Devon Savant

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Devon Savant Page 2

by Yolanda Guess

  The Magic

  Devon wished he had superpowers like the Avengers. Eventually, Devon fell asleep. When he woke up, he felt a sharp pain under his leg. His mother came in and placed the old drumsticks near his hand. Devon grabbed the stick from under his arms, threw his legs off the bed and sat up slightly. This belongs to Ishmael was the inscription on the sticks. Jasmine heard Devon stirring in his room and knocked on the door. Devon are you up?.... came the soft voice. Yeah, mom but only two grunts came out of his mouth. Jasmine entered. Devon, you found the drum sticks, as she sat in Darren's computer chair. Devon, I bought you those drumsticks because the owner said, they were passed down from generation to generation in his family and they have magical power. Since he is the last one alive and he didn’t want to throw them away, so he decided to sell them on eBay and was looking for a particular buyer. I guess he wanted me to have them. He said they belong to his ancestors and it was used to play for Kings in the bible days. He had them in a glass case. As Devon listened to his mother he thought the man embellished on the facts of the story to get more money from his mom. How could she be so gullible? Devon wanted a little magic in his life. He wanted to be happy but he didn’t believe in magic or miracles. When his mother said the name “God”, his skin started to crawl. He hated God. Thank goodness his mother couldn't read his mind like Sammy. Sammy, he missed and there was no way he could tell his family about his experience in Heaven. As his mind wandered, Aidan entered the room and jumped on his bed. Aidan laid its head on his lap and Devon caressed his fur. He loved Aidan. Aidan was a small dog with brown curly hair, he forgot the name of its breed, but he was a good puppy. His therapist thought Aidan was a good addition to the family, against mom and Nana wishes. Aidan presence woke him up to hear the end of mom’s story.

  Happy Birthday, Devon as she cupped his face and kissed him on the forehead. Thanks, mom, but a grunt is all she heard. Later that night, Darren used YouTube to find the “the drummer boy” skit. He showed it to Devon and Devon watched the video clip over thirty times. He went to sleep playing the clip. Beep...b..e..e..p... beep. The battery on the cell phone was dying, then the screen went black. Devon needed to go to the bathroom but Darren was sleeping with his earphones on. Devon rang the bell....ding...ding...ding, but Darren didn’t budge. Clank...clank....clank, nothing from Darren. Devon picked the old drumsticks and started banging on the computer desk. Pop...pop...bam... boom...boom. Devon used the back of the sticks for more volume. Then a voice in his head told him to the play the "Drummer Boy” stanza. Devon knew that it was stupid, but he needed help immediately., after the third try, Devon's legs got stronger and he jumped up and ran to the bathroom, knocking over the chair. Ahhhhhh! What a relief, Devon said as he exited the bathroom. Devon walked casually back to bed and looked at his brother sleeping. Devon couldn’t believe Darren was still asleep through this ruckus. Devon could hear himself speak the words. Holy Smoke!!! I can talk. Then he realized that he walked back from the bathroom without any help. He slowly walked back to the bathroom door and looked in the mirror that was hanging on the door. I am healed. That's impossible. I am dreaming. He said out loud. Devon would you be quiet, I'm trying to sleep. Darren had turned over and the earphone slipped off his ears. As he reached for them, he heard Devon stirring but thought he must be having a dream because Devon couldn’t talk. Darren slowly opened his eyes and saw Devon standing over him. Bro, Darren said surprised. Yeah Bro, Devon replied. What came next scared Devon. MOM!! Mom!! Darren was on his feet twirling his brother and screaming. They were throwing each other around when his mom and dad ran in. Micah entered the room first with the baseball bat and Jasmine was on his heels!!! What’s wrong Micah asked, ready to swing the bat but fell back on the bathroom door when he saw his sons jumping around. As Micah fell back, Jasmine saw her boys jumping and screaming and she joined in with tears of joy. Hugging and kissing each child, she thanked God in her native dialect. After about 10 minutes of jumping around, they all headed to the kitchen for hot chocolate. They sat around the table and Devon had a chance to tell them what happened in Heaven. As Devon, told the family everything that happened to him in Heaven, Darren was writing it all down for his school publication. Devon answered questions on what it was like not to be able to communicate, how he felt about his drumsticks, not fitting in and being in his body. His family listened intently with minimum interruption. By the time Nana came over at 9 am, mom met her at the door to brace her for the surprise. Nana was overwhelmed. She cried every time she looked at Devon. Nana and Devon talked for an hour before his body started to feel weird. He told his family that he was tired and went back to his bedroom. Darren would you please video me playing the drums, he asked as he entered the bedroom. Devon and Darren snuck out the room into the basement where Devon drums were. But the new sound booth had a new 6 pieces electronic Roland TD 50KV V- drum set with KD-A22 Drum essential bundle in it. Dad had bought Devon this set before the accident.

  Devon was ecstatic about the drum set, it was awesome. Devon played every song he knew like a professional drummer and Darren recorded everything. Devon knew the old him was creeping back because his legs begin to quiver. Devon body was being drained of all of his energy, like a vacuum cleaner picking up dirt. Darren, Devon said after 45 minutes of playing, I am tired. Yeah, you don’t look well, Darren said. Darren helped Devon back to their room. Devon laid down on the bed, then Devon jumped up to give his twin a big hug. I love you Bro and thank you for taking care of me. Yeah, whatever, was Darren’s reply. Devon placed the drum stick above his head and went to sleep. The next time he woke up he was back in the hospital and he didn’t know how he got there. His mother had her head down when he woke up. Hmmm.....Hmmmm....ugh!! He couldn’t talk any more. Just as he started fidgeting, his mother looked up and got up from her chair. My baby, how you feeling? She asked as she pressed the button for the nurse. Seeing the look of fear on Devon's face, Jasmine reassured him that everything was okay. By the time Doctor Nolan entered, he had an entourage of doctors behind him. You are a miracle, Mr. Devon, a true miracle. The doctor rambled on about his condition, but Devon didn’t even remember what happened or how he got there. When the doctor left, his mom began telling him how Darren found him on the floor and they rushed him to the doctor two days ago. The doctor doesn’t know why you passed out, but you appear to be doing better. The doctors are going to keep you here for two more days, then we can take you home. Devon couldn’t believe this, he was finally normal, and then this happened. Jasmine stayed until visiting hours were over and then she left. She didn't want to, but she was spiritually and emotionally drained, and it was after 9 pm. She would be back there first thing in the morning, but she needed rest. Jasmine kissed Devon on his forehead and blew him a kiss from the door. Darren popped his head in. Yo! Bro. I’m sorry that I missed you waking up but there was a candy striper on the 3rd floor and I had to get her digits. Anyway, I will be back tomorrow after school. As he reached to give his brother a pound. Oh, I forgot! Darren grabbed the old drumsticks from his back pocket and laid it over Devon's head. In case you get bored tonight, Rock Out! He smiled and bolted out the door. Devon felt alone. He tried to go back to sleep but he couldn't. He didn’t feel like watching television, so he closed his eyes, and he thought of Sammy, Calvin, Dori and the other kids with disabilities. He told God, he hated him numerous times, but finally realized that he did not hate God but his circumstances. Devon recited the Lord's Prayer in his mind and several of the bible verses. Then he remembered John 14. Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God believe also in me. Devon was finally understanding what his mother and Nana prayed about. Devon closed his eyes again and started praying to Jesus. Devon, finally told God how sorry he was, then he thought about the sticks above his head. He remembered only one beat now and it was of the "Drummer Boy". He grabbed the sticks and started tapping the metal bar.

  He k
ept playing the same beat in his head, again, and again until a splinter from the wood lodged underneath the skin of his pointer finger. Ouch!!! His fingers were sensitive. Finally, tired, he placed the sticks back over his head and went to sleep. It was 5 am when the nurse came into the room for blood. Mr. Devon, Nurse Winters chimed. We have to take some blood, now. Can you do it later, was Devon reply. What did you say? A startled Ms. Winter replied. Later, take it later...his words slurring. For a minute, he thought he heard himself speak, He did!! Ms. Winters had already left the room and returned with the doctor on duty. Doctor Ashley read his report and pulled the curtain, Nurse Winter came back with a portable machine. Test after test were done from 5:30 am until 9:30 am. By the time his mother arrived at 10 am, Devon was sitting up talking to Nurse Stewart who was watching him intensely. The breakfast cart arrived as his mother entered the room and her face lit up, she pushed past the food guy so quickly, Devon thought he was going to drop the tray. My baby, she said as she started planting kisses all over his face. Alright, mom!!! Devon said as he stood up and squirmed away. I love you too. Devon sit down she said anxiously. I'm okay mom, Devon replied. Where is the doctor? I need to talk to the doctor, as she rushed to the nurse’s station. Devon knew that she will be there for some time, so he ate the bagel, oatmeal, drunk the coffee and leaned back to watch television. Devon felt good, really good. Mom must have gotten good news because she told him to get dressed when she returned. Devon put on his street clothes and waited for the discharged papers. They wheeled him to the front door of the hospital and mom drove them home. Mom and Nana watched Devon's every move for hours. Mom prepared his favorite food for lunch as he sat in the living room watching movies. Darren must have heard the news because he didn’t go to football practice. Around 3 pm, Darren came home, and liberated Devon from the living room couch. They went to their room and laughed about Darren's day at school. Darren showed Devon the YouTube post of him playing the drums, last week. After the video, Darren asked Devon how he changed back.


  Devon told him everything that happened. Devon, the sticks are magical, Darren said. I think the drumsticks belonged to the drummer boy that played for baby Jesus, Darren said excitedly. Darren, you’re crazy, Devon retorted. The drumsticks are not magical. Sure, they are! How do you explain your miraculous recovery? Jesus must have blessed them or something and they healed you, Darren went on to explain his reasoning. So, why is the healing temporary, Devon asked impatiently. They went around and around on the topic, they debated for over an hour with no clear solution. You know what, Devon, I am going to stay up all night and video your transformation. And if it happens again, we will have a record of your change. Devon nodded his head in agreement. Darren watched Devon all night. When Devon woke, he was still able to walk straight without the limp and talk clearly. Darren and Devon reviewed the video and saw nothing. After breakfast, Devon and Darren went to their room to talk about what happened. There must be something that happens to you, that have you better than the other day, chimed Darren. They played the video over and over again, they played the Drummer boy song all night as well. Devon hails the sticks in his hand all day. I got, Darren said. It's not the drummer boy beat but the actual sticks. What are you talking about? Devon asked Darren, you keep rubbing your finger. You must have a piece of the wood lodged under your finger. That’s the magic. You must keep the drumsticks with you or you will start to get weak, Darren exclaimed as if he was Sherlock Holmes solving a case.

  Darren ran into the bathroom and came out with a bandage. Open your hand, Darren said as he grabbed Devon’s wrist. What are you doing Darren, Devon asked? The piece of wood in your finger must be holy wood which is healing you. I am putting a band-aid over it, so you won’t lose it. Darren this is crazy, Devon said pulling his hand away from him. Maybe, said Darren but the fact is the wood is healing you and it’s great. Are you willing to take that chance? Yes, and he gave his hand back to Darren. Over the next few weeks, Devon kept that splinter covered and each morning he woke up whole and healthy. His health problems were diminishing. Now that Devon was better, he was able to attend the local public school with Darren. Devon started playing for the local high school and won many talents shows. By the time, he turned 18 years old, he was considered one of the most talented drummers in his town. Devon participated in several town festivities and started his own band called “Savant”. The Savant played in various counties. Darren worked as the band manager so he could keep an eye on his brother. Their sister, Carian joined the band later that year as a vocalist.

  The Miracle

  As they traveled Devon met a girl named Sarah in Houston, Texas who he later got married to. The next year, Sarah got pregnant with twins. They named them Micah and Jestine. His family lived a Christian life and went to church frequently. Devon always kept a piece of the drumstick with him, usually under his skin. When the boys were 5 years old. Devon and Darren joined the firefighters' brigade in Houston. There they worked as real heroes rescuing people from burning building and assisting in emergency services.

  Then one night, after putting the boys to bed, Devon sat in the recliner reading his bible on his tablet. He eventually fell asleep and dreamt of Sammy and God. In the dream, God showed him that the drumstick was made from the wood that Jesus carried through town, on his way to Calvary. When they crucified Jesus, they buried Jesus in the tomb and took the lumber and chopped it into small piece and left in a landfill of lumber. A man playing the flute picked up a piece of wood in the pile and went home to whittle a new flute from it but after he saw the dark stains, he decided to make drumsticks for his son. Ishmael was sickly, a boy around the age of 9 years old. He didn’t go outside much because of his illness, so his father Elias decided to make him a toy because he helped is mother Elisha with the house chores. Ishmael father didn’t know that the drumsticks he gave Ishmael was stained with the blood of Jesus, and within a few weeks, Ishmael recovered from dropsy. Elias continued to make wooden instruments from the wood he found in the landfill. Devon saw more than fifty instruments lying in the corner of Elias house. Then with a jolt, Devon woke up at the sound of his wife’s voice. Devon, it’s time for breakfast, Sarah said from the bottom of the stairs. Yes, dear....he answered through sleepy eyes. I'll be down in a minute he replied. Oh man! Devon wanted to know what happened to the other instruments but Sarah's voice interrupted his dream. At least, he finally knew the truth about the drumsticks. Devon never told anyone about the dream. Six months later, Jestine was diagnosed with a condition similar to Autism. Sarah was sad but Devon knew that everything would be okay because he had his magical drumsticks and God, the Creator of the universe in his corner.




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