All That Lies Broken (Ashmore's Folly Book 2)

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All That Lies Broken (Ashmore's Folly Book 2) Page 1

by Forrest, Lindsey


  All That Lies Broken

  Ashmore’s Folly Trilogy: Book Two

  St. John Publishing Group, Inc.

  Plano, TX


  The author strongly recommends that you read the first book in the Ashmore’s Folly Trilogy, All Who Are Lost, before you start this book. Some trilogies or series can be read out of order – this is not one of them. All of the events in this book build upon events in All Who Are Lost.

  As a refresher, you might want to review the historical timeline located on the Ashmore’s Folly web site at

  The timeline contains an expanded history of the Great Lakes shipping heiress and her life. This will play a prominent role in a planned novella about Richard Ashmore’s great-grandfather, Jonathan Ashmore, and his courtship of the tempestuous heiress, Julia Tremaine.

  For the timeline and summary of events in All Who Are Lost, go to the web page at

  If you are viewing this on a tablet or smartphone equipped with a QR reader (lots of free apps for that), you can go to the timelines by focusing your device over the QR codes.

  Historical timeline:

  Timeline for All Who Are Lost:

  Cast of Characters, Family Trees, and Maps

  Author’s note: If you are reading this as an e-book and the family trees and maps are too small to read, everything is on the Ashmore’s Folly web site at I have included QR codes and direct URLs so that you can view them. We have tested these on a variety of e-readers and tablets, and while they are perfectly legible on some, they are not on others. We have discovered that, if the family trees and maps appear too small on a tablet, you usually have the option to tap them and select a zoom-in option.

  ‡ = Character is deceased.

  The Abbotts of Ireland and Virginia

  · Dominic Abbott‡: Ex-monk, composer, and conductor. Husband to Siobhan O’Brien‡. Lover of Renée Dane Marlowe‡, Countess of Shilleen. Father to Diana, Lucia (Lucy), Francesca, and Laura. Deceased.

  · Renée Dane Marlowe‡, Countess of Shilleen: Mistress to Dominic Abbott‡. Wife of the 9th Earl of Shilleen‡. Mother of Diana, Francesca, and Laura. Presumed dead, October 2, 1970.

  The Abbott Sisters

  · Diana Abbott Ashmore: Oldest daughter of Dominic Abbott‡ and Renée Dane Marlowe‡. Married to Richard Ashmore (see Ashmores below). Mother of Julie Ashmore.

  · Lucia (Lucy) Abbott Maitland: Second daughter of Dominic Abbott‡ and only child of wife Siobhan O’Brien‡. Married to Tom Maitland (see Abbott Spouses below).

  · Francesca (Francie) Abbott: Third daughter of Dominic Abbott‡ and second daughter of Renée Dane Marlowe‡. Presumed dead, August 6, 1991.

  · Laura Abbott St. Bride: Fourth daughter of Dominic Abbott‡ and third daughter of Renée Dane Marlowe‡. Widow of Cameron St. Bride‡ (see St. Brides below). Adoptive mother of Margaret (Meg). Stage names: Cat Courtney and Cat Colby.

  Abbott Children/Grandchildren

  · Julia (Julie) Mary Ashmore (see Ashmores below). Daughter of Richard Ashmore and Diana Abbott.

  · Margaret (Meg) Mary St. Bride (see St. Brides below). Adoptive daughter of Laura Abbott and Cameron St. Bride‡.

  Abbott Spouses

  · Richard Ashmore: Husband of Diana Abbott (see Ashmores below).

  · Tom Maitland: Husband of Lucia Abbott.

  · Cameron St. Bride‡: Husband of Laura Abbott (see St. Brides below).

  The Ashmores of Virginia

  · Richard Ashmore: Master of Ashmore Park. Husband of Diana Abbott. Father of Julie. Also known as “Mr. Perfect.”

  · Julie Ashmore: Daughter of Richard and Diana Ashmore. Niece of Lucy Maitland and Laura St. Bride. Granddaughter of Philip‡ and Peggy‡ Ashmore and Dominic Abbott‡.

  · Philip Ashmore‡: Father of Richard. Husband to Margaret (Peggy) O’Brien‡. Deceased.

  · Peggy Ashmore‡: Mother of Richard. Wife to Philip‡. Deceased.

  · Lucia (Lucy) Abbott Maitland: Daughter of Peggy’s cousin Siobhan O’Brien Abbott‡ and Dominic Abbott‡. Abandoned as a child, raised by Philip‡ and Peggy‡ Ashmore as their daughter (see Abbotts above).

  · Julia Tremaine Ashmore‡: Great Lakes shipping heiress. Married to Jonathan Ashmore‡, Richard Ashmore’s great-grandfather. Deceased.

  The St. Brides of Texas

  · Cameron St. Bride‡: Husband of Laura Abbott St. Bride. Adoptive father of Margaret (Meg) St. Bride. Brother to Mark and Emma. Son of Matthew‡ and Kate‡ St. Bride. Deceased.

  · Margaret (Meg) St. Bride: Adopted daughter of Laura Abbott St. Bride and Cameron St. Bride‡. Niece of Diana Ashmore and Lucy Maitland.

  · Mark St. Bride: Brother of Cameron‡ and Emma St. Bride.

  · Emma St. Bride: Sister of Cameron‡ and Mark St. Bride.

  Minor Characters Who Play Their Parts

  · Max the Cat: Furry BFF of Laura St. Bride.

  · Jay Spencer: Laura St. Bride’s attorney.

  · Kevin Stone: Diana Ashmore’s attorney.

  · Scott McIntire: Richard Ashmore’s partner in Ashmore & McIntire.

  · Melanie McIntire: ER doctor and wife of Scott McIntire.

  · Sara McIntire: Scott and Mel’s bored 12-year-old daughter.

  · Amy Stewart: Investment banker and worrywart.

  · Dell Barnes: Cat Courtney‘s manager.

  · Father Neil Redmond: Laura St. Bride’s high school boyfriend.

  · Brian Schneider: Financial news reporter.

  · Jean McKenzie: Executive administrative assistant to Cam St. Bride‡.

  · Angie and Allie: Bimbettes from Boston and visitors to Monticello.

  · Jake: Angie’s boyfriend, blogger.

  · Roger Duncan: Stage actor and co-star with Cat Courtney in Rochester. Partner of Terry Parker.

  · Terry Parker: Cordon Bleu chef and partner of Roger Duncan.


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  Love is not a fire to be shut up in the soul.

  Everything betrays us: voice, silence, eyes;

  half-covered fires burn all the brighter.

  (Jean Racine, “Andromache,” Act 2, Scene 2)

  Act One: Piercing the Veil

  We have a secret, just we three,

  The robin, and I, and the sweet cherry-tree;

  The bird told the tree, and the tree told me,

  And nobody knows it but just us three.

  But of course the robin knows it best,

  Because she built the—I shan’t tell the rest;

  And laid the four little—something in it—

  I'm afraid I shall tell it every minute.

  But if the tree and the robin don’t peep,

  I'll try my best the secret to keep;

  Though I know when the little birds fly about

  Then the whole secret will be out.

  (“The Secret,” Anonymous)

  Three may keep a secret

  if two of them are dead.

  (Aphorism, Benjamin Franklin)

  Chapter 1: Questions, Questio

  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Thomas Maitland

  Attached is a draft of the divorce petition. Review and let me know of any changes. If you want this filed tomorrow, I need changes tonight.

  Hope your weekend went well. Heads up – Lucy has it in her head you went off with a girl, so prepare for the inquisition.

  Double heads up – she knows about Meg.



  To: Thomas Maitland

  From: Richard Ashmore

  Everything looks fine. No changes from this end.

  I’ll be in Glen Allen in the morning. Back after noon. Have the paperwork sent over, and I’ll sign.

  What I did this weekend is none of Lucy’s business. How the HELL did she find out about Meg?



  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Thomas Maitland

  I’ll messenger the final to your office after lunch. Sign, send back, and I’ll get it filed before 5 pm.

  How does Lucy guess anything? She picks up stuff out of the ether. Somehow she got it into her head that you want the divorce because a child is involved, and she made the leap to Meg in less time than it takes to write this. Downright spooky. I’ve been married to her for eight years, and I still don’t get how she does it.



  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Lucy Maitland

  Hey, you didn’t return any of my phone calls. Julie says you went up to some antiques fair in PA. Pick up anything new?

  You got back late. Did you go somewhere else after PA?



  To: Lucy Maitland

  From: Richard Ashmore

  Five calls? FIVE???

  At what point did you figure out I didn’t want to talk to you?

  As to everything else – MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.



  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Lucy Maitland

  Well, someone is certainly in a grumpy mood this evening. One would think you’d be feeling a bit more chipper after a weekend away frolicking among the antiquities. Did you not have a good time?

  You might as well tell me. I’ll figure it out sooner or later.

  Tom says Di will be served tomorrow night at the tavern. I plan to lie low so she can’t call me.

  I haven’t heard from Laura, so I guess she hasn’t gotten the subpoena. Have you talked to her?



  To: Lucy Maitland

  From: Richard Ashmore

  Nothing was wrong with my mood until I got your email.

  Laura doesn’t know about the subpoena yet. Let me talk to her first.

  I’ll call you tomorrow.



  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Lucy Maitland

  So you and Laura are speaking again?



  To: Lucy Maitland

  From: Richard Ashmore

  Everything is fine with Laura.

  Good night. I’ve got work to do.



  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Lucy Maitland

  So you and Laura kissed and made up? When did that happen?



  To: Lucy Maitland

  From: Richard Ashmore




  To: Richard Ashmore

  From: Lucy Maitland

  You wish. And you didn’t answer my question.



  To: Lucy Maitland

  From: Richard Ashmore

  You’re right. I didn’t.




  To: Laura St. Bride

  From: Mark St. Bride


  Are you back from your weekend trip? I’ve been worried about you since your call the other night. You must not stay out of touch so long.

  We need to talk. Call me as soon as you get this.



  To: Laura St. Bride

  From: Meg St. Bride


  Are you OK? I really miss you. I’ll call you tomorrow after class, OK?

  Your Numero Uno Daughter


  To: Welch Investigative Services

  From: Mark St. Bride

  Subject: Richard Patrick Ashmore

  I need the report by Friday, July 5. I will be out of the country for the next few days, so courier a copy to my office and send a soft copy to the email indicated below.

  Please send your invoice to my personal attention and mark as confidential.

  Mark St. Bride

  CEO, St. Bride Data, Inc.


  To: Laura St. Bride

  From: Richard Ashmore

  You were sleeping, so I let myself out. Get some rest tonight.

  I’d say thank you for a wonderful weekend, but those words don’t come close to expressing what I want to say. Thank you for the omelets, thank you for listening and accepting what I had to say about Francie, thank you for unleashing the lioness, claws and all (especially this afternoon). Or should I thank you for being my mistress?

  (I warned you I’d hold that over your head for the next 50 years. Consider this day #1 of #18,264.)

  I’ll call you tomorrow. Sleep well.


  PS: Brace yourself. Lucy is nosing around.


  To: [email protected]

  From: Spencer Web Investigations

  Subject: Results of Web Searches for June 30, 2002

  Dear Windy Gomerberg:

  Pursuant to your standing request, here are the results of your requested web searches for new items for the period ending June 30, 2002.

  Subject: Laura Rose St. Bride

  Search results: 0

  Subject: Laura Rose Abbott

  Search results: 0

  Subject: Cat Courtney

  Search results: 0

  We will run your next report on July 5, 2002.

  Thank you for your continued business.

  Spencer Web Investigations

  Chapter 2: Better Not Tell Her

  DIANA WAS LATE AGAIN. LUCY HAD told her to meet at the coffee shop at 7:15; Tom had gone in early to prepare for a deposition, so he couldn’t catch her talking with her sister. Diana had promised to be there with bells on, hinting mysteriously at some juicy gossip.

  But, as usual, even though Lucy had called and left a reminder on voice mail, Diana couldn’t be bothered to show up on time. Lucy had skimmed the paper, reviewed her schedule, made notes on a contract she was revising, and read the next chapter in her mystery – and Diana still hadn’t waltzed in the door.

  The customer in the next booth was drinking such strong coffee that Lucy was starting to feel sick. Sick was good, she reminded herself. The waistband on her skirt digging into her skin was good. Crying over Titanic with Julie Saturday night was good. But the coffee – if Diana didn’t get here soon, her anxiety was going to ensure that the coffee was not good.

  Five minutes before the deadline she’d given herself for leaving, Diana came rushing in.

  “I know I’m late, Luce, I’m sorry.” How many times had she heard this in her life? Diana looked flushed this morning, but not as hung over as usual for Monday, and she slid into the booth with more energy than Lucy had seen her exhibit in a long time. “How are you doing this morning? Things okay? You sounded so secretive last night—”

  Lucy reached out, took her sister’s hand, and shoved Diana’s jacket sleeve away from her wrist.

  Silence between them. She must have sliced herself up royally; the bandage covered more area than the last time. Well, that explained Richard’s cryptic requirement for the neg
otiations. He’d known already that Diana had tried to kill herself again, so this must have happened before he’d left with his mystery woman on Friday night.

  She stared at her sister. Diana stared back until her lashes flickered, and she pulled her hand away and reached for a menu.

  “What happened?” Lucy couldn’t believe how calm her voice was. She felt anything but calm. Richard had known. Tom must have known. Certainly Diana had known! And not one of them had bothered to tell her. She was getting tired of everyone sheltering her as if she were made of glass. Diana was her problem to deal with. “When?”

  “Friday,” muttered Diana. “Will it make you sick if I get fried eggs?”

  “Yes,” said Lucy. “When Friday?”

  Diana was studying the menu religiously. “I’m thinking pancakes then, or waffles. Those shouldn’t bother you. And OJ instead of coffee—”

  Lucy jerked the menu away from her. “Forget food, Di. What happened?”

  “Oh, honestly!” Diana yanked the menu back. “Stop obsessing about it! Friday, okay? I was at Daddy’s with Laurie, and—”

  Lucy felt herself about to become seriously unglued. “What do you mean, Laurie? What was she doing over there?”

  “Waffles and OJ,” Diana said to the waitress. “And a side of bacon and biscuits. Thanks.” She made a production of putting the menu back in its holder while Lucy sat there fuming. Then she settled back against the seat, clasped her hands in front of her, and gave Lucy a look that promised to be open and honest and was anything but. “She came over to help me clean. Oh, did I tell you, we found those checks you’ve been looking for?”

  “Great, but—”

  “So, anyway, we started talking. We tried on Mama’s old dresses, and – oh, I’m trading the dresses for the cottage, Laurie agreed, she doesn’t want it, in fact she seemed sort of weird about it—”

  “Get to the point.”

  “Don’t be so pushy! I am getting to the point, if you’ll let me. Things were fine, we were getting along great, except thanks a lot, Luce, she asked me to sing for her, I know damn well you put her up to that. But then she had to bring up Francie, and – well, I got upset, and Lucy, that’s what I want to talk to you about, because our little sister has not exactly been truthful with us—”


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