Finally Getting Love Right

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Finally Getting Love Right Page 8

by Jamie Nichols

  When Sam walked into her room she was greeted by a room full of what looked like hand-picked wildflowers. It all made sense to her now. She set her stuff down on the luggage stand and looked around. The flowers were beautiful, breath taking even. If Sam had to guess she would guess that he thought she would be more appreciative of him if he was this romantic all the time. When She didn’t see a bed, she walked around to all of the doors. The first door she opened was a walk-in closet. She found it odd for a hotel room to have such a feature. The second door revealed a big bathroom. She took one look at the old style tub and promised herself she would take a hot bath in that tub tonight. The last door held a bedroom. She walked in and looked around. She meandered over to the dresser and opened it. She felt like being nosy today. To her astonishment the dresser had clothing already in it.

  She panicked thinking maybe they had placed her in the wrong room. What would someone say if they came back to their room and she was there. She shuddered at the thought. Sam went back into the main room and called the front desk.

  “Hello Miss Samantha. May I assist you with something?” Rogers’s voice rang cheerily.

  “I think I was put in someone else’s room. The dresser is full of clothes!” Sam said in a half panicked half angry tone.

  “No Miss. That is your room. Those are your clothes. Mr. Ames thought you might be concerned. He told me expressly to assure you that everything is ok. He will be by your room at 5:30 to explain the rest.”

  “Oh. Ok. Thank you Roger.”

  “You’re welcome Miss.” Roger answered hanging up the phone on his end.

  Sam replaced the receiver feeling a bit perplexed. She walked into her room to look through the clothes that were said to be hers. When she got into the room again she walked agonizingly slow to the dresser. ‘I wonder why he thinks he can buy me.’ She thought as she walked. When she started going through the clothes she thought she recognized some of the clothing but she couldn’t put her finger on why every item seemed to trigger an emotion from her. When she opened the bottom drawer everything came into perspective. She felt tears start to fill her eyes as she lifted the singular sweatshirt that had been in that last drawer.

  In that drawer, the particular sweatshirt happened to be one of her most favorite things she owned 5 years ago. The sweatshirt was a deep blue with hot pink lettering spelling California. Sam had left that sweatshirt at George’s house just days before they had went on that last vacation. Sam threw the sweatshirt on and promptly heard a knock at the door. She quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeve and answered the door.

  “Will?” She said shocked.

  “Hi Sam.” He said sheepishly.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  “I asked Dillon when I ran into him at the store.” He said.

  “What are you doing here?” Sam said angrily.

  “I wanted to say that I was sorry and to say that I wanted another chance.” He sighed as he diverted his eyes.

  “You are crazy if you think that I would take you back. We have been over for a long time Will. I plan on keeping it that way.”

  “It was worth a shot anyways.”

  “Go Home!” She all but yelled at him.

  “Bye Sam.” He walked away slowly. Sam figured he had wanted her to call after him. Something she had no intention in doing.

  Sam did not say anything. She shut the door making sure it sounded like a slam and sat on the couch. She was lost in thought when yet again there was a knock on her door. This time it slightly startled her. Sam reluctantly got up and headed to answer the door. She was happy to see that it wasn’t Will at the door.

  “Hi Sammy.”

  “Hey.” Sam smiled at George.

  “Can I come in?” He asked sweetly.

  “Of course.” Sam said stepping aside to let him in.

  “I hope you like the room. Roger told me you had a momentary freak out. I hope everything is ok now.” He said with a twinge of concern.

  “It is beautiful. Thank you. I was freaked out a little bit I guess you could say. It’s not every day that you walk into a fully stocked hotel room clothes and all.” She answered with a bit of a laugh.

  “I am glad you like it. I am sorry to have freaked you out. I just thought it was time you had your clothes back. I am sure though that by now you have replaced most of this by now.”

  “Yea well you know me.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. I would say I knew how much you loved the sweatshirt especially. Still as comfortable as you remember it to be?”

  “That it is.” She stated with a smile.

  Sam excused herself to the bedroom to get ready for dinner. She had no intention of dressing up for tonight. She brushed her hair out and touched up her make up. ‘Jeans and a t-shirt should be perfect attire for tonight.’ She thought. Sam got ready fairly quickly. She tried to sneak out to the main room and spook George but he was waiting for her. He was leaning against the doorframe when she emerged from the smaller bathroom attached to the bedroom.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “Oh nothing. You look amazing.”

  “Thanks George.”

  Sam went to walk into the main room when George stopped her. He put his arm out and grabbed her around the waist, whisping her around to face him. George hugged her for a long moment. When she looked up at him, he kissed her gently. Sam just stared at him with a hopeful look. She wanted him to tell her that they were skipping dinner, but instead he just said “Ready for dinner?”

  “Uh, yea. But first I have a question. Why did you name this hotel The Ameslee?” she asked. Sam was disappointed that he didn’t want to steal her away from the rest of the party. This question however had been bugging her since she had come back to confront him.

  “Oh. I am sorry if it offends you. I did not mean it to. I thought it would accomplish two things for me. One: I figured that you would see it and after a while your curiosity would get the best of you. Second: It just makes a good hotel name.”

  “Oh. Well I suppose that I should have paid more attention then.” She said with a glimmer in her eye.

  They met up with everyone else in the lobby. They headed to one of the five restraunts the hotel had to offer. They enjoyed each other’s company, telling stories about funny events from their lives. Sam tried to concentrate on the conversation but she simply couldn’t. She was focused on George. He was getting along famously with everyone. Sam shouldn’t have been surprised though. George was always a good people person, even with near strangers. The night was over all too soon. George had excused himself early with no explanation as to why. Sam was not in the least bit concerned though. It was not the first time he had randomly left lately.

  Sam said goodnight to everyone and headed back to her room. She quickly shrugged off her clothes and indulged herself with a hot bath just as she had promised herself earlier. After spending some time relaxing she got out of the tub and headed toward the dresser instead of her duffel. She threw her sweatshirt back on and picked out a pair of comfy pants. Making her way to the couch, she reached for the remote to turn the tv on. Within ten minutes there was yet again a knock at the door. Feeling lazy, Sam called “Who is it?” instead of getting up off the couch to look through the peephole that until a few seconds ago she had no idea even existed.

  “It is Pepper. Can we talk?”

  “Sure. One second. I am coming.” Sam said as she walked the 20 feet to the door from the couch. “Come on in.”

  “Sorry to disturb you. I just need some ideas.”

  “You aren’t disturbing me Pepper. I am always here when you need me. You know that.”

  “I know. Well, I got a phone call right before dinner. My apartment building has been sold and I have 30 days to move everything I own out, or it will all be under 10 feet of concrete with a brand new office building on top of it. I need ideas on where to look. I have no idea what I am going to do.”

  “I am so sorry Pepper. I know how hard this must
be.” Sam knew that Pepper would be losing a big part of her memories. Peppers parents had been killed by a drunk driver while walking home from a play when she was just 17. The court had granted her emancipation since she was only 2 weeks away from her 18th birthday. She had taken it worse than most kids would have. She was an only child and abnormally close with her parents. Most normal kids would not have been best friends with their parents at that age. Pepper had thrown herself into schooling to take her mind off of it. Eventually it had led her into both Sams and Liz’s stores. The rest was history.

  “Since they died I haven’t moved anything. I was never planning to leave. Now that I am being forced to I am at a loss.” Pepper said trying her hardest not to cry.

  “I know sweetie.” Sam said leaning over to give her a hug. “I am going to call Liz ok? She may have ideas I wouldn’t.”

  “Ok. I will be right back though ok? I am going to get drinks from the bar. I know I need one.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Sam said as Pepper left the room to head down to the bar.

  Sam picked up the phone and called over to Liz and Tj's room. No one answered on the first try. Sam could only imagine what they were in the middle of. Well, Sam knew what they were in the middle of but Liz would forgive her for the interruption when she heard what was going on, at least that was her hope.

  “Hello?” An out of breath Liz answered the phone.

  “Hey, We have a problem. I need you to come to my room now.” Sam said quickly.

  “Does it have to be right this second? I am kind of busy here.”

  “Pepper is losing the apartment.”

  “Oh. Oh! I am coming.” Liz said slamming the phone down.

  Liz appeared five minutes later flustered. It was clear that Tj was not thrilled that they had been interrupted or that Liz had said she would come over instead of finishing what they were in the middle of.

  “Ok so why is she losing the apartment? Is it money problems?”

  “No Liz, Some company bought her building and they are putting an office building in its place.”

  “Poor girl.” Liz knew just as much as Sam did that Pepper was going to struggle a lot with this.

  “I had an idea but I wanted your opinion first.” Sam said slowly.

  “Ok let’s hear it.” Liz said.

  “Remember that guest cottage that I have in my courtyard that I use as storage at the moment?”

  “Of course. You designed it for me .” It took Liz a few moments to catch on. “That would be perfect!” she exclaimed.

  “That is what I was thinking. I just wonder if that is the best idea though. Are you ok with it? It would mean you would have to stay in the big house with me if you ever got divorced. Do you think she will be ok with it? I don’t want it to look like I think of her as a charity case because I don’t.”

  “I honestly don’t think she will see it that way. I don’t mind having to stay with you in the big house. Plus I know I won’t be getting a divorce. I would have some stipulations though.”

  “Stipulations? Why?” Sam asked seriously.

  “Stipulations. Do you remember when she told us that we were like her older sisters to her? I wouldn’t feel right if we offered her a place and didn’t have some expectations.”

  “Yes I do remember that. Ok so stipulations like what though?”

  “How about just that she finishes school and she stays there until she is married?”

  “Until she is married? Seriously? I think that is a little over zealous don’t you?”

  “Yea probably. I just think we need to make it clear that she doesn’t have to be in a hurry to find somewhere else to live is all.” Liz answered slyly.

  “I agree with that.” Sam said as Pepper appeared in the door.

  “What are you two talking about?” Pepper asked innocently.

  “Let’s tell her together?” Liz asked Sam.

  “OK.” She said. “Pepper put the drinks down please.” Pepper looked at them like they were crazy but placed the drinks on the table anyways. She sat down between them on the couch quietly.

  “What is wrong?” Pepper asked when she saw the weird look on Liz’s face.

  “Nothing is wrong.” Liz said.

  “We have a proposition for you.” Sam said.

  “Sam happens to have a solution to your problem.”

  “That I think I do.” Sam said with a conniving smile.

  “What is the solution? Are you going to buy my apartment building back or something?” Pepper asked.

  “No. We would if we could. You know that. This is more of a way to preserve some sense of what most people would consider normal.” Liz answered her.

  “The reason we are saying we here is because technically I “gave” it to Liz a long time ago. I own it but it was to be hers to use.”

  “What are you talking about?” Pepper asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Well we are offering you a way out for the long term.” Liz said.

  “We are offering you the guest cottage in my courtyard.” Sam waited to see what Pepper would say.

  “I couldn’t impose like that!” Pepper said stunned.

  “Yes you could. There would be a few stipulations though.” Liz said.

  “Like what?” Pepper said

  “Well only two really. You would have to stay in school and graduate from college and you can stay as long as you want to.”

  “So say like until your married.” Liz added.

  “So what do you say?” Sam asked.

  “Yes!” Pepper replied still obviously stunned. “Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you.”

  “It is not a problem at all. I could honestly use someone around the house.” Sam said hugging Pepper.

  “I am glad that you said yes Pepper. I am sorry to duck out on you so early but I have to get back to my ‘affairs’.” Liz said with a slight laugh as she downed her drink and headed for the door.

  “Goodnight Liz.” Sam called to her.

  “Goodnight Sammy.” Liz said as she was shutting the door.

  Pepper still looked stunned when she headed off to her room. Sam had hoped she would be more excited but she could see how Pepper might be conflicted or feel guilty. Sam reminded herself to make sure that this is what Pepper really wanted in the morning. Sam fell asleep on the couch shortly after Peppers departure.

  Sam was rudely awakened Saturday morning by a continuous knock on the door. She was extremely annoyed that someone would even be up this early. She sat up mumbling something about how she would be there in a minute. Still groggy, she rubbed her eyes and stumbled off the couch toward the door.

  “Miss Samantha.” Roger greeted her as she opened the door.

  “Roger.” Sam mumbled again.

  “I am sorry to wake you but I have been asked to deliver this to you personally before I leave for the day.” He said as he held out a small box with an envelope taped to the top.

  “Uh. Thanks.” Sam said taking the package.

  Roger slowly turned on his heels and headed toward the elevators. Sam watched him press the down button before slowly turning back into her room. Sam looked at the clock and realized it wasn’t really all that early. It was already 9 am, she could have sworn it was at least 6 am. She sure felt like it was 6 am. She took the envelope off the top of the light box. While she sat, she read:


  I was only wondering if you would have dinner with me tonight in my penthouse followed by drinks in the ballroom. I have arranged for everyone to have romantic dinners tonight as well. Please do not tell the other girls. I want it to look like all of us guys planned it together. I have also enclosed a gift for you. You will find a key inside the box. It is the master key to the entire hotel. I figure that you have every right to this place as I do as long as you are in my life. Feel free to explore today. I will see you at lunch.

  Love George

  Sam ripped the top of the box off faster than she could say ‘happy birthday’. She lifted
the key ring out slowly. There was a single key on a pink key ring next to a keychain. The keychain almost looked like it was homemade. It was a small wooden heart. ‘that is kind of ironic.’ She thought but she started laughing when she thought of two words ‘pink wood.’

  Sam composed herself and got ready for the day. She was greeted outside her door by everyone but Jeffrey when she stepped out.

  “Hey. Good Morning.” Sam said with a smile.

  “Good morning.” Kylee answered.

  “What should we do this morning?” Tj asked.

  “How about the pool?” Dillon responded all too quickly.

  “Sounds good to me.” Max said.

  “Actually.” Sam paused. “How about you guys go find Jeffrey and meet us girls by the pool in about half an hour?”

  “Why?” Dillon asked puzzled.

  “I need some girl talk right now. Is that ok with you?” Sam said sharply.

  “Ok. Ok. Take a pill. Let’s go guys.” He replied grabbing Max and Tj’s arms and pulled them into the open elevator.

  Sam turned and went back into her room to change. She had not been expecting that they would want to go to the pool at all today. She had figured that they would all just go exploring after she had received the master key. ‘it’s better that they don’t come.’ She thought changing into her swimsuit. She threw her clothes on over top and slid her flip flops back on. When she had finished she rejoined the girls whom had waited patiently in the hallway.

  “Ok, so what is going on now?” Kylee asked sarcastically.

  “Oh, nothing really.” Sam said as she dangled the key in front of them for a few seconds. When no one caught on she decided to elaborate just a little bit. “I hold in my hand MY” She placed a lot of emphasis on the word my, “Master key to the Ameslee.” It took the 4 girls standing in front of her a full minute of staring to fully realize what she had said.

  “How did you manage that one? Did you steal it from Roger?” Charlee asked teasingly.

  “It was given to me this morning, as a present. Pepper can I have a word with you for a second? We will take the next elevator down.” Sam said gently.


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