Bondage Included

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Bondage Included Page 6

by Tori Carson

  Nothing could be further from the truth. They had no idea she’d ever been to DiscipliNation, and she meant to keep it that way. As the baby of the family, they’d tried to shelter her from everything. She’d been twenty-one before she was allowed through the doors of her parents’ club.

  It was impossible to date. Her brothers intimidated every man who even looked at her. The one time she’d tried to play at their club had been so disastrous she’d known she’d have to keep her sex life completely on the down low.

  She’d searched the Internet and found several clubs nearby. She’d visited two before she’d run across the notice for André’s munch. And like they said, the rest was history. The moment she’d seen him, she’d been thunderstruck. Everything about him, she’d found appealing, except that he was under contract with three submissives.

  Now they were gone and it was her turn. In truth, there was a part of her that hoped he’d fall so madly in love with her that he’d stop at nothing until he took her hand in marriage. Her pragmatic side kept it in check, though. There was little doubt that at the end of the fourth months she’d walk away with her heart in more pieces than her leg, but she had to go for it.

  “My girlfriends and I ended up at the club… I don’t remember the name, but it’s downtown, next to the Capitol Building.”

  “I know the one you’re talking about. Cher, that place isn’t safe. It’s not a club. It’s open to the public and any yahoo can claim to be a Dom/me.” He put a hand on her shoulder and urged her forward. “Let me rinse this out. I think I’ve got it clean now.

  She’d never been so pampered. Feeling his fingers run through her hair and along her back as he made sure the shampoo was rinsed was worth every moment of pain from the broken leg.

  Once he’d finished and was applying cream rinse, she continued her story. “I agree. We left and haven’t been back. We went to another place in Scottsdale and that one was better, but still not on a par with yours. I played a couple of times there. Nothing serious.” Saying she’d played was a gross exaggeration. She’d spoken to a few men and she’d been kissed by one. If you could call it that. He’d thought immediately shoving his tongue down her throat and groping her tits had been the best form of introduction. He’d thought wrong.

  “There’s one other club near Tempe that I’ve heard good things about. I’ve reached out to them a time or two, but they haven’t responded.”

  He was talking about her family’s club. She wasn’t surprised they’d snubbed him, but it certainly reinforced her need to keep them apart. They were very protective of the business. For the most part, all the employees were family. For all their inclusive thinking, they were very guarded about their livelihood. It sounded like it was for the best that André was anti-family. “I’ve heard about the place, but the munch sounded like a good way to meet people in a casual environment so I came to that instead.”

  “So you played a couple of times at basically a nightclub and then you found your way to me?”

  She nodded. “I wasn’t aware there was a minimum experience quotient that I bypassed. So, how many guys was I supposed to fuck before I became a member?” She didn’t like to think of all the women he’d played with. She had enough insecurities without focusing on their differences.

  “Don’t be that way, bebe. I’m very grateful you came to the munch and decided to stay. I’d be lost without your smile.”

  “But?” She held her breath knowing it was coming.

  “Not a but, just concern. We’ve talked about it many times. You’re a forever girl and I’m a casual kinda guy. I hope at the end of the four months you aren’t wishing you’d never met me,” he explained sadly.

  “I know you’re convinced of that, but I’m not. I have no idea what kind of girl I am, which is one of the reasons why I want this so much. When I was living at home, I never had the opportunity to be alone. Someone was always there, usually more than one. I don’t think I experienced silence until I moved out. Now, I crave it. I’ve grown accustomed to all my decisions being unanimous.” As much as she loved her solitude, she still craved time with André more.

  “Too bad, bebe. You’re stuck with me for the next four months. We can be friends or we can be partners. The choice is yours, but you won’t be alone until that leg is fully healed.” He rinsed her hair again and braided it for her while she continued to soak.

  “Do you plan to take other trainees?” She had to know. She wished it didn’t matter, but it did.

  “Not while you’re here, Adriana. Caring for you is my paramount responsibility. That doesn’t mean, though, that at the club I won’t sometimes step in and help out, if asked.” He walked around to the side of the tub, sat down and held her hand.

  “I understand. A couple of times, I’ve watched you demonstrate techniques for other Doms.” She couldn’t ask him to never touch another woman again. The club was his life. She’d have to make some compromises.

  “Exactly. You know what an average night is like. I can promise not to kiss or have intercourse with another woman during our time together, but in the context of my job, I may tan a sub’s ass once in a while.” He smiled before growing serious once again. “The contact, though, would be in the presence of their Dom and solely for training purposes.”

  “The Dom’s training, not the sub’s, right?” She knew she shouldn’t try to pin him down. He’d always been professional. Detached was the word he used and it fit. She’d spent more than one evening stewing while watching André give a demo with one of his subs. Eva had been crude, but she’d also given her peace of mind.

  “Watch his cock!” Eva had told her one night. “That’s how you know what’s really going on in his head.”

  From that point on, Adriana had stared at his groin whenever André had come in contact with another woman. As far as she could tell, she was the only one to cause a stir. It had given her hope.

  “I know you would be hurt if I played with another woman during our time together. I vividly remember our conversations on the subject.” He chuckled. “You would consider it disrespectful.”

  She smiled at his polite summary of their weeks’ worth of arguments. Once she’d learned he had three subs and was still encouraging her to scene with him, she’d let André have all her thoughts on the matter.

  Worry started to eat at her. “Is that restriction too confining, André?” She didn’t want him unhappy. She’d rather keep their relationship at the friend level than make him miserable.

  “No, bebe. If it was going to be a problem, I wouldn’t agree to it. Are you ready for your shave? I’m getting impatient for my treat.” He licked his lips at her.

  She laughed, feeling a little in over her head again, but she nodded anyway.

  André released the drain and used the shower wand to rinse any soapy residue away. He handed her a towel. “Stay put while I get what we’ll need.”

  As soon as he left the room, she did a silent hand clap and fist pump. He’d said they could be friends or partners, the choice was hers. Well she chose the one with guaranteed orgasms. She wouldn’t think about the most likely outcome, the heartbreak she might never recover from, and would just take it day by day.

  There were scraping noises in the room behind her. André had to be getting his razor. Oh, God. Surely he was kidding about using a straight razor, right? Who used those things in this day and age? She pushed those thoughts from her mind.

  No one had ever been up close and personal with her hoochy bits except her and the doc. André had probably seen dozens. Don’t go there. She couldn’t think about all the women before her and not go crazy.

  “Whatever you’re thinking about, stop. Your poor bottom lip is turning purple. Are you worried about me shaving you, bebe? I won’t hurt you.” He knelt beside the tub.

  “No one’s ever… I’m a little nervous.” What was she thinking? She couldn’t tell him no man had been down there before. He’d run for the hills.

  “Adriana, it will be fine.
Just don’t move.”

  He looked so serious and she was trying not to giggle. She always giggled at the most inappropriate times. He completely misunderstood what she was nervous about and she wasn’t going to correct him. “I trust you, André. How do you want me?”

  “Rest your right leg along the ledge and just relax.” He worked the soap into a lather using an old-fashioned shaving brush.

  “I’ve seen those things used in old movies. Do you seriously use that every day?”

  He ran his hand over his jaw. “When I shave, this is what I use. Obviously, it’s been a while.”

  Because he’d spent the last few days with her in the hospital. Her stomach did a little flipping sensation. He really did care about her. If she held on to that fact, then nothing was too scary.

  “I brought a blindfold. How do you feel about wearing it?” He held up a black scarf.

  “My hair is wet. I might ruin it.” Her hands gripped the sides of the tub and her heart pounded in her chest.

  He raised an eyebrow and continued to meet her gaze. “No, you won’t. Now answer my question, subbie.” He practically growled at her.

  Subbie? Ooh, she liked that. It both relaxed and excited her at the same time. “I would enjoy wearing a blindfold. Seeing the light glint off the edge on that thing is a bit intimidating.”

  “Is that the main reason?”

  His voice was softer yet still elicited a response from her.


  “I didn’t think so.” He moved behind her and secured the scarf over her eyes.

  Her breathing hitched though she tried valiantly to appear calm.

  “You’re very beautiful, Adriana. That afternoon you took off your towel and threw it at me, I had a very hard time fitting in my pants. You were wise to back away from me. I wanted to fuck you so badly.”

  She remembered. The look he’d given her was forever seared into her brain. She was anxious to see it again. “I wanted you to.”

  As his hand touched her inner thigh, she jumped.

  “You can’t be doing that, bebe. Just relax. You need to get used to my touch.”

  She moaned as his hand traveled closer to her very exposed pussy. God, what was she doing? She drew her legs closer to her chest imagining what she must look like. Her face was hot and she knew she was blushing profusely.

  André chuckled. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m not sure I can do this.” She clutched the towel over her breasts.

  He moved his hand lower still and began to tantalize her pussy. “Why, bebe? You know I won’t hurt you.”

  “That’s not it.” Why had she opened her mouth? No matter how she sugarcoated it, she was going to sound like a vanilla weenie.

  “Ahh, you’re not used to being on view.” He ran his finger down her jaw then cupped the back of her neck. “For the next few months, you will be exposed to me in more ways than this. Not only will your body be mine to explore, but you’ll share your deepest, darkest secrets with me as well. Do you understand?”

  When he spoke to her using his Dom voice, she was ready to give him anything. His touch was both electric and reassuring. She knew he had the answers to her sexual questions, knew he was exactly what she needed to live out her fantasies, all she had to do was have the courage to go for it. “Yes.”

  “Good girl. Let go of the towel. No more hiding,” he commanded.

  Adriana whimpered, but obeyed.

  “That’s my good subbie. Now, rest your head back on the ledge and let go of the tension. I have you. You’re safe.”

  It was true. He’d take care of her.

  He ran his hand down her body, between her breasts and cupped her mound.

  She squealed as he applied the shaving soap using his badger brush. “That tickles.”

  André laughed. “No sudden moves, bebe.”

  “I promise to lie as stone, just like my nonna schooled me,” she teased him.

  “If that’s the type of advice you’ve been given, we may need more than four months.” His hand was steady and sure as he made the first pass over her mound.

  She gasped as the blade made contact. The sound was different than she was used to. It was much more intimidating, but there was no pain. After a few moments, she relaxed. He kept at least one hand on her at all times and she adored the reassurance it brought her.

  “I was a very bad student for my nonna.” She giggled.

  “Do you plan to be bad for me as well?” He finished and ran a hand over the area. Next, he lathered the sides. This time she held still.

  “It could happen. I’ve been told I have a problem with authority. My father ended up nailing my window shut because every time they’d ground me, I’d sneak out that way.”

  As André shaved down the sides, he kept his thumb over her clit. That simple touch had her throbbing in need. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d orgasmed.

  “With your broken leg, I doubt that will be an issue. But if so, I have rope in many sizes and colors. I’ll tie you to the bed and there will be no escape.”

  It was obvious he was concentrating and barely paying attention to their conversation. Frankly, she was okay with that. “I’ve watched a few of your shibari demonstrations. I was intrigued.”

  “We can try some floor work if you’d like, but no suspension for you until that leg is completely healed.” He ran his fingers along her pussy, very matter-of-factly. “I think that’s about got it.” He pulled her hand down to the area. “Feel. This is why I used a straight razor.”

  It was awkward to have her hand there while he was watching her. A quick once around was all she could do. “I’ll admit that’s closer than I usually get it.”

  The water suddenly came on and after a few moments, she felt him rinsing off the extra shaving soap. She couldn’t imagine his intimate attention becoming commonplace even though he acted like it was as normal as making breakfast.

  She’d begun to slide the blindfold off when he stilled her hand.

  “Did I tell you to remove that?” he asked her sharply.

  She dropped her hand. “No. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m going to lift you out of the tub. Are you ready?”

  He wrapped her in a towel and lifted.

  Holding her leg out hurt, but she bit her tongue and didn’t say anything. She refused to take any more pain meds. It hadn’t taken long for her to get sick of being fuzzy headed. After the first day or so, she’d started spitting them into a tissue and throwing them away. As her right foot touched the floor, André wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tight against him while he dried her off.

  “My arms aren’t broken. I can do this sort of thing for myself.”

  “Don’t be cutting in on my fun, bebe. Okay, back to bed with you. I want you to rest for a few minutes. You’re looking a little pale.”

  “I’m all right.” In truth she was tired, but she was excited too. He’d promised to play. Why was he making her rest? Insecurity hit her hard. Maybe after getting a good look at her, he’d decided he didn’t want to be down there after all.

  She was suddenly back in his arms and being carried to the bedroom, she assumed. The blindfold was starting to annoy her. She wanted to see his face and know what was going on.

  “Take this as a warning—pouting will get that beautiful ass of yours beaten. Your face is very expressive and I’ve spent months learning every nuance. At first, I thought you were upset because I wasn’t going to immediately pounce on you, but now I’m thinking it was something else. They way you’re covering up, it was probably something derogatory. How am I doing?”

  Damn, he knew her too well. “I’m pleading the fifth.”

  He chuckled as he laid her down on the bed. “Not allowed. When I ask you a question, you answer it to the best of your ability. That’s rule number one.”

  She let out an exaggerated sigh. “Okay, you were right and for the record, I don’t like rules. I tend to break them just because I can.”r />
  She couldn’t see his face, but she hoped he was smiling. She imagined he had his hands crossed over his chest and one eyebrow raised.

  André positioned her leg back onto the pillows then sat beside her.

  “Defiance usually stems from one of two factors—you want attention or you need to feel you have power.” He took her hand in his. “You have my undivided attention, therefore it must be door number two.”

  “Can I take off the blindfold? I want to see you as we talk.” She was getting frustrated. He seemed to be able to see all the way to her soul and she couldn’t see him at all.

  “No. Settle down and get used to it. I’m in charge.” His voice was very casual.

  She huffed and crossed her arms over her breasts. He was being a jerk and she was getting aroused by it. How did that happen?

  André took her right hand and pulled it down to her side then did the same with her left. “No hiding.” He placed his hand between her breasts. “Now, why are you feeling insecure?”

  Several comments came to mind, most childish or hurtful. She forced the tension away. If she was wanting to strike out with her words that meant his summation was correct. A couple of deep breaths later and she knew he was right. “I was afraid you didn’t like what you saw and that’s why you didn’t want to play.”

  Tears were pooling in her eyes. She felt more exposed in that moment than she had in the bathtub. Well, he’d warned her.

  André’s weight shifted and she felt him move closer. He placed her hand over his very large and hard cock. “Thank you for being honest with me. I know it wasn’t easy. I don’t know how much clearer I can make my attraction to you. I’m not a school boy who suffers hard-ons for no reason.” He drew a finger down her jaw line.

  “You’re beautiful, bebe. I don’t like to see the bruises on your perfect skin and seeing your leg injured sends a fury that has me mad enough to spit nails, but you are stunning. Having my hands all over you has given me an appetite I’m not sure you have the strength for. Since it isn’t going away, I need you to rest while I do some menial things around here and get my control back in place. Normally, a Dom wouldn’t share that bit of insight. He’d never let his subbie know she tested his control, but you aren’t just any subbie. You’re my girl and you need a bit of reassurance. I promise to always give you what you need, even at the expense of sharing trade secrets.”


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