An Auction Of Curves

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An Auction Of Curves Page 2

by Harmony Raines

  He grabbed her luggage.

  “I can carry my own things.” She held out her hand for him to give it to her.

  “Now, now. Remember. My weekend, my rules.” With that he walked out of the door and took her bags to the car. He held the door open for her, she slid in, trying to keep as much distance between them as possible. If she got too close to him he would be able to hear how fast her heart was beating. Beating for him.

  He drove to the airport where they were ushered through into the VIP area.

  “The jet should be ready soon, I arranged for us to leave at 1.00pm, is there anything I can get you while we wait?” he asked her.

  Abigail stood taking in their surroundings, her parents were not poor, and she had been successful in business, but not successful enough for the VIP suite. “You have a private jet?” she asked him.

  “Yes. Well my company does. You're surprised?”

  “Yes, but I suppose I shouldn't be. After all you can afford to give away a million dollars.”

  “And much more. But I’ll save that until we get to the island.” He smiled at her, lifting his hand to brush a stray strand of hair off her face. “I’ve missed you Abi, you’ve grown more beautiful than I ever imagined.”

  She took a step back from him, afraid he would read her emotions as she struggled to hide them. “Please don’t tease me. And what do you mean, save it until we get to the island?”

  “Patience. Nothing too awful, and anyway the choice will be yours, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want. I know that display at the auction was a bit underhand, but I wanted to spend some time with you. We both know you wouldn’t have agreed to any of this if I’d asked you without some incentive. I want to show you what you’ve missed all these years.”

  “What I’ve missed?” Abigail was angry now, how dare he taunt her. “I can see exactly what I missed, an arrogant rich man who likes to get his own way.”

  He looked surprised at her outburst. “Then I have three days to persuade you otherwise. We can discuss it later.”

  Their flight was ready, they sat opposite each other, the flight attendant serving them the most tempting food, which neither of them ate. Matthew studied a business file while Abigail looked out of the window wishing she were any where but here.

  Abigail accepted a glass of champagne, followed by another when she found the alcohol started to dull the anger she kept barely contained. She hoped the island was big enough for her to be able to avoid Matthew as much as possible.

  They landed and were immediately picked up at the airport and driven to a small harbour. Here a private yacht took them over to the island.

  Abigail wished she wasn’t in such a foul mood with Matthew. The alcohol had helped, but they hardly spoke, so she couldn’t tell him how beautiful she thought the island was. It started of as a bright green dot on the horizon, getting slowly bigger as they approached. The warm sea breeze drew her hair back from her face; she couldn’t help smiling at how excited she felt. He was watching her, his expression unreadable, she chose to ignore him and enjoy herself.

  Bigger and bigger, the white sandy beaches started to appear, bordering the green of the palm trees and grasses. Abigail couldn’t see any buildings, she wondered if the house was big, if everything else she had seen today was any indication then it would be large and extravagant.

  They reached the small landing stage that stuck out from the shore. The two men on board loaded everything over the side onto it. Her luggage, and Matthew’s, plus boxes of what looked like provisions. Of course, everything they needed would have to be transported by boat. They also placed two large gasoline cans on the platform.

  “Thanks,” Matthew said, shaking the captain's hand. “We'll see you in three days.”

  “Sure thing,” replied the dark skinned man. He smiled a knowing smile at Matthew. “Have a good time. Are you sure you don’t want us to help you to the house with this stuff.” He indicated the supplies.

  “No, I’ve got it from here, thanks.”

  “OK. See you Monday.” With that he expertly manoeuvred the yacht back out to sea and disappeared into the distance.

  “Well,” Matthew said, turning to Abigail, “We need to get everything up to the house. If we work together it shouldn't take long.”

  Abigail looked at him directly. “You mean we have to move all this on our own?”

  “Yes. What did you think I’d have servants to do everything?” His voice had an insulting edge to it.

  “No, but I didn’t know we would be the only two people on the island.”

  He smiled at the look of horror spreading across her face. “Just you and me for three days. We'd better get started if you want to eat tonight.”

  He grabbed the two gas cans first, lifting them effortlessly, he walked down the platform and took them high up onto the beach, placing them under the palm trees. “I can come back for those later. Let’s see if we can manage the rest of the stuff in two loads.”

  They split everything into piles, taking their luggage and some food in the first trip, leaving the rest on the beach near the gas cans. Abigail followed behind Matthew, surreptitiously watching the firm muscles of his butt as he walked in the sand. He had the lion's share of the first load including his luggage and some of the provisions. After five minutes he turned off the beach and followed a wide path into the trees.

  “If you stop watching my ass and look up you'll see the house,” he called back over his shoulder.

  Embarrassed that he'd caught her staring at him, she looked up, a wooden house stood, almost hidden, in the trees.

  “Do you like it? I tried to build it to blend in with the vegetation.”

  “You certainly succeeded. It's not at all what I expected,” she admitted.

  “You expected some concrete monster of a house?” Could he read her thoughts?

  “Not quite.”

  “But close?” He obviously hadn't taken offence; he seemed to find it amusing.

  “I thought everything about you needed to be extravagant, to remind people how rich and powerful you are.”

  “I can see you have a low opinion of me.”

  “You've never given me any reason to think otherwise.” Listening to herself she realised she sounded like a bitch. But what she said came from the heart. Before he stood her up she thought the world of him, but not now, she could see him for the person he was. Her rose tinted glasses were smashed to smithereens.

  Abigail stood shocked as Matthew emptied his arms, dumping everything on the floor. He walked towards her, back stiff, fists clenched as though holding himself firmly in check. For the first time she felt frightened of him, she shouldn't have got him wound up so tight, they were the only two people on the island, she stood at his mercy.

  “Really? You think I deserve what you did?” He stood very close to her, the heat from his body radiating onto her.

  “What did I do?” Racking her brains she could think of nothing she had done to him to cause him to react to her like this. He was the one who had left her waiting. Shouldn't she be the one demanding answers?

  “It all means nothing to you?” Looking at her blank expression he took a large shaky breath. “This is not how I want our time here to be. Let’s get these things inside, and I’ll go back for the rest.” He picked up everything he had dropped and walked up the few steps to the little house.

  Abigail fought back the tears of confusion welling in her eyes. What was he accusing her of? Perhaps tonight she should ask him straight. First she wanted him to calm down, from now on she wouldn’t bait him. One way or another they had to get to the bottom of their feelings so they could both move on.

  They went up to the house, the door was unlocked. No doubt a lock would be useless anyway, there would be no one to hear if someone tried to break in. He dropped the things he carried and turned and left before Abigail had a chance to tell him how lovely she thought the house was. She stood for a few minutes, letting the tears roll down her f
ace, she swore she would never let him make her cry like this again. If needs be she would go and sleep on the beach the whole time she was here.

  Wiping her eyes she explored the little house. She found the kitchen, fairly basic with a small table to sit and have meals at, overlooking the beach. They had climbed a few steps to get into the house and now she saw why. The slight elevation gave a view of the beach, and the endless stretch of blue sea. If she were here for other reasons it would all seem very romantic, dining here with the sound of the sea rushing in and out along the beach. Abigail wondered how many women Matthew had seduced here. Why did it matter to her, he would not be seducing her, not that he intended to judging by his recent outburst.

  There was a small bathroom, a room with comfy chairs to relax in, again overlooking the beach, and one bedroom. Abigail’s heart sank, but an unbidden heat filled her too, one double bed, positioned in the centre of the room. He intended for them to sleep together.

  If it was possible she would have run away. What did he think he had bought for his one million dollars?

  She heard the door bang, Matthew was back with the rest of the provisions. In a daze she returned to the kitchen. Matthew started to unpack, putting things away and lighting the small stove.

  “Coffee?” he asked.

  “Yes. Thank you. Matthew?”

  “Yes.” He turned to face her. Seeing her troubled face he moved across the room to her side. “I’m sorry I lost my temper. You look tired, do you want to lie down for a while, it’s been a long day.”

  “No. I’m OK. It's just the bed...”

  “The bed?”

  “There's only one.”

  His laughter filled the small room. “Don't worry,” he said, “Sex wasn’t part of the bargain. Unless you want it to be?”

  Her face paled, and the room span a little. “No. I don’t!” she said summoning all her dignity.

  “Shame. Perhaps you might take my other offer instead.”

  “Other offer?”

  He grinned now. “Later, first let’s have some coffee, and then eat.”

  He wouldn’t be pressed into saying any more. Abigail decided to let it go, partly because she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out. Platonic, that was how their relationship had to be, forget the past and move on.

  But her stomach squirmed with excitement and desire. Working alongside him in the kitchen, touching hands when the space became too small as they cooked, fanned the flames of arousal in her. A damp heat spread between her legs, if they slept in that bed together tonight, she might be the one needing restraining.

  The meal was simple, salad and warm bead, by the time they finished the light had begun to fade. Matthew excused himself and went outside. When he came back he switched on the lights. They were dim, giving the house a warm glow.

  “Solar power. It seemed a good investment and now we have free electricity. Which is good because there is a hot tub down towards the beach. It uses water fed from the spring. Luckily the housekeeper came up yesterday and got it ready.”

  Abigail felt mortified. Getting into a hot tub with Matthew was asking for trouble. She didn’t have that much self control. Although the fact he seemed oblivious to her as a woman was not lost on her. If she wasn’t careful she might end up making a fool of herself, it seemed he had not brought her to the island to have his wicked way with her after all. She felt disappointed.

  “So go and get changed. I’ve put your bags in our room.” He got up and started to clear their dishes away.

  “Matthew, I’m not sure this is a good idea.” The thought of seeing him almost naked was tempting though.

  “My money, my weekend, remember.” She nodded her head and left.

  Unpacking her clothes she stowed what she could away in the closet, hoping she hadn't invaded his space. She came across the swimsuit Ethan had picked out for her and groaned. What was he thinking? She undressed and put it on, finding the sarong he'd packed too. Once she was dressed it didn’t look too bad, in fact Ethan had chosen her favourite colour, pale blue, the sarong had silver threads woven into it, when she moved she almost shimmered.

  “Bless you, Ethan,” she said aloud, twirling around to catch a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror standing in the corner of the room.

  “You look beautiful.”

  Abigail jumped, clutching her arms to her chest, how long Matthew had stood watching she didn’t know. He walked towards her and grasped her hands, pulling them gently down away from her body. “Don't cover yourself up, I love watching your body move.” He reached up and stroked her breast very lightly. The nipple stood erect immediately, she looked down and watch mesmerised as his fingers pinched and tweaked the stiff erect peaks.

  His head moved towards hers, her lips parted in anticipation and were rewarded by his mouth closing over hers. Gentle but demanding, he pushed his tongue between her teeth and she allowed him access. He felt so familiar, no one kissed her like this, not before Matthew and certainly not after. Her body betrayed itself so easily to him she wondered if she might as well lie down on the bed with her legs spread and let him take her now. She had no resistance to him or his touch.

  When he broke the kiss her legs nearly gave way, she had never wanted anything as much as she wanted him right now. No other man satisfied her, all the years of trying to blot him out proved that. She looked up into Matthews’s eyes, his smiling eyes, shaking her head to try to regain her senses.

  “As passionate as ever, Abi.” She blushed and lowered her gaze. “Which means you might accept my second deal after all.”

  “Second deal?” Her heart thumped wildly.

  “Yes. After this afternoon I didn’t think you would even consider it, but now, I think you might.”

  “So you did bring me here to play games?” Abigail wanted to cover herself with her arms again, a shield against him, but she wouldn’t show weakness, not now.

  “Not a game, no I’m very serious.” He tilted her head up so he could look into her eyes, he wanted to watch every emotion that flickered across them when his next words registered in her brain. “Abi. I am willing to donate a further one million dollars to your charity, in return for three orgasms.”

  Abigail wondered what he saw in her face, because she had no recollection of it. She stood numb.

  “Come on Abi. Your body betrays you; I think you would let me please you even without the money. Perhaps I’ve cheated myself, but I’m feeling generous.”

  “You're mad. I’m not a prostitute!”

  “Oh, I’m not saying you have to sleep with me. There are other ways to coax pleasure from your body.”

  “I can’t.” Her voice now no more than a whisper.

  “Yes, you can Abi. Have you forgotten how good we were together? No matter what you told yourself in the end, you must remember the good times we had.”

  Yes, she did. Sex with him had been perfect, leaving her spoilt when it came to other men. No one satisfied her the same way, he had been able to read her body, know what she needed even before she did. Would it be so bad, his hands on her body one last time, or would it make the loss of him worse?

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked, her voice breaking with emotion.

  “Because I know it’s what you want even if you don’t.” He was right, she did want it. She would take anything he gave her, no matter what the cost to herself. “No one else will ever know, it will be our secret.”

  She swayed at his words, the thought of his hands touching her so intimately, remembering how it felt to have him inside her. Could she do it?

  “Yes.” she whispered. Tears leaving a silvery trail down her cheeks sparkling like the thread in the light.

  “You won’t regret it.” Matthew said in triumph. He took her hand, they left the bedroom and made their way down to the hot tub. Wine sat cooling on the side, towels lay next to it. Abigail let Matthew guide her, a strange numbness covered her, both her mind and body seemed disconnected from reality. She realised she ha
d given herself over to Matthew for him to pleasure at his will.

  The warmth of the water made her aware of herself again. With Matthew’s help she now sat in the deep luxurious water with bubbles lulling her senses. Matthew poured the wine, handing her a glass and seating himself opposite her. “Cheers,” he said leaning forward to touch her glass with his. “Here's to many moments of pleasure.”

  Abigail raised her glass but didn’t speak, instead taking a huge gulp of her wine to steady her nerves.

  “Careful, I don’t want you too drunk to appreciate the attention I’m going to lavish on your body tonight.”

  “It will take a lot more than one glass of wine.” Abigail said, finding her voice. Although it shook so much she wished she hadn't, it betrayed her confused emotions.

  “In that case drink up, by the look of you we should get things started, it won’t be half as bad as you think. I know exactly what you like, remember?”

  Abigail sipped her wine this time, making it last as long as possible. Seeing her ploy he laughed. “I have missed you so much, Abi.” He slid over and took the glass off her. “We can always save that for later.” He placed in on the side of the hot tub, once empty his hands strayed to her breasts while his mouth found hers. He kissed her gently, taking it slowly, making sure he didn’t frighten her into leaving. If only he realised leaving was the last thing on her mind.

  Abigail closed her eyes and lost herself to the sensation of his touch. The material covering her breasts was so thin in might as well not be there. His fingers explored her ample curves, stroking and caressing her, forcing soft moans from her mouth. Her nipples begged to be touched by his strong hands, they were hard and erect waiting for attention. When his thumb brushed against one she thought she would explode. The shock carried all the way down to her clit, which now throbbed in its need.

  Matthew moved away from her, sitting on the opposite side. At first she thought he had just been teasing her, but then he pulled her around to sit between his thighs. She nestled there, his strong muscles holding her in place. The hardness of his cock pushing into her lower back.

  Abigail wanted to turn around and sit astride him with that thick length buried deep inside her sex. Matthew had other ideas, his lips kissed her neck, while his hands stroked the rest of her body. Tingling sensations followed where his hands went, the warm of the water and the bubbles streaming out from the sides of the hot tub driving her to a frenzy. She writhed with pleasure, every movement of his fingers making her skin buzz with excitement.


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