Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)

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Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) Page 9

by Sherilee Gray

  “What are you…?”

  “Kiss me.”

  Joe,” she warned.

  “We don’t want him calling security.”

  The pulse at her neck was thudding, heavy and thick.

  “We don’t have another choice,” he rasped.

  Dammit. Her thigh muscles twitched before she yanked up her dress and wrapped her legs around his waist. It was either that, or let her legs dangle above the ground like a rag doll.

  He sucked in a breath, then his teeth flashed in the moonlight.

  “Get on with it then.” She was going for unaffected, but yeah, she wasn’t fooling anyone. Not with the way her heart was attempting to pound right out of her chest.

  His nose slid along hers briefly, skin warm, the beard surrounding his lips tickling her chin, making her shiver. Then he closed the gap, soft yet firm lips pressing against hers. She had every intension of faking it, knowing all too well the dangers of kissing this man. The trouble it could get her into. But then he swiped his tongue over her lower lip, and she was—gone. Just like that, one stroke, one taste of him, the smell of his skin, the rasp of his beard against her cheek, and she was helpless to resist.

  Then he did it again, and her mouth opened on a moan. His tongue slid in, tangling with hers—slow, deep, greedy licks that curled her toes. His hands tightened on her ass, squeezing, and she started to tremble. Gripping the side of his neck with one hand and fisting the lapel of his suit jacket, holding him to her, with the other, she started kissing him back. His deep groan turned her lower belly liquid. God, she was losing the battle here. Hell, who was she kidding? She’d already lost it completely.

  His cock was hard, and he pressed deeper, grinding against her, making her whimper.

  “Fuck, Darcey,” he said against her lips. “You want this, sweetheart, just as much as me.” His voice was rough with lust, but there was a vulnerability there that made her chest tight.

  She did. She wanted it. She wanted him. “Yes,” she whispered.

  He shuddered, breath rushing past his lips, fingers digging deeper into her ass cheeks. “Darcey… Shit, baby…”

  “You better not have scratched my goddamn paint.”

  Joe stilled, then lifted his head, resting his forehead briefly against hers before he turned to face the owner of the car.

  “Sorry, we got a little carried away.”

  Joe eased her back to her feet, covering her with his body, giving her time to tug down her dress before they moved.

  “We were just about to leave anyway.”

  His hand slid into his pocket, and she knew he was getting ready for the guy to unlock his car so he could record the signal with his own fob.

  Darcey stepped out and had to hold back her snort when she saw Mr. Ferrari. He looked like he’d been startled, and his face had frozen with his eyebrows locked in surprise, nearly at his freaking hairline. His hair was too dark, obviously dyed, and his spray tan was deep, but with an orange undertone that screamed Oompa Loompa.

  Without thinking, she reached out and gripped the back of Joe’s shirt, poking him in the back. I told you so. He glanced down at her, and a wicked grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, his eyes full of mischief and heat…and warmth. The last, she didn’t want to think about, didn’t want to acknowledge.

  Mr. Ferrari pressed the button on his fob. Nothing. Which meant Joe’s had done what it was supposed to and intercepted the signal, recording it. She stilled, pulse going crazy. He scowled at the thing, then hit the button again. This time the car beeped, lights flashing, unlocking. The guy’s gaze dropped to Darcey, and he smiled—at least, she thought that’s what he was doing. It was hard to tell. But she didn’t miss his leer, though, or the way his eyes dropped to her chest and lingered.

  He licked his lips and glanced at Joe. “I can see why you got carried away.” His gaze slid back to her. “You want to take a ride in a real car, honey?”

  Ew! And um…what now?

  “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Joe snarled at the guy, hand curling around hers, surprising her. “Let’s go.” And they started moving.

  The creep grabbed something out of the breast pocket of his jacket and pressed it into her hand before she knew what he was going to do. “If you change your mind.”

  Then she was stumbling after Joe.

  “Can you believe that guy?” he gritted out when they were out of earshot. “I was this fucking close to rearranging his freaky, fucked up face.”

  “Put the club away, caveman.” Now her pulse was racing for a different reason. Was he actually jealous? “You’re taking this acting thing a little too far. I mean, it’s not like we’re a real couple.”

  He stared down at her, nostrils flaring with each angry breath. “No… I know that.”

  Joe was still grunting his words. It shouldn’t be, but it was sexy as hell.

  He scowled down at the card Mr. Ferrari had given her and held out his hand. “Let me see that.”

  She gave it to him, and Joe smiled as he read it.

  “This’ll make him nice and easy to track down. I’m going to enjoy stealing that fucker’s car.” His stare locked with hers, gaze dark, hungry as hell. “We don’t need to follow him tonight, not now that we have this.” He waved the card around then shoved it into his pocket. “Good thing, too. You and me…” He moved in closer. “We’ve got unfinished business.”

  She should’ve pulled her hand free. Denied it. Pretended she wasn’t as desperate for him as she was. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t retreat, slam on the brakes. Not again. God, she’d been so lonely for so damn long. She craved the touch of another human being. Joe’s touch. Hungered for that kind of connection. Even if it was only for one night.

  It’s just sex. She reminded herself. The rush of what they were doing together, making them act this way, this out of control. That’s all.

  It didn’t have to mean anything. It wouldn’t mean anything.

  It couldn’t.

  Chapter Nine

  Joe trailed his hand down to the small of Darcey’s back and couldn’t stop his eyes from falling to her ass, watching it jiggle and sway, as they made their way up the stairs to her apartment.

  Had he ever wanted a woman this much before? If he had he couldn’t remember. His skin fucking tingled, gut in knots, cock so hard it felt like he had a steel pipe shoved down his boxers. He winced. It was trapped against his thigh, the trousers not giving a goddamn inch. He resisted reaching down and adjusting. Darcey had said she wanted him, as well, but he didn’t want to frighten her off by sticking his hand down his pants and playing with his cock before they even got into her apartment. Though, he didn’t think she’d scare that easy.

  But he wasn’t risking it. She’d already left him high and dry twice. He didn’t think he could survive a third time. And that could very well happen if he gave her the opportunity to overthink everything. He flexed his fingers against her back, his mouth going dry from the feel of that silky smooth skin. Jesus, he wanted to lick every inch of her. Testing the waters, he slipped his hand around her waist, the open-backed dress giving him easy access. She didn’t shy away, so he slid his fingers under the fabric a little more, skimming her side, then farther… Ah shit. Her belly was warm and soft, quivering at his touch.

  If he didn’t taste her soon, he might actually go insane. Just…lose the plot completely.

  “Here we are.”

  Her voice was shaky, husky. Sexy as fuck. Her fingers trembled when she tried to unlock the door, so he reached around her and took over. He got it open, and they walked into her tiny apartment. The streetlights and neon signs outside washed her place in a multitude of colors—washed her in color. Fucking gorgeous.

  Maybe he should take this slow, ease her in before he whipped out his dick and begged her to fuck him. That would be the considerate thing to do.

  But that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

  She walked over and shut the door after them, and he moved in behind
her, crowding her, pressing her front to the scarred wood, pinning her there. He dropped his hands to her thighs and slid them up, taking the dress with him.

  His mouth went to her ear. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve fantasized about what you taste like? How many times I’ve stroked my cock imagining your pussy under my mouth.”

  Her hands were pressed against the door, her face to the side. She shook her head as best as she could, breath coming rapid, unsteady.

  He tilted his hips back and looked down at her now exposed ass. The scrap of lace from her G-string the only thing adorning her creamy, round cheeks.

  He held her to the door with one hand in the center of her back and slid his fingers under the elastic of her underwear. “You know what’s coming next, don’t you, sweetheart?” He pushed down one side, dragging them over her sexy ass. “You want my mouth on you?”

  She arched back, giving him her answer without words.

  Not good enough, not from her. “Say it. I need you to say it.” He dropped both hands to her perfect cheeks and squeezed roughly. They both moaned. “Give me the words, Darcey.”

  She whimpered, then growled and slapped her hand against the door like her needy sounds pissed her off. “Do it, put your goddamn mouth on me, Colton.”

  Relief washed through him. He’d fucked a lot of girls—not something he really thought about. He liked to fuck. But none of them had meant anything to him. Maybe that made him an asshole, but he wasn’t forcing anyone. He’d never made any promises or lied about what they were doing, what he wanted. Straight-up dirty fucking. No ties. No commitment. A release. Nothing more. The women got off, and so did he. Win-win.

  That wasn’t how he felt about Darcey. He knew once he had her, he’d crave more. One time wouldn’t be enough with her. He didn’t want to just get her off, he wanted to blow her fucking mind, make her as addicted to him as he was fast becoming to her. To worship her body, then hold her in his arms afterward. For some fucked up reason, he wanted to look after her, protect her. That may make sound like a chauvinistic Neanderthal, but that’s how he felt.

  He dropped to his knees. “Your wish is my command, beautiful.” He gave one of her cheeks a light slap, making it jiggle. Fucking hot. His aching dick certainly approved of the view.

  She twisted, looking down at him over her shoulder. “Joe, what are you…”

  He leaned in and slid the tip of his tongue over her skin, kissing and sucking while skating his hands up and down her outer thighs. He groaned. She smelled like summer fruit and hot, wet pussy. His girl was turned-way-the-fuck-on.

  “Arch your back, peaches. Show me that sweet spot.” She did, forcing him to shuffle back so she could bend forward and give him what he wanted.

  He growled. Fucking drenched. So slick her thighs glistened in the light. He started to goddamn shake, desperate to eat her up. Imagining how good it was going to feel sliding his insanely hard cock inside her. Grabbing her ass cheeks, he spread her and licked his way up her inner thigh to the crease where it met her sweet pussy lips.

  Oh fuck.

  He grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her back more, against his face, going higher along her pretty little slit. Shit, she tasted like heaven. Better than he ever imagined.

  She hissed and pressed back. “More, Joe…please.”

  She sounded breathless, needy. The way she was grinding against him, seeking more, thigh muscles quivering—it tipped him over the goddamn edge.

  He gave her a long lick then looked up. “That’s it. You work that pussy against my mouth.” Then tightening his grip on her hips, he fucking buried his face between her thighs, going at her like a man possessed. Sucking and lapping up her sweet juice until he was dizzy.

  “God,” she moaned. “I need… Shit…”

  “I know what the fuck you need.” Without warning, he pushed two fingers into her tight pussy, going deep. She cried out, tried to press back harder, but he wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her still, and began fucking her with his fingers. He didn’t slide all the way out, no, he stayed deep, finding that spot inside, and thrust hard and fast, making her succulent ass shake.

  She screamed a few seconds later, and her goddamn knees gave out. He held her up, didn’t slow, while she convulsed around him, so wet she coated his hand, covering him in her juices. So fucking hot.

  He pulled out, and spun her around, then buried his face between her legs again. She moaned as he lifted her thighs over his shoulders, her hands slapping against the door as he lapped her up. He groaned against her, devouring her. And fuck him, she went off again. Pulsing against his mouth, writhing. Her hands grabbed for his head, but with no hair to fist, she grabbed his fucking ears and rubbed against him, wringing out every last bit of pleasure she could.

  He fucking loved it.

  When she quieted, he lifted her legs off his shoulders and lowered her to the floor, then, holding her steady, rose to his feet. She blinked up at him, her face flushed, skin slick with sweat, hair in a wild tangle. Shit, she was perfect.

  “I think I’m addicted to your pussy, peaches.”

  A grin lifted her rosebud lips. “I can totally live with that.”

  He’d grin back, but his dick was so hard it hurt. He needed in. Now. He trailed his thumb along her jaw, then pressed his mouth to hers because he couldn’t not, giving her a taste of herself.

  “Gonna fuck you now, Darcey,” he said against her lips.

  Her smile dropped, but only because she bit her lip, her slender throat working when she swallowed. Then she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, destroying him with the need, the want she didn’t even try to hide from him.

  “Yes,” she whispered, “fuck me, Joe.”


  He lifted her then and carried her to her bed, weaving like a drunk because his legs were goddamn shaking from wanting her so badly.


  ~ * ~

  Darcey was no virgin, not by a long shot, but she didn’t think—no, she knew—she’d never in her life been this turned on. Usually, it took a while for her to get warmed up enough to come. A guy had to work for it. Not all could be bothered. But Joe, shit. His mouth. He’d had her screaming so damn easily.

  Big, rough hand cupping her ass, Joe strode to the bed and stood her on the mattress. God, she’d never been this wet before. Ever. So slick her thighs slid together. He stood in front of her, and like this, she was taller than him, but not by much. He looked up, his dark gaze locking on hers, transmitting all sorts of wicked, dirty things with just one look. Things that made her shiver, made her hungry for more, which was impossible since he’d already given her two exceptional orgasms.

  His hands went to the side of her dress, and he got to work on the zipper. “Need you naked.”

  She kicked off her shoes and shoved his jacket off his broad shoulders at the same time. Once he got the zipper down, he yanked the dress up and over her head, leaving her in only a bra.

  Tonight was a one-time thing, and she planned to make the most of it. Savor every second. And she didn’t want one piece of clothing between her and Joe. She wanted to feel every inch of him against every inch of her. Reaching back, she unhooked her bra, dragged it off, and flung it aside.

  Joe stilled, nostrils flaring, throat working as he took her in from head to toe. He gripped her waist, hands slightly shaking. His long, thick fingers spanned her middle.

  “Shit, you’re small.” His hands moved up over her ribs, making her pant when his thumbs grazed the underside of her breasts. “But then you got these tits, that ass… You’re like my own little Betty Boop.”

  His hand went higher, cupping one of her breasts, the other down to her ass, gripping it tight and tugging her closer. The hold was possessive. He wasn’t exploring. It was like he was…claiming. The idea lodged a boulder in her throat.

  “Why am I the only one naked? Get your clothes off, Colton.”

  His eyes moved back to hers. She couldn’t read them,
but they were intense and stayed that way as they dropped to her mouth. Ripples of pleasure slid over her, and she squeezed her thighs together. God, he was killing her.

  And just when she thought she couldn’t take another second, he jerked her forward, and his mouth collided with hers.

  She moaned as he sucked her lower lip, angled his head, mouth opening to devour her. His tongue slid along hers and he groaned into her mouth like he couldn’t get enough—hands exploring, bodies grinding. He kissed her until her lips were puffy and tingly, until her clit felt swollen and achy.

  She tore at the front of his shirt. God, she felt empty, hollow. She needed him inside her now. Then she was on her back in the middle of the bed, and Joe was standing there, looking down at her as he dragged off his shirt and kicked off his boots. His chest and abs were as mouth-watering as she remembered—cut in a way that said he had a physical job, that he worked out and looked after himself. She wanted to trace every ridge with her tongue. Follow the ink from his bicep to his shoulder, down to his peck, and suck on that small brown nipple…learn if it made him breathe faster.

  And then she couldn’t think anymore because he yanked open the front of his trousers and shoved them down.

  Oh dear God.

  His cock stood straight up, so damn hard—ruddy and thick and long. He reached down and gripped it, squeezing, his teeth gritted. He actually looked to be in pain.

  “You gonna put that beast to good use or just stand there all night feeling yourself up?” She lifted her arms, beckoning him to her, letting her legs fall open in invitation.

  He flashed her a grin, then he was on top of her, his body pressing her into the mattress. “Prepare to have your mind blown.”

  She forced a snort, trying to ignore the way her voice shook from the pounding of her heart. “That’s what they all say.”

  That was what they all said, but for her, once foreplay was over, the chance of an orgasm went with it. Fucking was nice, really nice, and right then she was so turned on she thought she might die if he didn’t shove that huge cock inside her, but she never came that way. She usually just ended up frustrated, left wanting. Good thing she’d already had two. Maybe she could persuade him to give her a third when he’d finished.


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