Lady Gregory's Toothbrush

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Lady Gregory's Toothbrush Page 9

by Colm Toibin



  Lady Gregory papers, Berg Collection, New York Public Library

  John Quinn Memorial Collection, New York Public Library


  Adams, Bernard. Denis Johnston: A Life, Dublin, 2002.

  Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. Poetical Works, London, 1914.

  Coxhead, Elizabeth. Lady Gregory: A Literary Portrait, London, 1961.

  Donoghue, Denis, ed. W.B. Yeats: Memoirs, London, 1972.

  Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce, Oxford, 1982.

  Ellmann, Richard, ed. Selected Letters of James Joyce, New York, 1975.

  Foster, R.F. W.B. Yeats: A Life, Volume , Oxford, 1997.

  Foster, R.F. Paddy and Mr Punch, London, 1993.

  Glendinning, Victoria. Trollope, London, 1992.

  Greene, David H., and Edward M. Stephens. J.M. Synge, New York, 1959.

  Gregory, Anne. Me and Nu: Childhood in Coole, Gerrards Cross, 1970.

  Gregory, Lady. Cuchulain of Muirthemne, London, 1902.

  Gregory, Lady. Diaries 189‒1902, ed. James Pethica, Oxford, 1996.

  Gregory, Lady. Journals, vol. II, ed. Daniel J. Murphy, New York, 1987.

  Gregory, Lady. Lady Gregory’s Journals 1916‒1930, ed. Lennox Robinson, New York, 1947.

  Gregory, Lady. Our Irish Theatre, London, 1913.

  Gregory, Lady. Selected Plays, Gerrards Cross, 1975.

  Gregory, Lady. Seventy Years. Gerrards Cross, 1976.

  Gregory, Lady, ed. Sir William Gregory: An Autobiography, London, 1894.

  Gregory, Lady. Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland, New York, 1970.

  Guest, Lady Charlotte, trs. The Mabinogion, London, 1980.

  Gwynn, Stephen. Irish Literature and Drama, London, 1936.

  Hobsbawm, Eric, and Terence Ranger, eds. The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge, 1983.

  Holroyd, Michael. Bernard Shaw, Volume 11, London, 1989.

  Hyde, Douglas. Beside the Fire, New York, 1973.

  Jenkins, Brian. Sir William Gregory of Coole: The Biography of an Anglo-Irishman, Gerrards Cross, 1986.

  Johnston, Denis. Collected Plays, vol. I, London, 1960.

  Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, London, 1992.

  Kohfeldt, Mary Lou. Lady Gregory: The Woman Behind the Irish Renaissance, New York, 1985.

  Krause, David. Sean O’Casey: The Man and His Work, New York, 1975.

  Krause, David, ed. The Letters of Sean O’Casey, Volume 1, New York, 1975.

  Krause, David, and Robert G. Lowery, eds. Sean O’Casey: Centenary Essays, Gerrards Cross, 1988.

  Longford, Elizabeth. A Pilgrimage of Passion: The Life of Wilfri,nd Scawen

  Blunt, London, 1979.

  Mason, Ellsworth, and Richard Ellmann, eds. The Critical Writings of James Joyce, New York, 1959.

  Mikhail, E.H, ed. Lady Gregory: Interviews and Recollections, London, 1977.

  Moore, George. Hail and Farewell, New York, 1925.

  Murphy, William M. Prodigal Father: The Life of John Butler Yeats, Ithaca, 1978.

  O’Casey, Sean. Inishfallen Fare Thee Well, London, 1949.

  O’Connor, Garry. Sean O’Casey: A Life, London, 1988

  O’Grady, Standish Hayes. Silva Gadelica, New York, 1970.

  O’Grady, Standish James. History of Ireland, New York, 1970.

  O’Rourke, Canon John, The Great Irish Famine, Dublin, 1989.

  Reid, B.L. The Man from New York: John Quinn and his Friends, New York, 1968.

  Saddlemyer, Anne, ed. Theatre Business: The Correspondence of the first Abbey Theatre Directors, Gerrards Cross, 1982.

  Saddlemyer, Anne, and Colin Smythe, eds. Lady Gregory: Fifty Years After, Gerrards Cross, 1987.

  Synge, John M. The Complete Works, New York, 1935.

  Toomey, Deirdre, ed. Yeats and Women, London, 1997.

  Yeats, W.B. Autobiography, London, 1938.

  Yeats, W.B. Collected Plays, London, 1935.

  Yeats, W.B. Collected Poems, London, 1950.


  This book was written while I was a Fellow at the Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library. I am grateful to Peter Gay, the Director, and to Pamela Leo and Rachael Kafrissen for their kindness and support. I am also grateful to my colleagues at the Center for much fruitful discussion and a great deal of stimulation.

  The Lady Gregory papers are housed in the Berg Collection at the New York Public Library. My work there was greatly facilitated by Steve Crook and Isaac Gewirtz, and indeed by all the librarians who manage to make the Berg such a uniquely hospitable institution. During my time there, Declan Kiely, who was working on the Yeats papers, offered me daily assistance in deciphering Lady Gregory’s handwriting, which is notoriously difficult, as well as offering much advice on the general context and background. I am also grateful to Catriona Crowe, Fintan O’Toole, and my editor at Lilliput in Dublin, Brendan Barrington.


  Copyright © Colm Tóibín, 2002

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

  reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior

  permission of the publisher.

  First published 2002 by


  62‒63 Sitric Road, Arbour Hill, Dublin 7, Ireland

  An abridged version of this book was published as an

  essay in The New York Review of Books.

  A CIP record for this title is available from the British Library.

  1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

  ISBN 978 1 90186 667 4 (print)

  ISBN 978 1 84351 226 4 (ebook)

  For permission to reproduce in its entirety ‘Reprisals’ by

  W.B. Yeats, acknowledgment is due to A.P. Watt Ltd on

  behalf of Michael B. Yeats.

  The Lilliput Press receives financial assistance from An

  Chomhairle Ealaion / The Arts Council of Ireland.

  Set in 12 on 17 Monotype Centaur




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