

  Pea released her, and then his cock was sliding inside her pussy.

  “Oh, fuck, I’m going to tie you up more, and make you my little slut, baby. Your pussy is so wet.” He pulled out of her and slammed inside. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in. “I need to see your eyes.” He took the blindfold from her.

  She smiled up at him.

  The cuffs stayed around her wrists. He pounded inside her, going deeper as he fucked her hard.

  She thrust up to meet his dick, and stared into his eyes as he did.

  There was no denying that she loved this man. She’d loved him that moment all those years ago when he’d stayed to help. He’d not wanted to fuck; he’d wanted to help her. What kind of man did that?

  Even when she’d said they could see other people, he’d been by her side. When Councilman Wallace hurt her, he was there.

  Everyone saw a cheater, but she didn’t. She saw the man who’d been willing to give up his life for her. After marrying her, helping her with the debts, and providing for her, Mel hadn’t wanted him to give up his party lifestyle. She’d become part of his world, and this was what they had together.

  She didn’t want to lose him.

  He’d been willing to remain faithful, and she’d told him no. She’d encouraged him, throwing women at him, so he knew she was okay with it.

  Back then, she didn’t realize that she was in love with him, and maybe she hadn’t been. She’d always been attracted to him, and loved the man. It was only now that she saw she was in love with him, and that had been happening over the years they’d been together.

  When he came, Pea wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  “I love you, Mel,” he said.

  They were the words she never expected to hear, and they brought tears to her eyes. “I love you, too.”

  She hoped more than anything that he believed her.


  The library was minutes away from closing, and Pea sat in one of the library chairs waiting for Prudence Anderson to return to the main desk. Everyone else had left, and as he sat there looking around the library, he saw how desperately it needed some repairs.

  Saint hadn’t wanted to do this, but none of them saw a way out. They needed Prue’s help.

  For the past few days he’d been watching Big Ricky make regular visits to the library. Each time, he spent most of it looking at Prue, watching her. From what Mel had told him, the big guy had a thing for the librarian.

  “I just want to point out that I’m not happy using a woman for this,” Vanilla said. “It’s dangerous.”

  “I get that, which is why she won’t be alone. One of us will agree to be close by. I’m not going to put the town at risk.”

  The elevator dinged, and Pea watched from his corner as Prue carried a pile of books. The poor woman looked ready to drop at any minute.

  “Showtime.” Saint took the lead, making his way toward the young woman. The moment Prue saw them, Pea saw the fear in her eyes, and made sure to keep a smile on his face.

  “Hey, Prue,” Saint said.

  “What have I done?”

  This had all of the brothers frowning.

  “You’ve not done anything, sugar,” Vanilla said.

  “Then why are you at the library after hours? I’m sure it’s not to rent out books, and when more than one MC guy comes, it’s usually because a person has done something bad.” She held the books close to her chest.

  Saint shook his head. “You’ve not done anything wrong at all. In fact, we want to ask you for a favor, a big one.”

  She looked at each of them in turn. He watched her thoughts crossing her face, and was assessing why a club would need help from her. “What do you want?”

  “I want you to accept a date from Ricky. The big guy that spends most of his time watching you.”

  Prue was already shaking her head. “No, I promised Melissa that I’d stay away from him. She said that he’s bad news.” She turned to Pea. “You told her to be careful around him.”

  Pea suddenly loved his wife very much. She had listened to him, and told others to be careful. Big Ricky trusted her, and even though she’d talked to the man at the fight, she had made sure she wasn’t alone with him.

  Saint didn’t look impressed. “He’s here for a reason. We’re asking you to spare a couple of hours keeping him company.”

  “This is a man that one of your women has told me not to be near.”

  His Prez was now glaring at him. “I know, and I asked her to be extra cautious. One of us will be close if this was to happen.”

  “We know he’s hiding something, Prue. I don’t want to put you or the town in danger, and we need your help.”

  Prue tilted her head to the side, looking at each o
f them in turn. “What would you be willing to give?”

  “Give?” Saint asked.

  “Well yes, you want something from me, and I hate to be rude, can I get something from you?” She put the books she was holding down, and leaned on the counter that separated them.

  “What do you want?” Pea asked.

  She tapped a finger to her lip. “The entire club to become library members.”

  “We can do that,” Saint said.

  “Excellent. There’s also funding for the library at the fair in the summer. We’re raising money for the repairs on this place. Could you guys contribute, and I’ll go on this date with Big Ricky?”

  “Agreed,” Saint said. “Is that all?”

  “Yep. That’s all I want.”

  “You don’t want any money for yourself?” Vanilla asked. “Nothing to give you a hand out?”

  “The library is all I care about, and they pay me. Keeping it open and thriving gives me a job. I’ll do what you say. I’ll accept his invitation, and call you when it’s been made, and where we’re going.” She picked her books up.

  It was time for them to leave.

  Pea and the Saints and Sinners MC left the library.

  “You told the women to be careful around Big Ricky?” Saint asked.

  “I didn’t like the vibe I was getting off the guy. Mel passed it along to all the women.” Pea looked at the men as they stared at him. “What’s with all the weird looks? Are you wanting to be my girlfriend or something?”

  “You’re different,” Vanilla said. “The settling down life must be really … suiting you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “If that’s enough of telling me how great I am, I’m going to head back to my wife.”

  Looking toward Saint, he shrugged, and with that, Pea made his way back home.

  Dinner was already on the table by the time he got home. Mel was eating a bowl of pasta when he entered. “Your dinner is in the oven keeping warm. Let me get it for you.”

  “Don’t worry. Sit, eat, enjoy. I can grab my dinner.”

  He grabbed his bowl of pasta and joined her at the table.

  “Prue’s agreed to date Big Ricky,” he said, causing her to stop reading and look toward him. She closed the magazine and gave him her full attention. “She told Saint that you said to be careful.”


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