Pursued by the Imperial Prince (Imperial Princes Book 1)

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Pursued by the Imperial Prince (Imperial Princes Book 1) Page 12

by Mina Carter

  “He’s not dead, sweetheart. It’s okay, you didn’t kill him.”

  Her lips compressed, anger flaring to replace the emotion he wasn’t sure he’d seen and didn’t want to name in case he was deluding himself. “I didn’t?” She shook her head. “Damn it, I wanted to. I wanted to knock his freaking head clean off!”

  Amusement hit him hard and fast; that was his Jaida all over. Shivering with emotion one moment, and then ferocious as a tiger the next.

  “I think you gave it a good shot. He’ll be waking up with a headache, that’s for sure.” Seth tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Already dark bruises were forming on her throat and her eyes were red with blood from burst vessels. He gritted his teeth. When he got down to the brig, Warin would get a damn sight worse than a headache.

  “My little warrioress,” he murmured, knowing his face was soft with emotion and not caring. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. For everything.”

  A frown graced her brow and she searched his eyes for a long moment. “Everything…everything? Or just everything?”

  The forlorn note in her voice plucked at his heartstrings again. He’d wanted to give her the universe, but he’d ended up crushing her instead. “Everything everything.”

  Smoothing his hands down her arms, he pushed her away from him and stood. Sitting on a medical room floor was no place to have this conversation.

  He knew what he had to do now. He’d chased her and she’d run, slipping through his fingers like a will-o’-the-wisp.

  What was the old saying? If you loved something, let it go. If it returned to you, it was yours to keep…

  He had to let her go.

  “I love you, always have. Always will. Whatever Warin told you…it was a lie. I left my betrothal bracelet for you, not red silks.”

  She didn’t move, didn’t answer, and Seth’s heart sank.

  “I’m going to get a medic to come check you out,” he said over his shoulder. “I’ll arrange rooms for you aboard until we can get you back to your family.” Seth paused at the door, his head bowed as his heart cracked in his chest.

  “For what it’s worth, I really am sorry.”


  Weariness pulled at Seth’s body as he entered his chambers later that day. Contrary to popular belief, being a prince wasn’t all wild parties, Herboriav champagne, and caviar. Mostly it was just plain hard work…at least it was for Seth.

  Since the incident in the medical bay, he’d managed first to get himself released, which was not an easy task when your Chief Medical Officer was a woman like Sedj Idirianna. Arranging to have Jaida checked hadn’t been a problem. As soon as the medical staff had heard what had happened, several of the doctors—all male, Seth noted with irritation—headed toward the room she’d been ushered into.

  Ignoring the pile up and subsequent argument at the door, Seth had marshaled the troopers who had come to his aid, found some clothes because there was no way he was wandering around in a medical gown with his ass hanging out, and set about finding out why the last five years had happened.

  Several hours later, most of them spent dealing with the particular brand of insanity that was his former manservant, Seth was ready to crack. Hearing the man’s fantasizes and delusions, all built around signals from Seth himself, ones he didn’t remember giving or that had been twisted to mean something else, had left him feeling sick.

  Some of the things Warin had spewed as the interrogators had done their work chilled him to the core—violent capture and rape fantasies that had turned Seth’s stomach, especially since they were centered on him. Jaida had had a lucky escape. If she hadn’t run when she had, who knew what lengths Warin would have gone to.

  Seth shucked his tunic off as soon as he got through the door. The rest of his clothes hit the deck as he headed through to the bathing room. Jaida. What was he going to do about her? Pain, love, and longing wrapped around his heart.

  He loved her, but after what he’d done, there was no way he could ask for anything. Not after his recent conversation with her father. On the surface, it had been polite and restrained. Duke Lianl had requested Seth return Jaida to her family and give them some privacy so they could tend to her after her ordeal. In other words, “Give her back, and fuck the hell off.”

  Seth didn’t blame him. He’d have done the same if he were in the Duke’s situation, especially now that the truth was out. Hell, if she’d been his daughter, he’d have hunted down anyone who had hurt her and had them hung, drawn, and bloody quartered.

  All he could do was take her home and back off. Perhaps in time, she would reappear at court and he’d be able to see her, even if only from a distance. His heart protested, but Seth ignored it, stuffing the ache into a box deep inside and locking it. Maybe one day, she and her family would let him apologize.

  The door to the bathing chamber slid open for him. He stripped off his pants and pulled the band from his hair, then shook out the braid. The lights were on. He went cold, his combat instincts kicking in as he stepped away from the door.

  Water sloshed slightly, as though someone was moving in it. Seth’s eyes narrowed, his attention focused on the small pool in the middle of the room. With the columns around it swathed in gauze, he couldn’t get a clear look, but someone was in there. A very female someone, if those curves were any indication.

  Hope warred with excitement for a second. He could almost believe it was Jaida waiting for him in the water. Then the water swirled and she moved out of sight behind one of the columns. His hope took a nose-dive. It couldn’t be her…could it?

  “I don’t know who you are or what you want but you’ve got ten seconds to get that pretty little ass out of my bathwater before I call in the guard.” He wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped into her line of sight.

  The water sheeted from her body as she stood, wrapping itself lovingly around every curve and hollow. Seth had never wanted to be water so much in his entire life. A droplet broke away and trailed around her nipple. Her sapphire and silver eyes were sultry as she raised an eyebrow.

  “You want me to leave? Okay…if you’re sure.”

  She started to turn and raised her foot to the first step. Seth was spellbound for a moment, watching the delectable curve of her ass as she moved.

  “No! Don’t go.” He reached out as though to stop her, even though she was on the other side of the room.

  She looked over her bare shoulder. Her hair cascaded down her back in a mass of wet curls. Seth swallowed as the towel around his waist tented abruptly. Lady, he was harder than a green youth presented with his first woman.

  “Sorry, I didn’t expect it to be you. N-not like that anyway.”

  Hell, I didn’t expect you to come near me, period. If anything the next time he saw her, he expected it to be when he was taking her home. Certainly not in his bath. Or naked.

  Do something, you fucking idiot.

  His instincts gave him a kick up the ass as he stood there looking at her in awe. He remembered every inch of her body after that night in the shuttle. But here she was, after everything he’d done, waiting for him.

  If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours.

  She’d come back. The realization galvanized him into action. Three steps later, he was in the pool, the water grabbing at the towel around his waist as he waded toward her. Less than two paces from her, he paused as indecision hit him. She hadn’t moved, just stood on her step like the maiden goddess herself.

  She wasn’t a maiden though. He knew that for a fact. She was his woman. Triumph and tenderness surged through him as he closed the gap between them. He caught her wrist, his touch gentle but firm.

  “Please, don’t go.”

  He pulled her toward him, the pressure on her wrist light enough that she could break away if she wanted. He was done being demanding and dominant. She came to him, stepping down and back into the water. Her eyes were dark, wary. All he wanted to do was take that look away and make it all be

  “Why?” She tilted her head back and looked him in the eye. Somehow, even though she was as naked as the day she was born and physically no match for him, she was the one controlling this situation. This was it, his chance to explain and put everything right. Seth opened his mouth, ready to pour out the speech he’d been preparing all day, just in case.

  Nothing came out.

  Instead he swept her up into his arms, claiming her lips in a torrent of passion he didn’t know he was capable of. He opened her soft lips with a single sweep of his tongue, demanding an access she immediately granted. Groaning deep in his chest, he plunged his tongue into the warm sweetness of her mouth.

  The kiss wasn’t a gentle one. No, instead he plundered, demanding her response as he pulled her closer, so close they seemed more like one conjoined being.

  Desire and need swirled through him, making him lightheaded. His instincts roared at him to take her. His cock was as hard as an iron bar, balls drawn up tight to his body. Lady, he wanted to fuck her…spread those pretty little legs and drive his prick balls deep into her soft body.

  No, not fuck her. The very thought had him recoiling. His kiss gentled as he felt her fingers smoothing across his cheekbones and the soft brush of her tongue against his as she kissed him back. He wanted to love her and make love to her. For the rest of his life.

  He broke the kiss and looked down into her eyes. “Why? Because I love you. Always have. And I’ll go on loving you even if you walk out that door right now.”

  Water sloshed as he dropped to his knees in front of her. It swirled around his chest, wetting the trailing strands of his hair as he looked up.

  “Jaida, you are my world…my stars…my entire universe, and I am so, so sorry.”

  He chuckled wryly and shoved a shaking hand through his hair. He just couldn’t afford to get this wrong. “I’m a fucking idiot…please, let me make it up to you?”

  Her melodious chuckle filled the room, and unbelievably she reached for him. Her hands were soft as she stroked the strands of hair off his face. Her tense expression was gone. Happiness and something else softened her face.

  Seth held his breath in hope. Could it be love?

  “I’ve always loved your hair.” Her voice was soft as she tucked stray strands behind his ear. “You have more silver in it than before.”

  He nodded as she moved closer to him. Still on his knees in the warm water, he opened his arms. In a graceful movement, she pressed into his embrace. Something inside Seth’s heart cracked and a warm, fuzzy feeling spread through his chest.

  “You are an idiot. I’m glad you realize that.” Her lips hovered a hairsbreadth from his. “But you’re my idiot. And yes, I plan on making you pay. For years and years…until death do us part, I figure.”

  Seth blinked, hiding his surprise before he realized he didn’t have to. Not with Jaida. He smiled slowly and stood, gathering her into his arms. He started to stride from the water, the only woman he’d ever loved in his arms.

  “So…” she carried on, her arms looped around his shoulders as he mounted the steps and started to head toward his…their bedroom. Because there was no way she was sleeping apart from him. Ever again. “…where is it?”

  “Where’s what?”

  “You owe me a proposal, dumb ass.”

  Seth laughed out loud as he pushed the curtains on the bed aside and laid her out across the satin sheets. Instantly he was by her side, stretching out beside her. His hand splayed over her soft stomach and slid up to flirt with the curve at the underside of her bust. Her eyelids fluttered downwards for a second, her breathing compromised. He smiled slyly.

  “Oh…that. Well, I figure I need to add a little…persuasion to the mix.” He leaned forward to tease her lips with his. “Can’t have you saying no, now can we?” He paused, realizing what he’d said. She’d said no before. “Oh shit, that wasn’t a threat—”

  Her fingertips on his lips cut him off. “Seth?”


  “I love you. I always have. Now, shut up and make love to me.”

  The End

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  Thank you!





  Her Alien Lord

  The first three Warriors of the Lathar stories now in one bundle!

  Captured by the Alien Lord -

  He's big, sexy and even his muscles have muscles. Any other day, she'd climb him like a tree... If he hadn't captured her, and her entire base that is.

  The strong, not so silent and ruthless type, Tarrick's duty as a war commander means little time for himself. With no women of their own, a base full of human women is a bounty he can't ignore. Nor can he ignore the little human whose voice called out to him across the galaxy, a woman he'll stop at nothing to make his own. Even if it means a little blackmail...

  Saved by the Alien Lord -

  Earth girls might be popular...but they're definitely not easy.

  Kidnapped by sexy aliens, Cat and the women of the Sentinel Five base are looking for a way home. Their captors might be ripped, hot warriors looking for that one special woman, but these girls have this little thing against being slaves. Even if their leader is well on his way to stealing Cat's heart as well as her body...

  Bonded to the Alien Lord -

  Today is a good day to... get married?

  Kidnapped by her very own alien hunk, Cat Moore is rapidly adapting to life as the chosen woman of bad-ass War Commander Tarrick K'Vass. It's not so bad. Her sexy alien has a thing about making sure her every need is met and has some very inventive ways of doing so. Until she gives him a bad case of mating marks around his wrist, and all bets are off. They're married without so much as a bended knee in sight, then summoned to the Imperial Court so the Emperor can bless their union.

  Why? Because her sexy alien lover left one thing out when he introduced himself. Like being a freaking alien prince…


  Claiming her Alien Warrior

  In a race against the clock, she must betray his trust to achieve her mission… But fooling a Latharian warrior comes with a price.

  A guest of the Lathar, Jane Allen hasn’t forgotten what she is: a hard as nails marine major. Tasked with finding a way to beat the technologically advanced, biologically superior warrior race, she needs to find answers for her superiors… before they arm the nukes and give the Lathar an excuse for war. Because the little green men aren’t so little. Or green… they’re large, ripped, scarily-attractive alpha male warriors hot enough to make any red-blooded woman weak at the knees. Especially one particular warrior with black hair and a sexy growl she can’t resist…

  She’s his… she just doesn’t know it yet.

  Karryl K’Vass has wanted the little human warrioress, Jane, from the moment he saw her. But she’s a tricky one, evading his claim even though he knows she desires him. His campaign for her heart is stalled when duty calls him away; a mission into a dangerous part of space to gather intelligence on the Empire’s enemies. A beautiful stowaway is the last thing he needs, even if she does make his body burn. He’ll finish his mission and get her back to the safety of Lathar Prime…

  But no plan survives contact with the enemy. Reptilian mercenaries, a crash landing, and a case of amnesia later and they land in the clutches of their enemies who think it would be better if Karryl took a long walk out of a short airlock…






  Mina Carter is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of romance in many genres. She lives i
n the UK with her husband, daughter and a bossy cat.




  Connect with Mina online at:





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