Bondage Included

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Bondage Included Page 11

by Tori Carson

  He cocked his head to one side and shook it sadly. “There’s a reason why it’s called discipline.” He flicked the switch, sending the vibrator to the next higher speed.

  As he lowered the toy toward her pussy, she pushed away with her right leg. André grabbed the chest harness and held her in place.

  “You have a safe word, bebe, use it if you must.”

  Her leg fell limp onto the mat and she stopped struggling. He pulled her a little closer to him. Her trust in him made him want to chuck the vibrator and hold her the rest of the night, but that wasn’t the way the dynamic worked.

  “That’s my good girl. You can do this, bebe, just have faith.” He took his time teasing her and allowing her clit to desensitize a bit. He didn’t want her too sore—he had plans for her later.

  He kept the pressure to a minimum and skimmed it over her clit. She squirmed under his assault. He was so glad the sling for her leg was working. The way she thrashed about as she came worried him as much as it turned him on.

  A few passes later, tears were falling from her eyes and she was straining to keep the vibrator against her clit. “I’m so close.”

  A fine sheen of sweat covered her body and every muscle was drawn tight. “I know, princess. You’re riding the edge. Are you going to tease me anymore?”

  “No, never. Please, let me come.” Her eyes were closed and her voice was a husky whisper.

  “Have you learned your lesson?” God, he wanted to fuck her. She might be the one being disciplined, but he was the one dying. He focused the head directly on her clit.

  “Yes!” she screamed.

  He moved the vibrator to the top of her mound. “Ask me nicely, subbie.” He should have put on his leathers for this scene. His cock was threatening to bust his zipper.

  “Please. Master. Please. May I come?” Her eyes were clenched shut and her right foot was holding her off the ground as she tried to force the head against her again.

  “Yes, princess, one more time for me.” He finally gave her what she wanted.

  Adriana screamed and rocked from side to side. Bending at the hip, she brought her torso off the mat.

  André looped his arm around her waist and held her tight. As the sensations washed over her, he slowed the vibrator and reduced the intensity. After a few more moments, he turned it off and slid it across the mat so he could take her in his arms.

  He brushed her hair from her face and showered kisses along her forehead. “Oh, bebe, that was so beautiful.”

  She leaned against him and nuzzled his chest. While she rested and floated back to earth, he began untying her arms. He massaged her shoulders where the ropes had left an imprint on her skin.

  “Are you doing okay? How’s the leg?” He worked to untie the chest harness.


  He chuckled. “That’s not an answer, bebe.”

  “I’m good.”

  He wasn’t going to be able to let her go. He knew it like he knew his name. What the fuck was he going to do? He couldn’t come between her and her family either. No matter what, he was screwed.

  He held her tight while his mind whirled. Seeing her in pain ate him up. He couldn’t stand it. Watching her struggle through physical therapy made him want to punch something.

  To know his stupidity had played a part in her getting hurt in the first place was almost too much to bear. If she didn’t work hard, she’d never get back full mobility of her leg, but it was damn hard to watch.

  The emotional pain of disrupting her family life wouldn’t be any easier to deal with. No way could he knowingly cause her any more heartache. He’d vowed to be there for her, to be her Master for as long as she wanted, but that was all he could offer her.

  He removed the last of the ropes and carried her upstairs. On the couch, he sat with her in his arms and tried to stop looking into the future.

  André grabbed the blanket from the back of his couch and wrapped her in it. “You were so brave, bebe. You made me proud.” He rubbed the marks imprinted on her skin.

  She giggled. “This will probably get me in trouble, but that was the best ‘discipline’ I’ve ever had.”

  He gave her a loving squeeze. “You’re such a brat. I guess I’ll have to up my game.”

  “Don’t be like that. I can’t say I’m anxious for a repeat.” She laid her hand on his chest. “But I had no idea I could orgasm that often in such a short period of time.”

  “I could have kept going, but I didn’t want us to miss the dinner you cooked. What is it? It smells delicious.”

  “Lasagna. Do you like Italian food?” She sounded shy and a little uncertain.

  He jumped at the chance to change the subject. “I’m a man, bebe. I’ll eat just about anything, but lasagna happens to be one of my favorites. Thank you.”

  “I like to cook. I haven’t had much of an opportunity lately. It seems silly to prepare a meal just for me. I usually make something on Sundays and pick at the leftovers whenever I’m at home.”

  “Bebe, you need to eat better. You’ll be having three square meals from now on.” She was too damned thin in his mind.

  “If I keep eating I’m going to get as big as a house. My normal exercise routine is out the window until this brace comes off.”

  He gave her a passionate kiss. “Don’t worry, bebe. I’ll work the extra calories off you.”

  She laughed, just as he’d hoped she would.

  “Sex does burn calories, doesn’t it? Maybe I should have made a dessert.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

  “I don’t want you overdoing it. I’d rather you save your energy for intimacy than cooking or baking.” He picked her up, carried her into the kitchen and got her comfortable on the scooter. “Stay put and I’ll go grab a robe for you.”

  He rushed into the bathroom and got his. On his way back, he heard the oven timer buzzing. “Don’t get that. Let me do it,” he yelled from the hallway.

  In the kitchen, he found her with oven mitts on her hands and leaned over the stove turning off the timer. She lifted her arms in an ‘I surrender’ pose. “As soon as I heard you, I waited.”

  He gave her the robe. “Scoot back.” He took the mitts, removed the pan and placed it on the burners. “I don’t want you trying to take food out of the oven or microwave.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered sarcastically.

  “I see you’re going to be over my knee on a frequent basis.”

  “Probably,” she agreed without any qualms. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up and I’ll get dinner on the table?”

  “If you need help with something, ask.” Once she nodded in agreement, he headed back down to the basement. He organized the ropes, sanitized the mat and wand. As he was putting everything away, he looked around the room. He’d been leery about bringing Adriana down here. Now, he realized that had been a mistake. Adriana was like a breath of fresh air. Just the short time she’d been in this room, she’d already brushed away the stagnant feeling.

  He took the stairs two at a time. Stopping at the hall restroom, he washed his hands then hurried into the dining room. Adriana had lit candles and turned the lights down. His girl was a romantic. Perfect!

  She was waiting at the table fidgeting with her napkin and biting her lip.

  “Did I keep you waiting?”

  “No. Perfect timing.” She looked down at her hands then back at him. “Aren’t the subs supposed to clean up after a scene?”

  “There aren’t any hard and fast rules with D/s.” He shrugged. “Besides, I’m a control freak. I’m the only one that stores my ropes and as far as the cleaning goes, I prefer to do that as well.”

  She nodded and turned away from him.

  “Adriana, what is it?” His stomach twisted, seeing the sad expression cross her face.

  Adriana met his gaze then quickly looked away. “I just worry that you’re having to make concessions because of my leg or…” She closed her eyes and fell silent.

  He took her hand in h
is. “Or what?” he asked gently.

  Adriana sighed and looked everywhere but at him. “Because I lack the experience of your other subs.”

  This wasn’t the first time she’d made comments about his ‘other subs’. “Have I done something that makes you think I’m comparing you to other women?”


  “I’m glad, because the only person thinking about other women is you. If I’m doing something to give you a different impression, tell me and I’ll stop.” He needed to alleviate her fears without giving her false hope. What an impossible line to walk.

  “I just worry that I’m not making you happy, that I’m short changing you.” Tears were in her eyes and she rarely did more than glance in his direction.

  “No. Stop this.” He wiped away a stray tear. “You, my dear, are perfect, too much so to be with the likes of me. You’re the ‘take home to meet Momma’ kind of girl.” This was the crux of the problem between them. “But I don’t have a momma to introduce you to. If we passed on the street, she wouldn’t even acknowledge me and that’s okay, because I’m not the family type. You, on the other hand, love your family. They mean the world to you.” He shook his head. “I can’t be a part of that world. So if anyone is being ‘short changed’ it’s you. Ultimately, I can’t be what you need. Not the other way around.”

  “André, damn it, you’re exactly what I need.” She sounded tired and frustrated.

  Fuck! He’d jumped from a minefield straight into hell. “Bebe, all I can offer you is a safe environment to explore your sexuality. I care about you. Deeply. But it can’t go further than friends with benefits. I won’t be taking you to family barbecues or to Sunday dinner at your parents’ house. You have to understand that.”

  She was silent for a few moments then lifted her arms like she was pushing some invisible force away. He loved how animated she was. “I forgot our drinks. Could you get them for us?”

  “Sure.” He went to the kitchen and poured sodas for both of them. She was still taking meds and though she’d probably prefer wine, that wasn’t happening either.

  She took the glass with a simple “Thank you.”

  “Should I worry that you poisoned my food while I was out of the room?” He was hoping to lighten the mood.

  She snorted. “No, you’re a stubborn ass, but I don’t want you dead. Maybe a bellyache, but not dead.”

  “I’m so glad. But a bellyache might cut into my plans this evening.” He took a bite and it melted in his mouth. “Oh my, this is good. Really good.” He took another.

  A smile touched her lips, but didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m glad you like it. I didn’t realize you were going out tonight.” She kept her focus on her plate and began eating.

  “Bebe, I have no intention of leaving you here alone. I’ve told you that. My plans center on you and me spending some quality time in the bedroom. Are you okay with that?” He had to give her an out, but he hoped to hell she didn’t take it.

  “Yes, I’m very okay with that.” She beamed at him.

  His heart jumped and he tried hard not to examine how much he wanted this time with her. “Glad to hear it. Why don’t you take a bath and relax a bit, while I take care of a few things.”


  * * * *

  As Adriana relaxed in the tub, her thoughts drifted. André knew exactly what she liked. He’d lit candles and had smooth jazz playing on the intercom. It was time to face the facts. She loved him and knew in her heart they were right for each other… That was all there was to it. One way or another, they had to work through this. She just wished she knew how they were going to do it because right at this moment, their problems seemed insurmountable.

  No matter how she tried to empathize with his concept of family, she came up empty handed. The idea of a man with a phobia of families meeting hers was a little like taking someone who was afraid of heights and shoving them out of an airplane. And it wasn’t just his issues standing in the way.

  Once she’d learned that André had tried to contact her parents for business purposes and they’d rebuffed him, her optimism had virtually died.

  Her parents would assume he was courting her to steal away their club members. Since it was their only source of income, they were very proprietary. She sighed and rested her head along the edge of the tub. There wasn’t anything to be done about it now. Her parents were out of town for a couple of more weeks.

  Adriana looked up and noticed André leaning against the door frame. “Hi, sexy.” He’d changed clothes. His shirt was off and he was barefooted. The top button of his jeans was open and his erection was evident.

  André chuckled. “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Absolutely.” No man had ever affected her like André. She licked her lips. “You’re positively yummy.”

  He shook his head then changed the subject. “You ready to get out of there?”

  “Unless you want to join me.”

  “I have different plans this evening.” André released the drain then picked her up. He allowed her right leg to gently touch the floor.

  Adriana pulled the towel from the rack and began to dry off.

  André stood behind her with his hands on her hips giving her added support. “How are you feeling tonight, beautiful girl?”

  “I’m excited about these plans you mentioned. I’m hoping they include ending my virginal state.” Okay, that was a little blunter than she had intended. Her face heated with embarrassment.

  “Is that so?” He kissed her neck. “I think that can be arranged,” he whispered softly.

  Goosebumps dotted her arms as she looked over her shoulder at him in surprise. “Really?”

  He stared at her for a few moments before replying. “If you’re sure that’s what you want, then yes.”

  She leaned back into him and kissed his cheek. “Yes, André, I want you to make love to me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Bebe, that’s what I do every time I touch you.” He gently bit down on her shoulder and rocked his teeth back and forth in mock punishment. “You. Matter. To. Me.”

  Didn’t he realize the mixed signals he constantly sent her? Maybe she was reading too much into his statements and actions. You matter to me wasn’t exactly a declaration of love, but that’s how she took it. André might believe he wasn’t capable of the emotion, not in the marriage and commitment sort of way at least, but that didn’t stop her from loving him.

  She was determined to send her signals straight and true. “And I love you, even if you are a stubborn ass.”

  He swung her into his arms. “So what else is new? You love everything, warm baths, candles, roses, puppies, strawberries… Need I go on?”

  “Stubborn ass,” she muttered as he carried her into his room.

  Twinkling lit candles graced every flat surface of the room, creating a romantic mood. Flower petals were scattered over silken sheets and a single rose had been laid on her nightstand. A bowl of cleaned and cut strawberries sat off to the side. She gasped in surprise as she took it all in.

  He gently placed her on the bed.

  “I love it!” she exclaimed as they both dissolved into laughter.

  Once she could get a handle on her emotions, she gave him a hug. “Thank you.” Noticing his discomfort, she decided she needed to keep the mood on the lighter side. “Do you have a puppy hidden somewhere?”

  “No, I just said that to throw you off.” He showed her his mischievous, little boy grin.

  “It worked!”

  “While calmer heads are prevailing”—he held up a condom—“do you want me to use it?”

  “You don’t need to. We’ve both been tested and I’m on the pill.” She didn’t want anything between them.

  “As you wish, Adriana.” He tossed it on his nightstand.

  “You can lose the pants too.” She smiled knowing she was ‘topping from the bottom’.

  He raised his eyebrow. “Giving me orders?”

  “If it wil
l head off an argument and get you naked faster, consider it a suggestion.”

  “Oh you really do need a spanking, but I’ve decided that tonight will be basically vanilla. That means, this one time, I’ll let you get away with it. Don’t make a habit of it, though. My leniency ends after this evening.” He pulled on one side of his button fly, opening his jeans enough to slide them off his hips onto the floor.

  “Why vanilla?” she asked, distracted by the sight of his cock. Licking her lips, she wished she could kneel before him and feel him slide into her mouth.

  “Why not?” After kicking off his pants, he sat on the bed beside her.

  “I don’t know.” She forced her eyes away from his dick and shrugged. “You own a kink club, I’m submissive,” or so it seems, “you’re a Dom. I just assumed it would always be at least a little kinky.”

  “To me, this is important. I want it to be memorable, not because of the kink factor, but because it’s you and me coming together for the first time.” He took her hand in his and gave it a peck on the knuckles.

  “You’re going to make me cry.” Tears were already pooling and threatening to break free. She was such a cry-baby these days.

  “Don’t you dare.” André gave her a stern look.

  Adriana giggled. “What’re you gonna do about it, tough guy?”

  “I have a few ideas.” André positioned a pillow under her brace. “Don’t move that leg.”

  Her bratty side was in full force tonight. “If we’re going all vanilla, then you can’t tell me what to do. I can do pirouettes if I want.” She lifted her leg and moved it in a small circle. Immediately, she regretted it. Pain shot through her leg. As gently as possible, she laid it back on the pillow and fought to keep her face expressionless.

  “Adriana!” André snapped. His eyes scrutinized her face. “Do you need a pain pill?”

  “No, I’m good,” she lied and took shallow breaths to work through the pain.

  “Your inner brat is going to get you in no end of trouble, girl.” He reached across her and took the rose. “Lie back and relax.”

  She closed her eyes and gave her body into his keeping. “I’m not too worried.”


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