The Detective's Last Case

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The Detective's Last Case Page 17

by Gerald Lopez

  “I’m already impressed,” the detective said, as they drove in on a long driveway.

  “Did Arnou say you would be?”

  “Y’up. Nice pad.”

  In front of them was an expansive, raised, one-story, white, stone home. After parking and getting out of the car, the detective and Walter walked up multiple front steps and into a wider than usual door.

  “Naomi is waiting in back,” a butler said, then walked them past a barely clad group of men and women toward the wall of French doors in back.

  The marble floor was so shiny the detective could see his reflection. Beautiful, bare breasted women entertained shirtless men who wore bathing suits or less. There was lots of booze and food, plus happy chatter. When they went out the French doors they descended yet another set of stairs to reach a swimming pool.

  “I think I recognize that ass lying down and tanning on the lounge chair,” the detective said loud enough for the sunbather to hear.

  The sunbather turned and waved. “Hello, Detective—Walter,” Robertito said.

  Everyone’s attention turned to an incredibly beautiful nude woman exiting the pool. A servant ran up and helped the woman into a long, flowing gold robe and gold heels, then left. The detective was awestruck, the woman had a perfect figure and stunning face with long dark brown hair and big brown eyes.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Detective, I’m Naomi.”

  “Not to be rude, but you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” the detective said.

  “That’s hardly a rude statement,” Naomi said.

  “How exactly are you related to our boys?” the detective said.

  “What?” Walter said.

  “I’m their aunt, but they don’t know it,” Naomi said, not bothering to close her robe. “Their mother was my sister.”

  “They have your eyes,” the detective said. “Both boys.”

  “I don’t understand,” Walter said.

  “Their mother didn’t want them to know,” Naomi said. “And I felt that being related to a woman in my business would be a liability for Gabriel and Galen. Walter, you’re nothing if not the most honorable man I’ve ever met.”

  “He is that,” the detective said. “Gabriel at least should be told he has family still alive. And Galen told when he’s older. It’s not fair for them or you not to get to know each other as family.”

  “Bring Gabriel by tonight and we’ll tell him together,” Naomi said, then started walking toward the stairs. “I was told I’d like you at first sight, Detective, and I do.”

  “Someone told me the same thing and they were right. You’re no common… anything actually. There’s no way a woman like you would be anything but in charge.”

  “How astute of you,” Naomi said. “Let’s go in and have a drink.”

  “Bye,” Robertito said.

  “Bye,” the detective and Walter said.

  “You’re getting to see a lot of him,” Walter said in a low voice to his detective.

  “We’re pals,” the detective said. “He’s more interested in you.”

  Robertito has always had a thing for Walter,” Naomi said when they were at the top of the stairs. But the feelings were never returned were they, Walter?”

  “Why do I feel like third man out and the center of attention at the same time?” Walter said,

  Naomi smiled. “Walter and I are good friends,” she said to the detective.

  “Feel free to come visit the boys anytime you want,” the detective said.

  “Thank you,” Naomi said, then opened the French doors and led them into the living room. She waved someone over, and the three placed drink orders.

  “Naomi,” A middle-aged, slightly overweight, tan man with black hair said from where he sat on a large crescent moon shaped sofa.

  “Come, let me introduce you to my good friend Augustine, then I’ll give you a tour and we can talk some more, Detective,” Naomi said.

  “I’d like that,” the detective said, then he and Walter followed Naomi to the sofa.

  Augustine was wearing a robe and slippers, but unlike Naomi his robe was closed.

  “Mr. Detective, it’s so nice to meet you,” Augustine said. “Gabriel and Galen are my godsons, and your help in recovering the briefcase of money is much appreciated. I’m sure you and Walter will give the boys a good home. I hear they already have puppies.”

  “We’ll take good care of Gabriel and Galen,” Walter said.

  “And help them become the men they want to be,” the detective said, then sat beside Augustine.

  “In my business, I can’t be seen to have favorites—for their sake as well as my own,” Augustine said. “But the boys have paid me what I was due from their father’s estate and are now free to do as they wish. To be completely honest, Chambers asked me not to involve either of his sons in my business affairs as a favor to him. I told him that I wouldn’t.”

  Naomi sat on Augustine’s lap. “Augustine became a grandfather for the first time late last night.”

  “Congratulations,” Walter said.

  “It’s a boy, so I had to send my best and most trusted men to keep him safe at the hospital,” Augustine said. “Thankfully, you and Robertito helped wrap things up here quickly. Before my men had to take matters in hand.” Augustine’s phone rang and he turned to Naomi. “It’s Jacqueline. That’s my wife, Mr. Detective.” He handed the phone to Naomi who took it and spoke.

  “Hello, Jackie, congratulations on the baby. He’s as handsome as his grandfather and father. And how is Chloe recovering? That well, I’m happy to hear it. I’m glad they got my flowers. I’m sending them a small gift too—for the baby. Yes. Darling, your husband picked out that beautiful sapphire and diamond bracelet for you himself. You know what exceptional taste he has.”

  A man came by with a tray holding the drinks the detective, Walter and Naomi had ordered earlier. Once everyone had their drinks the man left with the empty tray.

  Augustine patted Naomi’s knee, then smiled at the detective.

  “Give them my love,” Naomi, still on the phone, said. “I’ll give him your gift as soon as I get off the phone. Let me put him on.” She handed Augustine the phone then walked away.

  When she returned there were two women with her—one was black and dressed in a short black robe with floor-length sleeves and high heel shoes. The other was Asian and wearing a similar ensemble but in red.

  “I just got your gift, my love,” Augustine said. “They are exotic just like I prefer. Thank you. Take care of our newest family member. I’ll be on the first plane out tomorrow.” He ended the call and addressed the detective.

  “Naomi is too good for the likes of me,” Augustine said. “Her beauty would intimidate me to the point I probably couldn’t get it up.”

  “Naomi’s beauty is striking say the least,” the detective said.

  Augustine left to join the two women, and Naomi approached the detective and Walter.

  “I’m sure you have a lot more you want to discuss, Detective,” Naomi said.

  “Now you’re the one being astute,” the detective said.

  Chapter 31

  Filling in the Details

  THEY FINISHED THEIR drinks, then the detective and Walter followed Naomi out of the room as they talked.

  “You’re handling Chambers’ death well,” the detective said to Naomi.

  “I prefer to do my grieving in private,” Naomi said. “And I have done my share of crying already. Cabot Chambers was the love of my life, and I’ll miss him dearly.”

  “Who killed him?” the detective said.

  “I’m not sure,” Naomi said. “I’m fairly positive it wasn’t business-related.”

  “It’s all about jealousy,” the detective said. “Someone didn’t like that he went after Corinne.”

  “So that was the blonde he was after,” Naomi said. “He would’ve told me, once he’d landed the deal, so to speak. “Cabot didn’t like to discuss things un
til they were settled and done.”

  “Why Corinne?” the detective said.

  “Cabot had one last social meeting to attend out of town,” Naomi said, then smiled. “Yes—of course Corinne would’ve been the perfect date. They would’ve liked her there. She was pretty, but not too much so. He was so good at choosing the right people for the role.”

  “Naomi,” Walter said. “Who do you think could’ve been obsessed enough with Corinne to go after Chambers?”

  “She’s always been popular with the men here,” Naomi said.

  “Including Maxime, the funeral home guy,” the detective said.

  “They did spend a lot of time together, but Corinne would never have considered him anything but a friend. Poor Maxime never has been a lucky guy.”

  “Did he ever come here to deal with any sexual urges he may have had?” the detective said.

  “No,” Naomi said, surprised by her own response.

  “Did he have another girl, maybe?” the detective said.

  “I’m sure he must’ve at his age, but I wouldn’t know her name,” Naomi said. “Before I forget, Augustine would like to see Gabriel tonight before he leaves,” Naomi said. “If that’s alright with the two of you.”

  “Why?” Walter said.

  “I’m not entirely sure myself,” Naomi said. “But he’s not looking to recruit him for the business. And I promise to be properly dressed.”

  “And you’ll tell him you’re his aunt,” the detective said, as he watched a naked couple walk by. “Gabriel deserves to know he has a flesh and blood relative in the world.”

  “People judge others harshly sometimes,” Naomi said. “I want Gabriel to have a chance in life without the baggage of people knowing his aunt is a high-end madame.”

  “Gabriel’s smart enough to handle the information responsibly,” Walter said.

  “And he’s got us watching his back,” the detective said.

  “That’s good to hear,” Naomi said.

  They walked down some stairs to a lower level of the house, that would’ve been unseen from the front, and ran into Arnou who was wearing a robe and slippers.

  “You again,” Arnou said to the detective, snarled, then walked into a side room.

  “He’s getting to be a bit much for me to keep around,” Naomi said. “Beauty can only go so far, and Arnou’s attitude is starting to overpower his good looks.”

  “Want me to talk to him?” the detective said.

  “What he really needs is a good spanking,” Walter said.

  “I’ll leave that up to the two of you,” Naomi said. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to check on things. Feel free to look around and have fun.” She saw the detective looking toward the room Arnou had gone into. “Or what have you.”

  She walked down another set of stairs, and the detective looked at Walter, who shrugged his shoulders. That was all the detective needed to make his way to Arnou’s room.

  “Has the time finally come for us to have it out, Detective?” Arnou said. “He turned to look at Walter. If I win I get some play time with your guy.”

  The detective started to remove his shirt.

  “Just to keep the playing field even,” the detective said, as he slipped off his shoes and unbuckled his pants.

  “The Greeks fought naked so we can too,” Arnou said, then removed his robe and stepped out of his slippers.

  “Impressive,” the detective said, while looking Arnou up and down in a purposeful way to unsettle him. The guy was cocky as hell.

  “And if by any chance you win this fight?” Arnou said. “What do you want?”

  “You’ll find out when I win,” the detective said.

  While Arnou was talking, the detective looked around the large playroom which was empty, except for a bed with handcuffs. He pretended to be distracted so as to take Arnou by surprise as Arnou charged him.

  Walter gasped a few times when he saw the men coming to blows. Although, as much as he hated to admit it, there was something sexy about seeing two fairly fit naked men fight. He thought Arnou was more buff, but not as skilled at fighting. Arnou acted quickly, throwing punch after punch without making sure the blows met their target with the proper force. His detective was slightly slower and calculated. When his punches landed, they met their target hard. A quick look at other things told Walter that his detective certainly won in terms of having larger and thicker equipment.

  Arnou got in a couple good blows that sent the detective flying backward. That just got the detective angry, and his nostrils flared. He huffed as he made his way to Arnou, and delivered one rapid and intense punch after another. Having enough of it all, the detective ended the fight delivering a hard punch to the bottom of Arnou’s chin.

  The detective lifted Arnou up before the man fell, tossed him like a rag doll over his shoulder, then headed toward the bed. After dropping Arnou on the bed facedown, he went for the handcuffs and put them on Arnou’s wrists.

  “What do you want?” Arnou said.

  “Tell me who loved Corinne enough to kill Chambers,” the detective said, then spanked Arnou’s bare ass with his hand.

  “I don’t know,” Arnou said, earning himself a couple more spankings.

  “Think harder,” the detective said.

  “Maxime,” Arnou said. “He was crazy about her, thought he actually stood a chance—the idiot. No more spanking.”

  “You’re ass is mine now,” the detective said, then spanked Arnou several times until Arnou’s ass was red.

  “What’s that mean?” Arnou said.

  “That means you’re our boy now,” Walter said.

  “And I’m fixing to stick something in your ass,” the detective said, then looked at Walter and motioned him over. “Clothes off. Our boy’s gonna suck your cock and it better be good.”

  Arnou was quick to do as he was told with Walter.

  “Ow,” Walter said. “Slow down, Arnou, and watch the teeth.”

  The detective smacked Arnou’s ass. “Apologize to the man.”

  “Sorry.” Arnou said.

  “Sir,” the detective said.

  “Sorry, Walter, Sir,” Arnou said.

  “Suck it better this time,” the detective said.

  “Yes, Sir,” Arnou said to the detective.

  The detective used his finger on Arnou, and was surprised he was so tight-assed.

  “Your ass hasn’t seen much action,” the detective said.

  “I’ve never been on the receiving end of certain things,” Arnou said. “And I’m known for giving good oral.”

  The detective looked at Walter.

  “I think he’s nervous,” Walter said. “Grab a condom from the bowl in the corner.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the detective said.

  The detective grabbed a condom, did some prep work on Arnou’s ass, then proceeded to stick something in said ass.

  Arnou responded enthusiastically. He moaned, and clutched the sheet beneath him.

  “Oh my God!” Arnou said. “Harder! Harder!”

  “Uncuff him, so you can turn him and see his face,” Walter said.

  The detective did so then went back to work.

  “Do me, Daddy!” Arnou said. “Do me! Rip me apart!”

  When the detective was spent, he turned to Walter. “Your turn.”

  Walter took over for the detective, who removed the now full condom he had on, then walked up to Arnou’s face.

  “Clean my cock off with your mouth, boy,” the detective said. After a while he kissed Arnou and Walter joined them.

  “What now?” Walter said, when he and the detective were dressed again.

  “Sirs, let me be your slave,” Arnou said. “I’ll be your slave and do whatever you two want, I swear.”

  “Get his robe and stuff,” the detective said. “”He’s coming with us.”

  “What?” Walter said.

  The detective flung a nude Arnou over his shoulder, headed toward the door, then spoke.

ve got plans for our boy.”

  Chapter 32

  Making Moves

  WHEN THEY GOT to the car, the detective put the still nude Arnou in the backseat, then Walter handed Arnou his robe and the backpack full of his things. After Walter was in the driver’s seat, he started the car and asked a question.

  “What are we going to do with Arnou?”

  “Use him however we want,” the detective said.

  The answer didn’t bother Walter, because he understood at least part of what was going on. Arnou clearly had a crush on the detective, and was wanting a fight to occur, hoping to be dominated. It was all a power thing, mixed with sexual attraction. But Walter wasn’t sure exactly what his detective wanted from Arnou. As attractive as the Frenchman was, Walter was sure this wasn’t about sex.

  “I’m a little impressed with the naked boy in the backseat,” the detective said. “With some training from me, he’ll make a great head of security for the hotel. But first, he’s gonna be Gabriel’s bodyguard for a while.”

  “Does Gabriel need one?” Walter said.

  “What do you think, Arnou?” the detective said. “You and your boys went after me because you thought I had my eye on Gabriel and his brother. I like how you tried to protect my boys.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” Arnou said. “I think Gabriel will need a bodyguard, especially when news gets out that he’s Chamber’ flesh and blood son. Folks here have always guessed as much, but they won’t be a problem, they love both boys. However, newcomers to town or kiss ass types might try something with Gabriel. That’s when they’ll have to deal with me.”

  “Good,” the detective said.

  “I get it now,” Walter said. “You were testing Arnou’s physical strength and loyalty. Clearly he passed the test.”

  “Barely,” the detective said, then turned and looked back at Arnou. “You need to shape up and learn quickly, boy. I’ll probably need your help later today.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Arnou said.


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