Don’t Keep Silent

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Don’t Keep Silent Page 18

by Don't Keep Silent (epub)

  His words sounded like a desperate attempt to convince himself.

  Together they studied his vehicle, resting on its side like an abused horse that had lain down to die. It had partially wedged against the snow, and that had prevented it from rolling all the way over.

  “Good thing you had us dress to be prepared for anything. I bet you hadn’t thought of this.”

  “No. I never imagined it.”

  He and Rae might need to start climbing instead of waiting for help. This place was majestic, but rocky ledges with breathtaking vistas and snow-covered mountains could often exact a terrible price when a traveler made a misstep. Or in this case, was shoved from the road.

  Still, they’d been fortunate.

  Rae stumbled against him. He was about to let her go and then he hesitated, getting caught up in the emotion dancing in her blue-green eyes. A heartbeat or two and then he could actually breathe, and he released her.

  She took a step away from him and glanced at his truck again. “Did this really happen?” she asked, her entire body shuddering.

  He regretted releasing her so soon and tugged her back to him. Things could have ended so much worse. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.” God, please let it be okay. Let it end.

  Liam soaked in the reassurance acquired only through human touch. And maybe even only this particular human’s touch. Because holding Rae against him, holding on for dear life, was more than simple human touch. At this moment, it was everything. “You said it already, Rae. We made it.”

  “Was it the masked man again?” she asked.

  “I don’t know who he is, but I know what he is.”

  “Dangerous. You don’t have to tell me.”

  Liam held out no hope for Zoey. Did Rae truly believe her sister-in-law was still alive? One thing was clear, someone didn’t want Rae to continue digging into Zoey’s case and had wanted to finish them both off today.

  Why would someone try to kill the two of them in this way and leave themselves so exposed? Regardless of the price their attacker was willing to pay to see them dead, the man’s attempt to kill Liam and Rae had backfired. Perhaps a witness had videoed the murder attempt. That thought gave him hope. If they had footage of the event, they could get a close-up of the person behind the steering wheel of the Hummer.

  A ruckus from above broke their connection, and Liam let go of Rae. “Looks like help has arrived.”

  “Liam!” Sheriff Taggart stood on the ledge along with a team with climbing gear.

  “Mountain climbers. My favorite,” he mumbled.

  “Someone will come down to you,” Taggart shouted. “Get you hooked up and then we’ll lift you out of there.”

  That was the easy part. “What about my truck?”

  Getting his truck off this mountainside was going to be a nightmare for someone. But that wasn’t his problem.

  “Special equipment will have to be brought in for that. I hope you have good insurance. You can make the arrangements.”

  Or maybe it was his problem. He turned his focus to Rae, and she tucked a blanket around the both of them. Their combined body heat would keep them warmer. Fulfilling Rae’s request to keep her safe and help her find Zoey was already costing them both.

  And the price was still rising.


  7:46 p.m.

  Emerald M Guest Ranch

  Rae sat in front of the huge fire, covered in a blanket, watching the flames and letting them mesmerize her. After the day she’d had, her body was bruised, her brain was fried, and she felt dazed. So she stared.

  For a few moments she could pretend all was well with the world. That Zoey was home safe and sound and nothing out of the ordinary had taken place a few days ago. That Rae’s sitting in this ranch home belonging to Liam McKade’s family was also perfectly normal.

  Evelyn approached and set a cup of hot tea on the coffee table. “Are you all right?”

  Rae pulled her gaze from the flames. “I’m going to be.” She was a writer, but she couldn’t form the right words. “I wish I could thank you enough and express my gratitude.”

  The older woman’s warm smile edged on incredulous. “I’ve done nothing anyone else wouldn’t do, hon. But if there’s nothing more I can do, I need to get ready for my date.”

  “Date?” Rae perked up. She leaned forward and grabbed the tea.

  “Well, don’t act so surprised. Besides, my son, Leroy, is going too.”

  Rae almost choked on her tea. “On your date with you?”

  Evelyn laughed. “Well, it’s a group outing, really. We’re going on a moonlit park ranger–guided snowshoeing hike. That’s a mouthful.”

  “Don’t worry. I caught it. So, you’re going snowshoeing at night?”

  “Yes. It should be beautiful.” Evelyn puffed a pillow and repositioned it on another chair. “Please let me know if I can do anything else.”

  She headed for the door leading to her attached private cabin.

  Evelyn was such a sweet lady. Liam had explained that Heath had hired her several years ago to work for him, but she and Leroy were more like family to the McKades. Meeting the woman, she totally got that. From what Rae knew of their childhood growing up, the brothers probably needed the extra encouragement a sweet-souled, grandmotherly person like Evelyn brought them.

  Rae was exhausted and should have gone to bed, but her mind wouldn’t shut down. She and Liam had given their statements and shared everything they knew about what had happened on that treacherous mountain road today. She shuddered as she remembered.

  Because of the twisted angle of the switchback and the danger, only one person had caught sufficient video of the Hummer from behind. But no image of the driver. Add to that, muddy snow had covered the bumper and concealed the license plate.

  She shook her head.

  Rae thought back to her and Liam’s conversation with Sheriff Taggart as he sat across from them—both of them still traumatized after their near-death battle in the gorge. The sheriff had directed his words at Rae. She could still feel his anger—not at her, but at the situation—washing over her as he spoke.

  “Right now, we have questions and no answers. We have theories. Astor could have a motive for kidnapping or harming a woman who might have killed his brother. But we have no evidence.” The sheriff rubbed his face. “Quite frankly, you’re too close to this to see anything clearly. I’d suggest you go home, but I won’t waste my breath.”

  “Obviously, Sheriff, someone thinks I’m on the right track. How do you explain what’s happened to me?”

  “Exactly the reason you should go home and leave this to law enforcement agencies.”

  “You told me the mayor shut you down, Sheriff,” Liam said. “You encouraged me. Knew that I was going to keep digging.”

  “I know what I said, but things keep changing by the hour, it seems.” He got up and paced behind his desk. “The state’s involvement has escalated with the incident this afternoon. The mayor wouldn’t expect me to stand down at this point.”

  “If we can figure out who the masked man is, that would help since he’s tied to Astor.” Liam tapped his fingers on the sheriff’s desk. “We can go after Astor from that angle. Even if we can’t, you can still question him about the pictures of him with the same man who forced Rae off that ski slope. Who stole her laptop.”

  “Detective Moffett is holding off on paying Astor a visit. His being seen with a man dressed in black skiwear, even with the green-faced wristwatch, is not enough. And you can’t be sure it was that same man in the Hummer.”

  “We just have to find the Hummer,” Liam said. “How many could there be in this valley? I could start searching there.”

  Liam reached for her hand and squeezed, reassuring her they would keep searching for answers.

  With an arched brow, the sheriff glanced from Rae to Liam. The look on his face made it c
lear he thought the two of them had an interest in each other that went deeper than a collaboration to find Zoey.

  A log rolled from the fire and brought Rae back to the present. Back to her tea and the warm blanket on the comfy sofa at the Emerald M.

  She shut her eyes and tried to once again capture that earlier moment when the crackling fire and warmth lulled her frazzled heart and mind away from the drama.

  Footfalls let her know she wasn’t alone, and she opened her eyes.

  Liam sat on the sofa—the other end. He joined her in staring at the fire. Neither of them spoke, but it was a good, comfortable silence. It seemed like they were forever doomed to share traumatic, life-threatening experiences together.

  Nothing more.

  From the first intake of his breath, signaling to her that he would speak, she dreaded his words.

  “The authorities know everything we know now.” He kept his voice low, his tone stern. “They’re tracking with you.”

  She shifted on the sofa to look at him. “You’re not quitting on me, are you?”

  Liam moved closer. “Never. But I think you should stop. You’re putting yourself in danger. You know how that can end. Do like the sheriff said and . . . and go home.”

  “You know I can’t. I didn’t stop searching for Dina, no matter the danger. No matter the cost. I won’t stop searching for Zoey. Someone close to me and dearly loved by my brother and Callie. And by me.” Tears fought for an escape. She refused them freedom. “This is far more than a story this time. The authorities will do their absolute best, but you know as well as I do that it’s not always enough. More often than not, their efforts aren’t enough. So, no. I won’t quit. I won’t go home. Can you blame me?”

  Standing, he dragged a hand down his haggard face. “No. But you can’t save everyone, Rae.”

  “I don’t need to save everyone. I just need to save Zoey.”

  “She was your friend first, before your brother met her. I know how you are—you hold yourself responsible for her, and for your brother meeting her, and for their child. You can’t carry the world on your shoulders.”

  Okay. So the tears escaped after all. “I don’t need to carry the world. I only need to find Zoey. I came to you because I knew you would understand. I knew you could help. So please don’t quit on me now.”

  He sat close to her. Her breath hitched at his nearness.

  With his thumb, he gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. “If I could tell you to leave and trust that you would, I’d take that path. But I’ve seen you in action. You’re willing to risk everything for someone else. I can’t let you do this alone. And I know you won’t stop. So I’m here with you every step of the way.”

  She’d dreaded bringing him into this, but Rae wouldn’t have anyone else in it with her.

  A myriad of emotions warred in his expression, poured from his eyes. What are you thinking, Liam McKade? Why am I so drawn to you? Protection emanated from him and concealed any agitation or bitterness he might have still harbored toward Rae. She’d been in his arms before, and unfortunately, she wanted to be in them again now. Her heart pounded with longing and questions—would he hold her?

  As if sensing her unspoken question, he rose from the sofa and moved toward the flames—a much safer place for him.

  “I see no reason why we can’t also look into things while the police do their own thing. Maybe if someone finds enough evidence, the feds will get involved too. The more people searching, the better.”

  Sam had mentioned contacting the FBI, but Rae had no knowledge of their interest in Zoey’s case or if they planned to get involved. “You were once a fed.”

  He rubbed the whiskers on his chin and slid his hand up around his cheek and then down to his neck. “That’s why I can’t be sure there’s not more going on here.”

  “What do you mean?” He’d mentioned contacting his former DEA boss about Enzo . . . had he learned something?

  “I don’t know. Just a feeling.”

  “A gut feeling? You once told me to listen to that.”

  “I’m listening. I’m not exactly sure what my gut is telling me.”

  Rae got up to move closer to the hearth as the fire died. The flames reflected in Liam’s eyes, and shadows danced across his somber features. Except for her father, Liam was the most intense man she’d ever known.

  Evelyn stepped into the living room, drawing their attention. She’d donned an adorable Nordic sweater. Her cheeks were rosy red to match her lips—not too much, but just right—and she wore snowmen earrings. “Well? What do you think?”

  “You look great!” Rae smiled.

  “Where are you going at this hour, young lady?” Liam asked.

  A knock came at the door. “Oh, that would be my date.”

  Liam’s surprise almost made Rae laugh.

  “Are you sure Leroy is okay with that?” he asked.

  Evelyn opened the door. “Leroy, what are you doing here?”

  “I’m going to wait here with you. We’re all riding together.”

  “I thought you were meeting us.”

  “Why meet you when we can ride together? Mom, dating at your age. Really.”

  “If you want to tag along with us, that’s fine, Leroy, but please don’t be such a fun sucker.” Evelyn laughed. She wasn’t truly miffed at her son.

  Leroy stepped into the house.

  “Watch the boots.”

  “Okay, Mom.” He kissed her on the cheek, then smiled at Rae and Liam. He must have noticed the questioning look on Liam’s face. “We’re going on a moonlit snowshoeing adventure.”

  “Is that safe?” Liam asked.

  “A park ranger guides it. You should try it sometime.”

  “Oh, there’s Tom now, pulling up to the house. Let’s go.” Evelyn gave them a small wave, then she and Leroy exited. She closed the door behind them.

  Tom was going out of his way to impress Evelyn if he drove all the way out to this ranch and up that road in the winter.

  Deep in thought, Liam peered off into space. Then he slowly turned his gaze on Rae, and she knew that look.

  He’d gotten an idea.

  Rae had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it.


  8:11 p.m.

  If he had his way, he would wait until Rae fell asleep. Then he’d take off on his own for this particular reconnaissance. If it worked, it would save them some time and possibly give them answers. But he couldn’t leave her alone since Evelyn and Leroy were gone. Pete’s cabin was too far from the main house. Liam had believed she was safe here, but after today, he should expect the unexpected.

  Maybe he should forget about his harebrained idea. But it wasn’t that crazy—just different. Rae had perked up and looked lively since Evelyn had announced her date. Plus, Liam had brewed a pot of strong coffee. He was going to need it.

  He’d been worried about her going to a mental and emotional place from which she might not return. Then he reminded himself what she’d already been through. If anything, Rae was strong. She’d be all right. Still, he was glad to see that glow of color in her face, along with the familiar spark of curiosity—every reporter’s superpower.

  “What are we doing?” Rae had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she sat at the kitchen table.

  “You’ll see.” Liam spread out a map and searched the forest roads—one in particular. “As for what’s happened to you since you arrived in Jackson Hole, I figure there are only a few possibilities. One is that someone knows you’ve come here to find Zoey, and they’re trying to stop you or sidetrack you. We’ve theorized that someone is Enzo Astor—and the masked man works for him.”

  “The other possibilities?”

  “My past. Your past. Our past. All or any of it involving trafficking. Drugs. Money laundering.”

  “I get what you’re saying, but I can’t get caught
up in anything that leads me away from finding Zoey.”

  “I hear you. All I’m saying is that every possibility should be on the table.”

  Rae frowned. “Because you’ve seen Enzo Astor somewhere, you think he could somehow be tied to both Zoey and your past dealings.”

  “Again. Everything’s on the table until we take it off.” Liam shrugged. “You were interviewing Dina for the article about women taken from prison for trafficking, then Dina suddenly disappeared. What were you working on when Zoey disappeared?”

  “I had gotten a few phone interviews. Landed the possible job with World Tour.”

  “Was that it?”

  “I mean, I was looking into possible story ideas for writing an exposé. I figured I’d write it on my own, without the backing of a newsgroup or editor. Freelance. At my last real job for a newsgroup, I was working on the prison trafficking article that ended up exposing the man behind the ring.”

  “Right. Malcom Fox. His organization was doing what every savvy drug trafficking organization is doing these days—diversifying to include human trafficking, both labor and sex. But again, linking the people behind the trafficking has always been the hard part. Let’s hope Reggie can come up with a link.”

  “Do you really think any of this has to do with what happened before?”

  “We can’t ignore the possibility.” Liam struggled to wrap his mind around the likelihood. But if there was a connection, they needed to find it—and fast.

  He had to figure this out, even if he couldn’t figure his own life out. Sheriff Taggart had told him there was a reason for everything. Before her untimely death, his mother had often said that everything happened for a reason. When she died, Liam closed himself off from the pain. He thought that if everything happened for a reason, then considering all he’d been through, he had no hope of figuring life out. So he never tried.

  But Rae—she made him want to try.

  He waited for her gaze to find him again.


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