Black Lace: Book 4 of the Black Butterfly Series

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Black Lace: Book 4 of the Black Butterfly Series Page 12

by Nika Michelle

  Rah kissed my forehead softly. “I love you baby and I have a feeling that everything is going to fall into place. Stop stressing. I don’t need you getting all wrinkly on me and shit. Your forehead is all creased up and shit.”

  We both laughed.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah. I’m crazy for you woman.”

  All I could do was smile. My man always made everything okay. I just wished my sisters could have the same kind of love.

  Chapter 18


  I checked my Instagram page while Pierre ventured off to the men’s room. Ahmad had been such a nuisance since we broke up. In my heart it was official, but he had a hard time letting go. I noticed that he liked every single picture and video that I posted. As I rolled my eyes in annoyance, my phone rang. It was Ahmad and like always, I sent his ass straight to the voicemail.

  “Decline,” I said out loud before taking a sip of my caramel apple martini.

  It was the weekend and since my little disagreement with Nell, there had been no more Beauvois Divas’ Day. So that Saturday, instead of sitting in the house bored to death, I decided to go out with Pierre. Truthfully, the two of us were merely friends and nothing more. The more time I spent with him, the more I realized that I just wanted to be his friend. A sexual relationship would ruin that. After Ahmad, I didn’t want to go that route again.

  Pierre finally made it back to the table and sat down across from me. He sipped his drink and grinned.

  “Damn, folks just don’t believe that we’re not together.” He shook his head and laughed as he stared into my eyes. “I guess it’s hard to believe that I wouldn’t snatch up a woman as gorgeous and talented as you are.”

  I blushed. “Thank you, but you already know what it is Pierre.”

  He playfully rolled his eyes. “You have put me in friend mode and now I’m stuck there.” There was a smile on his face. “It’s okay. I’d rather be your friend than nothing at all. So, I’ll take it. Just know that if you ever decide that you want to take it there, I’ll be willing and waiting. Until then I’ll be the patient friend that you need.”

  I shook my head at him in disbelief. “Really? With all of the beautiful women in this city and all over the world, you’re going to wait for me?”

  “Yes, because they’re not you. I’ve been around you constantly for the past month and I already know that I could fall for you Seandra. You’re not only beautiful and sexy, but you’re smart and classy. Then add the fact that you are super talented. It’s like you’re my dream manifested. Therefore, I’ll wait, because I know that you’re worth it.” As he spoke he didn’t take those sexy ass eyes off me.

  My skin immediately got hot as hell and I knew what that meant. I squeezed my thighs together and willed myself not to be turned on. Damn, that shit was so difficult. My kitty was wet and a whole month of masturbation wasn’t cutting it. Having constant sex with Ahmad had spoiled me and that almost made me slip up with him a few times. My will power was better than ever though, so I was going to keep right on holding on to my guns. It was over between Ahmad and me, but I wasn’t going to make the same mistake by moving right on to Pierre.

  “I firmly believe that you never know, but right now I don’t need to get into any kind of relationship. I’m focused on my career and well; I just got out of something. I do need you to be that patient friend Pierre, because right now, I can’t give you anything else but my friendship in return.” I hoped he wasn’t hurt by me saying that. It was the honest truth. Shit, the man pushed all of my sexual buttons and he had great conversation. He was talented as hell too, which was a plus. Pierre was a great catch, hands down, but the timing was fucked up.

  “You know it’s going to be pictures of us all over the internet tomorrow. We should be used to that by now, but all of the speculation just makes me want you more.” His smile immediately faded when he saw the look on my face.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked with concern.

  “Nothing, really. Ahmad just keeps calling me. It’s sad that he just won’t move on. It’s already been a month and he acts like it’s been a few days. Get over it.” I was so frustrated that he wouldn’t just leave me the hell alone.

  “It’s not that easy when you really love someone. You’re not an easy woman to let go of. You’re too much to lose. Any man in his right mind wouldn’t let you go in the first place, or not give your fine ass a reason to.” He shrugged his shoulders and sipped his Hennessey again.

  “But I’m done with him and that should be enough for him to move on with his life.”

  “Well, if I was your man you wouldn’t have to worry about that insecure shit. I know that I’m the best man for you, so there is no competition. Usually I’m the one who has to deal with insecure women. I can tell that you don’t have an insecure bone in your body. Your confidence is very attractive. I can only imagine…never mind.” The lustful look in his eyes let me know exactly what he was thinking about.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you imagining how I’d be in bed?”

  He flashed a serious glare my way. “Guilty, but I also imagine holding you afterward and waking up with you in the morning”

  My heart fluttered. I’d had too many martinis and with how I was feeling, I knew that it was time for me to call it a night. Damn, I was horny and needed to take a cold shower when I got home.

  “I’m having a great time, but I think it’s time for me to get to the house and hit the sack,” I said with a slight yawn.

  “Are you serious? It’s Saturday night and it’s only twelve thirty.” He smirked at me. “You just don’t want to hang out with me now. It’s cool. I’ll tone it down. Can’t knock a man for trying though right?”

  I smiled at him. “That’s not it at all. I’m actually flattered. You’re one of the sexiest men I’ve ever seen. Why would I not want you to be attracted to me?”

  “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable Seandra. You’re not ready for anything else right now and I respect that. I do. Let me get you home.”

  I felt relieved, but I also knew that he would probably keep right on trying. It felt good to be wanted even if I couldn’t take advantage.

  * * *

  We were in front of the Martini Bar at the Raleigh Hotel waiting for the valet to bring Pierre’s red Beemer, when a car pulled up screeching tires. I took a closer look. It was Ahmad’s white Audi. All I could do was think about how crazy he’d been acting about me spending time with Pierre. Like everyone else, he was reading more into our relationship than it really was. We’d become close after working on a movie together. It was nothing more, but I didn’t owe him an explanation.

  Before the valet attendant could bring the car around, Ahmad suddenly hit the brakes and jumped out of his vehicle. He walked toward us and Pierre didn’t back down one bit. By the time he made his way to where we were, I was ready for whatever and Pierre seemed to be too.

  “Oh, so that shit is true! You are fucking him! I knew that shit! You’re a fucking whore!” He yelled with malice in his brown eyes.

  They were the same eyes that had shown me so much love. When had it all changed for the worst? It was like some people couldn’t accept love for what it was. I guess my love brought out the worst in Ahmad. Never in a million years would I have thought he’d be acting like he was at that moment; especially not with the paparazzi flashing away. With the new age of technology I just knew that someone had pressed record on their camera phone.

  “What the hell? Why are you here Ahmad and how did you know where I was?” I was in shock. He looked like he was on something and at the moment I didn’t know what to expect.

  Pierre stood in front of me like he was attempting to protect me from Ahmad’s irrational ass.

  “Look man, it’s not what you think. We were just…”

  Before he could say another word Ahmad hauled off and punched him in the face. Pierre wiped the blood from his lip and then narrowed his eyes in anger. He rushed Ahmad
and then it was an all-out brawl. All I could do was stand to the side and scream for someone to break it up. They were two men, so what could I do?

  “Ahmad! What the…someone please…”

  I actually tried to stand between them, but I got knocked out of the way. Pierre had Ahmad in the head lock and was punching him in the face. I watched as Ahmad swung and hit Pierre in the nuts. That made him let Ahmad go and I finally had the chance to grab him.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking crazy? You can ruin your whole career over this!” I was furious at Ahmad. He had a promising career as a director and there he was doing some reckless ass shit over me.

  “I don’t give a damn about my fucking career right now. Unlike you, there are more important things to me. Like our relationship. I love you and I’m willing to fight for your ass! Okay! I’m willing to throw everything away for you.”

  I shook my head feeling horrible because he had been fighting for nothing. “Ahmad, it’s over. Please just leave. This is not about Pierre. Regardless of what it may look like, he and I are just friends. It’s not up to you to accept that. I didn’t just break up with you because I wanted to hear myself talk, or to play games with you. I really meant to. I still love you, but I can’t be with you.”

  He looked at me with eyes full of pain and then he looked up at Pierre.

  “This is all your damn fault! If it wasn’t for you…!”

  “Shut the fuck up with that bullshit man! You couldn’t keep your woman and that’s all on you! She only wants to be my friend, but if it was up to me she’d be going home with me tonight. Believe that!” Pierre said with his chest out.

  “Fuck you, you seizure having ass punk!” Ahmad yelled as he lunged at him again.

  During the scuffle we didn’t pay attention to the camera flashes, nor did we care. I just wanted to get the hell away from Ahmad. His behavior was so out of character for him and I didn’t know what the hell was up with him.

  Just as they started to really get turned up security finally ran outside to break it up. Damn if it wasn’t about time. I thought I was going to lose it out there trying to get two grown men to stop fighting like little boys.

  “What are you going to do next Ahmad? Pull your dick out to see whose is the biggest! I can’t believe you! You’re a grown ass man and you’re out here starting fights like you’re in high school!” I yelled in anger.

  “Fuck you bitch! I should’ve known you weren’t shit if you fucked your sister’s man! I don’t give a fuck about you! If you didn’t have a fat ass and your last name wasn’t Beauvois nobody would fuck with you!”

  I couldn’t believe him. “Wow, really Ahmad? You’re going to go there. Like you haven’t been acting crazy as hell over this fat ass! Nigga, fuck you!”

  “Go on to your vehicles or you’re all going to jail tonight,” the tall burly dark skinned man said sternly as he held on to Ahmad.

  Pierre was being sustained by a shorter, light skinned man who was just as buff. “You got that?” He asked him.

  Pierre nodded despite his agitation. “Yeah,” he mumbled.

  After the dude let him go we made it to his car which was literally parked right in front of us since the valet had pulled up while the confrontation was going on. All I could do was shake my head at how ridiculous Ahmad’s behavior had been lately. It was really mind boggling that I’d ever loved him. Still, he had been a great boyfriend…at first. Suddenly he had turned into someone that I didn’t know.

  “I’m so sorry Pierre,” I said when he pulled off. When I looked back I noticed that the other security guard had let Ahmad go.

  “It’s okay. That wasn’t your fault. Obviously your ex is obsessed with you. What the hell did you do to that man?” He looked over at me and grinned slyly. “You must have that good good.”

  I laughed. “I didn’t do anything but be myself.”

  “At this point I can see that that’s enough.”

  Damn, Pierre always seemed to know all of the right things to say. I wasn’t going to let his way with words affect my actions, but he was making an impression on me. We rode the rest of the way in silence because we both knew that there would be repercussions for their actions. We would just have to wait and see what the damage would be.

  He dropped me off just like I asked and walked me to the door. Of course there was no kiss exchanged; just an awkward embrace that both of us didn’t want to interrupt. When I walked inside and locked the door behind me, I longed for something real; something that Ahmad couldn’t provide and maybe Pierre could. Still, the timing was all fucked up and that was just my luck.

  Chapter 17


  It was another Sunday afternoon with nothing to do. I had taken Resean to see my parents and then stopped to grab something to eat on the way home. When I got there, it was just so quiet. I decided to call Claudette and see if she could come over to watch Resean for me to go do some shopping.

  I wasn’t one to go out and splurge, but maybe a new outfit or an expensive pair of shoes would lift my spirits. After grabbing a few things, I headed to my car. Parked beside me was a nice, rust orange Dodge Charger. I admired the car as I opened the door to my own vehicle. The sound of a familiar voice broke me out of my trance.

  “Miss Beauvois? Long time no see. How are you?”

  I looked back and noticed that it was Brock. He was dressed to kill in a nice black suit, white button down and a money green silk tie. When I looked down I noticed his green Gators. Hmm. He seemed to be doing very well and he looked really good. Way better than he did when he worked in my mail room.

  “I’m great Brock. From what I can tell, you’re doing great too.” I smiled as I put my bags in the back seat.

  “That’s good. I was hoping you were finally past…well…you know.” There was a solemn look on his face.

  “Oh, believe me, I am.”

  He nodded. “I also heard that you and your fiancé broke up. I would like to say that I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m not.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I didn’t.

  “Well, I have to go. It was nice seeing you.”

  He grabbed my hand and I felt a jolt of electricity travel over my body. It was probably just my lack of male contact. After a month of the single life, I was longing for something, even if it was just a quick glance at some eye candy. I had no idea why Brock was suddenly so tempting. He couldn’t be any more than twenty three years old and that was way too damn young for me.

  “Here’s my card. I would love to take you out to lunch or something.”

  I gave him a skeptical look.

  “No expectations; just friends catching up.” His eyebrows rose. “Is that okay with you?”

  Damn, his eyes were so damn blue. When did Brock get so sexy? I mean, he was always nice looking, but…maybe I was just horny as hell.

  Offering him a smile, I simply said, “Take care Brock.” Then I climbed behind the wheel of my Navigator.

  “You too beautiful,” he said and walked to the Charger I had been looking at.

  Hmm. I guess he was doing okay for real, I thought as I pulled off.

  * * *

  Later that evening I sat down in front of the television with a galloon of Mayfield Butter Pecan Ice Cream. The fight between Ahmad and Pierre had been all over TMZ, Extra and E. It was trending on Twitter of course and everybody had been sharing the video on Instagram and Facebook. When I saw the footage for the umpteenth time that day, I turned and caught the end of a news story about a string of murders in Miami. I turned the volume up so I could hear the details.

  “There has been a third victim. Miami Dade Police has been keeping it under wraps, but now it is obvious that there is a serial killer out there preying on women. The victims, all between the ages of 20 to 25, have been strangled to death and there have been signs of sexual assault. The bodies have also all been dumped in the same place. Some details are being held from the public to not interfere with the inves
tigation,” the reporter said in a monotone voice.

  A chill traveled over my body at the mention of a serial killer being out there. It was going to be a high level of panic in the city, so I hoped the perpetrator would be apprehended soon. Just as I was about to turn the television off, my phone rang.

  “Hello,” I answered and waited to hear Seantay’s voice on the other end.

  “Hey sis. How are you?” She asked sounding all sweet. I knew that she was up to something.

  “I’m fine and you?”

  She sighed. “I’m okay. Just wish you and Seandra would talk. I miss spending time with you two on Saturdays. Come on, the argument was petty and you both know it.”

  “Have you hounded her about this too, because she is the one who is so mad, not me.”

  “I’m not hounding anybody. I just want the two of you to make up already.”

  “Look Tay, I already tried to reach out to Seandra and we just ended up getting on each other’s nerves again. We just don’t get along. We both tried, but we just don’t…click.”

  “You are sisters. You need to learn how to click. After all that we’ve been through together the two of you are just going to let this shit be? You’re not going to at least try again?”

  I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. It wasn’t going to be easy to end that conversation, but I damn sure wanted to and soon.

  “Tay, I have to go Resean is crying and…”

  “Okay, go ahead and go, but we’re going to finish this later.” Her voice was stern and she sounded like our mother.

  “Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up the phone and placed it beside me on the sofa.

  Suddenly I remembered my encounter with Brock. I needed someone to talk to who wouldn’t judge me or ask a million questions. Reaching in the back pocket of my jeans, I pulled the card out that he had given me. It read Brock Newman, Director of Marketing and Sales at Harmon & Lowe. Harmon & Lowe was a very successful investment company. He had to make a hefty salary there. At his age, that had to be his dream job and a huge step up from the mailroom. I was impressed.


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