Finally Getting Love Right

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Finally Getting Love Right Page 13

by Jamie Nichols

  “Wow. You two look great!” Sam said.

  “Thank you. You look like a zombie.” Kylee said laughing.

  “I know. I Know.” Sam said.

  “So do you notice the shock yet?” Kylee asked.

  “No. Is it supposed to be obvious?”

  “No. Not really.”

  “Well then no I don’t notice anything different yet.” Sam said skeptical.

  “Look now.” Kylee said as she turned to the side.

  “You got another tattoo?” Sam said noting the new ink on her friend’s side.

  “Well yes and no. Look closer.” Kylee said leaning closer so Sam could really see. “It is a dedication to you. I would not be married right now if you had not done what you did. It has part of your tattoo incorporated and the words I Don’t Know What I Would Do With Out You.”

  “Wow.” Sam said starting to cry. “I am touched that you would do that.”

  “Well you are my sister after all.” Kylee said.

  “And you are mine.” Sam gave her another hug.

  The girls talked for at least an hour about what had happened on their honeymoons and eating all the delicious cookies Sam had baked up. When it came time for Sam to say what she needed to get off her mind, She froze. Everyone sat looking at her, waiting for her to at least move a muscle. She did not know if she could bring herself to say her worst fears aloud.

  “What is wrong?” Liz asked concerned by the way Sam sat stiffer than a board.

  “What? Oh. I have been black listed.” Sam said slowly.

  “What are you talking about? By who?” Kylee asked

  “George. I called and got snubbed by the new secretary.” Sam said almost in tears again.

  “ That doesn’t mean that you have been black listed though.” Charlee said.

  “I went up there to see him today and Roger told me that he cared about be enough to tell me to stay away, leave and never look back.” Sam said breaking into hysterical crying.

  “Why would he say something like that?” Liz asked getting mad at what she was hearing.

  “I don’t know.” Sam was barely audible through her sobs.

  “Girls we are taking a road trip. Sam you stay here. We will be right back.” Liz said.

  “What are you going to do?” Sam asked curiously.

  “We are going to find out why there is a sudden turn around.” Liz answered. “Let’s go girls. “The girls filed out the door faster than they had come into it just hours before. Sam laid down and fell asleep on the couch waiting for the girls to come back.

  Liz led the girls out of Sam’s house and into Charlee’s van. They drove enraged up to The Ameslee to see George. They had decided to split up into pairs. Liz and Kylee would go talk to George while Charlee and Pepper talked to Roger. They walked into the hotel pushing past anyone who tried to stand in their way.

  “How are you ladies doing?” Roger asked trying to stall them.

  “I don’t want to hear it Roger.” Liz said as Kylee and herself pushed passed him. Luckily Liz had remembered what he had told Sam about real time schedules and chat rooms and had foreseen him trying to rush to his desk. Charlee had instantaneously got between Roger and his desk, stopping him from warning George. Liz pushed the door to Georges office open, in that instant she wished she hadn’t. Kylee let out a quiet gasp.

  “I can’t believe that you would do this to her.” Liz shrieked.

  “What are you doing here?” George said as pulled up his pants.

  “You do not get to question us. I want to call you so many things right now but I won’t out of respect for Sam. Now I have to go back and tell her that you are a scumbag. She is never going to get over this!” Kylee said angrily.

  “You don’t understand!” George said.

  “There isn’t anything you could say that would make this right. You hired a new secretary just so you could sleep with her.”

  “It is not like that.” He pleaded to them.

  “I really hope not. I am still telling her.” Liz said.

  “Please don’t tell her. Let me tell her please.” George said slowly in a last stitch attempt.

  “I am sorry but no. You just proved to us that you can’t be trusted.” Liz said as they walked out of his office and met the others at the car.

  On their way back to Sams house, the girls debated on who would be the one to break the news to her. Ultimately, they knew, that it came down to who was going to be better at comforting her when the news came. Liz, unfortunately, knew just how uncannily perfect she was for the challenge. She tried her hardest not to call attention to what she already knew. She did not want to break her best friend’s heart.

  “Let’s take a vote. Everyone text your vote to me and we will have our answer.” Kylee said. After a minute, enough time for everyone to have voted, Kylee started to read the texts aloud. “One vote for me.” She said slowly “Remember three votes makes you the one to tell her. One vote for Liz, one for Charlee, and one for Pepper.”

  “Well that didn’t work.” Pepper said trying not to let on that she had doubted it would work.

  “Obviously.” Kylee said annoyed that her plan did not work.

  “Kylee,” Liz said looking at her.

  “Yea,” Kylee answered.

  “I think it has to be one of us.” Liz said slowly as the realization in Kylee’s eyes became apparent.

  “Why?” Pepper asked wanting to hear the reasoning.

  “We are the closest too her, she would have called us first if she found out herself. Plus we are the only ones who can tell her what we saw.”

  “Your right.” Kylee answered in a tone that showed how much she hated the truth.

  “Should we do it together?” Liz asked quietly.

  “I can’t. I cannot break her heart again. I am sorry.” Kylee was crying by the time she finished.

  “I don’t want to either, but she has to know.” Liz said solemnly. “I will tell her.”

  When they got back to Sams house there was a sense of dread among them. They wouldn’t have to feel that way for long and they knew that. They composed themselves as they walked in silence up to the house. It was time to tell her the truth, and no one was ready for it.

  “Hey guys,” Sam said when they walked through the door. “What is wrong?” she asked noticing the distress on their faces.

  “Charlee, Pepper, let’s go check out Peppers place.” Kylee said directing the three of them away from the living room.

  “What is going on?” Sam demanded feeling slightly confused by the situation unfolding.

  “I don’t know how to tell you this, so I am just going to say it. Please don’t shoot the messenger.” Liz started sitting down on the couch and patting the cushion next to her.

  “What did you find out Liz?” Sam said suddenly worried not even knowing that she should be.

  “Sam, we walked in to see a sight that I am glad you didn’t have to see for yourself. He is cheating on you.” Liz said sympathetically.

  “What are you talking about? He is not cheating on me.” Sam said, clearly in denial.

  “He is. I am sorry.” Liz said waiting until it would sink in.

  “There is no way.” Sam said in disbelief.

  “Am I really going to have to get into the details here?” Liz asked.

  “Well I guess you will have to.” Sam said as it started to sink in.

  “Ok then, I was trying to spare you from this though.” Liz said.

  “I need to know.” Sam said as tears started falling down her face.

  “When we got to the hotel, we split up to tackle both Roger and George at the same time. Kylee and I went to George’s office while Charlee and Pepper took care of Roger. We walked in to find a naked woman on the desk and George with his pants down. They were obviously in the middle of having sex. He didn’t even notice we were there until I said something. He swore that we didn’t know what we were talking about when I confronted him. The woman did not even care that we we
re there, she just sat there naked the whole time. He begged us not to tell you but I told him he obviously couldn’t be trusted. I am so sorry Sam.” Liz finished and hugged her friend.

  “You are positive they were having sex?” Sam said, her voice dead.

  “Yes.” Liz said as Sam broke down.

  “Why would he do this to me?” Sam asked as the phone rang.

  “I do not know.” Liz said getting up to answer the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Can I please talk to her?” George said pleading.

  “I am not sure that is such a good idea.” Liz said crudely.

  “Just ask her if she will talk to me, please.”

  “Fine. Hold on.” Liz turned to Sam and said “It is George. He wants to talk to you.”

  Sam sighed and took the phone from Liz. “What do you want?”

  “I need to talk to you. It isn’t like it appeared, I swear.”

  “Why don’t you go tell that to someone who cares.” Sam hung up on him. She was too numb to deal with whatever he had to say.

  Sam cried herself to sleep that night. She slept in the living room not willing to go into her bedroom that reminded her so much of him. The girls stayed with her taking shifts with her trying to comfort her. It just made her feel worse. When they woke up the next day, Sam was gone.

  “Where is she?” Liz asked the others.

  “I don’t know maybe she’s in the shower.” Kylee suggested.

  “Let’s look for her. “ Pepper said as she got up to start looking. After they had searched the house they came a somewhat shocking realization.

  “She is gone.” Liz said looking directly at Kylee.

  “You don’t think she is running again?” Kylee said with a worried look.

  “What are you two talking about? What do you mean running again?” Charlee asked confused.

  “She has done this once before.” Liz said trying to control her emotions.

  “When?” Pepper asked.

  “When he left her at the beach. She never told anyone but the two of us. We swore that we wouldn’t tell anyone. She thought it made her seem crazy. It took the two of us an entire month to find her last time.” Kylee said tearing at the memory.

  “Well then we need to find her.” Charlee said definitely. The girls were almost ready to go. They had formed a plan that allowed them to look in Sam’s favorite places first and then meet up for lunch so they could find some new ideas to look. They were about to walk out the door when the phone rang.

  “Hello?” Liz answered.

  “Hello, I am looking for an Elizabeth McAdams.” A male voice came through the line.

  “This is her.”

  “You are listed as Samantha Lee’s emergency contact.”

  “I am. What is this about?”

  “I have some bad news. Samantha has been in a car accident. Can you come to Mercy Hospital please?”

  “What?” Liz was in disbelief at what she had heard.

  “I know it is a shock, but we cannot perform surgery without your consent as you are also listed as her power of attorney if a case such as this would arise.”

  “We will be right there.” Liz said dropping the phone from shaking.

  “What is it?” Kylee asked concerned.

  “Sam has been in a car accident.”

  Everyone gasped with horror.



  ‘I can’t bare to face them when they woke up.’ Sam thought as she woke up at 4 am. She decided to leave before they had a chance to stop her. ‘A road trip is just what I need. I don’t know where I am heading but I am out of here.’ She thought as she quickly packed a bag and headed out the door quietly making sure not to slam it behind her. Realizing that she had grabbed the Lamborghini keys instead of her Pontiac keys, she quietly snuck back into her own home and switched the keys out.

  She quickly threw her bags in her car and got in. She turned the engine over fast so that it would not wake her friends. Sam did not mean to disrespect her friend’s feelings but she could not face them. Liz and Kylee would know what was going on and come looking for her, that she was sure of. Her plan was to get out of town and be at least a state over before they woke up. Sam put her car in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

  Sam was cruising along when she was suddenly jolted out of her seat. There was a light so bright that she could not see. She heard crunching metal that made her cringe like nails on a chalkboard. Sam heard breaking glass, as if someone was repeatedly throwing baseballs through a window. Her head was slammed repeatedly against the roof of the car and the steering wheel. She felt a sharp pain in her chest and left leg. The car rolled in what seemed like slow motion at least 4 times. Sam suddenly felt cold. When she looked down she saw a horrifying scene. There were two pieces of metal sticking out of her. One was lodged into the right side of her chest and the other was lodged right above her left knee cap.

  Sam tried to break free of the car only to find herself mostly paralyzed. She could not feel anything except her head, which was pounding, and her fingers. Sam tried to yell out for help but found no voice to yell with. She tried not to lose hope. The road she was now laying on was a busy road generally. She saw, what she thought were headlights, coming from over the hill. She felt herself get suddenly dizzy. Trying desperately to hold onto consciousness, she started humming in her head. The song was a lullaby from when she was a child. Unfortunately, the song seemed to make her want to sleep even more. She battled for ten full minutes before she passed out unconscious.

  Sam awoke in a warm vehicle. She tried to figure out where she was but she still could not move. She opened her eyes and tried to focus. Her sight was blurry, no matter how much she tried she could not clear her vision. She was startled when a male voice started to speak to her.

  “Ma’am you are ok now. You are in an ambulance and we are heading to Mercy hospital.” Before he had finished talking, Sam had gone unconscious again.

  Sam faded in and out throughout the next several hours. She managed to be awake when she was getting wheeled into the hospital and when the doctor told her she would need surgery. When she was wheeled into the hospital, she remembered feeling like she was in the movies the way the lights would flash by. She couldn’t even muster a feeling when the doctor told her she would need go to surgery as soon as they got ahold of her emergency contact, Liz.

  “What do you mean she has been in a car accident?” Kylee was shaking now too.

  “That was Mercy Hospital, I am her emergency contact.” Liz said slowly.

  “How did they know to call you here?” Pepper asked.

  “I don’t know. We have to get to the hospital now!” Liz said grabbing her purse off the table and running out the door.

  The rest of the girls followed her and they piled into Charlee’s Van again. As they drove they called everyone they could think of. Charlee called Max, who broke down in tears when he heard the news. Kylee called Dillon, who said he would meet her at the hospital. Liz called Tj who had said that someone had called looking for her and he had told them where she was. Pepper called Jeffrey, who was shocked but also agreed to meet her there. When they had made the phone calls Kylee brought up one more person who should be called.

  “Liz, do you have Blair’s number?” Kylee asked referring to Sam’s mother.

  “I forgot about her. Should we tell George?” Liz said as she started to dial Blair’s number.

  “We should but we better not call him. We should tell him in person.” Kylee answered resolving to go see him after they made sure Sam was ok.

  “Blair, It is Liz.” Liz said as Blair answered the phone.

  “What can I do for you Liz?” Blair said sounding as if she had just woken up.

  “It’s about Sam. She got into a car accident. We are heading to Mercy Hospital now.” Liz said.

  “This isn’t a joke right?” Blair asked. Liz had nearly forgotten that when they were kids they had told Blair something similar th
at had gotten them both grounded for a month.

  “This is not a joke.” Liz said. She heard Blair break down in hysterical crying. “Meet us at the hospital.”

  “Ok.” Blair said through tears.

  “She thought I was joking.” Liz said as they pulled up to the Hospital. The girls found the closest parking spot to the entrance and ran into the emergency room. They looked every which way until they found the nurses’ station.

  “We are here for Samantha Lee.” Kylee said out of breath.

  “Who are you?” The nurse asked politely.

  “I am Liz McAdams. I have her power of attorney.”

  “We have been expecting you. The rest of you will have to wait here.” The nurse said looking at Charlee, Kylee, and Pepper.

  “Kylee is coming with me.” Liz said sternly to the nurse. “I need her support. The three of us are like sisters.”

  “Fine. Follow me please.”

  “Can you two wait for everyone else to get here? We will be out as soon as we can.” Kylee said as Liz and herself followed the nurse.

  They were led through a set of doors and down a long hallway to a trauma room. There was an eerie quietness about the hallway. When they got to the trauma room they were both knocked back with shock. Kylee and Liz could not bring themselves to go all the way into the room, so they stood in the doorway. There Sam lay with 2 long metal pieces sticking out of her. She was not awake, there were tubes down her throat and iv’s in her arms.. They stared in silence as they took the sight in. There was blood everywhere. If they had not seen the tattoo on the arm lying limp off the gurney they would not have known it was here, with how much blood was on her face.

  “You must be Ms. McAdams.” A handsome man wearing a doctor’s coat said to them.

  “I am.” Liz said quietly.

  “I am Dr. Valandra. I need your consent to take Miss Lee to surgery immediately.”

  “What is wrong with her besides the obvious things sticking out of her?” Kylee asked.

  “The metal sticking out of her leg did not hit any major veins but her leg is broken. The one sticking out of her chest is another matter, however. We have just confirmed that she has a punctured lung. If you had not gotten here within the next few minutes we would have had to take her up without consent.”


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