Battle Road

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Battle Road Page 11

by Gerry, Frank

  Right on queue, Dylan lunged for a metal rod lying on the nearby table holding the instruments of torture. At the same instant, Greene pulled out his 9mm automatic and pointed it directly into Friedman's face. Dylan held the associate Detectives at bay while Greene confronted Friedman. Agent Greene continued to play his part, “I out rank you no matter where we are. You're just a lowlife detective with delusions of grandeur. If I pulled this trigger right now it would be well within my rights considering your gross insubordination in time of war. So stand down, now!”

  Friedman feigning a temporary defeat, issued his order to his associates, “Why don't you go home detectives. It looks like we're done for the day.” He continued his charade with Greene, “I'm not through with you. I'm taking this to the fucking top. I'll have that bitch back in my custody by tomorrow morning at the latest. That I promise you. Sir.” Friedman saluted in a derogatory manner as he and his detectives left the room.

  Once Friedman backed off, Dylan tossed the metal rod back onto the table and rushed over to help Tien. Dylan placed his hand her cheek, “You're going to be alright.” He rushed to untie her hands. Agent Greene went to work untying her legs. Tien was stunned, not knowing at first how to react. “I.... how did you?” she managed to say. Dylan cut her off mid-sentence as he finished untying her left wrist. “I found out about your arrest this morning. I asked my friend Agent Greene here to help us. He's one of the good guys.” Greene looked up for a moment to chip in, “Can't say it's nice to meet you under these circumstances.”

  Tien pulled the top of her blouse together with her left hand. Then put her her right arm around Dylan, to hold herself up. They walked slowly out of the Interrogation Room. “Thank you, Dylan. Thank you, Agent Greene,” Tien said. All that she could think of at the moment was her gratefulness for being rescued from those monsters.

  Dylan and Agent Greene brought Tien to one of the prearranged guest rooms in the residence wing of Building Two. The rooms were meant for temporary lodging of Homeland Security personnel on assignment from different parts of the country. More often than not they were used for sexual liaisons between DHS employees. The rooms were small but comfortable and had to be signed out beforehand. Using the room was all part of Goodman's plan.

  Dylan punched the codes into the the keypad for the lock and pushed the door open. He continued playing his assigned role, “I checked this room out earlier under a colleagues name. We won't have long. But we can rest up here.” Agent Greene closed the door as he followed the two into the room. Tien made it to the couch in the middle of what looked to be a living room of sorts, and collapsed.

  Greene turned to Dylan and gave his final instructions. “The package should be delivered to your office by now. I couldn't take the chance and have it delivered here. You're on your own from here on out. Good luck to you both.” Dylan shook the Agent's hand, “Thank you so much for everything.”

  Dylan locked the door behind Greene, then went over and sat beside Tien on the couch. He placed his hand upon the side of her face, “Everything is going to be alright I promise you.” Tien began to cry, more of a sorrowful weeping, “I am so sorry. I have so much to tell you. But the first thing I want to say is I'm sorry I got you involved in all of this.” Dylan knew they were being watched, though had no idea where the cameras were hidden. He had the acting role of his lifetime before him.

  “We'll talk later when you're ready. How do you feel? Are you injured?” he asked. “I'm OK. Just a little bruised,” she answered. “I'm so relieved to hear that. If you were hurt ….., well, let's be thankful you weren't,” he said before getting up and heading over to the kitchenette to get a glass of water for her.

  “We gotta get you out of here tonight. But we have to clean you up first. Get you some new clothes. I need to get over to my office to pick up the ID badge and your clothing that Agent Greene has left there. The plan is really simple. We're going to just walk right out the front door. As if we were employees leaving work for the day.” Tien sat up on the couch, her back against the armrest. She handed him back the empty glass of water. “Dylan, I have a lot to tell you. You must have read my file. I want to tell you everything,” she said. He was again quick to cut her off from saying more, “Yes I read it. And I was pretty fuck'in pissed off at first. Probably still am,” he replied. She looked puzzled, asking, “Why did you help me then?” Dylan had prepared himself earlier in the day on how to best answer such a question. He looked her in her eyes, “I really don't know why. I think, maybe..... I just had to. I have a lot to tell you, as well.”

  Tien and Dylan looked carefully at one another, examining each others facial expressions for what seemed an eternity. A thousand words silently exchanged between them; of doubt, sorrow, and forgiveness. Dylan broke the silence, ”We have to keep our focus on getting you out of here. We can talk all we need to later. I have to get to my office to get our stuff. I'll be back within ten minutes. In the meantime, get yourself cleaned up. You need to look like you put in a full day of work and you're ready to head home.”

  “Ten minutes? Can you make it sooner?” she asked. A worried look crossed her face. Dylan stood up, “I have to walk over to another building and back. All the while walking as normal as possible. I'll be back as soon as I possibly can.” Before leaving, he turned around and gave her a final instruction, “I'm going to lock the door behind me. Don't answer the door for anyone. I mean no-one. When I get back be ready to get the hell out of here.” Tien shook her head up and down acknowledging what he said, “OK.”

  Once he had left, Tien got up off the couch and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face slowly as she stared into the mirror. It was difficult to comprehend all that just went on. She played with her hair, trying to make it presentable. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion for her. Everything seemed surreal, confusing. After toweling her face dry for the last time, she stood motionless in front of the mirror, starring blankly at her reflection.


  Dylan walked down to the first floor of Building 2 for his prearranged meeting with Senior Agent Goodman. He found Agent Greene and Senior Detective Friedman waiting there, as well. Friedman was the first to congratulate Dylan, “You were great in there. Seriously, 'I'm Agent Fucking Dylan Fraser'. That was perfect, man. Even I believed you.” Dylan shook Friedman's outstretched hand.

  “Yes, congratulations. Very well done,” Goodman added while shaking Dylan's hand. “Now the hard part. You're going to be on your own from here on out.” Dylan nodded his acknowledgment to Goodman. Agent Greene reached over to be the last to shake his hand.

  After the congratulations were over, Friedman provided Dylan with two Homeland Security soldier uniforms with officer insignia, boots, and two new ID badges. “The tracking devices are hidden inside the uniforms. We thought it would be easier for you both to get out of the building wearing these. And we had an additional badge made for you, as well. You're now both Detectives.” Dylan took the uniforms and slung them over his shoulder. He dropped the boots by his side and put the ID badges in his pocket.

  Greene provided the instructions on how to use the tracking devices. “Your locator is removable. It's hidden here.” He showed Dylan the secret pocket hidden under the arm. “We expect you'll be ditching the uniforms at some point. So make sure to take your tracking device with you,” Greene said. Goodman handed Dylan a faux credit card. “This is your signal device. Keep it on you at all times. When you're ready, place your thumb on this insignia for four seconds, like this. It's only activated by your thumbprint.” “OK, I got it,” Dylan said, putting the credit card in his wallet.

  Goodman provided Dylan with further last minute instructions. “As soon as the subject has re-acquired her password and her memory and, you press that god damned signal ASAP. Do you understand?” Dylan looked at Goodman as if to say 'What am I an idiot? You've told me that two dozen times', but restrained himself from saying anything other than an obedient yes.

  Dylan looked at his watch,
“I should be getting back. I don't want to alarm her.” Agent Greene handed Dylan an empty duffel bag. “Here, for the uniforms and boots. It'd look suspicious if anyone saw you carrying them in your arms. We don't need any unforeseen mishaps.”

  “Any other questions?” Goodman asked. Dylan paused for a moment, “No. I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna be.” Goodman ushered him over to the side to privately add one last bit of information, “You're on your own from this point. We're keeping your mission secret. So you can just as easily get killed by our side as you can by theirs. If things turn to shit, you'll need a code, just between you and I. Remember the words 'King's Chapel'. That way I'll know the message is from you. God Bless you on your mission.” “God Bless you,” Dylan responded.

  Dylan returned to the room to find Tien fast asleep on the couch. He stood frozen in the living room momentarily, not knowing what he should do. Eventually deciding the best course was to let her sleep for a while. As much as he wanted to get out of there, he knew if Tien wasn't at one hundred percent the whole endeavor could fall apart.

  At ten minutes to six in the evening, he sat down on the couch and gave her a gentle nod. Tien awoke, alarmed to see Dylan wearing a black DHS uniform. “It's OK. Agent Greene left these uniforms. One for each of us. He had to guess at your size. He also got us these badges. The picture on your badge looks good. We'll have no problem getting out of here.”

  “How long have I been out?” Tien said. She swung her body in one motion to get off the couch and into a standing position. She seemed to be back to her old self. Dylan handed her the uniform. “I let you sleep for an hour and a half. You needed it,” he said. Tien held the uniform in front of her. She stared at it for a few seconds before tossing it down on the couch. She knew things didn't add up. “What's going on Dylan? Are you working for them? This is too easy, getting me out of the interrogation room, now apparently getting me out of the building. Do you think I'm stupid?” she said, taking a step back and folding her arms in defiance.

  Dylan knew he was between a rock and a hard place. He knew that he had to get her out of there no matter how he did it. It was time to open up and bit and give everyone a show. “I know you're a terrorist leader. I know the only reason we went spent the last few weeks together was so you could use me, manipulate me. So when I discovered you were arrested and being held in detention, my first thought was good let you rot there. But, I couldn't let the thought of you in one our prisons out of my head. I felt my head was going to explode. I couldn't sit there and do nothing. For good or bad, right or wrong, I had to do something. I had to get you out of there no matter what. So, that's what I'm going to do. We're just going to walk out of here, get in my car, and drive away. I'll drop you off wherever you want to go. Wherever you'd feel safe. And you'll never see me again. It's that simple.”

  Tien's mind raced with scenarios, possibilities, and strategies. Overall, she was confused. It just didn't all add up. But she knew her best chance at escape was with Dylan. She had to trust him long enough until they got out of the building. “OK, I'll buy that for now. So what's next?”

  “We just walk right out the front door. We have to be calm, relaxed. You have to look like you've just finished a long day, you're tired. You just want to go home. Besides, Security doesn't check people leaving, only people coming in. Nobody is going to look at your badge or take a laser scan of you eyes.” Then he added, “But we have to get out of here now. While there are still employee's leaving the building. We need to blend in.” Dylan took a step towards the couch, picked up the uniform, and handed it back to her. “You don't have to trust me. But please, let's just get the hell out of here.”

  Tien took the uniform and walked into the bathroom to put it on. Dylan checked his keys, his wallet, and his mobile v-phone. He walked over near the closed door to the bathroom. “Do you have any more questions,” he spoke loud enough for her to hear through the door. She opened the door and walked out, “No. I'm ready. Let's go.” Dylan handed her the ID badge, “OK, Let's go!.”

  Dylan opened the front door to the apartment and headed out. Tien followed. They walked down the empty hallway together. Tien walking a little too fast, got ahead of Dylan by a step. “Slow down, walk with me. Relax and concentrate on your breathing,” he said. She knew he was right and she knew her life depended on it. They didn't run into any DHS employee's until they got into Building 3. Most everyone would have already gone home for the day. Five o'clock was the normal quitting time. But there were always people who worked late.

  Just as they hoped, they ran across a couple of employee's on their way out. Tien and Dylan nonchalantly followed them down the hall. Two engineers that Dylan recognized crossed their path. Dylan looked down. The engineers were engrossed in a conversation and paid no attention them. Nor did anyone else that walked by.

  Dylan and Tien made their way into the front lobby of Building 3. About a dozen people were walking out of the building at the time, coming from the different corridors that led into the main lobby. They walked past the security station. The guards took no notice. They continued walking, more at ease at that point. Dylan gave her a quick glimpse to make sure everything was alright.

  They had only twenty five feet to go before reaching the exit door when a woman's voice called out from behind. “Dylan. Dylan, is that you?” Dylan spun around to see Grace Howard walking towards them. She had been no more than a dozen feet behind them as she was leaving the building for the night. Damn, was all that he could think. A sick feeling hit him in the pit of stomach. One of the guards in the security station took notice of them. “I thought that was you. Hi,” Grace said catching up to the pair. “Hello, Grace,” was all that Dylan could muster to say. She looked quizzically at his soldier uniform, then at Tien. “What's going on. Why are you wearing that?” she asked.

  Dylan looked at Tien then over to Grace. “Well, first, I'd like you to meet my colleague, Susan Tran. Susan this is Grace Howard,” he replied confidently. Maybe a little too confident. Grace and Tien smiled and nodded to one another in acknowledgment. “Do you have a new job?” Grace asked. He looked down at his uniform to give himself another full second to come up with an explanation. “Yes, actually, I've been promoted to a field agent. We're …...,” Grace cut him off in mid sentence upon seeing the name on his ID badge pinned on his chest. “Kevin Johnson? Why does your ID say Kevin Johnson?”

  The security guard got up from his seat in the center station, keeping his eye on the three people talking a few feet away. His interest was aroused.

  “Grace, I'm undercover. You weren't suppose to see me. We have to go. Walk with us out to the parking lot. I'll explain,” he said, as he watched the security guard move around his station and begin walking towards them. Tien turned and started walking first. Dylan followed motioning with his hand for Grace to come along. “Let's go,” he said. She did.

  The three of them reached the main doors and headed outside. The security guard turned around and headed back to his station, not giving a second thought to the three people who just left.

  While crossing the walkway over the buildings vehicle barrier, Dylan spoke to Grace firmly. “I'll tell you everything I can tomorrow. Right now we're in a rush. I don't have the time to talk. And I can't tell you much anyways. This is highly secret.” Dylan lied to Grace once again. He had no choice.


  The parking lot to Homeland Security's Building 3 was eerily deserted that evening. Most employees having already headed home for the night. The florescent spotlights encircling the lot cast an orange tinged glow into the cloudy night sky. The pair hastily made their way to Dylan's StarCruiser and climbed in. They tried to be nonchalant with every step and every movement they made. “Athena, start the engine,” Dylan issued his ignition command. Neither of them bothered to put their seat belts on. The thought of a quick escape was the only thing on their minds.

  Dylan carefully drove out of the parking. Not too fast, not too slow, just trying to drive like he
did every day on his way home. He found it difficult at first. Though, it got easier once the sight of the Homeland Security complex disappeared from view. Tien looked all around, in every direction and above them. She carefully surveying every car on the road. She wanted to keep track of any cars that may be following them, especially multi-car surveillance teams. Those were harder to detect, but she was trained to watch for them.

  Dylan banged the steering wheel with the palm of his left hand. “Yeah! We made it. God damn we made it,” his voice raised in victory. Dylan was genuinely sincere that they had gotten out of the Homeland Security complex. Nothing in his entire life did he ever want more. Tien glanced to him with a curt smile, “So far so good.” Dylan turned the SUV onto Middlesex Turnpike, heading towards Boston. In his excitement he started driving too fast. “Slow down, Dylan. Take it easy,” Tien spoke in an authoritative voice. He knew she was right and slowed down to the speed limit.

  Having driven a few more miles and making it to the back roads of Arlington, Tien could see that they weren't being followed. She confronted him, “Are you going to tell me now what's going on? We don't just walk out of the heavily guarded regional headquarter for Homeland Security. I want to know the truth. You're working for them. I know it.” Dylan responded by putting his index finger up to his lips as if to say be quiet. Then he started mouthing some words, hoping she'd understand he was trying to say there could be electronic listening devices planted in the car.

  Tien nodded she understood. She was willing to follow along for a little while longer. He spoke aloud, “I told you everything already. I just wanted to get you out of there. That's it. You don't have to trust me. I'll drop you off anywhere you want to go. I'll pull over right here and let you out if that's what you want.” Tien started to sense that there was more to the story but would have to wait. She knew then that she could trust Dylan for the time being and played along with the questioning. “Yeah, and after you drop me off. What happens to you? Do you think you can just waltz back to your office tomorrow morning like nothing happened? You'll be in one of their interrogation chambers before noontime tomorrow.”


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