Claimed by the Claws

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Claimed by the Claws Page 9

by Laura Wylde

  It would have been better if I had gone with them. I was going to be the leader after all, but there was no way that I was leaving this cabin until I had had my fill of Bree. I knew for certain that it was at least going to take all night.

  Sandra wasn’t as gung ho to leave. I saw her get Bree’s attention to find out if she was okay with them leaving. I didn’t realize that I was holding my breath, waiting for an answer, until I let it out when Bree told her that she was going to be fine. I was going to talk to Sandra later about that, but for now, I was just happy that she had decided I was good enough to keep going with. She wanted to be alone with me and for now, that was going to have to be good enough. I was convinced that the rest was just going to work itself out. It was fate after all.

  The two siblings finally left not too long after I dropped the cue and I was glad to see them go. Bree was still a little nervous, I could see it on her face and feel it in the vibe that she was letting off. She also had another smell and vibe that was coming in loud and clear. She was turned on and I was happy to think that. I was ready to bust a nut, just by looking at her. It was time to take this to the next level.

  “So, what are we going to do now that we're alone?”

  I asked the question, but she wasn't ready for the answer. I had learned about her the short time we've known each other. I knew that there was a lot she didn't know that I was going to have to take my time to explain and ask the right questions. It was a hard thing to ask but I had to do my best.

  Without giving her an answer, I put my hand out. I was asking her without asking her. She knew what it was that I wanted from her And there was no sense in playing games anymore.

  “Come with me and I will show you Bree. It’s time.”

  She met my gaze for a moment and her anxiousness was clear. It was palpable and I assured her that everything was going to be okay. This wasn’t a small deal for her. I knew that. It was a lot for her to take on. In reality, I knew that she was going to need some prodding. No other man had been able to talk her into it. That should tell me something right there about the ease of me getting into her panties. I knew that it was going to be complicated.

  “I’m scared Daxton.”

  Bree said that as she was standing up. It wasn’t a fear that was going to keep her from me. It was one that I was going to have to coax her around. We both knew what was going to happen next, but Bree still wanted to pretend like there was another option. There was never going to be another option in my eyes when it came to her. I had to touch her, be with her, I had to make her mine. That was all that mattered now.

  “You are going to be fine. I told you that everything was going to be okay. You are my mate and this is what is supposed to happen.

  She still didn't look very sure and she took my hand and I could tell that she still needed a little more coaxing to get her going towards the direction of my bedroom. I wished that we were back home with my real bed, instead of the small one that was available here, but it was going to have to do. I would have gladly taken her out in the middle of the woods underneath the moonlight. It really didn't matter the way or the how, just that it happened.

  “I never have... You know, done this before.”

  “I told her that I knew and she wanted to know how.”

  “I can just sense it with you. You have an innocence about you that you shouldn't have at your age. It didn't take long to figure it out.”

  Bree was silent next to me for a minute and I looked over at her as we moved into the bedroom. She was really nervous and I wished that I could make her understand that it was all going to be fine. I can't even remember my own first time, and it certainly wasn't with a new species that I didn't know about. I had to keep all of this in mind to keep my temper under control. I had to give her what she needed. That was the only worry that I had. That I would get too worked up and fail to show her the right way her first time.

  Shutting the door behind us, the room was blanketed in darkness and I heard her gasp a little.

  “Do you want to be in the dark? Or do you want me to turn some lights on so we can see?”

  I wanted to turn the lights on and see every inch of her, but I had a feeling that she wasn't ready for that. Bree didn't realize how beautiful she was. It was going to take some time for me to show her, but it was a task that I wanted to do more than anything. I needed her to see herself as I saw her. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen and I knew that she was enough for me.

  “This is good.”

  She had made the choice that I figured she would, but I was going to leave out the fact that I could see very well in the dark. It was about as good as I could see in the daytime and my focus was on her face. I liked the fact that she thought she was being mysterious and hiding from me, but I could see her perfectly. I had every intention of using that to my full advantage.

  “Take your clothes off for me, Bree. I want to taste you a little while before we get started.”

  The look on her face told me all that I needed to know. She was still anxious, but there was an excitement as well and the darkness helped her to build up a little courage. I got to stand there and watch her slowly take her clothes off, just like no one else was watching. She wouldn’t be happy if she knew that I could see every single thing. And I have to say that I was not at all disappointed.

  Bree was tall and had curves that begged to be touched. My hands and fingers were itching to get on her, but I knew I had to hold it in for a little while longer. I didn't want to scare her and now I was rocking a hard dick that needed attention immediately.

  “Come here.”

  Bree giggled a little when I agreed and I started to work towards her as I took off the remaining clothing I was wearing. I wasn't worried about anything else but getting her in the bed and getting my mouth on her. I was nowhere near done with her yet.

  Chapter 18


  It was dark and even after my eyes had adjusted, I could barely make out his outline. I knew that he was naked only because I had heard the clothing fall and it wasn't long before he was pulling me up against his body. Daxton was walking me backwards until I could feel the bed against the back of my legs and I laid back. It was only moments that I was there on the crisp sheets by myself, before he was crawling into bed on top of me coming covering my body with his own.

  There was no time to talk as his mouth move down to mine. His lips and tongue tease me, as his hips pressed the hardness in between my legs. It didn't put pressure on my core, just rubbed against it and made me jerk and whimper with the pleasure. It certainly felt different than his hand on me, but I knew that it wouldn't take much for it to have the same ending.

  His lips left mine and started to move downward as they had not too long ago in the kitchen. I move my head to one side to allow him full access to my neck and my shoulders as his tongue created a trail that left me shivering. A downward spiral took him to my breast and my body arched up to meet his greedy mouth. Daxton's lips and then teeth felt so good against me. I never wanted him to stop.

  When he left my breast, I made a whimpering sound that made him growl. I could tell that it turned him on and even though it wasn't something that was done on purpose, it was good to know that he liked it. I love to the fact that he was so turned on by me being pleased.

  My worry about him not sucking on my nipples was quickly relieved and I just as quickly had other things to worry about. His mouth was moving in the same direction as it had started and it was quickly clear that his destination was where his cockhead had just been rubbing.

  My fingers went to his hair and they pulled it hard as I felt hot breath on my center. I was so needy that I couldn't think of anything else. There was nothing that I could do, but wait. I tried lifting up my hips to force him to hurry up, but that didn't do me any good. All it did was frustrate me more when he sat back just a little bit and told me to calm down.


  “That's not going to work. You need
to have some patience or I won't be able to satisfy you the way that you deserve.”

  I didn't know what the hell he was talking about at the moment. I really didn't care.

  “Please Daxton. I need you. I thought you wanted to take me?”

  “So fucking badly.”

  I was no longer sure he was going to give me what it was that I needed. It felt like he was playing games with my emotions and I didn't want to deal with it anymore. All I could think about was his hot mouth on mine and what it was going to feel like later. I needed it like before, because I knew that it was possible. Ever since he had push me towards my end before, I knew that I wanted more. His mouth was more, even if it was at the more that I thought I was going to get it the time.

  Well I thought he would start with licking me. Something light, something to get me in the mood, but that was not the way that Daxton approached it at all. Instead, he grabbed my waist and pulled me up towards his mouth until most of my back was off of the bed. He had pulled me up and held me there, so that I knew there was no way that that I was going to get away. There was nowhere to go.

  And instead of licking me with his tongue, his lips moved around my sensitive nub and he started to suck. I about came unglued from the start and I knew that I was in trouble. The feeling that I was getting was much like I had when he was touching me with his fingers, but this time around, it was so much more intense and from the way he had a grip on me, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to go anywhere anytime soon.

  I called out his name because I couldn't help it and my hand went to his arm, trying to get the grip off of me. Only my shoulders were left on the mattress with my head and he was just so strong that there was nothing I could do. There was no way that I was going to get away from him, that much was clear.

  The first wave went over me like a tsunami and I was left broken in pieces. I cried out over and over again, but it didn’t slow him down in the least bit. His tongue just moved a little faster and his grip just got a little tighter as I fought against him. It was all just too much and before long, I was coming again.

  “I can't Daxton, please!”

  He was not listening to me and it seemed like no matter how loud I screamed and pleaded, it didn't deter him in the least bit. My mind was shattered, every part of me was shaking. I couldn't control it and I knew that this was only the beginning. This is what he called the taste and I didn't know if I could take much more. If this was just a taste, I could only imagine what the rest of it would be. My eyes were closed as I tightened up again, as my body exploded in pleasure. Something told me that I was going to have a hard time taking what came next.

  “Welcome back.”

  I was confused for a moment, but then I realized that he was still over me and I wanted to know what he meant by that.


  “You sort of passed out for a few minutes I think. I would usually ask you if that felt good, but I think I have the answer that I need.”

  I wanted him to shut up. I was so embarrassed that I had let him get to me that way. I had never passed out before, though I had come from some rubbing, nothing like that. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before and when I felt his hard rod pressing in against my legs at my core, I remembered that there was still more to learn. It wasn’t going to be how I saw it in my head. I certainly hadn’t passed out when I thought about how it would play out in my head.

  “Are you ready Bree?”

  I wasn't, I really wasn't but I was sick of waiting too. He said it because of a couple of days, a couple of hours. but I have been waiting my whole life. I've been waiting my whole life to feel this way and I didn't want to wait anymore. I knew that it would take only a moment for him to be inside of me and for everything to change.


  The answer was used almost immediately and I felt him push inside of me. He was huge and I was taken over by the stretching sensations and the sharp pain as I ripped. It was a long time coming and I buried my face in his shoulder. My eyes closed tight and I was thankful that he stopped. He was very deep inside of me, but it gave my body time to get used to him. It was strange to feel him inside of a cover and the longer he was there, the more he felt like he was supposed to be there. The pain subsided quickly and nothing was left but a need that still had been met. When I started to move underneath him, Daxton took it as it was time to do more.

  He pulled back and pressed in over and over again. It was repeated and it was my mind numbing. When I got to the edge this time, I was unable to breathe or think. Something inside of me imploded and it wasn't long before I was gasping for breath.

  My nails went into his shoulders and I heard howl as he filled me up. I was lost underneath him and when he pulled out of me, it was like a piece of me was gone.

  He lay down next to me and pulled me close. My breath was coming out in gasps and my heart was racing in my chest. There was no way that I could slow it down.

  “Why am I the only one that is affected?”

  “You are not the only one that is affected. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before. It was perfect. You are perfect Bree and I’m going to spend the rest of my days making sure that you know just how special you are. It’s time to turn the lights on so I can clean you up.”

  I made a sound as the room was flooded in lights, but he made me look at him and I knew that it was all going to be okay. I wanted to hide myself so that he couldn’t see me, but that wasn’t what I really wanted. I wanted him to need me and desire me, which he did. Daxton made me feel like a beautiful woman. It wasn’t a feeling that I felt very often and while I wasn’t sure if I believed it or not, I wanted to. I really did.

  At some point I went to sleep in his arms. I don’t know when it was. His heart was beating under my ear on his chest and it had a way of pulling me in. It was so steady and loud that I closed my eyes and that was it. He may have had other ideas of what was going to happen between us, but it wasn’t going to happen tonight.

  I did feel a kiss on my forehead before I went to sleep and I sighed at the touch. I didn’t want this moment to ever end.

  Chapter 19


  When I woke up the next morning, the moment was gone and I was upset about it. The last thing that I wanted to see when I woke up was an empty bed next to me. It was the place that Daxton was supposed to be and I could feel his lack of presence more than I was supposed to.

  I hadn’t even opened my eyes yet and I knew that I wasn’t going to find Daxton next to me. It saddened me at my core and I don’t know why it upset me that much, but it did, it really did.

  Fighting against the urge to call out to him, I remembered that Meatloaf and Sandra were most likely back from the recruitment plan that they were sent for. It was hard for me to really consider all that I had learned and overheard in the last couple of days.

  At one point, not that long ago, even though it felt like an eternity now, I had been like everyone else in thinking that humans were the only real species. I had unwittingly known without having to really think about it that everything was going to be okay. I didn’t have to know about the fantasies that I watched on the TV, not really, because they didn’t exist. Now that fact was shattered and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with it. Everything was supposed to be okay, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t okay at all. The only thing leaving me semi-sane was Daxton. Without him next to me, I was questioning everything again and my mind was hurting from the spin.

  If Daxton would have been here, I would have been perfectly happy to stay in bed with him. I wanted more of the pleasure that I knew he could give me. It was all that I thought about and I didn’t want the pleasure to ever end. I was going to make sure that he knew what he had missed getting out of bed early like he did.

  I got up and started to look around for my clothes. My face got a little red when I thought about how I had felt taking them off. My mother certainly wouldn’t have approved. Daxton was everything that she had warned m
e against and I found it rather ironic that it had ended this way.

  Another thought crossed through my mind before I could stop myself. Not only was I with a man that my mother would have disapproved of, but I hadn’t used protection either. So much of my young adult life was spent staying away from boys at the risk of getting pregnant. So of course, my first time I hadn’t even thought about it. If I was honest with myself, I sort of liked the idea of his baby growing inside of me. It was like everything else, bringing up more questions than I could answer, but I liked the idea of something real and tangible coming out of our love for one another.

  Was this love?

  It was another question that was taking over my mind. I was in love with him, but I didn’t know if he felt the same way or not. As much as I liked to think that he did, I knew that I could be wrong. Greg had said all the right things at some point. I had considered it with him. But this was different. With Daxton, it just felt too good to be true and it was hard for me to figure out how I was supposed to feel about it all. I was nervous that no matter what I did, I was going to get hurt, but it was too late. I was in too deep to back out now.

  My clothes were nowhere to be found and I cursed underneath my breath because I couldn’t find them and also because I was tying myself in knots with all of this questioning. It wasn’t easy and it was getting harder by the moment to hold myself together.

  What was I thinking, getting involved with a man like Daxton? He was a biker and he turned into a bear. That was not something that I even considered and as I became frantic with what to put on, I realized I was going to have to wear something of his.

  I moved to the dresser, determined to get my mind off of everything. I was sure that if I could just get some proper clothes on, then I would be able to figure this all out. It was all I could hope for at this moment in time and I was sure that no matter what, I wasn’t going to regret last night. I had been magical and no matter what happened next, it was going to be one that I remembered for all times.


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