Insatiable: Moon Tide Book 6

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Insatiable: Moon Tide Book 6 Page 2

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “Well those rogue werewolves have slaughtered a number of humans and the humans have declared war on our kind and all shifters.”

  “But all the shifters aren’t responsible for what this band of killers have done,” Devin protested. “I’ve met a few in town and we get along fine. There’s Dave a bear shifter, he’s the bouncer at the club where Katie and I hangout.” Robert glanced over at Devin raising a disapproving brow.

  Since Katie turned twenty one and had gone off to college, and she’s of legal age, Robert finds it hard to talk to her, or offer advice as a big brother.

  “Just because you’ve taken to hanging out at that bar in Samsaville and bringing Katie along with you,” Robert’s voice dropping, “doesn’t mean I condone what you’re doing or your relationship with my sister,” Robert says to Devin in a harsh tone.

  Robert looked straight ahead not meeting Devin or Hunter’s eyes. He was in a room with three werewolves and he knew their temperament, and although Wilder’s mate was a human, and the mother of Hunter and Devin, Robert was still considered an outsider.

  “We’re young and we want to go dancing to let off a little steam, and sometimes have a drink. Where am I to take her? To a casino in Lake Tahoe? Or would you prefer I take her on our jet to Las Vegas?” Devin’s eyes meet Robert’s. And Robert knew full well what he was talking about when he mentioned Las Vegas. He didn’t want them to run off and get married without telling him.

  “We don’t have time to argue over irrelevant things. There are far reaching problems concerning the lives of werewolves and humans. These rogue wolves from Bane’s pack have killed so many humans in a small village that the humans began killing werewolves they knew and tolerated in their own communities. One example is the honorable Dr. Redmond.”

  Hunter’s ears peaked. Dr. Redmond was Haley’s father. Should he tell Wilder? Considering how opposed he had been to bringing Katie to their home, he decided maybe now wouldn’t be a good idea. He didn’t want to give Wilder one more reason to send Haley away.

  “When the werewolves in the Americas became concerned over the death of a known werewolf doctor, whom the humans knew to be a good shifter, and the humans decided to kill him, the council became concerned for the future of our species. Werewolves as far as Russia attended the meeting.”

  Devin listened and from the look on his face, he wasn’t at all unfamiliar with Samsas’ business. Devin was more familiar than Hunter. It was then Hunter realized how much he had missed and how disconnected he had been from his family and pack.

  “The council decided that the best thing to do is to track the werewolves down and send them to Russia. And that’s why I need to talk to my sons and you, Robert. I informed the council that you have a serum for the werefemales in their pack which will make them fertile.”

  “Hold on Wilder, you shouldn’t have given them hope. I don’t know what the side effects are. It takes years before I can tell if there are problems.”

  “You gave it to Mena,” Wilder insisted turning to Robert. Robert’s mouth opened and he couldn’t get his words out. He stirred in the large leather chair to the right of Wilder facing Devin.

  Robert decided to answer Wilder. “Mena was desperate to become pregnant and to become a mother. I think she may have been suicidal. We were willing to take the chance. And besides, we knew that there could be problems with the pups. So far we haven’t seen any.”

  “It’s done. I needed something to give them to keep the shifters thinking in a positive manner. They were discussing revenge killings, impregnating humans, and stealing their female children. For every werewolf death, kill two humans, some were saying. I reminded them that this is something we just don’t do. It’s against the laws my grandfather laid down. Laws to keep us civilized.”

  “What about you killing Bane? Wasn’t he one of our kind?” Hunter said locking gaze with Wilder and watching his question move from Wilder to Devin to Robert.

  Hunter had toyed with the idea of a revenge killing of Bane, but he realized that he should do whatever it was necessary to avoid the taking of another human or werewolf’s life. His thoughts, his teachings, and his experiences were contradictory.

  It was the human and werewolf in him that were fighting each other for control of his spirit.

  Wilder finally answered the question Hunter asked.

  “It’s not the same thing. And if you don’t know the difference, Hunter, then you have learned nothing in the time you have been away from us.” Hunter’s eyes dropped to the floor. His jaw jutted unnaturally as he tightened his teeth.

  “Devin will have to hunt them down with the help of two more young werewolves. Once we catch them, they will have to go before the council and if they are guilty they will be banished,” Wilder said looking at an impassive Devin.

  “What about me,” Hunter said with a raised voice.

  “You’ve been gone too long and your mother misses you.”

  “I’m a full grown werewolf. It’s time I plan my life. Mother can’t do that. She has all those pups to take care of and Drayton’s pup is not a yearling yet. Lycell’s brood is wild and all but grown, pretty soon they will leave and get their own pack. I should have the opportunity to do that as well.” He said pacing around the room with Devin and Wilder watching at him, knowing that something had changed him, in what way, they have yet to discover.

  Hunter stops and pulls a book from the shelf. War and Peace. Maybe now I’ll get the chance to read it, he thinks. He glances at it in his hand, and pushes it back in the slot with other books.

  “I have nothing to keep me here. I’m going with Devin. I’m not going to sit around and do nothing waiting for mother to accept that I’m grown and she shouldn’t worry about me. I’m a werewolf who needs a mate and a pack. I no longer need a mother.”

  Devin was relieved to hear that Hunter wanted to go with him because he wasn’t excited about leaving Hunter behind to take back what Hunter said he had stolen from him—Katie’s heart.

  “Then you tell your mother. I can’t take another accusatory glance at me,” Wilder said to Hunter.

  “Since when did our mother’s eyes bother you?” Devin said to Wilder with a snicker.

  “It’s not her eyes... we won’t get into that,” Wilder answered.

  “If that’s settled, then we need to discuss what to do about the young girl. She will have to be taken to a hospital. It would help if I knew something about her or her parents,” Robert said throwing a raised eyebrow at Hunter.

  “She’s Dr. Redmond’s daughter.” Hunter forgot that he needed to keep that a secret for now. For the very reason that Wilder would flip out over the news.

  “What the fuck, Hunter. There’s a bounty on the head of the werewolf found with her,” Wilder said jumping to his feet and stalking around the room with his hand under his chin rubbing his newly formed beard.

  “Dr. Redmond asked me to take her with me because he knew he was going to die. I agreed because that was the only way I could get home.”

  “The human’s killed Redmond and blamed it on shifters. A young shifter who looks like you and Devin. They said you kidnapped the child,” Wilder said pausing to look away. “She’s your responsibility. I have too much on my mind to deal with her. I have to find a way to get you out of this mess.”

  Wilder tucked his hands in his jeans with his back to everyone. He pushed the curtains away looking out the window. “How old is this child? You said something about fifteen. ”

  “I think she could be sixteen.” Wilder turned shaking his head at Hunter.

  “We need to know her exact age.”

  She said something about a birthday soon. So she could be seventeen,” Hunter added.

  “Is she or isn’t she?” Wilder questioned.

  “She could be older,” he paused, “or younger?” Hunter answered.

  “Well that’s just fine.” Wilder turned facing Hunter. “Does she know we’re werewolves?”

  “No. I don’t think so. She
was delirious when I carried her here.”

  “So what is she doing with a werewolf like Dr. Redmond?” Wilder asked looking willful at Hunter. Devin leaned in curious to hear Hunter’s answer, and Robert too preoccupied with his thoughts to care.

  “Dr. Redmond confided in me that Haley had been adopted by them because they couldn’t have a child,” Hunter said.

  “This sounds suspicious,” Wilder said pacing the length of the room. “Why would they put a large reward out for her? And there’s a bounty for the werewolf who has her. Do you see now Hunter that bringing her here has created a new set of problems for us?”

  “Then I’ll leave. I’ll move into an apartment in Samsaville. Robert can take her to our hospital and say that she’s his sister.”

  “Will she go along with it once she becomes conscience?” Robert asked.

  “If I ask her, she’ll do it,” Hunter said.

  “She’ll be conscience soon and the quicker you do that the faster we can get her to a hospital and get her treatment. It’s not just pneumonia I’m worried about. You let her wear that thin dress.”

  “You don’t know her, I couldn’t make her do anything.”

  Devin jumped up and marched around and stood in front of Hunter, “Still don’t know anything about women.” And he winked, smiled, and walked to the door. “You have to be firm with females. Then make love to them every night to soften them up.”

  “That’s enough, Devin,” Wilder said. Hunter’s steely eyes shot to Devin and Devin walked out of the room quickly.

  “Let’s go see Haley and talk to her,” Hunter said to Robert. “Are we finished father.”

  “For now. You have to get some rest. You look like hell,” Wilder said to Hunter.

  “Yes, I know. I’d better shower and shave before I go to the medical center.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Robert said. “I don’t want her getting worse from some germ she could catch from you.” He turned promptly and left the library and walked out heading to the hospital out back.

  Wilder walked to Hunter and held him tight, and whispered in his ear. “I’m glad you’re home, Hunter.” Hunter looked in his father’s youthful handsome face. He would look like him at full maturity.

  Hunter is almost the image of Wilder now especially since he had been baptized by the fires of hell in Alaska. His look is far away. He thinks all the time. He’s sure of himself and he doesn’t avoid his father’s gaze.

  When Hunter passed Devin he was standing at the foot of the stairs whispering in Katie’s ear. His nose on her neck. His hand noticeably on her behind.

  She had been smiling until she saw Hunter. He passed them going up the stairs and didn’t look at them. His heart sank but he tried to hold it together. He would show her that he didn’t care. She wasn’t going to get to him like he was some kind of love sick puppy.

  After Hunter showered, shaved, and dressed in a pair of jeans and a new flannel shirt belonging to his father, he trotted to the stairs. When was it going to get warm?

  He needed a little sun after months of being frozen because his skin had taken on a pale sickly look. That pale look hid his handsome sculptured rugged face with his fascinating blue eyes and strong features.

  Hunter needed that feeling of summer. Spring only made him yearn for Katie and for mating.

  As Hunter bounded down the stairs, Devin and Katie still close together whispering and laughing turned to see him coming in their direction. His eyes now a clear blue. His youthful face took on the handsome ruggedness of the life he had experienced. In a few seconds Katie saw the difference of the two werewolves. Hunter wore it in his eyes.

  The eyes and face of a man who had seen much and done a lot more. It was the face of a man that had made love to more than one woman, or had made loved to a she wolf. The kind of reckless, wild, abandon fucking that animals and some men engage in.

  Yet Hunter wanted and desired Katie above all others. He now wore the face of a confident man, not the terrified teenage werewolf who had never had a sexual experience, the one she had first met, and the one she first introduced to sex.

  The one she’s now wishing would take her and forget that she’s fragile. Forget everything and place her on all fours and take her the way Devin is doing. That was the look she gave Hunter when she wet her lips with her tongue, and then bit her lips in the shadow of Devin standing near her.

  Katie is fickle and indecisive and she wants now what she couldn’t have—she wants Hunter.

  Chapter 3

  Hunter strolled passed Katie and Devin. Katie’s brilliant green eyes following him after he reached the last step of the stairs, making a left turn into the kitchen on his way to the hospital. Devin reaches for Katie’s face and tilts it back in his direction and whispers in her ear. He props one arm against a column and leans into her body. His hard manhood is inescapable and enticing. Katie smiles broadly.

  Hunter made an effort not to look their way when he approached them. But he felt Katie staring at him and he felt relieved.

  To act unaffected by their passionate regard for each other, had to be the most difficult thing he had encountered lately, but he pulled it off. With a brooding gaze Hunter raised his head and tried not to appear upset. Katie and Devin made a handsome couple, he thought. He saw himself with her, but it wasn’t him, it was his twin, Devin, kissing and whispering in the ear of the girl he desired.

  One second he cursed having a twin, and the next second he thought about all the times they had been close, but it would take a female, and a human at that, to separate them. If he had to lose her, why not to Devin. At least he would get to see her on a few occasions. He gave out a closed gracious smile, and nodded his head at them conceding that she belonged to Devin.

  After Hunter drifted pass them and was out of sight, Devin felt a change in Katie. He held her hand tight but she didn’t respond. Normally she would close her grip on his large hands and he knew they were one. He knew that she wanted him and tonight of the full moon he would spend that time making love to her. But this time was different, Katie’s hand felt loose and limp.

  “Do you want to come with us?” Devin said turning and shouting to Hunter who had disappeared in the hallway to the kitchen. Hunter on hearing Devin reached the door and turned back around walking slowly back to them. He glanced at them with a raised eyebrow not understanding the meaning of the gesture.

  “Into town, I mean. There’s this new bar Katie likes,” a cheerful Devin said to a subdued Hunter.

  Just when he was determined not to let his feelings for Katie affect his relationship with his brother, and act like a jealous lover, Devin’s invitation to him to be three is a crowd, proved too tempting to resist. Hunter certainly didn’t want to be with them and have to see them laughing and kissing each other again while he sat without a date.

  Katie gazed up at Hunter with her big innocent eyes inviting him to come with them. He remembered her eyes as she had once invited him to make love to her and he did. There was no resisting her wishes when she looked like that—wide eyed and beautiful. It was that same look that sealed his fate. That same look that drove him mad with lust. That same look he remembered when they lay together and he made love to her.

  And he would have continued making love to her over and over again if Bane hadn’t changed his life.

  Turning to answer Devin, he took a thoughtful glance at Katie dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans, a white tee and a black leather jacket. He recognized the jacket. It was his, but he didn’t mentioned it, perhaps she had forgotten.

  She glanced up at him, and he knew Katie remembered when she shivered from the cold, and he threw the jacket around her shoulders. She had smelled his scent of wild flowers and musk and she smiled looking at him.

  Placing her hand around his leather jacket, she had said to him then, “I will never forget you. It will remind me of you when I’m not with you. I’ll take it with me to college.” And she gazed into Hunter’s eyes. “I like you, Hunter. I wa
nt you to be my first.”

  “I like you too, Katie. But I think I love you. I want you to tell me one day that you love me,” Hunter had said when he first lay with Katie on the day bed in the shed, and after he had taken her in his arms, and they had made love together, and before Bane had tied him up, and threw him in a cage like an animal.

  He made the jacket a present to her that night when they rode Lycell’s horses out into the chilly spring night. He had found it in a saddle bag draped across the horse. Noticeably she had kept it like she promised. Now she was wearing it on a date with his brother.

  It took time but he made a hard decision. “I think I’ll stay here and see to the young girl. You two go and enjoy yourselves.” He gave a thin smile.

  “If you change your mind it’s on Main Street, and the name of the bar is Hard Times. It’s across the street from Ray’s Hardware,” Devin said placing his arm around Katie’s shoulder.

  “Is it a new club? I don’t remember father or mother talking about it,” Hunter questioned.

  “Yeah,” Devin said turning around. “It’s where all the young shifters hang out who’s new in town. I don’t think father likes it, but he said they needed a place to work off some of their frustrations, so he sanctioned the opening of it.”

  “You have college students driving miles to get there who heard about the place and now it’s full every Saturday night,” Katie said.

  “Tonight is Saturday? I almost forgot,” Hunter added looking Katie in the eyes. Devin turned her around aiming her for the door.

  “We have to go. We’re meeting some of Katie’s friends there at eleven,” Devin said looking back inching Katie to the door. “If you change your mind, you can find us in the back in a booth, or in the pool room,” Devin added, and then they left Hunter standing wondering why he came home in the first place.

  Then he remembered Haley and rushed to the kitchen and out pass the barn and stables with the horse stalls, and pass the dog kennels, and he took the path to the hospital.


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