Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Clair de Lune

  “We’re here to visit the club. Have you lived in Carlisle all these years? Have you been to the Blood Red Rose before?”

  She didn’t answer, but she blushed and lowered her eyes in delightful confusion.

  “Oh, so this is your first visit, is it?”

  Rose nodded.

  “Don’t be afraid. They’re all very nice here,” Edward said.

  “Do you know the club then?” She’d found her voice at last. She looked around.

  “I do know some of the members. If you like I can introduce you to some. Is there anything you want to try tonight or are you just looking?” This was the Rose Barton he remembered. She’d been shy and awkward around him and he knew she’d had a crush on him. He was experimenting at that time trying to find out what he liked. He’d been tempted to ask her out, but before he made up his mind his family had had to move to London.

  Rose was looking curiously at Olafur.

  “Olafur, this is Rose, an old school friend of mine.” Olafur and Rose exchanged curious glances. She was clearly attracted to him, but was on a hiding to nothing there. Olafur was gay and didn’t fuck women.

  “Rose, this is Olafur, my sub. He can’t speak tonight.”

  “Oh? Er…okay then,” Rose answered. Nevertheless she couldn’t take her eyes off Olafur. That was no surprise. He was stunning with his cool, blond looks. Strangely enough Olafur looked long and hard at Rose. That was something new. Usually he ignored females even if they came on to him, as they usually did.

  Edward had always loved mischief. He smiled as he thought of a way to put one over on Salvador, who’d given him no peace until he’d brought Olafur up here for a night.

  “So, Rose, why are you here?” he asked her, trying his best to look and sound innocent.

  “I um…er…I just wanted to see what it’s like in a BDSM club like this,” she explained.

  “Yes, right, but are you here just to watch, or do you want to take part and play, too?”

  “I don’t know what you mean by play?”

  “Well, it seems to me you’re more than keen on Olafur here. Or am I wrong? Rose’s blush deepened and spread down her ample chest to disappear under her corset. She shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

  “I’ve brought my sub up here to play tonight,” Edward said.

  Olafur made a very inelegant sound, which Edward ignored. The idea he’d had increased its appeal in direct proportion with the discomfort of the two subs. Olafur was fighting to maintain his silence and lost the battle.

  “Master, please, I beg you…”

  “I’m not expecting you to fuck her, Olafur, and you should be silent as you were told.” He turned back to Rose. “He’s never had a woman and he’s not going to start with you, Rose, I’m afraid. Olafur and I are gay, as you might have guessed. But we are here to see a friend of mine, a Dom who is bisexual and enjoys men and women. If you feel so inclined, he and I could entertain the two of you for a while. I don’t mind playing with female subs, but I won’t fuck them. Salvador won’t have a problem with that. You’re the type of woman he likes, too.” He smiled at her and knew he had won when she looked up at him in adorable confusion.

  Chapter Two

  As Edward, Olafur, and Rose stood there looking at one another a tall, slender man approached. The cloud of glossy blue-black hair, which framed the man’s face, flowed down past his waist at the back. His deeply bronzed skin glowed with health and vitality. He was wearing a leather thong, which did little to conceal the large bulge of his cock and balls. His upper body was displayed in an intricate leather harness, and he was wearing a black leather dog collar from which a large gold L hung. He was Master L’s sub then. Lucifer had always liked well-endowed subs, but this one was as striking a man as Edward had ever seen. He found it difficult to tear his eyes from him. He could feel the disapproval radiating from Olafur, too, and that added spice to the situation.

  “My name is Devil.” He addressed Edward respectfully, immediately recognising him for the Dom he was, and then he waited, eyes downcast.

  “Yes, what is it, Devil?”

  “Master sent me to tell you that Master Salvador is waiting in the BDSM room he has reserved for you all. Do you know where it is, or can I show you the way?”

  “Top of the stairs then left?”

  “That’s right, Sir.”

  “How is L?”

  Devil’s face lit up. “He’s fine, Sir. He has clients at the moment. CBT and I really don’t want to watch that!”

  “In case he gets ideas about you?”

  “Yes, Sir. He has a way with rope, as you know. I’d better go back to the subs’ area and wait. He’s researching more seme kinbaku.”

  “Predicament ties not to your taste?”

  “Not all of them, no Sir. But if Master wants it, they’ll have to be. Just don’t tell him that please.”

  “Your secret’s safe with me, Devil.”

  Olafur snorted in derision, earning a sharp word from Edward, but he said nothing and kept his gaze lowered. Devil went back into the main room. The three of them went to the locker rooms, deposited their street clothes, and met in the foyer. Edward led the way into the main room, via the double doors. He inhaled the lingering smell of leather and rose-scented polish and let out a long, sighing breath. The room was fairly full. The music wasn’t the heavy metal that one might expect. The owner, Valkyrie, was fixated on Wagner, and only his music was played in the Blood Red Rose. It was as background music, not at all loud. It was also atmospheric and suited the industrial décor of the club. Edward nodded to the Dom at the bar and walked over to chat with him, leaving Rose and Olafur looking at one another.

  * * * *

  Olafur spoke first.

  “Rose is such a beautiful name and it suits you.”

  “Thank you, Olafur. That’s an unusual name.”

  “Yes, I’m Icelandic, but I have lived in England for several years now.”

  “Your English is very good and I love your accent,” Rose said.

  Olafur was amazed at himself. Here he was chatting easily with a woman. Usually he avoided them like the plague. They came onto him and tried to “save” him from being gay or thought it was a feather in their caps if they could get a gay man to fuck them, and he wasn’t at all interested in those sorts of games. Rose was something else. She looked at him in admiration. He was used to that. His mirror and his own common sense told him his looks were striking. Rose, however, spoke to him as a person, and seemed interested in him rather than his looks.

  “Why did you come to live here? Weren’t you happy in your own country?” Rose asked in her quiet, low voice. He liked the way she spoke and contrasted it with the way she’d spat fire at that man she was arguing with in the shadows. Olafur hadn’t been close enough to see who it was, but certainly she was giving as good as she got. He admired her for that and felt sad as he thought of his own situation. He felt her eyes on him and could read sympathy in hers. Oddly he felt he wanted to tell her all his troubles. He knew she’d listen and care about him. Now how the hell could he know that? He’d only just met her. She held out her hand, and he took it. It was small and cold, so she must have been nervous too. He squeezed her hand and smiled at her, but he saw by the look in her eyes that she wasn’t deceived.

  “What’s the matter, Olafur? Can I help you? You look so sad.”

  To his utter amazement he was about to pour out all his troubles but Edward’s arrival put a stop to that. Olafur hoped that Edward hadn’t realised that Rose and he had been chatting. If he had Olafur was in for it. With a sigh of relief he saw that Edward was smiling. Not that Olafur liked the smile on Edward’s face. In his experience that smile meant that Edward was plotting something and often that didn’t augur well for his long-suffering sub. He thought that it was just as well that Edward had arrived when he did or he would have told Rose everything, and that gave him pause for thought.

  * * * *

  “Right, come along
you two, let’s get the evening off to a good start. We are late and he doesn’t like lateness.” Edward led his two subs to the circular wrought-iron staircase in the corner of the main room. He was in a good mood. He’d had a chat with an old acquaintance and in the process he’d made them late for Salvador, who would be in a bad mood by now. He was going to have some fun at the expense of the Dom and these two unsuspecting subs. He rubbed his hands together in gleeful anticipation. Olafur thinks he’s got away with chatting to Rose does he? We’ll see about that.

  As they climbed the stairs Edward noticed Rose look back, so he did, too, and was witness to an arousing scene. Lucifer, a tall, muscular man wearing leathers, but bare-chested, strode over to Devil. He snapped his fingers as he approached and the sub fell gracefully to his knees, his head bowed low and the beautiful hair cascading over his shoulders. When he looked again Devil was on his feet and plastered to Lucifer’s body. The Dom held him by the back of the neck with his other hand on Devil’s bare backside. Their erections, as he had no doubt they were as aroused as he was, were ground together as Lucifer rotated his hips. They were kissing, and Edward saw Rose blush as she watched. So that aroused her, too, did it? That’s useful information to have.

  They reached the top of the staircase and the rest of the scene was hidden as, turning left at the top, Edward walked along the corridor and opened the door to the BDSM playroom. Olafur and Rose followed him in silence. Olafur closed the door and Salvador came forward to greet them. Edward heard a shocked gasp from Rose but before he could process it, Salvador said, “What the fuck is she doing here?”

  * * * *

  Salvador was really angry. He’d had his brand new Jaguar XKR-S scratched by some dozy cow who had no idea what she’d done or what a mess she’d made. He’d had the car for all of two days, driven it is if it were made of cut glass, only to get it damaged by some stupid woman. Luckily he would be out of the main club room tonight and up here. He smiled in anticipation. It had taken him months to persuade Edward to let him fuck Olafur. He’d seen the sub on a visit to Birmingham and he’d lusted after him ever since. He was a beautiful specimen and a well-trained sub. Salvador anticipated nothing but pleasure. He’d make Olafur sing tonight. The icing on the cake was having Edward there watching. The possibilities of a threesome excited him. He’d love to see that mouth around his cock and those eyes gazing up at him. He’d be able to see every last nuance of feeling as Edward fucked Olafur from behind at the same time. For a while he lost himself in the pleasurable thoughts and his cock swelled in anticipation. Maybe a good flogging would get all of them in the mood, and he did so love a flogging. He was drooling in anticipation, he knew. His mood improved as the hour of their arrival approached.

  Unfortunately the same dozy woman had backed into him as he left the locker room and she’d really hurt the arch of his foot with the heel of her shoe. They’d had another argument but as they became more angry he noticed the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. She was curvy and really quite pretty and just his type. He’d been longing to close her pretty mouth with his. He hadn’t allowed his desire free reign. He had other fish to fry tonight and in any case he wasn’t letting her get under his skin. She was far too clumsy for him. He’d best forget her and concentrate on Edward and the treat to come. They’d be punctual, he knew that. “L” had agreed to let Devil bring them up here.

  In the event, however, they weren’t on time, in fact they were twenty minutes late. Edward was doing this on purpose so Salvador tried to remain calm and not allow Edward to get the upper hand.

  At last the door opened and they came in.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?”

  Was this a joke? Edward’s love of playing tricks was well-known to him. How has he found the one woman in the whole of the UK that I never want to see again? It’s too much of a coincidence. Edward is up to something, I know it. The very night that one of my dreams is about to be fulfilled and it’s all going pear-shaped. Madre de Dios, but that Olafur is something special. How the hell has she latched onto them? Who is she? Why have they brought her up here?

  “I hope you don’t mind my adding Rose to our evening. She and I are old friends as we went to school together. She wants to explore the lifestyle and as you know Olafur and I can’t oblige her. I didn’t think you’d mind,” Edward explained. It all made some sort of sense, but Salvador was determined not to let her get to him.

  * * * *

  Rose wished the ground would open and swallow her up. Why the hell did he have to be the one whose car she’d scratched, and then had that argument with downstairs? Just when it was looking as if she was going to have some fun at last. Not that she knew how that would work. Edward and Olafur were a couple. Anyone could see that. Gay couples didn’t normally want female additions, so what was she thinking? Why did Edward suggest I join them? I don’t trust him. He’s up to something, but I can’t for the life of me see what it is. Master Salvador is as pissed off with me as it’s possible to be, so he won’t want me either. He’s expecting only the two men and not a woman, too. I’ve got into something by mistake and the best thing to do now is to leave, and fast before I get hurt. She turned to walk to the door.

  “Just where do you think you’re going?” Salvador growled.

  “Who told you that you could leave?” Edward asked sharply.

  That was just wonderful, so now she had not one but two Doms pissed off with her and no escape.

  “I, er, I was...”

  “You will stay where you are. You won’t speak unless asked a question. Do I make myself clear?” Master Salvador asked.

  She nodded and got something right for once. She saw Olafur glance at her in sympathy. Well, she hoped it was sympathy. It was bad enough the Doms were angry. At least subs ought to stick together. She looked at him again. He was a sight for sore eyes all right. She had the worst luck. What a beautiful man, and he was gay! She wondered if she could get him to…now that would be a challenge, but no it wouldn’t work and it wouldn’t be fair. She read something more in his eyes, sympathy and understanding and some sort of longing. He looks lonely and sad, in spite of being with Edward. I do so wish we’d had more time together as I’m sure he was about to tell me about it, but then Edward came back and Olafur’s remained silent ever since. She caught her breath suddenly as a large hand took her by the scruff of the neck.

  “Last time we met, you were very disrespectful to me. Do you remember that?”

  “Yes, Sir.” It came out in a small whisper. What was he going to do to her? She sneaked a look at the room. It had all the standard BDSM equipment so far as she could see. The St Andrew’s cross was painted a bright scarlet. Was that so the blood didn’t show? She began to whimper in fear. This wasn’t going to be the enjoyable evening she’d envisaged when she came here. In this room there were no monitors, only two Doms and no escape. She tried to remember what she’d ticked on her forms and felt sure she’d said no to bloodshed. Panic hit her when she wondered how they’d know that. They were up here and the forms were downstairs, and to her certain knowledge, nobody in this room had read them. Master Salvador circled her.

  “Is that the best you can do? Stand up straight, legs apart, and link your hands behind your head.” She did as he told her, gaze still lowered.

  “Not bad looking, nice legs, great tits, and meat on your bones. Just how I like it. I’m going to redden that arse of yours and enjoy doing it.”

  Oh my God, she’d said yes to spanking. Before she’d always enjoyed being spanked, but she’d never had a punishment spanking. She’d caught a glimpse of some awful implements on the walls. Which one of those would he use? That vicious-looking whip? The gags were terrible, too. She felt sick.

  “Come here!” She walked slowly over to him as he had seated himself on a chair placed at right angles to the bed. Oh my God a bed. Had she remembered to tick the “no unprotected sex” box? Did she want sex with this man? He was very good-looking. She liked tanned men. He had a sexy
foreign accent, too. It wasn’t French, Spanish maybe. His face had been in the shadows in the car park and to a certain extent in the foyer, too, but when she’d walked into the room and seen him in the light! He was striking with his long, dark hair pulled back off his face. He looked as if he had gypsy blood in him. His eyes were the largest she’d seen on a man, and those lashes. It just wasn’t fair. That mouth was made for kissing, too. It was full-lipped and sensuous. I wonder what it would be like to part his lips and explore his mouth. What is wrong with me? Ten minutes ago I was drooling over Olafur, and now it’s Master Salvador. I must be turning into some sort of nymphomaniac, lusting after everything male on two legs. She knew Edward and Olafur were watching her as she walked over to him, dragging her feet, and then stood in front of him, her gaze lowered.

  “You have far too many clothes on. Strip now. You can put your things over that chair by the door.”

  She felt three pairs of eyes on her as she slipped out of her short skirt and struggled to open the corset with shaking hands.

  “For goodness sake, woman.” Master Salvador was there undoing the laces and helping her to take off the dark-amber velvet corset. He gave it to her to place on the chair. He led her to the other chair, and then he sat down and she stood in front of him. He tipped up her chin and she looked into his eyes. The arrested expression she saw there puzzled her. He ran his thumb over her lips and she opened her mouth. She took his thumb into her mouth, licking and sucking it, and heard his sigh of approval. He tasted spicy and she wanted more. If his thumb tastes so good what will his cock taste like? She blushed at the thought. He must have understood because he smiled and said,

  “Most certainly later, cariño. What is your name? I can’t go on calling you woman.”

  “Rose, Sir.”

  “Rose is a beautiful name, very apt for this club, too.” She thought the way he rolled his Rs made her name sound exotic and romantic, much better than plain old “Rose.”


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