Liam studied her, looking for signs of trauma. Was she afraid? “Did he say anything to you?”
Liam took her in—the way her turquoise suit complemented her striking blue-green eyes. Her silky blonde strands escaping her helmet. He didn’t know if he could go through this again. Seeing her put herself in danger, her life on the line, while she searched for someone. His biggest fear—would he be there in case the worst happened? He’d barely made it in time today.
Liam turned to hike, and Rae kept pace with him as they traversed the mountain. “Just a little farther and we can catch the gondola down the rest of the way.”
“Good, because my legs are shaking.”
He remained alert to their surroundings.
Who was the man who’d forced her from the slope? Was he the same man who broke into her room and took her laptop? Had he wanted to warn her? Or harm her? There were certainly easier ways to go about both those things. Then again, she was on a ski slope, so he could have meant to take an easy opportunity to hurt her when he saw it.
They continued their hike through the trees, heading toward the gondola. Evergreens separated the runs—green and blue, and a few black—that ran parallel to them as they hiked.
“Liam, look,” she said. “It’s him.”
He turned to see where she pointed. Through the trees far from the slope were Astor and a man in a black ski suit deep in conversation. The man who chased Rae? Or just another skier wearing black? He couldn’t be sure, though this guy was big too. He had a similar build to the man who’d stolen her laptop.
Was this the man Astor planned to meet? Anger boiled inside, ready to erupt. He wanted to approach them and find out what was going on. But Liam wouldn’t put Rae in more danger by leaving her while he moved in to confront the two men.
Rae tugged her cell phone out and took pictures.
“We’re getting out of here.” He gripped her arm and urged her onward.
Liam never liked to be in this position. This went beyond theft—someone had tried to harm her. He could hardly believe he was in this kind of situation with Rae again. She lifted her face and offered a tenuous smile as if she were thinking the same thing.
He shouldn’t be surprised.
They made it to the café just as the gondola arrived. He stepped in the line with Rae, who peered at the images she had taken. “I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it,” she said, leaning in to whisper, “but these pictures confirm it. He’s wearing that funky green-faced watch on his right wrist. It’s him, Liam. It’s the same guy who took my laptop.”
12:17 p.m.
Inside the resort, they returned the ski rental equipment and gathered their items from the lockers.
Liam pressed his hand into the small of Rae’s back and urged her toward the exit.
“We’re going to see the sheriff. No more phone tag. He needs to know that the laptop thief tried to harm you today, and that he’s somehow connected to Enzo Astor. It wouldn’t surprise me that Enzo was behind it.”
“What about the resort security?”
“They’ll need to know, but this is bigger than what they handle.”
“Definitely bigger.” Maybe bigger than she could have imagined. Rae tried to steady her breathing. She hadn’t stopped shaking since being forced from the groomed slope. The sound of those skis racing toward her from behind skittered across her nerves.
Rae needed to get to the bottom of this and fast. Seeing the man meet with Enzo Astor only raised more questions. The next opportunity she got, she needed to kick into reporter mode and ask Astor the hard questions. She wouldn’t bring that idea up now. With that scowl on his face, Liam was in no mood to hear it. He had other ideas about what their next step should be. She agreed that going to the sheriff was a good idea.
Rae was moving to step through the revolving doors that emptied into the parking lot when she spotted Astor. She stopped in her tracks, resisting Liam’s efforts to urge her forward. She was done playing games.
Liam’s frown deepened. “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” She turned and walked toward the man and stood in front of him. Smiled.
He made to move beyond her. “Excuse me.”
Rae walked with him. “Mr. Astor?”
“Yes.” That she’d known his name must have stopped him.
“My name’s Rae Burke. I’m a journalist. I was so sorry to hear about your brother’s death. Would you say that after five years, this brings closure for you?”
Rae knew how to do this, and she was good at it. But this time her nerves were on edge, her heart in her throat. She struggled to hide her anxiety. As for Astor, she couldn’t read his reaction, which was unusual for her. If she had to guess his true emotions, she’d say displeasure. Rather than blasting her for the intrusion, though, he acted as if it was important to maintain a good appearance.
Rae became aware of bystanders interested in their exchange.
“Miss . . . What was it again?” he asked.
“Rae Burke. You can call me Rae.”
“Rae. I’d be happy to discuss this with you.” He lowered his voice. “Without anyone looking on or listening in.”
“I’d like that too.” She ignored the shiver trailing up her spine.
Astor’s eyes flicked beyond her. “And this is—”
Rae felt the warmth emanating from the man who stood much too close. She didn’t have to look to know Liam was standing behind her. And his presence made her feel safe.
“Liam McKade.” Liam, his demeanor sincere and friendly, thrust out his hand to shake Astor’s. Liam projected the required personality. He’d joined her in this mission.
“Liam’s an old friend I’m visiting while I’m here to work on a story.”
Astor’s demeanor changed. Was it Liam? He had bumped into Astor in the restroom earlier and Astor could realize they’d been following him.
The man pushed past her. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m busy at the moment. Maybe some other time.”
He kept walking. Rae shooed Liam away to catch up to Astor and walked with him again.
“I could meet you somewhere.” She leaned closer. “Without Liam, that is. I need to talk to you.”
Astor seemed to consider her request, then tugged a card from his jacket and slipped it to her. “My private number. Call me anytime. People don’t usually want to talk to reporters, but if a story about my brother’s death can help find his killer, then I’ll do anything.”
He strode away.
Rae stared after him.
Truth echoed in his words. She watched until he disappeared through the exit, then glanced down at the card.
“Are you done?” Liam asked. She sensed his tension and anger.
“I am.” She focused on the exit. Time to see the sheriff.
“Let’s go,” he said.
She followed him out to his truck and climbed in.
“Are you crazy? I can’t believe you approached him without talking it through with me first.”
“I told you I would. I don’t need a committee and focus group to tell me when to step out.”
The furrow between his brows deepened. “What did he say to you?”
“He gave me his card with his private number and said to call anytime.”
“What’s with you and all these guys who give you their phone numbers and tell you to call?”
That drew a blank—oh, right. Greg had done the same thing. “I’m a reporter. More than that, I’m approachable. But Liam, Enzo Astor has no idea who I am. He couldn’t be behind my stolen laptop or what happened on the slopes today.”
“What makes you think that?”
“He wants to talk to me because he thinks getting the news out about his brother’s death could help him find out who killed him.”
“You’re kid
ding me.”
“No. That’s what he said. And . . . I think he was telling the truth.”
“You got that from all of three minutes with him?”
“I think he’s disturbed about Simon’s remains being identified and wants to know who’s behind his death.”
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t know who you are or that he didn’t hire the masked man.” Liam’s somber expression seemed permanent as he shrugged out of his jacket and shifted the truck into gear. “This is a dangerous game you’re playing. We now know Astor is connected to the masked man. You shouldn’t have approached him. He played dumb with you, acting like he didn’t know who you are and why you’re here. He knows something, Rae. He must somehow be involved with Zoey’s disappearance like we suspected. And in a way, that’s good news. It means we’re on the right trail.”
“Given Astor’s reaction to my question, I’m not sure about that.”
“If he’s involved in an abduction,” Liam said, his pitch increasing, “he’s practiced at hiding the truth. In fact, what better way to deflect than to agree to an interview with you? Because this is dangerous, I want you to talk to me first about who you’re approaching. You hired me to protect you, remember?”
“I warned you I would talk to him, and the opportunity presented itself. This is what real journalists do. I’m done following him around. We aren’t getting any information like this. Besides, I want to get into his home.”
He steered toward the parking lot exit. “Not alone, you don’t.”
“I could meet him somewhere else, but I need to at least follow through and get an interview.” She could get answers that police sometimes failed to find. But given the amount of time that had already passed without finding answers to Zoey’s disappearance, the feeling that any cold, hard evidence was slipping through her fingers left her desperate. Compelled her forward.
“Somehow, we need to get inside Astor’s home. I mean, just to make sure Zoey’s not there.”
Liam’s cell buzzed, and he swerved away from the exit and into a parking spot. “I need to take this call. Wait here.”
He climbed out and sent her a killer glare as he did.
Her adrenaline still surged after the encounter with Astor. Though she felt more like she was clawing her way to answers, this was what she was born to do.
She was never going to make it as a travel magazine editor.
While Rae waited in his truck, Liam stood outside to return Kelvin’s call. He’d failed to answer in time. He hadn’t wanted to answer in front of Rae, so he’d quickly parked and escaped the vehicle. She might question him about the call, but he needed to process the information before he relayed it to her, if he even needed to tell her.
He wished he could have gone after that skier who’d forced her off the slope so he could find out who he was and why he’d targeted Rae. But Liam didn’t dare leave her alone after what happened.
Now he wasn’t sure that he ever could. At least not until this ended.
He called Kelvin back and hoped he didn’t get voicemail. As he waited for the call to connect, his mind remained on the investigation. Their next stop was to see Sheriff Taggart. The Bridger County sheriff’s responsibilities had grown in the small county, considering that the ski resort had recently opened. With the increase in tourism and population stretching Sheriff Taggart’s department, Liam might see a shift in the man’s attitude and the time he could give Liam.
Jackson Hole had changed a lot since Liam had lived here as a kid. More tourists and, though Jackson and Grayback remained western towns, one couldn’t escape the sense of over-commercialization. Then again, catering to the tourists passing through and the wealthy who remained kept the region alive. He could well expect Heath to bump up his game when it came to Emerald M. Those were changes Liam didn’t much like.
But before he even attempted to track down Sheriff Taggart, he needed to speak to Kelvin. Maybe Kelvin had learned something about Enzo Astor that Liam could potentially use if necessary when talking to Taggart.
Liam leaned against his truck. He glanced at Rae sitting in the cab, staring at her cell.
Kelvin answered.
Liam jumped right in. “So, Enzo Astor. Is he someone you’re watching? What did you find out?”
“We’re working it, but I don’t have all the particulars. And when I do have them, you’re not cleared to know them. Not yet.”
“Well then, what can you tell me?” Why did you call? Liam ground his molars.
“I get that you’re concerned you might have seen him before in a not-so-above-the-board dealing. He’s a face you can’t place, and the two of you are there in the same valley. I’d be concerned, too, except this guy owns property in Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado. Has a home there in Jackson Hole. So he appears to be there for legitimate reasons, at least on the surface.”
“Tell me something I don’t already know.”
“Again, I don’t have anything else for you.”
“You mean you don’t have anything else you’re willing to share? Or that you really don’t know anything?”
“Be patient, Liam. I don’t know anything yet. You and I go way back. I wouldn’t leave you in the dark, especially after what you went through in getting the goods on Malcom Fox.”
“That’s good to know.” Liam’s undercover work had been instrumental in putting away Malcom Fox, a man who trafficked drugs and humans. He was believed to have blackmailed more than one senator, as well as other high-ranking officials who would not come forward with information. Fox’s operation was the reason Liam had run into Rae in the first place. Liam had given two years of his life working undercover, climbing his way up in the organization until he identified Fox as the man behind it all. And then—bam!—enter Rae Burke, who stole his heart and the covert intel he’d gained to go with it.
Sometimes repercussions came with taking bad guys down. Big men could exact revenge even from prison, though Malcom was only waiting for his trial in prison without bail, for which Liam was grateful. Fox was considered a flight risk. Now Liam found himself in Jackson Hole and no longer working for the DEA. So why had seeing Enzo Astor’s face left him disturbed?
Liam measured his next words. Should he tell Kelvin? “There’s another aspect you don’t know about.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
He sucked in the cold air and blew out a big white cloud. How did he begin to explain this to Kelvin? “Enzo Astor is the brother of Simon Astor, who disappeared five years ago. Before he disappeared, he’d stalked a woman named Tawny Davidson who moved to Colorado to start a new life, changing her name to Zoey Dumont. Five years ago—around the time Simon disappeared—she returned home to her college dorm room bruised, beaten, and unwilling to tell the police. Simon’s remains were recently found and identified. Zoey disappeared again recently, around the same time. This, mere days ago.”
“How do you know this?”
“Because Zoey’s former college roommate and current sister-in-law is Rae Burke.”
A few breaths escaped before Kelvin responded. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Unfortunately, I’m not.” Life could be a series of unexpected events all tangled together.
“And she’s there, in Jackson Hole.”
“Yes. Looking for Zoey.”
“Rae came to town to talk to Zoey’s mother and learned about Simon. Now she wonders if Enzo Astor took Zoey to exact revenge.” Liam might be telling his old friend and boss too much, but then again, someone besides Liam and Rae needed to know—in case the worst happened.
“What are you going to do?”
“We’re shadowing Astor. We need to find Zoey. He’s our strongest lead.”
“I’m going to have to ask you to stand down, at least until I learn if he’s someone we have an interest in. You haven’t b
een cleared for this. That is, unless you want to come in and we’ll get that process going.”
Coming in would take too long. Zoey’s life could depend on it. Most certainly Rae’s could.
“No can do.”
“McKade, stand down.”
“Are you forgetting? I don’t work for you. I don’t have to stand down.”
This was one moment when he wished he was still an agent in the field so he would have access to intel and backup and also have the power behind the badge, but it would take much too long to go back. They would put him on another case anyway. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m helping Rae, and she needs my protection. Don’t worry, I only have eyes on Astor. I’m hanging out at the same ski resort.”
Kelvin sighed. “This doesn’t feel right to me. You should be working for us. You’re a good agent.”
“I appreciate the words, Kelvin. If you learn something more about Astor, then I’d at least like to know if you already have an agent in place.”
“That depends on if I’m at liberty to tell you.”
“I love working with the government,” Liam drawled.
“I look forward to the moment you actually work for us.” Kelvin ended the call.
A resort minivan steered from the circular drop-off beneath the awning and exposed a man leaning against the building. Black clothes. Binoculars? He ducked behind a building.
Liam held back his need to get his hands on that man. He glanced at Rae. With the additional pictures she took on the slopes today, maybe they could identify him, though it was doubtful.
Funny that he’d returned to Jackson Hole to mentally recuperate, regroup, and maybe find himself again, find where he belonged. But working with Heath at the ranch for months had him floundering without a goal or a vision.
Now it seemed that his goal and vision were crystal clear. Rae Burke.
That it was about her all over again—the reason he’d come back to Jackson Hole in the first place—was hard to wrap his mind around. That’s what he got for thinking he was done with her.
Don’t Keep Silent Page 13