Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Master Salvador's Dilemma [The Blood Red Rose Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 9

by Clair de Lune

  Haldur watched the Dom’s gaze roam over Rose’s blushing countenance. Her gaze was lowered and a small smile hovered about her lips. Then the Dom looked at him.

  “Well, now that you are here let’s all go and have a drink and get to know one another.”

  He ushered them to a couple of couches in a secluded area and sat down by Olafur with his arm around his shoulders. That left Haldur to seat himself by Rose. Something he was nothing loth to do. Master Salvador stopped a passing sub.

  “What would you like to drink, Haldur? Club rules are one alcoholic drink.”

  “If I intend to take part in a scene it’s just water usually,” Haldur replied.

  “An excellent choice. Four bottles of water then, please, Dereck.” The sub beamed and Haldur supposed it was because the Dom had remembered his name. He looked around the club and liked what he saw. The bare brick walls and the red leather curtains and upholstery were striking. The music was very subdued for a BDSM club. It was Wagner, if he wasn’t mistaken, and an odd choice, but he had to admit that it did fit the setting. It was possible to hold a private conversation without shouting, too, which was an advantage in the present situation. Dereck arrived with the bottles of water beaded with moisture. He’d brought four glasses with ice and a slice of lemon in each. The water was Volvic, and a real favourite of Haldur’s. He liked it ice-cold, too. Rose was opening her bottle, her little pink tongue caught between her teeth. Haldur’s cock twitched at the sight as she struggled to twist off the cap.

  “Allow me, Rose,” he said, and was delighted to see her blush as, shyly, she handed him the bottle. He opened it and poured some of the water over the ice and lemon then handed her the glass. Their fingers touched, and Rose’s startled gaze told him that she had felt the electric charge of the contact, too. He watched as she drank thirstily, and he was aware of other eyes on them. Turning to the other sofa, he met his brother’s eyes and those of the Dom. There was understanding and sympathy in Olaf’s eyes. The Dom’s gaze was just as understanding, but there was something else, a calculating look that was quickly suppressed, so quickly that Haldur wondered if he’d mistaken it. The Dom’s expression could only be described as smug. In fact, he looked like the cat that had got the cream. Now what’s that about?

  * * * *

  Salvador was amazed that Olafur had an identical twin. He was hard-pressed to tell them apart, in fact. When Salvador saw the effect that Rose had on Haldur, and he on her, an idea began to form. This is a turn up for the books. An imp of mischief whispered in his ear that this could be just the solution he needed, so he decided to pursue the matter. He made sure that he sat by Olafur and cuddled him close into his embrace. Placing a warning finger over his man’s lips, he indicated the sofa opposite, and settled down to watch events out of the corner of his eye, as he kissed and cuddled his sub. When Rose’s little pink tongue slipped out of her mouth in the endearing way she had when trying to do something she couldn’t quite manage, he watched Haldur and was satisfied that the Icelander was as struck by her as he’d thought. Salvador knew that Olafur could have no qualms on his brother’s account about pursuing Rose. He himself had given the man tacit encouragement, even permission, by making sure she had to sit by Haldur. Now he had to sit back and wait to see if the attraction would amount to anything. He loved Rose, but he could see she was attracted by Haldur and trying to fight it. She loved her Master and would be confused at this moment as he’d plainly encouraged Olaf’s brother to pursue her. He had to make sure she understood why, and she didn’t think it was because he was tired of her. Salvador’s job upset her and made her jealous, so what would happen if Haldur were added to the mix? Were they all compatible? Would his presence ease the situation or make it worse? So many unknowns.

  He began to think. Being a switch and bisexual, Haldur would top Rose. Salvador would be Master of all and have Olafur for himself alone. His eyes lit up as he began to plan their ménage. It will take some thought and planning, but it will work. Rose and Haldur talked animatedly. His Olafur cuddled close, instinctively keeping silent. He could always sense when Salvador needed to think. He leaned in and kissed his sub deeply and passionately. Olafur’s mouth opened to receive him, and their tongues tangled as Salvador’s hand caressed Olaf’s burgeoning cock. He was going to have to do something about that and soon. He didn’t want poor Olafur frustrated. He growled low in his throat as Olafur held his tongue between his teeth and flicked the tip with his own. He well knew how that drove his Dom wild with desire. Notwithstanding the passionate kiss, Salvador’s brain was busy processing their loving. He didn’t want anyone sitting on the side-lines. He wanted them all involved. Before Olafur had fucked him it had been years since he had allowed anyone the privilege. Now he thought about his man’s delicious cock and the pleasure it had bestowed on him and his own dick swelled to uncomfortable proportions, confined as it was in his leathers. It seemed that his own body had answered his question. Now all that remained was to get Rose and Haldur to want to join in. Breaking off the kiss with great reluctance, he looked across at them, chatting animatedly. He was so sure it would work. Rose blushed and looked down then Haldur took her chin in his hand and told her to look at him. Salvador saw the bewilderment in her eyes and knew he had to talk to her soon before her busy brain got to work, and she began to worry that she was betraying her Dom. He’d best get to that tonight.

  He stood up and pulled Olafur to his feet.

  “Where are you staying, Haldur?”

  “Hallam Hall.”

  “Well, we can all go there, or you can come home with us to our flat. Which do you prefer?” Salvador asked.

  “My room is on the small side, so we’d be crowded there. I’d very much like to go home with you.”

  “How did you get here tonight?”

  “I came by taxi,” Haldur said.

  “Splendid.” Salvador beamed. “All of you go and get into your street clothes and meet me in the foyer.” Dutifully, they all left to go to the locker rooms, and Salvador left to tell Valkyrie that he was leaving. Soon he entered the foyer to find the twins waiting but no Rose. That was odd, because she was usually so punctual. They had to wait a further ten minutes for her to arrive. She was a vision of loveliness and had obviously taken a lot of time and care over her appearance. Her hair was combed and she had applied makeup. Her emerald-green dress with the swirling skirts and low-cut neckline fitted her to perfection. She looked stunning, and what’s more she knew it, the little minx. Salvador heard Haldur take in a breath then release it in an appreciative wolf whistle. Rose blushed deeply. He adored her confusion. She wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, and he exchanged significant glances with the other two men as he escorted them to his car.

  * * * *

  Rose was confused. When Haldur was introduced to her and he ordered her to meet his gaze she felt a jolt deep down in her belly. Cream filled her pussy and she felt herself blush hotly. His old-fashioned, mannerly gesture of kissing the pulse point at her wrist made her feel like swooning. Like a heroine in a Regency romance. Why does he affect me that way? What am I doing? I can’t be attracted to this man. Master Salvador is my Dom and I love him and he loves me and we are a family, a triad. Here I am having lascivious thoughts of being fucked by another man. No, no, no. This is so wrong.

  She was astounded when her Master seemed to like Haldur, and even more surprised when he arranged it so that she had to sit by Olaf’s twin. As she sat and chatted politely and increasingly animatedly to Haldur, she knew that even though he was kissing Olaf, Master Salvador missed nothing of their conversation. Why doesn’t he say something? Is he tired of me and does he want this man to take me on? He knows I love Olaf but not in a physical way. Maybe he thinks that as Haldur is Olaf’s twin I can fuck him. The jolt in her womb made her realise that that was exactly what she wanted to do. I can’t fuck him. I don’t want to lose Master Salvador, so what am I going to do? As she chatted with Haldur they became closer. They shared interests in books
and music. Then the final bombshell fell. Master was inviting Haldur to come home with them. What is he about? She looked at him but his expression betrayed nothing. She went to the ladies’ locker room to get changed as her Master had requested, and a busy little imp of mischief whispered in her ear. She smiled to herself. I’ll show Master what he’s in danger of losing. She did her hair and applied fresh make-up. The emerald silk dress with the low-cut, cross-over bodice that she kept in her locker for emergencies clung to her curves, and the colour suited her. That will be just the job. I’m not going to hurry either. They can wait and I will make my grand entrance. Let’s see how you like that, Master. She giggled as she got ready. If I get spanked for it I shall enjoy that, too.

  She opened the door and stepped out. The whole effect was all she could have wished for. Even Olafur stopped talking and gazed at her, then Haldur whistled and Master Salvador looked enigmatic. Well I can’t tell what that look means. I’m going to have to broach the subject with him if he doesn’t speak to me soon.

  Her Dom settled her in the front seat of his car, and the two brothers sat in the back chattering away in nineteen to the dozen in Icelandic. It’s now or never. If I don’t speak now it will soon be too late.

  “Master, why do you want this man to come home with us? Is a triad not enough?”

  “Rose, my pet, he’s Olafur’s twin. I know how you feel about Olaf, and by the look on your face, Haldur made the same impression. There’s nothing in the way of your fucking him.”

  “Master, I love you.”

  “I know you do, pet, and I love you. You can love more than one person in different ways.”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me, Master?” Rose asked in a small voice.

  Master Salvador left the main stream of traffic and parked by the side of the road. Olaf and Haldur fell silent and looked at him.

  “Rose, if ever you say that again I will spank you so hard you will not sit comfortably for a week. I love you, I want you, and I will never send you away. Is that clear for once and for all?” It was clear that he was very angry. Rose hung her head.

  “Yes, Master. So sorry, Master.”

  “You see, my Rose, that attitude of yours is all we need to alter. I am bisexual and a working Dom. You have accepted all that in theory. You are still not confident in your own looks, your personality, and your ability to attract and to keep a man who loves you. That has to change, little love, or it will destroy what we have.”

  “Very well, Master. I understand. I am trying to do what you wish, but the truth is I don’t really know what you do want, or how I fit in.”

  “Foolish Rose, let’s go home and get it all cleared up.” Master Salvador bent over and kissed her tenderly on the lips. His hand strayed to her breasts and she responded with her usual ardour, arching her back and pressing her breast into his hand.

  * * * *

  When they reached the block of flats fifteen minutes later, Salvador parked the car and they all went up in the lift. Once inside the flat he seated them comfortably in the lounge area and went to fetch his bottle of eighteen-year-old single-malt Cardhu whisky. He poured each a generous measure then they sat and sniffed and slowly sipped the amber liquid in appreciation. A smooth drink, it slipped down the throat easily with no after-burn, but upon hitting the stomach the warm glow was comforting.

  “This is a delicate matter, Haldur. I haven’t discussed it with Olafur or Rose yet, but given that she is getting upset we need to talk about it now.” Salvador could see that Olaf was looking bemused but Haldur seemed to have inkling about what was on Salvador’s mind, although he said nothing, so Salvador continued, “At the moment our family is a triad. It’s not the conventional one because Olaf and Rose never make love although they are close. I would like to add Haldur to our family. I have been thinking along these lines for a while but said nothing, as no-one ever seemed to interest Rose at all, and I would not force her to accept someone she didn’t like. Tonight for the first time I saw she was interested in another man. I would like to try this out and see where it goes, with no permanent commitment on either side. We proceed slowly. How do you feel, Olafur?”

  “I would be more than happy to have Hari living with us, but I am not fucking my brother,” Olafur said with a laugh in his voice.

  “You won’t get the chance. I draw the line at that, too, and please call me Hari if we are to be so close. It’s what my brother has always called me,” Haldur said in the same jocular vein. Salvador appreciated their attempts to keep the conversation light.

  “No, that’s not what I want at all.” Salvador smiled broadly. “Hari will fuck Rose, I will fuck him and you, and my Olaf will fuck me. We shall all be involved in the loving and no-one will sit on the side-lines and watch.”

  There was a stunned silence as they all digested this. Then Haldur turned to Rose, took both her hands in his, and raised them to his lips.

  “Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to fuck you, little Rose,” he said, smiling at her.

  Rose blushed and looked down at their joined hands. “It’s all so sudden, Master.”

  “I know it is, and I wouldn’t have broached the subject for a while yet had I not thought that you needed to know what my real intentions were, my Rose. We won’t be doing anything until all of us are comfortable with the arrangement. I had intended to get to know Hari and let it develop naturally, and I am still of the opinion that’s the right way forward.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Haldur said.

  “You haven’t said anything at all, Olaf, love,” Salvador said.

  “I would love to have Hari live with us. Rose is very dear to me. I love her and I won’t agree to anything with which she isn’t totally happy. I can see she and Hari are attracted to each other, and I think it’s a good idea for her to get to know him and then see how it develops. I know Hari and I could see he was smitten from the first moment he set eyes on her. I have never seen him react to a woman like that before,” Olaf replied.

  “Well, love, that’s good, but what interests me is the one thing you haven’t said.”

  “Master, I would be honoured to do that whenever you want it.”

  “I do want it, my dear. Before I met you it wasn’t something I enjoyed or allowed very often, but with you it was different.” Salvador smiled at his man and was relieved to see an answering smile in the striking blue eyes. “Very well, then. Hari and Rose must get better acquainted, and then we will discuss it again. Now it’s time for bed. I’ll drive you to your hotel, Hari.”

  * * * *

  When they were left alone, Olafur sat Rose on his lap and cuddled her close.

  “Tell me what you think about all this, Rosie.”

  “I am very attracted to Hari. He is just like you. The thing is I don’t want to fuck him as a substitute for you, love,” Rose said.

  “I understand that. What about Master?”

  “I think he likes Hari, too, but the same caveat applies. He can’t know Hari at all. He’s only just met him. Is he only attracted because Hari is your identical twin?”

  Olafur cuddled her closer and comforted her. He loved her, and hated to see her unhappy.

  “What else, Rosie? There is something more that you aren’t telling me,” Olaf said. He was rewarded with a watery chuckle.

  “You know me too well, Olaf, love.”

  “I love you, Rosie. I take the time to know you.”

  “Okay. Well it’s Master. Why does he want to fuck someone else? He says it’s not because he wants to get rid of me.”

  “I believe that. He’d never let you go, love. You do suffer when he’s in the club, but you have to accept that that’s his job. The gay community likes and trusts him. Sometimes he fucks a sub in a scene.” Olaf felt Rose stiffen. “That means nothing. It’s not like it is when he’s with us. You should come to the club and see for yourself.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “You need to do it, for your own peace of min
d, Rosie.”

  “I’ll try but I can’t promise to like it, Olaf.”

  “Just watch his face when he looks at the subs in the scene he’s doing, and then watch the difference when his gaze rests on you. Concentrate on that, and not what he’s doing.”

  “Very well, I will go tomorrow. It’s one of his busy evenings, and I usually stay here.”

  “Yes you do, alone and brooding and imagining all sorts of things, then you get upset and he has to deal with that when he gets home, tired out,” Olafur said gently in order to take the sting out of his words.

  Olafur didn’t want to upset her or criticise her, but he felt she needed to see how her attitude was affecting their Master. He was sure that she hadn’t really thought of it that way before, and it would help to get her focus off her own worries.

  “You must come and face your fears head on, love.”

  “I will try. I don’t want to upset Master, and hadn’t thought about it like that before. What about Hari?” Rose asked.

  “We can go no further with Hari until this is sorted out, love.”

  The door opened and Master Salvador came in. Olafur watched as Rose ran and nestled into his arms. She held out an arm and Olafur hurried to join them and for a few minutes they stood lost to the world in a fond embrace.

  “Hari and I have had a chat. He is a very different personality from you, my Olaf. He chats away freely about anything and everything,” Salvador said and chuckled.

  “Yes, Master. He’s always been the extrovert. For some people it’s the only way to tell us apart.”

  “Yes, physically one would be hard-pressed to tell you apart. It must have made for an interesting childhood.”

  “Not really. Hari played tricks and often I got the blame. He always talked me round. He has the gift of the gab.”

  “It seems to me that we all have it tonight. I am so very tired and I need my bed. Come along off with you to the bathroom and make it quick.”


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