Beach Reads

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Beach Reads Page 5

by Adriana Locke

  “What!” she half-yelled. “When did this happen? Where could you possibly be going at five a.m.?”

  “It happened after you came up to the room last night. He asked me, and I said yes. I have no idea what we are doing, or where we are going.”

  Slowly, she rolled to her side and propped her head up with her hand and stared at me. “You deserve to have fun, Gabs. More than anyone right now. Let your guard down. Get naked with this man. He wants you. He isn’t hiding that. It’s nothing serious. It’s just a bit of fun. It’s two adults in one of the most beautiful places in the world wanting to have some crazy, hot sex together and create memories that you’ll take home with you. You’re a hot, single woman. Go out today, don’t overthink things, and just enjoy yourself. And then come back and give me all the juicy details.”

  She made her point very clear.

  It was time to have some fun.

  I didn’t know why I was nervous, but as I made my way to the lobby, my belly was tumbling around like crazy. I didn’t know this man. He could have been anyone. But here I was on my way to meet him as the clock ticked over to 4:55 a.m. while the majority of people were still tucked in bed. The floors disappeared as I descended to the ground floor. I had absolutely no expectations, and that alone made me giddy. He told me nothing. But he intrigued me. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that he was the hottest man I’d ever seen. He was rough. Forward. Intense. But I also caught glimpses of softness since he’d barged into my life. He was an absolutely pleasant distraction from real life. I sucked in a deep breath when the elevator dinged and L illuminated. I’d arrived at the lobby. Frantically, my eyes ran over my appearance in the mirrored walls as the doors slowly began to open. Stepping out, I looked around the empty lobby until I found him.

  Dressed in charcoal cargo shorts with a white tee stretching across his broad shoulders and fitting perfectly against his trim waist, I knew it was him without seeing his face. As I got closer, I noticed his hair was still wet, and he had his usual disheveled look going on. On his feet, he wore flip-flops, and for some reason, I found that ridiculously sexy. Since when had I found flip-flops sexy? Get a grip, Gabby!

  He began to turn as I approached, and when his eyes locked on mine, something shifted between us, and the lobby electrified. His eyes burned fiercely into mine with an intensity that scorched my entire body and left me on fire. I felt my cheeks tint pink under his intense scrutiny as his eyes dropped from mine to take in every inch of my body, scanning me twice from head to toe. Dragging my bottom lip between my teeth, I felt like I had been transported back to high school, and my crush, Jackson O’Connor, was staring at me from the bleachers while I was at cheerleading practice. But Carson wasn’t my crush. He was a stranger. A mystery. A man I met on vacation who was the sexiest, most charming men I’d had the pleasure of meeting.

  “You made it.” His deep voice echoed through the empty lobby when I reached him. It was only then that I noticed he’d cleaned up his beard between last night and now.

  I nodded. “I don’t get out of bed before sunrise for just anyone, you know.”

  The side of his mouth twitched. “Noted. You ready?”

  “Let’s do this.”

  Following him outside, the warm sea breeze hit my bare skin as soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk, and a sigh of pleasure bubbled out from within me. The sky was beginning to transform into swirls of light and dark purple with hints of orange peeking through. It was spectacular to witness.

  “We need to hurry. We don’t have long.”

  I nearly jumped out of my skin when his huge hand encased mine and pulled me toward a white Jeep quietly running in valet parking. The valet standing beside it had the passenger door open and waiting for me. As quickly as he grabbed my hand, he dropped it when we reached the Jeep. The valet tossed Carson the keys, and after I slid into the passenger seat and buckled in, the door beside me closed, and I watched eagerly as he jogged around the front and slid in beside me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, finding my voice as excitement began to grow within me.

  He flashed me a million-dollar smile before we began moving out of valet, and he pulled out onto the road. “You’ve never been here before, so it’s my duty to show you one of the hidden gems this place has to offer.”

  “And we have to do it before sunrise?”

  “Fuck yeah, we do.”

  I giggled softly beside him and watched as the beauty of Hawaii flashed by me. I’d only been here for four days, but I knew I’d be back as soon as I could.

  “Oh, shit!” I jumped as my phone started screaming for me within my purse. Fishing it out, I looked at the screen and groaned but knew I couldn’t ignore it.

  “Hey, big brother,” I said with a smile. “Missing me?”

  Beau’s deep laugh filled my ear. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”

  “You do realize it’s five a.m. here?”

  “Fuck. This time difference bullshit is confusing.”

  “I put it your phone. One simple click and you would know.”

  “Wait. What are you doing awake?”

  I glanced over at Carson who was focused on the road ahead but wore a hint of a smile on his lips.

  “I’m going on an adventure.” That brought a smile and a wink from Carson.

  “You’re going on a tour or something?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Oh fuck, what trouble has Eb got you two in? I’m not coming to Hawaii to bail you out.”

  My laugh filled the car, and I got another glance from Carson. Growing up with three brothers had its positives and negatives. They were way beyond protective, which meant dating was hard. If I breathed in the direction of a guy, let alone looked at a guy, they’d go out of their way to find out everything about him and then determine whether he was good enough for me. They treated me like a princess. They wrapped me in cotton wool. But the best thing about them was that they loved me like no one had before. When the shit hit the fan back home, they dropped everything in their lives for me. Beau, the protector, wrapped me in his big arms, pulled me to his chest, and promised me that everything would be okay while secretly planning the demise of Brad. Kane, the joker, lightened the mood with humor and comforted me during nights in with ice cream, chick flicks, and stories of his ridiculous dating life. Garrett, the quiet and youngest of my brothers, sat back and took everything in yet was there in a way that no one else could be. He knew what I needed when I needed it. He was the one who got things done without having to ask. He was the silent assassin. I wouldn’t be Gabrielle Mackenzie without Beau, Kane, and Garrett Mackenzie right beside me.

  “Ebony is currently passed out in bed. I’m on a solo adventure today.”

  Silence filled my ear, and I could just imagine Beau’s jaw clenching while his mind went wild. I looked over at Carson and dramatically rolled my eyes. Big mistake. Carson’s deep chuckle hit the air and brought back Beau.

  “Who the fuck is that?”

  “A friend.”

  He didn’t miss a beat. “Is he part of the tour?”

  I bit the inside of my cheek before replying, “Can two people be classed as a tour?”

  “Suddenly, I’m wishing I was jumping on a plane to come and bail you and Eb from lockup.” He sighed.

  I knew he worried about me, but this time, he really didn’t need to. I lowered my voice. “I’m okay Beau. I’m having a really good time. I’m safe. I’m happy. I’ll be home in a few days, and that’s when I’m really going to need my big brother.”

  “What’s his name?”


  When he heard his name, his eyes flashed to mine.

  “What the fuck kind of name is that?” Beau grunted, but I picked up on the humor in his tone. “I know you’re a grown woman, but you’ll always be my baby sister. Don’t let this guy use his fancy sounding name to get inside your hotel room or anywhere else.”

  “Yes, Dad.”

nbsp; “Smartass.”

  “I’m hanging up. It looks like we are here. I’ll make sure you are my one call if I need you to bail Eb and me out of jail.”

  I hung up to Beau’s chuckle and slipped my phone back in my purse. Looking out the front window, all I saw was greenery and a few cars parked in the nearly abandoned car park around us.

  “Come on; we don’t have much time. We have to hurry.”

  Carson slid out of the driver’s seat before moving to the back, opening it, and grabbing something. I was too busy staring outside and trying to figure out where we were and what we could possibly be doing to notice what he was doing. It was only when he grabbed my hand again, eek, and pulled me toward a track that appeared that I noted what he had in his other hand. A picnic basket. My heart pounded furiously in my chest. I rushed behind him, desperate to keep up with his massive stride. As we made our way through the trees, he continued holding my hand. There was no way I was letting go. Firstly, because it was still just before sunrise, and I had no idea where we were or where we were going, and secondly, I liked the feeling of his hand wrapped around mine. Something felt incredibly safe about it. Protective and secure. I couldn’t remember the last time Brad had held my hand. Did he ever really hold my hand? Does he hold her hand? I shook thoughts of Brad out of my head and returned to the present. Why think about him when I have Carson right here?

  I had been too lost in my thoughts to notice we had slowed down and the ground beneath my feet became soft. Blinking rapidly, I sucked in an unsteady breath. The pure white sand in front and beneath us was completely deserted. It looked like a world-famous piece of art with not one blemish to be found. Twisting my head back and forth, I searched for anyone, but didn’t find a soul. Peace in its purest form. The beach was entirely ours. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing and the stillness swirling in the air around me created the illusion that the only person in the world to exist beside me was standing beside me.

  “Where are we?” I whispered, tearing my eyes away from the horizon, blanketed in eloquent shades of purple, orange, and yellow that seemed to be begging to burst out and announce the start of a brand new day in paradise.

  “My favorite place on the whole island.”

  “It’s stunning.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, Gabby.” He lips formed into a smile that matched the beauty around us. “Let me get this set up before the real show begins.”

  He dropped my hand and opened the picnic basket, rummaging around. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him. This was so unexpected. I thought we’d be heading to a touristy café, begging for a table amongst all the other people wanting breakfast, but here we were. It just proved to me that I shouldn’t expect anything when it came to him. That invigorated me. Life was about the unexpected, right? How you handled what you least expected taught you so much about yourself. A smile tugged on my lips. A sense of calm I’d missed since BradGate washed over me, and I finally felt myself relax. A picnic on the beach with a gorgeous man seemed to do the trick. Pulling out a tartan blanket, Carson flicked it open and laid it on the chilled sand between us.

  “Take a seat, pretty lady,” he crooned, and I swooned. God, I was in so much trouble.

  I tucked my legs underneath me and sat in awe while watching him start to pull things out of the picnic basket. Fresh seasonal fruits, chocolate sauce, one chocolate and one blueberry muffin, yogurt, a bottle of juice and champagne, two glasses, and plates spread out between us. My stomach groaned at the sight while my mouth began to water. After placing the basket behind us, he collapsed on the blanket beside me and gave me his full attention.

  “Is this okay?” he asked softly, and for the first time since I’d met him, he sounded unsure of himself.

  I stared at him for a beat before answering. “It’s perfect.”

  My eyes remained transfixed on his, and I couldn’t tear myself away. The food, the beach, the stillness, the man. Every element of the morning had me locked in, and control was being fast becoming non-existent. His attention drifted briefly from mine, and his gaze dropped seductively to my lips. Again, desire flamed within me just like it did the first time he looked at my lips in the bar. And again, I tried to ignore it. I wasn’t looking for a rebound fling even though I was fast losing the war raging inside me.

  “You ready?” he asked, his voice deep enough to rattle my bones while his eyes bounced between mine and my lips.

  My heart thundered in my chest. “Ready for what?”

  Oh god. Was he going to kiss me? Did I want him to kiss me? Of course, I did. I’d be stupid not to want to feel his perfect mouth with the juicy, plump bottom lip sweep across mine while the scratch of his beard caressed my jaw. Ahh, I needed to stop thinking about this! But should he kiss me? Was it too soon to be kissed and touched? For God’s sake, why couldn’t my stupid brain shut up and allow my vagina to take over with the decision-making? It would make all of this so much simpler.



  Back the truck up.

  Did he really just describe his kissing technique as perfection? Conceited, much? I continued to stare at him, my eyes narrowing, trying to decipher what he was saying while expecting him to lean in and give me a dose of this so-called perfection.

  “Babe,” he mused before grabbing my chin with his finger and thumb and twisting my head toward the waves. “It’s time.”

  Time for wh—

  My breath lodged in my throat as my gasp tore out around us. I stared. All I could do was stare. I didn’t want to blink because I didn’t want to miss a thing. The horizon had exploded into a million pieces and shards of burning orange and yellow set the sky on fire. The last grip of night, the purple fusion of the night, that was, tried desperately to cling on, but it had no power against the flames on a brand-new day.

  Carson was right.

  This was perfection.

  I stared, silent, trying to grasp everything I was seeing.

  “There they are,” I heard murmured beside me. I had no clue what he was talking about until I saw them. How is this real? A pod of dolphins sliced through the waves, the gray of their flesh appearing like diamonds illuminated by the fire in the sky and the glistening morning water below.

  My body reacted, and I needed to get closer. Standing up, I quickly grabbed my phone from my purse, kicked off my flip-flops, and rushed to the water’s edge. I wanted to be present and enjoy this moment, but I needed to capture this beauty so I could treasure it forever. After taking a couple of quick photos, I crossed my arms over my chest and just stared. I couldn’t drink it in fast enough. The dolphins, the sunrise, the smell of salt in the air, the sound of waves crashing, the feeling of water caressing my toes.

  It truly was perfection.

  I didn’t know how long I was standing there in my trance as tears sprung to my eyes.

  “What do you think?” I heard whispered behind me and immediately felt the heat of his body against mine.

  I memorized the view once more before turning in the sand and smiling up at him.

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” I choked out through hiccups and sniffles.

  Worry covered his face, and his eyes narrowed. “Why the fuck are you crying? Are you okay?”

  My hand shot out and wrapped gently around his arm. I squeezed softly and took a step toward him, needing to break the distance. Looking up at him through long lashes, I watched as his eyes intensified, and his jaw tensed as he waited.

  “Carson, I’m more than okay. This is perfect. All of it is perfect. Beauty just overwhelms me at times, and I tear up. It’s kinda my thing,” I admit softly, feeling my cheeks pink under his intense gaze. “In all my life, I’ve never seen a sunrise like that, and believe me, we have some gorgeous sunrises back home. I’m a country girl, so I’ve never seen dolphins. This trip is the first time I’ve seen the ocean. It just overwhelms me in the best possible way. So many people focus on the dark, mean, and horrible
of the world, but I like to focus on the beauty, wins, and positives of the world. It’s just me.” I shrugged, realizing I’m blabbing.

  He continues to stare at me while I look up at him. “You’re something else, Gabby,” he finally murmurs.

  “Kane calls me a lunatic sometimes. Maybe that’s it.”

  “Definitely not that.” He smirked.

  “How about jailbird? That’s a favorite of Beau’s.”

  “Nope. But that’s definitely a story I wanna hear.”

  “Um, okay then, well, I’m just Gabby.”

  “Babe, believe me when I say there is nothing just about you.”



  “I see you’re wearing a bikini. Ready for the next part of the day?”

  “There’s more?”

  “Gabby, it’s barely midday. Of course, there’s more.”

  After breakfast and the most beautiful sunrise I’d ever witnessed, we’d laid on the picnic blanket and talked about everything and anything. He told me a little about his work; I told him about back home. We shared our worst date stories, our first kisses, and our dream vacation spots. The ease with which conversation flowed between us was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. When the surfers began to arrive, we took that as our cue to leave.

  Twenty minutes after getting back in the Jeep, he pulled off the main road and headed down a windy dirt track. I held on as the road got bumpier the longer we were on it.

  “Pretty sure I’ve seen a scene like this in a movie I’ve watched. The fact that you’re a cop doesn’t ease my concern.”

  His laughter filled the car, and everything Ebony had said to me before I left came back to me.

  It was just a bit of fun.

  After another couple of bumpy minutes, we pulled into a clearing, and my eyes shot wide. A secluded waterhole surrounded by mountains and a gushing waterfall greeted us. I had no words as I looked between Carson and the falls.

  “Let’s go.”

  I followed him out of the car, and now it was my turn to grab his hand. Instead of going to the clearing, we moved toward one of the rock faces and stopped. In silence, I watched him remove his shirt and flip-flops before he looked at me expectantly. Pulling off my sundress, I placed it on his pile of clothes along with my sunglasses and waited. Lacing his fingers with mine, he pulled me toward the water’s edge directly beside the falls. The gushing water was intense yet beautiful. The crystal-clear water inviting and cool against the heat of the day.


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