Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5)

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Giving It to the Man-Whore (Saints and Sinners MC Book 5) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She rolled over, and he placed a hand on her stomach. Tears were in her eyes.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Nothing will ever tear us apart. I’m sorry about Tara, I really am, but it’s you I love, Mel. It will only ever be you.” He cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears. “I’m the luckiest fucking bastard alive.”

  She laughed. “No, I’m the luckiest woman.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible, but you tamed the fucking man-whore.”

  “It sounds like a kinky story.”

  “It is. It’s our story.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, knowing that he couldn’t be with anyone else. She was the only woman he was ever going to love.


  “I fucking hate you!” Mel released a scream, and Pea held onto her hand. Her legs were pressed up, and she was crying.

  He wanted to kill the fucking doctor as his woman was in pain. She’d already gone past the point of no return. She couldn’t have any drugs to help ease the pain.

  “I know, baby, I know. Come on, you just got to push, and then it’ll all go away.”

  “You have no idea what this feels like.” She squeezed his hands, and Pea tried not to wince. This was not the time to show pain. He had to be the big man.

  He held her hands as the doctor told her to push once again.

  “I can’t. It hurts too much.” She cried, and Pea held her.

  “I’ve got you, baby. We can do this. Come on, we want to see our little baby girl, don’t we?”


  “Okay. Come on, push for me, and you’re doing so great. So fucking great, babe.” He kissed her head, and Mel’s grip on his hands tightened as she pushed out.

  The sound of a baby’s scream filled the air, and he watched as the doctors did their work. Mel collapsed against him, panting.

  “Is she okay?” Mel asked. “Pea, what’s going on?”

  “Remember, they’re just taking her weight and wrapping her in a blanket for us. She’s perfect.”

  After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, the doctor carried their baby toward them.

  His little angel with wide eyes, and she was so beautiful. Pea took the baby from the doctor and held her in his arms. This was his promise to Mel, that he’d pass his girl to her.

  “She’s perfect, Mel,” he said.

  He turned and found Mel smiling up at him.

  Placing their little girl in her arms, Pea moved behind her, kissing her head.

  “Oh, Pea, look what we did. She’s so beautiful.” Mel stroked her cheek.

  “I love you, babe. More than anything.” She turned her head and pressed a kiss to his lips. She looked a mess. Her hair was wet from sweat, and her face was red from pushing, but to Pea, she had never looked more beautiful.

  “What should we call her?” she asked.

  “Whatever you want.”


  “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he said. “Our Maggie.”

  Love filled every part of his body and soul.

  Mel had completely blown his world in every way that counted. He’d gone from the man-whore to the family man.

  “Do you want another one?” he asked.

  “I’d love another.”

  He laughed, recalling something he’d read about the pain lessening once you held your child.

  “Is the club waiting?” she asked.

  “Yes. We’ll show them our daughter together.”

  That was how they were going to be, united together as one.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “Ha, teach you, Jared Varner, to tell me what to do.” Freya smiled at her new blue locks. Her blonde hair was gone, and she was in a rebellious mood. It was probably because of all the free time on her hands now that Sophia had left her alone. Freya pouted in the mirror, and pressed her arms together, giving her an even larger cleavage than she already had.

  She loved her curves so damn much. Yeah, she probably shouldn’t love her size eighteen figure, but she did. She also knew she wasn’t the only person who loved her body either. Nope, it just so happened that Jared loved it as well.

  “And he ain’t ever getting a taste of me.” Even as she spoke to her own reflection, she rolled her eyes. It was a lie because as the months had passed, her feelings for Jared had gotten stronger. She knew he had orchestrated it so that she worked at his office, doing what she loved the most, which was her art.

  Should she be mad at him? Probably. He’d helped to pay for this apartment, made it so her own parents left her alone, and she could do whatever the hell she wanted.

  He’s also granted her a credit card that didn’t have a limit at all, which she hadn’t used. She felt like the moment she used it, she’d be agreeing to be his plaything, and as much as she wanted to be, she was holding back.

  Jared had manipulated the situation to get her here, where he wanted her. She loved the apartment, though of course she missed her very married friend. Not seeing her parents every day was no great loss. Her mother hated men and wanted nothing to do with her cheating ex-husband. Then of course there was her father, who happened to be friends with Jared.

  Freya hadn’t spent a whole lot of time with her father in the past few years. She had been forced on a couple of holiday occasions to be with him, but she didn’t like him all that much.

  He was a pompous ass who thought that because he had some money and good looks, he could have any woman he wanted. From what she’d seen the few times she’d had to stay with him, it was true.

  There were times she was worried that was what Jared was about. He just wanted her because she had refused to be drawn into his web. He was like a spider, and they freaked her out. She didn’t want him to wrap her in some web, and suck the life force out of her. Just the thought made her shudder. Her mother was very … descriptive when it came to her cheating exes.

  Moving away from the bathroom to her bedroom, Freya sat down on the edge, folding her arms.

  The problem she had when it came to Jared was she was so attracted to him. Her feelings made her nervous. This was where her first lie came in. She’d told Sophia that she had lost her virginity, and it had been amazing. That was a lie. She never had. And there was a second lie in that mix as well. She had lied to Sophia about having sex with Jared in the office. It hadn’t happened, but she had dreamt about it. Those were the two lies she’d told, and only because she’d gotten … upset.

  Sophia was so sweet, and when she’d assumed that Freya had sex, she didn’t correct her, and went along with it.

  Jared, though, she wanted him, even as she didn’t want him.

  Her mother had had so many lovers, and Freya didn’t want to be like her mother. Each time she got close to anyone, she freaked out. Jared wasn’t like other men though. He’d been her crush, then became her fantasy man. Now, she didn’t know if there was a way to help keep her heart safe from him.

  There had been a couple of occasions with boyfriends when she’d been so close to giving it up, but that hadn’t happened. When they’d nearly gotten naked, she had backed out, and then ended up friends with the guys.

  No one had made her hot and bothered until Jared, and he took away her ability to think clearly. He was a guy old enough to be her dad, and yet when she looked at him, she wanted him. There had been many times she had wondered what it would feel like to have him pounding inside her, touch
ing her, stroking her body.

  Just because she had never had sex didn’t mean that she’d not fantasized about it—even to the point of lying about her fantasies to Sophia, wanting them to be true.

  At the sound of her apartment door opening, Freya grabbed the baseball bat she kept beside her bed, and slowly entered the main sitting room.

  “What the hell did I tell you about dyeing your hair?” Jared asked, growling the words. The sound of his voice sent a tingle down her spine, and her nipples got really hard.

  Get a grip, Freya.

  “What the hell are you doing in my place?” She kept the bat held up.

  “This is not your place, you and I both know that. I’m not going to do what Alfie did and lie. You know he and I got this place for you two.” His hands were in his pockets, and his gaze ran down her body.

  It was a look filled with dirty thoughts, and coming from him it made her so damn wet. This was what she struggled with.

  Then she frowned. “How did you know I dyed my hair?”

  “With Sophia out of the apartment, I had some extra cameras installed for your safety. Seeing as you won’t move in with me.”

  “I’m not going to be your willing sex slave.” She glared at him, even though the idea of belonging to him was so tempting.

  Be strong, Freya. You don’t need a man, never have, never will.

  Jared smirked. “I don’t want a willing sex slave, Freya.” He straightened his jacket.

  “So now you’re spying on me like some kind of pervert.”

  “You and I both know that you’re mine. I’ve made this clear to you, and you can keep denying you want anything to do with me. I can handle that. You’re being stubborn.”

  She finally lowered the bat. “You want to be my sugar daddy?” She put a hand on her hip, and looked at him. He had grey hair at the sides, and he had this maturity that called to her. Jared had always been nice to her, kind. When she’d been forced to stay with her father, Jared had been patient with her, and yes, she had developed a crush on him.

  What was there not to like?

  Freya even liked that he’d gone to such lengths to keep her close.

  She was fighting a losing battle, she just knew it.


  Jared was going to strangle her.

  Freya wanted him. They both knew it, but instead of giving in, she was just being a pain in the ass. Still, he could handle that.

  “You want a sugar daddy?” he asked, resting a hand on his hip, and his other on the wall nearest her.

  There wasn’t anything he didn’t know about her. Some of the stuff he’d not let her know about, but he did. He knew a whole hell of a lot.

  She bit her lip and stepped toward him. “The real question, Jared, is do you want me to belong to you?”

  He smiled. Reaching out, he took a curl between his fingers, rubbing it. The scent of peroxide was still heavy in the air. “This is a really interesting color.” He dropped the curl to her hair.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come to dinner with me.”

  She sighed. “I’m not going to do that.”

  “Do you hate men in general?” he asked.

  “I don’t hate men at all. I just don’t like you.”

  “And why is that?”

  “You’re a manipulative bastard who thinks he can have anything he wants.”

  Jared chuckled.

  “See, and now you’re laughing at me.”

  “I work damned hard to get what I want.”

  “You think because you gave me a job, a place to live, and helped me out, that I should fall at your feet. Do whatever you want to do.”

  He tutted and shook his head. “Actually, that’s the very opposite. I believed that because you’ve been panting for me most of your life, that you’d at least give this a shot. Instead, you’ve been behaving like a child. Dyeing your hair and going out on dates with men who don’t care anything for you.” He stepped a little closer and turned so that she was pressed against the wall. “And then you pretend that your little cherry isn’t still intact.”

  She gasped.

  “Yes, Freya. I know you’re a virgin, and no one has gotten a chance to taste you yet. I will, believe me.” He loved this woman. Her fire, her warmth, her passion, everything about her called to him.

  Jared had known it would be tough. She’d grown up with a mother who only knew heartache. Her mother had the worst taste in men. He knew this because he’d been friends with Freya’s father long before her parents decided to get married.

  Still, he didn’t like how she kept pushing him.

  Being an expert businessman, he always got what he wanted. He just needed to change tacks.

  “You don’t know everything.” She looked up at him, and he already knew she was wet. Her nipples were rock hard, pressing against the front of her shirt, and he’d bet his fortune that her pussy was soaking wet.

  “Very true, but I know everything about you, Freya. I know your wants, your desires, your needs, which is why I already booked us a seat in a little Spanish restaurant. Get dressed, and I’ll take you out for your perfect paella.”

  “I don’t have a dress.”

  “You do. I’d recommend the black cocktail dress in the back of your wardrobe. You’ll look dazzling in it.” With that, he stepped back, and watched her spin on her heel with a huff. He got a good glimpse of her curvy ass.

  One day soon she was going to be naked, in his bed, and he was going to have to find a really good reason to leave it.

  “You’re an insufferable know-it-all,” she said, yelling the words.

  “What’s the matter, Freya? Can’t you keep up with me?”

  She came to the door with the dress against her. “I can keep up with you. Don’t forget, Jared, you’re old enough to be my dad.”

  Within a few steps he was right in front of her. “Exactly, which means I know how to deal with a spoiled little brat. You want to push me, that’s fine. But don’t insult me. I may be older than you, but you have yet to see if you can keep up with me.”

  He saw the jealousy in her eyes, and he fucking loved it.

  “Do you have a harem at your beck and call? Why don’t you just ask one of them to dinner?”

  Jared shook his head. “Go and get dressed.”

  This was what Freya didn’t know. He’d not had a woman in a very long time. Ever since he’d decided that his feelings for Freya were worth listening to. She was a beautiful woman, intelligent, confident. When she didn’t have an attitude, her smile was worth every second of bitchiness.

  There had been moments over the past year when that bitchiness hadn’t come out. When she had sat next to him after a long day, resting her head on his shoulder as she’d slumped against him. They would often talk about clients and other stuff. Most of the time, he just relished her closeness.

  He was tired of waiting. Alfie had gotten his woman, Sophia, and Jared hated his own lonely, empty bed.

  In fact, his whole house was lonely. He didn’t like staying in his apartment, and he missed being at home in the country.

  Even though he was a businessman, he liked his time away from the big city. In his country home, he’d also built Freya an art studio. He couldn’t wait to see her inside it, bringing her art to life. She was so talented, and he’d loved watching her little stick figures develop into portraits. They were not her only strong suit.

  Her art was an extension of her.

  The passion that he loved so much, he wanted it directed at him.

  “Will I do?” she asked, coming toward the doorway and rubbing her hands down over her thighs. The black dress molded to every curve. When she’d bought it, she’d gotten a larger size so that it covered her figure. He’d swapped it out for the next smaller size, and it enhanced those curves.

  “Perfect for any sugar daddy.”

  End of sample chapter

  Addicted to His Touch by Sam Crescent is available at most online retailers.





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