Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets)

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Fantasy Attraction (Hidden Secrets) Page 6

by Belden, P. J.

  Then all hell broke loose…



  I was nervous to finally meet the woman who has taken over my every thought the way she has. However, I knew that it was good nerves. When I decided to put off sleeping with any girl and searching for the girl, I never thought I would have found her the way that I have. I can’t help, but think that she just might be it. She has me feeling things that I don’t normally feel for anyone else. It has to mean something.

  Walking into the bar, I glanced around trying to see if I could spot her before realizing that I had no clue what she looked like. I made my way to the bar and sat at the end. My hands were actually shaking as I made the call, but then I heard her voice and everything calmed inside me.

  As she kept talking about how taken she was with me in her breathless voice, I could feel myself hardening.

  “Damn, you have already turned me on, Angel.”

  I looked up at that moment and locked eyes with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Words have failed me in describing her beauty. In all the times talking to her on the phone, I knew she was beautiful, but I never guessed she looked this breathtaking. I dropped my leg to the floor to stand. The only thing I was thinking was kissing her the way I have dreamed about. Suddenly a red haired woman jumps into my lap. On instinct, my hands catch her.

  “Hey baby, Tommy said I’d find you here. Surprise! Did you miss me?” The woman said in an overly sweet way that to anyone who didn’t know would think we were together, while running her hand down my chest.

  My eyes never left Angel’s. I could see the pain spread through her eyes and if I wasn’t mistaken tears build as well. She turned and ran. I moved the woman out of my way and rushed after her.

  “Angel! Wait!”

  She just kept running. I stopped in front of my truck, about a block from the bar, and watched her disappear into the city evening crowds.

  “DAMN IT!” I bellowed punching the hood on my truck so hard I set off the alarm.

  Pulling the keys out of my pocket, I shut the alarm off. I stand there with my hands resting on my truck and my head hung down. This girl…she was special and I know she was.

  DAMN IT! I’m so kicking Tommy’s ass if I can’t salvage this!

  Looking back down in the direction my Angel ran a pain hits my chest that I have never felt before. I thought for a minute I was at the start of a heart attack, but it wasn’t intense enough. It felt like everything was going right. Like I was finally going to get my life back because of my Angel, who calmed me when there was no calming me down at all. Not hurting my chances for the fight of the year, even calmed me. Only my Angel has been able to calm me. She not only calmed me, but had me looking forward to each day; longing to hear her voice.

  “Fuck!” I hissed quietly.

  “Can you give a lady a ride home?” Came the same voice that completely ruined my night.

  I spun around faster than I could think and reacted before controlling myself.

  “Look, I don’t know who you are, but I don’t care! I don’t want to know you! Now you just scared off my date for tonight, so thank you for that. No, I will not be giving you a ride home. Find your own fucking ride!”

  “Oh come on Carson. I’m a lot more fun and a guarantee to get laid tonight.”

  “I don’t want to get laid!” I screamed louder than I wanted to considering we were in a public parking lot. “Fuck!” I spun around and headed to my truck.

  “Carson, stop. Tommy told me that you were looking for…”

  “I don’t give two shits what Tommy told you. You are NOT what I’m looking for.”

  “How do you know? You haven’t even given me a shot.”

  This woman was something else. She expects me to fall over her because she came here. All I want to do is find Angel and straighten this entire thing out. I feel like my big change in my life just ran away from me and I’m finding it harder and harder for me to control myself. I need to get out of here.

  “I’m not giving you a shot either. Any woman who can just walk up to a person and expect them to take them home is not my type of woman. Now because of you, I have to try and get things right with my date tonight. The date that you ran off! Good night!” I push out through clenched teeth.

  “This isn’t over Carson. I’ll have you begging me for a shot. Then you’ll see…” I could hear her saying, but I just kept walking away.

  Finally, in the confines of my truck, I started it and took off in the direction she ran. Pulling my phone out, I kept dialing her number. At the very least, I was hoping to hear her phone ring. I drove to the edge of town and back to the bar again. My guess would be that she lived somewhere close between, but it didn’t help me know she was safe. I pulled over to the side of the road and started a text to her.

  Me: Angel please talk to me.

  After no response, I text again.

  Me: I don’t know who that woman was. I swear it. Please talk to me.

  Again, there was no response.

  Me: Please tell me you are okay and made it home safely please.

  Again, no response and I punch my steering wheel in frustration. How could everything look so good only a little while ago, but now look so dark and destroyed. All I wanted to do was see if this was the girl I have been searching for. If I’m honest, I have never chased a girl before. She has to be different.

  “DAMN IT! Just talk to me, Angel.”

  Just as I was about to put my truck in drive and head home my phone signaled a text.

  Angel: I’m home. Please stop texting, I can’t handle you right now.

  Me: Please, Angel. I did nothing wrong here. I don’t know who she was.

  Angel: Goodbye Carson.

  Me: Please, don’t do this. Let me come to you so we can talk.

  Me: Please Angel, please!

  Me: I won’t give up.

  I punched my steering wheel repeatedly, sounding the horn every time. This was the most frustrated I have ever been. When I see Tommy, he is going to be in a world of pain. I didn’t like him before because of his arrogant, asinine ways, but now…Now he is on my shit list. He is going to pay for what he has done.

  I sent one last text before pulling away from the curb and heading home. It was a long drive home. It gave me too much time to think. How was I going to find her? All I had was her phone number. An idea forms in my head and by the time I pull into my garage, I have a plan all ready to go.

  All through the night, I kept checking my phone for texts from her, but there was nothing. I tried to call her line, but it was an answering machine saying she wasn’t working that day. She always works. She told me once that if she took time off her regulars would stop calling and she couldn’t afford that from a business standpoint.

  Was she hurting just as bad as I was? Was she thinking about me at all?

  By morning, I was worse for wear. I didn’t want to go meet with my sister and her new co-founder of her charity, but I had to. When I make promises, I do not break them. It is one of my sticklers, especially with my family.

  After a quick shower, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I wanted to get this done and over with so I can put my plan into action. My only hang up was getting the help I needed without everyone finding out.

  It didn’t take long to get to my sister’s clinic this early in the morning on a Saturday. Most were still asleep in their beds with hangovers, or sleep over buddies. Neither of which I had, but felt like I drank every bit of alcohol in sight. I knew my sister was going to say something. Sitting in my truck a little longer to try and come up with a reason for my rough look.

  Who the hell am I kidding? Kayla can spot me lying like no one else.

  Shaking my head and trying to get myself under control before seeing my sister, I take a deep breath and exit my truck. Making the short walk from my truck to the clinic doors, I keep giving myself a pep talk.

  Get through this and then you can make it through to start y
our plan. Your plan will work. It will show her that you are serious about her, that you want to be with her.

  That last thought stopped me in my tracks right outside the door of my sister’s office. I couldn’t believe it. I truly wanted to be with a woman I only just saw her for the first time right before she ran out of the bar. Regardless, I wanted to meet her. I wanted to be with her. Maybe all those talks on the phone were really building a strong foundation that we could build on. I wanted to be with her before I even met her. Hell, I begged to meet her. Shaking my head, I needed to get through this meeting first. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks.

  “Kay, what’s wrong?” I hurried to her side.

  My sister rarely cried and she was sitting behind her desk with Jason holding her on one side trying to comfort her. I crouched down on the other side and gently took her hand in mine.

  “She was hurt and it’s my fault. I told her to go.” She pushed out through her tears.

  “Who was? What can I do to help?”

  She looked up at me then and smiled through her tears. “Curry you can’t solve everything. I’m going to go to her house and see if I can’t help mend her. She was broken before and now…now I’m afraid because of me she might be worse off. I shouldn’t be the one to give advice and yet I did. I told her to go meet him. God, I’m so stupid!”

  She stood up and wiped her face. Kayla reached down and opened a drawer grabbing her keys and purse from it. My protective instincts for my sister kick into overdrive. Ever since failing her on the whole Alex situation, I’ve become a little over protective of her now. She never should have been put in that situation and it was my fault that she was.

  “Kayla, you can’t go alone. If this guy hurt her, you don’t need to be there alone. Let me come with you. I don’t want you getting hurt again.”

  “Oh Curry, I love you.” She said as she hugged me. “It wasn’t like that. He hurt her emotionally. He broke her heart.” She whispered, still hugging me. “I’ll be back soon. No meeting today. Sorry you came all this way for nothing, Carson.”

  She walked over to Jason and I watched as they hugged and kissed. You could see how much they loved each other. I wanted that. I wanted that special woman that made every moment brighter. It saddened me that I had her for a split second before she was torn away from me.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you, Sunshine?” Jason whispered to Kayla with his forehead pressed against hers.

  “No, it’s a girl moment. Besides, I think Curry needs someone. He’s looking pretty rough. Help me help him, please. I love you.” Kayla whispered back.

  “I love you too. Be careful. Text me when you get there and when you leave.” He kissed her again. Kayla hugged me one more time before leaving Jason and I standing in her office alone.

  Who would have ever thought that I would be jealous of the relationship that my sister had. I was the player. Loved having the groupies, the endless options, the no need to repeat the same person over again, yet here I am getting ready to ask my soon to be brother-in-law for help to get a girl.

  “What’s going on Carson? Kay is right. You look a little rough and from experience I know it wasn’t because you had a long night of fun. So what’s going on?”

  “I need your help, but it needs to be kept between us please.”

  “Are you in some kind of trouble?” He immediately sounded concerned.

  “No, well not exactly. Not like that anyway.”

  “Then how exactly are you…” He stared at me a second and I saw the look of shock crossed his face followed by a slow smile. “You found your girl.”

  I couldn’t look at him anymore. For some reason, being in this position made me feel vulnerable and I felt stupid. Nodding my head, I walked over to the couch and slumped down on it with a grunt.

  “It’s so weird Jason. I have only seen what she actually looks like for about two minutes, but I have been talking to her on the phone for weeks. It’s crazy right?”

  “I don’t think so,” he said as he made his way over sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. “I had that feeling in one meeting with your sister. I fought it, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her.”

  “So I’m not crazy?”

  “No man, you’re not. Why though does this have you so tore up? You should be happy.”

  I leaned my head back against the back of the couch and took a deep breath.

  “I met her last night for all of two minutes. Tommy sent some girl to the bar and she greeted me by jumping in my lap like we were lovers or something. She turned and ran from me. I ran after her, but she didn’t turn around or stop. I called her all night, but she wouldn’t answer and I only got a couple of responses from her via texts. The last one saying goodbye.”

  “So where in this can I help?”

  “You’re a P.I. now, aren’t you? Can’t you help me find her?”

  “Sure man. What’s her name?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Okay, where does she live?”

  “I don’t know. I know this sounds crazy, but all I have is her cell phone number. I know that isn’t much to go on, but I need you to help me please.” I pleaded.

  “I’ll do everything I can man. A phone number is a good lead, but if she doesn’t have it registered in her name or it’s a prepaid phone, I may not be able to help you there. I’ll keep you updated on what I find out though okay?”

  “Thanks man.” I stood up. “I have an asshole to deal with.”

  “Now Carson…Don’t get yourself in trouble. You won’t be able to be with your girl if you do something stupid.”

  “Jay, I have to handle this now before he thinks he’s Mr. Big Stuff. Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. He needs a lesson in limitations and I’m going to teach him it.” I hissed as I started to head for the office door.

  “Like you taught Alex?” Jason yelled from behind me.

  It was a statement that stopped me dead in my tracks.

  “That almost killed your sister; hell, your whole family. Don’t do that again. I won’t stand for it.”

  “Like you stood for it the first time?” I smirked at him.

  He chuckles. “Yeah, well,” he shrugs.

  “Don’t worry, Jason. This one will be solved in the ring with others watching. Not alone and with weapons. But he will pay. You just find, my Angel.” I said before walking out of the office and out to my truck leaving a stunned Jason behind.

  Once inside my truck, I pulled out my phone and dialed Kayla. She didn’t answer. I called again. No answer. I was starting to get worried. I kept calling until she finally answered.

  “Thank God! Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. What do you need?”

  I could hear what sounded like crying in the background and for some reason my chest tightened.

  “Nothing, just wanted to make sure you were okay. You know I worry about you.”

  “I’m fine. I told you that my friend needed me. I’ll call you before I leave.”

  “Okay. I may not answer just leave a message. I’m beating the shit outta Tommy in a few minutes. Love you. Bye.”

  “Curry no wait! You…” I hear her say right before I hang up.

  Starting my truck and I pull out of the parking lot, I relived last night’s events so I am good and angry when I step into that ring with Tommy.



  Last night hurt a lot more than it should have, which tells me I let him too close. I knew better than to let my guard down and yet I did anyway. Going last night was a mistake; I knew it before I even left. But again that was my fault for not trusting my instincts. For a moment, I let myself dream, hope and I knew better than that.

  To add to the mix, I broke a lot last night and completely trashed my apartment. Morning came early and I had a meeting to go to for the foundation Kayla and I are working on together, but I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t face the world right now. I nee
ded to get my walls back up first. Imagine my surprise when Kayla showed up at my apartment. She looked like she had been crying and that was all it took for my dam to break.

  Kayla immediately wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly while I cried. She was like the sister I wished I had growing up. I knew now why people loved her so much. Her staff raved about her constantly.

  “Sorry.” I said, pulling back and wiping my eyes.

  “Don’t be sorry. It should be me apologizing. I never should have told you to go last night. I thought by the way you… I shouldn’t have offered advice to you. Let’s face it; my life was a mess until I almost lost my only friend and companion.”

  “It isn’t your fault, Kayla. You are in a position to give advice. I made the mistake of thinking he was different; that he was worth it. He wasn’t and that is my fault. I mean his girlfriend showed up right there when he was telling me, I was turning him on.”

  “Oh Hun, his girlfriend showed up? What a pig! That guy sounds like a worthless, sorry excuse for a man. But Lee, he’s out there. The guy for you, he’s out there searching for you.”

  Kayla was proving to be a wonderful friend, but she had that part all wrong. There was no one out there for me. None of that was meant for me.

  “No, he’s not. Kayla, you were meant to be happy to overcome what was taken from you and take some back. I’m not.” I said, looking away from her.

  “Why? Because you were dealt a shit hand during a time you couldn’t stop it? Hun, your mother was the wrong one. Not you.”

  “Yes…” My voice broke as I tried to answer.

  “Honey, talk to me. You can trust me. I promise you.”

  I stared up at Kayla and I knew in my heart that I could trust her. She has overcome so much; maybe she could help me overcome my past too. It would be nice to stand on solid ground again and not feel like I was going to fall at any moment.

  “My mother beat me and verbally abused me and even cut all my hair off because she thought I was prettier than her. That wasn’t the whole of it. My dad and I ran away. He took me to the bar with him and we ran away. It was the best year of my life. Just me and my dad and I never had to worry about hiding or anything. I got comfortable in my life. We thought it was all finally over. We were wrong. It all had only just begun. See we did not know that she had a major drug problem, or that she was mixed up with very dangerous people. She found us a few times and we had to move when she did, but we got away from her for a bit anyway. The last time she found us, I was home alone. I was thirteen years old. She was there when I got home from school. She jumped out when I least expected it and started to hit me. I’d had enough by this point.” I moved away from Kayla and began pacing up and down my living room.


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