Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)

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Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) Page 17

by Sherilee Gray

  The door opened and Joe walked in, frowning. “Why the hell is the door unlocked?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, mom. I didn’t get around to locking it?”

  He held a bag with Big Tex written on the side in one hand and pointed a finger at her with the other. “Do not test me, woman. You know how I feel about keeping your damn doors locked.”

  Her smile got wider. “You got a little”—she motioned to his face—“sauce on your face.” How was it Joe managed to cheer her up just by being in the same room?

  He grumbled, brows lowering. “It’s not just any sauce, it’s Tex’s barbecue sauce, and stop trying to change the subject.”

  “You’re such a food snob.”

  Over the last couple weeks, they’d eaten together pretty much every night, and he always knew all the best places. The stubborn man refused to listen to her, and had twice ignored her recommendations. Both times, he’d bought what she wanted from his favorite restaurants, and both times, his had been better. So annoying.

  He shook the bag. “When it comes to wings, I’m a purist. Get used to it.” He dumped the bag on the counter. “Now promise me you’ll make sure you lock the door when you’re home.”

  “You’re also annoying and stubborn as hell.”

  He crossed his arms. “No wings for you until you agree.”

  They smelled good, really freaking good. “Fine, I promise.” She usually locked the door anyway, she’d just been distracted when she walked in tonight. The longer she went without seeing or hearing from her brother, the harder it got to focus on anything else.

  He walked up to her, grabbed her hips, and pushed her back a step. “Sit. Let me feed you. You look like shit.”

  “Just what every woman wants to hear.”

  “You look hot, Peaches, always do. But you look like you haven’t slept in a week.”

  She smirked. “Whose fault is that? Good lord, man. You’re a horn dog.”

  He lifted a finger. “One: you love it. Two: orgasms promote sleep. And three: Since you said that, no nookie for you tonight.”

  “Nookie?” She snorted and plonked down onto the couch, curling her legs up beside her.

  “You heard me. The Beast is on hiatus for the night so you can get some rest.” Joe grabbed a couple plates and some napkins from her small kitchenette, like he lived there, and sat down beside her.

  She couldn’t hide her smirk. “Would you stop calling your dick The Beast? It creeps me the hell out.” It actually amused her and was also kind of endearing in a weird way. She loved Joe’s quirks. She wasn’t telling him that, though. His head was big enough already.

  “That’s a lie, and we both know it.” He started serving up the wings. “But now you’ve hurt The Beast’s feelings. He might need another night off after that insult.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You’re serious? You’re cutting me off because I hurt your penis’s feelings?”


  Picking up a wing, he took a bite, getting barbecue sauce all over his lips. She wanted to lick it off.

  “Eat,” he said with his mouth full.

  If anyone else did that, she’d have been grossed out. But not with Joe, apparently. Even when he ate like a pig, he turned her on.

  “Fine.” She was going for careless, but she sounded as disgruntled as she felt.

  “Fine,” he parroted.

  “We’ll see how well you cope after we pick up the Toyota tonight, hmm? We both know how you get after you boost a car.” She shrugged. “Don’t come crying to me when you have blue balls.”

  He grabbed the remote for her ancient TV and switched it on. “I already got the Toyota early this morning…so there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He kept his eyes on the TV, flicking through the channels. “I couldn’t sleep, went for a run, and there it was.”

  “The same car we found two nights ago?” she said in disbelief.

  “Yeah. Crazy, huh? What are the odds?”

  Nonexistent. “You’ve had a few of these crazy coincidences the last couple weeks.” She’d been helping him find the cars, but she hadn’t helped him steal one. He’d given her one lame excuse after another. She should be pissed at him for leaving her out, for going it alone, but she couldn’t muster up the anger, not when she knew he was doing it to protect her. What other reason could there be?

  She stared at his profile. “You do know I’ve stolen a lot of cars, right? Probably as many cars as you.”

  “Yep.” He tore his eyes away from the screen, like The Cake Boss was the most interesting show in the world and he couldn’t bear to miss a minute, and tweaked her nose with his sauce covered finger. “I know what a shocking, little thief you are, Peaches.” He leered. “Turns me on.” Then he turned back to watching TV.

  She scowled at him and used a napkin to wipe the sauce off her nose, and though it didn’t sit right, she decided to drop the subject for tonight. She needed to not think about Al or Len or stealing cars—or what she might have to do to get access to her brother—for one damn night. Just one.

  They ate in companionable silence. The only break was Joe’s snorts and chuckles. She didn’t question him about why he was there if they weren’t going out looking for cars on his list. She hadn’t been questioning him for the last two weeks; she just enjoyed their time together, selfishly taking for herself, for as long as it lasted.

  Once they’d cleaned up, Joe sprawled out on the couch and tugged her down beside him, tucking her in close. One of his hands was up behind his head, and the position made his bicep bulge in a way that made her mouth water. His T-shirt was soft and, with him lying on his back, it hugged his abs, outlining each bump and ridge. He had one leg out straight, his foot resting on the arm of the couch, the other leg down, knee bent, foot on the floor. He looked completely relaxed—happy to be snuggling with her—which, by the way, she had never done with anyone else. Ever.

  And besides the maddeningly yummy way he was drawing patterns on her shoulder, he was ignoring her completely. But with each swipe of those talented fingers, the rough pads scraping gently against her skin, her temperature went up.

  They lay like that for a whole hour, and the man did not make a move. Going by the small smirk on his beautiful goddamn lips, he knew exactly how wound up she was getting.

  Well, two could play that game.

  She hadn’t moved this whole time, so she wriggled like she was getting uncomfortable and needed to reposition herself. She shifted her legs so one was down straight against his and the other was bent at the knee, resting over the top of his thigh. This had the added bonus of pressing her pussy against the side of his thigh, and she knew he felt it when the smirk vanished from his face and his arm tightened around her like he wanted to stop her from moving. She wriggled again, making a noise of annoyance like she was uncomfortable, when she was anything but, and squirming some more, rubbing the heat between her legs against him and pressing her breasts more firmly into his arm. She topped all that off by bringing her hand down so it rested just above the top of his jeans where his shirt had ridden up a bit.

  The tips of her fingers encountered hot, bare skin, and his sexy as hell happy trail. His jeans were low enough she could feel where the hair thickened. Damn. She aimed her stare at the TV like he’d been doing and absently tickled the spot with her fingers.

  His entire body stilled, but he didn’t react. All humor had vanished from his expression, though, and she had to fight not to grin when color darkened his cheeks. Dropping her gaze, she sneaked a peak down the length of his long, delicious body and had to bite her lip when she saw the hard ridge of his erection. Couldn’t feel good trapped behind that stiff denim…

  She slid her hand lower, so her pinky finger slipped under the top of his jeans.

  He jolted, his hand wrapping around hers, stilling it. “I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work.”

  Tilting her head back, she arched a brow. “No?”


  She sighed. “Fine. You win. I need a drink. You want one?”

  He dipped his chin, staring down at her, a suspicious look on his face. “What are you up to?”

  “I’m thirsty, sheesh. Do you want a beer or not?” She climbed up from her spot beside him and walked to the fridge, putting some extra sway in her hips.

  “Yeah, okay,” he muttered.

  She bent over, her butt aimed at Mr. Sex Hiatus, taking longer than needed to find the beers and adding a wiggle for good measure.

  The sound of his low growl had her grinning.

  She got their drinks and handed his over, then after placing hers on the small coffee table, she walked to her bed. Joe turned to watch her, a frown lowering his brows. Keeping her expression neutral, and without hesitation, she tugged her shirt off then reached back, unsnapped her bra, and pulled that of, as well.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, voice rougher than she’d ever heard it.

  She shrugged, which made her boobs jiggle. “Since were staying in, I may as well get comfy.”

  Instead of immediately pulling on the tank she usually slept in—when she slept alone—she unsnapped her jeans and shoved them down her legs. Besides an orange G-string, she was naked.

  “That’s not going to…” his voice trailed off.

  She turned to him, breasts bouncing, nipples tight and aching, giving him a show that she hoped would tip him over the edge.

  Joe had risen to his elbows, his gaze locked on her chest.

  She rested her hands on her hips. “What?”

  “You can’t… You won’t…” His face flushed darker and he licked his lips.

  “You alright? You seem to be struggling to finish your sentences.” Then she leaned forward, turning away to grab her tank, making sure to aim her ass his way. She looked at him over her shoulder. “You’re not drinking your beer.”

  Joe cursed and exploded off the couch. “Fine.” He threw up his hands. “Have it your way. Undies off. Let’s do this.”

  “No. You were right.” She backed up a step. “Maybe we should have a break for a couple nights. Maybe even a week. What do you say? I mean, sex, right?” She screwed up her face. “Who needs it? I’d rather just cuddle on the couch.”

  He ignored her completely and stalked after her like some kind of horny beast. “I’ve changed my mind. It was a stupid idea.”

  She kept backing away, edging around the bed. “No. I think your idea had a lot of merit.”

  “Stop moving away from me.”

  “I’m doing this for your own good. You’ll only hate yourself in the morning.” Then she batted her lashes.

  Joe growled and dove for her.

  Squealing, she ran across the bed and was about to dive off the other side, but Joe bounded after her and caught her mid-flight, throwing her back onto the bed with a bounce. He dropped down and pinned her with his body.

  They were both laughing like crazy, wrestling and panting. Then finally, Joe decided to stop letting her think she had a chance at winning and caught her wrists, holding them on either side of her head.

  He shoved one heavy thigh between hers. “You ready to be fucked?”

  She grinned. “And they say romance is dead.”

  “Are you telling me fucking your woman from behind until she screams your name isn’t romantic?”

  Oh God. She wanted everything he just said, right freaking now.

  His hard cock brushed her through his jeans, where she needed him most, and she moaned. “Hearts and flowers, baby. Get to it.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Darcey was still giggling and squirming while Joe gripped both her wrists in one hand and got to work yanking the front of his jeans open with the other.

  “Think this is funny, do you?” God, he loved watching her laugh, loved the way she threw her head back and cut loose. Gorgeous.

  “You’re too easy, dude. Honestly, you barely put up a fight. Your self-control is shit.”

  His dick sprang free and her eyes flared.

  He bit back a grin. “You didn’t play fair, and you know it. You used your womanly wiles on me.”

  She snorted. “My ‘womanly wiles’. Christ, where are we, Regency England?”

  “You got your tits out, for fuck sake. What the hell am I supposed to do?”

  “Face it. You’re controlled by The Beast.”

  His grin got wider. “You called it The Beast.”

  She rolled her eyes and he yanked her farther down the bed.

  “Look how happy you made him.” He swiveled his hips, making his dick bob.

  “You did not just do that.” She bit her lip, and he knew she was fighting her laughter.

  “Wanna see him wink?”

  “Please, I’ll give you anything not to see that.”

  Then she squawked because he let go of her wrists and tickled the shit out of her ribs.

  Her laugh had turned breathless when he finally let up, but he didn’t give her a chance to get her breath back. He gripped her hips and flipped her onto her belly.

  Her laughter died down instantly.

  Grabbing his wallet out of his pocket, he fished out a condom, and, shoving his jeans down farther, rolled it on. “Knees at the edge, baby. Head down, ass up.”

  Darcey shuffled back, her breathing heavier, thighs trembling. Then she dropped her arms, lifting her round ass higher, doing as he asked.

  Jesus fucking Christ.

  Her dark hair slid to the side, across her smooth, pale back, and he couldn’t help but kiss the tempting spot just above her ass, then higher until he was sucking and licking the ink on her right shoulder, the tender spot where it met her slender neck.

  She looked as delicate as the yellow roses inked into her skin.

  His dick pressed against her ass, and she wiggled against him, making them both groan. He needed inside her. Now.

  Gripping the sides of her panties, he tugged them down, only sparing enough time to drag them off one leg, before he pressed the head of his cock against her opening.

  He groaned again at the sight of her swollen pink lips, wet and perfect. Watched as he pushed in and she stretched to take all of him. Fuck, his knees went weak.

  His hips jerked forward all on their own. He had to get in deep. Darcey moaned into the covers, and he snapped and started fucking her hard—his fingers digging into her round hips, mindlessly yanking her back onto his cock with every out of control thrust. He fucked her like that until they were both shaking, skin slick, breathing harsh. Until he was near out of his damn mind. He’d never get enough of the woman beneath him, of making her feel good. It had quickly become his obsession.

  Her head was resting on her forearms, hair wild, spread across the covers. Her muffled cries filled his head, making him even fucking harder. Christ. He could feel her tightening around his cock. The base of his spine tingled, balls drawing up tight.

  He wanted to see her face, wanted to watch when she broke apart for him. Pulling out, he spun her around and, before the protest passed her lips, he surged back in on a deep grunt.

  Reaching down, he circled her clit with his thumb. “Show me. Give it to me.”

  She gasped. “Oh shit.”

  He thrust in deep, once, twice, then she was screaming, heels digging into his ass, holding him to her. Not going anywhere, Peaches. Fuck that. Never happening.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her. He loved watching Darcey come. But then she reached out and yanked him down, kissing him like her life depended on it. Her hot tongue thrust wildly against his, making his head spin. The head of his cock felt like it fucking blew off when he came, groaning into her mouth, shaking so hard he had no choice but to collapse on top of her, his hips rolling, thrusting, grinding into her frantically.

  She hung on the whole time.

  When he finally got his breath back, he rolled to his side, taking her with him, and she lifted her bent knee across his hip, her arms wrapped lightly around his neck
, hot panted breaths against his chest.

  He never wanted to move from this spot.

  “Holy shit,” he murmured against her hair.

  “Yeah,” she whispered back.

  He reached down and dragged the covers up over them, and keeping her curled in tight, held her as she drifted off.

  He must have fallen asleep soon after her, because he woke to the sound of Darcey’s phone ringing.

  She jolted, then shot up, using his chest to push up and away from him, and grabbed it. When she looked down at the screen, something moved over her face, something that made his spine straighten and made every muscle tighten on high alert.

  She lifted it to her ear. “What do you want?”

  There was a slight growl to her voice, but the anger that had slowly stolen her features vanished when whoever was on the other end answered.

  She shot out of bed. “Noah? Is that you?”

  Joe looked at the time. 4:24a.m. Whatever his reason for calling, it couldn’t be good. He quickly got out as well and moved over to her.

  She thrust her fingers in her hair. “What’s going on? Where’s Len?”

  Joe had his hand on her shoulder, and he felt some of the tension leave her shoulders.

  “Okay. That’s good,” she said, relief clear in her voice.

  She started pacing the room, murmuring comforting words down the line, then she stopped by the window and stared out. It was still dark outside, but the lights from the street lit up her face.

  Her cheeks were glistening and he realized she was crying.

  Everything inside him seized. He sucked in a breath, his heart stuttering to a stop then banging back into action. He wanted to kill that motherfucker Len. Break his goddamn neck. This was the second time he’s seen her cry. It killed him to see her in this much pain.

  She swiped her cheek with the back of her hand. “I know, bud.” She listened for a few seconds more. “I miss you, too.”


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