Finally Getting Love Right

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Finally Getting Love Right Page 5

by Jamie Nichols

  “Did you see the man who lived with me?” Sam asked laughing hysterically.

  “What happened?” Pepper asked. Sam had forgotten that not everyone knew yet.

  “Liz, Can you please tell her? Kylee can you help me start moving everything out of the way?” Sam asked nodding her head in the direction of the bedframe.

  “Sure.” Kylee answered, as they started moving furniture out of the way.

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Pepper gasped as Liz finished telling her what had happened.

  “I had a lot on my mind. I have barely talked to Liz since it happened.” Sam replied solemnly.

  “That is true. There has been to many memories to relive right?” Liz said pointedly.

  “That is not my fault. I didn’t call him, he just showed up.” Sam said trying to focus on moving the furniture around.

  “You will be explaining all of whatever it is you two are talking about after we get this done.” Pepper said.

  “Maybe.” Sam said laughing.

  The girls set out to re-master the master bedroom. They put all the furniture together and re-arranged the entire room. The enormous bed took up a lot more room than she was used to. She had been sleeping on a full sized bed for the last few years. This bed was a California king bed. This bed was the twin bed to the bed seen in one of her favorite movies. This particular bed was the giant bed that was Collins. It had four posts ceiling high. If you looked at it just right it looked like it was built into the room. Her nook now held a lavish loveseat and a couch. As well as, a bookshelf that she did not even remember owning.

  She looked around her room slowly. Sam wanted everything to be perfect. Her vision for the room was almost complete. All that was left was the trunk that was currently sitting in the middle of her living room.

  “I will be right back.” Sam said walking out to retrieve the trunk.

  When she returned she laughed. Her friends were sprawled out on the various pieces of furniture in her room. Pepper was on the loveseat laying at a weird angle. Charlee was on the couch propping up her feet. Liz and Kylee were sitting on the edge of Sams’ bed. Sam drug the trunk to the end of the bed placing it in the exact middle.

  “What is in that?” Charlee asked as Sam sat in front of it.

  “In this trunk is all the memories I have with a certain person.” Sam replied sitting on her bed.

  “Who? Will?” Charlee replied.

  “No. George.” Sam said with a slight smile.

  “We want the whole story start until present please.” Kylee said settling into Sam’s bed seemingly ready for a bedtime story.

  Sam told the girls every detail of what she could remember. Liz managed to chime in here and there with her opinions from the specific memories. Sam felt ridiculous about the fact that she had told no one about George before. She had always hidden him from everyone. George was the biggest heartbreak Sam had ever encountered.

  “I have not decided if I am going to pursue this thing with George whatever it turns out to be.” Sam said as she ended the story.

  “I am sure you will figure it out. You always seem to have a knack for that type of thing.” Liz said sleepily.

  “Yea. In other peoples relationships never my own.” Sam replied yawning.

  “You should go to him tomorrow and find out what this thing you are feeling is. It is the only way you will know for sure and stopped stressing.” Charlee said as she drifted off to sleep.

  “Goodnight everyone.” Sam said with a chuckle. When she looked around everyone had fallen asleep. She thought it was early still until she looked at the clock. They had spent until 3 am finishing the room. When she noticed the time she rolled over and went to sleep herself.

  Sam awoke the next morning to the clattering of pans coming from the kitchen. She sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. Throwing the blankets over the side of the bed she jumped out of bed. Sam walked into the kitchen to a sight that brought her back to her childhood. The girls were having a massive food fight in Sam’s mediocre sized kitchen. They were using pans to shield themselves from the flying waffles, syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries.

  “What are you guys doing?” Sam said loud enough for everyone to hear here stopping them all at once.

  “We are just having a little fun.” Kylee said smiling.

  “Well you guys are cleaning this up.” Sam said smiling back at her.

  “We will clean it up if you hurry up and be ready and packed by 2.” Liz said walking over to her.

  “What do you mean packed?” Sam said with a questioning look.

  “We told you we had a surprise for you. We are going to the beach for a few days. Our flight leaves tonight.” Charlee said chuckling.

  “I can’t just up and leave. I have a business to run. Plus we all have to be here on Saturday.” Sam said.

  “We have everything taken care of. Max is going to run the shop all week and he is giving you a pass on tonight. He said to tell you that you will have to do it Saturday morning. We will be back late Friday night. Just say ok.” Charlee pleaded.

  “What? You guys are serious?” Sam said.

  “Yes we are.” Pepper said.

  “Ok I guess.”

  “Ok then, its settled. You go see George and by the time you get back we can have your kitchen cleaned up. We will all help you pack when you get back. Now shower and get moving.” Kylee said with a smile.

  “Thanks you guys.” Sam said looking at her friends. “Just one question though. When did you start planning all of this?”

  “We have been planning it for a while. You have been so stressed and we all needed a vacation. It will be like our last single hurrah.” Kylee said.

  “Wait a minute.” Sam said shock on her face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I wanted it to be a surprise!” Kylee said tearing up.

  “Does someone want to fill me in here?” Liz said.

  “Dillon asked her to marry him.” Sam said.

  “Congratulations.” Liz, Pepper, and Charlee said in unison.

  “Hey Liz, Can you come help me really quick?” Sam said heading toward the bedroom.

  “Sure.” Liz said following her.

  Sam was in panic mode now. She was worried about seeing George today. She needed advice and the person for that was Liz.

  “What is on your mind?” Liz asked seeing her friends’ worried face.

  “I am nervous.” Sam said.

  “You shouldn’t be. Just remember that at one point in your life you completely trusted him. You told me once a long time ago that you thought you wanted to marry him.” Liz said.

  “I never told anyone that.” Sam said with a puzzled look.

  “You said it in your sleep one night. You must have been dreaming about him because you kept saying marry me George over and over again. I figured you would tell me what it was all about in your own time.” Liz replied.

  “Oh. Well I better get ready. Thanks for telling me that. I now have what I need to say what I have to say to him.” Sam said as she walked into her bathroom to take a shower.

  Sam spent an hour making sure that there was no imperfect thing about the way she looked. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, flip flops, and a somewhat risqué tank top. Her goal was to get the answers she wanted, without letting her true feelings get the best of her. She took a final look into the mirror and headed out of her room.

  “I will be back soon.” Sam yelled as she grabbed her purse and the keys to her new car.

  “Have fun. Get some answers.” The girls yelled back in unison as Sam walked out the door.

  Sam drove to the hotel. She made it a point to notice the sign that said the name of the hotel. She rolled down her window to get a closer look. She was stunned by what she saw. The sign read ‘The Ameslee’ in huge dynamic bright lettering. ‘Why would he name this hotel that?’ she thought. She continued the drive through the thick woodsy area until she arrived at the guards’ booth.

  “I am sorry ma’a
m. No one is allowed to come through this gate. You must use the main entrance.” The guard said not bothering to look in her direction.

  “Well this is the only way I know. You should probably pay more attention when you are telling people not to go through.” Sam said lightly.

  “Oh. Miss I am truly sorry.” He said after turning his head to look at her. “I know this car.”

  “It was a gift from Mr. Ames.” Sam stated the obvious.

  “I see. You must be Miss Lee?” He questioned.

  “Yes, that would be me.” Sam said with a sarcastic hint in her voice.

  “Go on through Miss. You are the only exception to the orders I was given.” The guard said as he pressed the button to open the gate.

  “What do you mean I am the only exception to your orders?” Sam asked.

  “Mr. Ames told me that no one except himself and you were allowed to come through this gate. I was to call up to his office and inform him that you were on your way up.”

  “Thank you so much. Can you do me one favor though? Can you not call him and tell him I am coming? I will take full responsibility.” Sam asked hopefully.

  “Sure thing Miss.” He replied as he watched her drive through the gate and up the drive.

  Sams head was spinning. ‘Why would she be the only other person allowed to come in the back way?’ In a weird way it made sense to her. ‘The problem was that there was a possibility that he would never have had the chance to even show me this place.’ Sam kept randomly thinking the rest of the drive up to the entrance. She arrived at the front doors where Roger was waiting for her.

  “Hello Miss Lee. I was not informed you were coming today.” He said as he opened her door.

  “I was not planning on it.” Sam said stepping out. “Thank you Roger.”

  “You’re Welcome Miss.” Roger said with a smile.

  “Is he here?” She inquired.

  “He is ma’am. He is in his office I believe. Go through the doors and down the hall where the ballroom is. It is the fifth door to the right.” Roger said

  “Thank you.” Sam said heading through the door.

  She walked down the hallway were she had recently been amazed with the grandness of the ballroom. Passing the doorway to it she noticed a scent that she could not forget no matter how much she wanted to. The scent was Wills cologne. He had to have it special ordered because it was not a generic brand. She knew of no one else that wore it. She shuddered slightly but continued onward. She was not here to think about Will. She was here to figure out what was going on between herself and George.

  “I don’t care what you think about the situation. I get caught and you are suddenly there to the rescue.” She heard an unmistakable voice through the door that roger had said was George’s office.

  “It is not my fault you got caught. You were warned to be more careful.” George said sounding mad.

  “You told me you would go away and never come back! That you would let her live her life and stay out of it!” Wills voice rang out.

  “I did leave. I left for all the wrong reasons. I kept up my end of the bargain. You turned into a self-righteous uncaring person Will! I would never have left if you would not have found out about Sam and I. You blackmailed me into leaving and I had had enough. It is not my fault you couldn’t keep her happy. You should have done what you told me to do. You should have taken your own advice.” George said trying to be calm.

  “Why would I have done that?” Will asked still angry.

  “You should have respected her enough to leave. You took a kind, honest, openhearted woman and turned her into someone who is scared to love anyone. You are the one that ruined this.” George said.

  Sam knocked on the door lightly. They didn’t hear it though and kept on fighting over why Will should have left a long time ago. Sam was furious. She couldn’t even imagine that George would know about what Will had been doing for years and never come to her and tell her. She knocked once more this time she pounded on the door instead of the tapping she had been doing.

  “I am in a meeting. Come back later.” George yelled through the door and then he continued yelling at Will. “I am not taking responsibility for you anymore. I have always been around waiting. She would have found me soon enough. I am telling her everything.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Will snarled. Sam had had enough. She decided to stop the madness and go in.

  “ He may not dare William but I sure as hell do.” Sam said as she walked in.

  “Sammy, what are you doing here?” George asked embarrassed.

  “I came to see you before I left for vacation honey.” Sam said smiling and walking toward him.

  “Oh is it that time already.” George said catching the hint of hilarity in her voice.

  “What are you talking about Sam? You are not going on vacation! I would have known.” Will said trying to sound sweet.

  “Actually I am Will. If you would have paid attention to my life instead of your affair with Elle you would have known . Just like you would have known that I found George a few months ago. He didn’t have to find me. I found your emails in the dresser drawer when I was re-arranging. You were always ridiculously ignorant when It came to me. I am just glad I found you when I did. It gave me a good reason to say yes to George’s proposal.” Sam said leaning up to kiss George.

  “No way.” Will said. “You would never marry him.”

  “Yes I would. The date has been set.” She replied. “No get out of here and don’t come back. I will call the cops again if I have to.”

  Will stormed out of the office slamming the door behind him. Sam stared at the door for a few moments. She wasn’t ashamed of lying to Will after all this time. It felt good to play a joke on him. He deserved it in her mind.

  “Well what date did we decide on?” George asked half-heartedly.

  “We will not be getting married George.” Sam said.

  “I know Sammy. I was joking.” He said looking vaguely hurt.

  “I only did it to hurt him. I will be leaving now though because I am very mad at you and I don’t want to say what I came here to say anymore.” Sam turned and started walking out the door.

  “Please don’t go Sammy.” George said quickly reaching for her arm.

  “Why?” Sam said but she didn’t turn around. She refused to let him see the tears that were forming.

  “What did you come to say to me?” George asked concerned.

  “Nothing. It was nothing.” Sam said squirming her arm free of his light grip.

  “Obviously it was something. I know you wouldn’t just come here. I also know that you didn’t just walk up to the door and knock. What did you hear?” He said lightly.

  “Blackmail, leaving for my own good. Things like that.” Sam said turning around slowly.

  “I am sorry you had to hear it that way. I was going to tell you the other day I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.” He said.

  “It’s ok. The most important part of that conversation I heard as well.” She said looking for a chair to sit in before she passed out.

  “What was that?” he said as helped her sit down. “Are you ok? You don’t look too good.”

  “I am fine. I just need to sit for a minute.” She replied. “The best part was when you said that you were going to tell me.”


  “He would have let me keep believing you hated me. The fact that you were going to tell me what he had done, even when he wouldn’t, it means a lot.” Sam said struggling to get the words out from behind the tears welling up in her eyes. “Why did you leave that day?”

  “I left because he showed up. I was at the jewelry shop picking out something for you when he came in and sat next to me. He followed us Sammy. He was going to use a secret from my past against me if I didn’t leave. I was scared that he would tell you what that secret was regardless. When he left he said that he would be watching. So I paid for my purchase and went to meet you. I left because the secret I was
hiding I thought was so hideous that you wouldn’t understand. After I left I felt so guilty. I took care of what was holding me back.” He said solemnly

  “What secret George?” Sam asked hesitant. She wasn’t entirely sure that she wanted to know.

  “I have a kid.” He said slowly.

  “Why wouldn’t I have understood that?” She asked.

  “It was something that I had not taken responsibility for. I thought you would take that as a sign of weakness.”

  “So you didn’t do what every person on earth expects of you. That doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. I would never have faulted you for that.” She said sympathetically.

  “I know that now.” He said. “I have something to ask that might sound weird to you.”

  “After my week I highly doubt that.”

  “I keep getting this feeling like there are sparks between us still. Do you feel that way to?”

  “I actually came here to ask you that same thing. I feel it in the pit of my stomach. I just don’t know where all this is going and I need to know.” Sam said

  “How about we just take it day by day and see where it goes?” George said.

  “Ok’” Sam began as she stood up “Well I have to go the girls are waiting. Will you come to Tj’s Saturday night as my date?”

  “I think I can manage that. What is the occasion?” he asked

  “My friend is asking his girlfriend to marry him and I am singing.” She said shyly.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Sam walked over to where George was standing and gave him a hug. They said their goodbyes and she hurried home. As she was sitting in her driveway she decided to call max.

  “Hey Max” Sam said.

  “Hey Sam. You don’t have to worry about the store I got it covered.” Max said.

  “I wasn’t calling about that. I actually called because I had an idea.”

  “Oh, What’s your idea then?”

  “I was thinking I could sing one of my songs for you guys on Saturday.”

  “Hasn’t she heard all of your songs though?”

  “No. I have a whole collection of songs that no one has ever seen.” Sam said smiling.

  “Ok. That sounds good.”


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