Reluctant Surrender

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Reluctant Surrender Page 17

by Riley Murphy

  “There’s no one else here, Miss Reneaux. Let me see your panties.” He continued to stare at her lap. “Just a few more inches. That’s right. Another inch. Good. Spread your legs, Miss Reneaux. More. More. Wider.” And when she complied, he sighed, “Beautiful.”

  She felt flushed from the roots of her hair to her ankles. Her breathing went short and raspy and she had to clasp her hands together to stop them from shaking. He must have noticed.

  “I want you to move your hands behind you. Grasp the edge of your seat and arch your back. Perfect. Hold that position for me. Don’t move.”

  He leaned forward and placed his hand on her knee. Giving it a gentle squeeze he warned, “What did I tell you? No moving.”

  Closing her eyes, she whispered, “Okay.”

  He slid his hand halfway up her thigh, then hesitated as he directed, “Say ‘yes sir’.”

  Her heart instantly dropped to her stomach.

  “Miss Reneaux?”

  She was being silly. This wasn’t actually her using the title. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that this was her pretend student to his professor saying it. She swallowed her discomfort and whispered, “Yes sir.”

  “Good, very good. Your skin is like silk. Like blazing satin. I can feel the burn right here.” He dragged his bent knuckles down the strip of cotton panty between her legs. Applying the slightest pressure, he pressed in and then eased, making her crazy until she moaned and flexed forward.

  Instantly his hand was gone and the rush of building pleasure ceased. She opened her eyes, prepared to ask him what was wrong, but stopped when he shifted. Leaning back, he took hold of both her knees and held them open. Steady. And even though she’d spread them herself just a few moments ago, this kind of captured position seemed intimate. Bold. As if the choice was no longer her own.

  “From now on, Miss Reneaux, no panties and when I tell you to lift your skirt you won’t hesitate.” Slowly he closed her legs. “You may let go of the seatback now.”

  She did and her hands started shaking once more.

  “What do you say, Miss Reneaux?”

  “Y-yes sir.”

  Drawing the hem of her skirt down, he said, “There, now you can thank me.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Sir.” His commanding voice combined with the methodical way he moved was making it hard for her to breathe.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “That will be all for today.” He stood, took his glasses off and gave her enough room to get up. When she did, he stepped in front of her and warned, “Tomorrow I expect you to be on time.”

  “Yes sir.”

  She made her way toward the door on wobbly legs. She was glad to be out of there until a scant few minutes later, barely enough time for her to have collected herself, he showed up right behind her.

  He wasn’t gentle either as he grabbed her around the shoulders and yanked her into him, squeezing as he growled, “Colin R. You think you’re getting out of this that easily? They might have believed you but we don’t. We want the truth. We want it now.”

  He pulled her along with him to the next room. Once inside when her eyes became accustomed to the dimly lit interior, she realized she wouldn’t be given the usual count with deep breaths to get started. This new game had already begun and by the look of her surroundings she wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Colin was a natural. She was quick and responsive, which was making these little tapas lessons mini trials of stiff-cock endurance for him. Knowing she’d do anything he told her to at the moment got him off big-time. Building on this he decided to move forward and reinforce that tenuous trust. He had planned on leaving this next scene for tomorrow, but he’d get better results initiating it today.

  He pushed her into the interrogation room and without letting go of her he slammed the door behind them, making a point to snap the lock into place so she’d hear it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something that should have been done months ago.” Pinning her against the wall, so the front of her met brick, he shifted a good deal of his weight her way. “We have a right to the truth and one way or another, before you leave this room you’re going to give it to us.”

  “Who is we? What truth?”

  She tried to push him off, but he didn’t let her. He didn’t even allow her to twist her head enough to see more than the concrete in front of her.

  “You know damn well who we are. Hank and Scott are behind the two-way mirror. You know the drill,” he said, then dipped his head, getting close to her ear to whisper, “I’m going to do you a solid, Colin. Between me and you, for old times’ sake. All you have to do when I let you go is tell us you lied. You lied about Denver and you betrayed my partner after sleeping with him. Admit to your betrayal and we’ll let you go. It’s that simple.”


  “Careful, Colin. Hank and Scott don’t know I’m offering you this out,” he breathed. “Whether you’re guilty or not, I know Allen would have wanted me to do this for you.”

  “I didn’t lie and I certainly didn’t betray anyone.”

  She sounded really mad. Good, he’d touched a nerve. This pleased him. It also told him his plan was working better than he’d anticipated.

  “You’re innocent?” He eased some weight off her.

  “Of course I’m innocent. I don’t lie, nor have I betrayed anyone. Ever.”

  “Swallow your principles today, Colin. Put them aside and we can have done with this without you having to sacrifice.”

  She sounded as if she were speaking through her teeth when she replied, “Sacrifice? What do you think I’d be doing if I put aside my principles?”

  “Getting out of here with your pride intact.”

  She sucked in a breath and the startled sound of it tempted him to rub his chin across the top of her head to reassure her, but he couldn’t do that so he cleared his throat. “Colin?”


  “The only other way you get to go free is to prove to us you’re innocent.”

  “And how would I do that? Lie detector? Magic 8 Ball? What? Tell me and I’ll do it.”

  She was awfully feisty for a woman who was pinned and helpless. “The snitch had a birthmark. It was cherry colored and shaped like a horseshoe.”

  “Snitching? Is that what you’re accusing me of?”

  She began to struggle, getting all huffy. He found himself enjoying her outrage until she bucked back and her ass slammed hard into his groin. He didn’t enjoy that. “Stop it.” He sank against her so she had to comply. “You would do well to make nice with me. Unless you want me to invite the boys in here so I can share.”

  That got her attention. She went completely still.

  “That’s better, baby girl. Now, tell me, do you have one?”

  “A horseshoe-shaped mark? Where is it supposed to—”

  “We don’t know. Somewhere on your body.”

  “I can assure you I don’t have one.”

  Brushing his chin down the side of her cheek, he spoke low but firm. “And I can assure you, your denial is not good enough for us. We need to see the proof…or not.”


  He let out a breath in her ear. “I think you know.”

  She shivered, but he had to give her credit. Her voice was steady when she asked, “You want me to strip?”

  “Strip?” He squeezed in, crowding her better than before. “It will be a little more intense than that. There’s still time, Colin. Just say the words. Screw principles and truth. Screw loyalty.”


  He admired her conviction, but how long would this stand up against the next few minutes? “All right. I’m going step back and bring you to the mirror. You’ll have one last chance. You can either admit to your reflection, where Hank and Scott are watching, that you slept with, lied and then betrayed our buddy, or you can be stripped and examined very intimately. It’s your choice.” />
  Before he moved he whispered, “Choose wisely.”

  Colin didn’t know what to think. Her stomach was doing somersaults until it lurched to a halt the second she turned and spied the smoked-glass mirror. Was there someone beyond the glass? One of his real friends? Ted or David, maybe both?

  As promised he brought her to a place in front of it and said, “Good. Stop right here.”

  She stared at her reflection and even though the stupid words were just that, stupid words, she couldn’t say them.

  “Have you decided, Colin? What’s it to be? No, don’t look at me. I want you to look into your own eyes when you say it.”

  “I can’t—I won’t lie.” It was odd how hearing her voice, watching her lips move and seeing herself straighten up affected her. Strangely, those things gave her courage. Resolve. “I would never betray a friend.”

  “Hmm…” He walked around her full circle, as if assessing her and she automatically dropped her gaze to the floor. “Who said he was your friend?”

  “What?” When those words penetrated she shot a look up. He was staring. At her. Through her.

  “You made your choice, Colin. Not the wis—” He held a finger up and touched the earpiece he was wearing that she hadn’t noticed until now. Turning away from her, he spoke. “Yes. No. Where?” She watched as he walked to a filing cabinet to the right of them and rummaged through the top drawer. “Got it.”

  In one neat move he spun around and homed in on her, but it wasn’t until he was back beside her that she saw the slender flashlight in his hand. “What are you going to do with that?”

  He held it up. “Additional help. Take off your blouse.”

  First she eyed him, then the flashlight and finally the mirror, trying to see through the opaque glass.

  He must have guessed her intent because he assured, “They’re there, Colin. Waiting. Watching for you to make one wrong move. Be a good girl.” He pushed the hair off her shoulder, his fingers trailing a tingly path down her back. “Do as I tell you. Take off the blouse for us.”

  His words were mesmerizing. Hypnotic. Commanding.

  “Colin. You made your choice. We’re waiting. Are you having second thoughts?”

  Taking a steadying breath, she shook her head. “No.” There wasn’t much to it. Four buttons, a shrug and she was naked to the waist as he’d already commandeered her bra. Folding her arms over her chest, she twisted right and then left. “See? No mark.”

  “Stand still and keep quiet.” He turned his back to the mirror and looked down at her. “Eyes straight ahead. That’s right. Now, the guys can’t hear us because I had the intercom cut. The only way they can communicate with me is through the earpiece. They don’t want to make this easy on you, Colin. Blink if you understand what I’m saying. Good. Now hold your arms straight out at your sides.”

  When she hesitated to do as he said, he whispered, “Trust me.” And with those words she lost it.

  Her knees buckled and she swayed. That intense climatic squeeze instantly gripped her midsection and she felt hot desire gush between her legs.

  He grabbed hold of her just before she crumbled and spoke as if he hadn’t noticed her rampant lust. “You’ll have to if you want to get through the next few minutes with some dignity.”

  She marshaled her strength and looked up at him. When her frantic gaze met his calmer one, she relaxed. After taking three deep breaths she said, “I trust you.” She saw herself as she must have looked yesterday. Sprawled on his couch, crying out that phrase over and over again as her body surrendered to him. “But only you.”

  He nodded and helped her bring her arms up in a T. “Yes, that’s the right way to do it.” His hands moved as if he were going to take hold of her breasts, but paused as he swore under his breath. Touching his earpiece he growled, “What? I’ll get to it.”

  She knew this was about her. Damn, he was frowning. Whatever they’d said to him couldn’t be good. She closed her eyes, hoping he’d hurry up and do his inspection. Her breasts were tight and her nipples tighter.

  “Open your eyes, Colin. Look at me. Focus on me and we’ll get through this together, okay?”

  “Yes.” Just then he came forward and put his arms around her waist. “W-what are you doing?” His hands were working the clasp of her skirt.

  “They want this off.”

  She felt her skirt sag forward as he unhooked the clasp and took down the zipper. “I trust you,” she whispered. Unsure at the moment whether she said it for his benefit or her own.

  “Stay with me. Forget they’re even there.”

  She nodded and sucked in a breath as he pushed off her skirt past her hips. The material bunched and then slid with a whoosh down her legs, pooling around her Manolo pumps.

  “Here.” He helped her step out of the circle of fabric and when she went to take off her shoes he shook his head. “No, the heels stay on.”

  Her heart thumped as nervous energy raced through her. If not for his calm and measured movements she probably would have run for the door, even in her heels, but he kept her grounded. Invested. Attuned to him.

  “I’m going to start at your neck. I’ll need to move your hair out of the way and when I do, tilt your chin up for me. I’m going to shine the light over your skin. Every inch of it so we can be sure you don’t have that mark. Okay?”


  The flashlight came on with a click and she jerked.

  “Easy now.” He spoke quiet and steady. “No one’s going to hurt you. Not them and not me. Let’s prove to them you’re telling the truth. Chin up, sweetheart.”

  He was so composed when all she wanted to do was fall apart. “Like this?”

  “Exactly right.”

  He stepped aside, making a point of positioning himself so they’d be able to see what he was doing. There was too much space. A foot span of distance. “D-don’t leave me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  The light roamed over her neck, collarbone, one shoulder, the other shoulder and back again. “Nice. You’re doing really well. Let’s get your arms done and then you can bring them down.”

  He bent his head and followed the path of the beam along her left arm. From shoulder to fingertip and back again as she experienced the cool wave of tiny hairs rising over her skin. She stood at attention when he murmured, “You’re doing beautifully. Now the other one.” As he walked behind her, she was hit with a breeze that brought home her near-nakedness. The taunting reminder caused her to shiver.

  “Let’s see…” He examined that limb the same way as the other and when he was done he gave her a tap. “Put your arms down. Now, clasp your hands behind your back so I can finish looking over the front of you.”

  Again he walked around her, making sure to position himself so that the two men in the booth had a clear view of her. She kept her eyes on him, even though she felt as though she were posing. With her hands behind her, her shoulders back and her chest predominantly displayed, she was thrust forward.

  “You have a beautiful body, Colin. These?” He nudged her right breast up and shone the light underneath. “These are the nicest tits I’ve seen in a good, long while. Firm,” he gave her flesh a squeeze and let go, “round with tiny, pert nipples a man could bite on. Nice.” He paused to look into her eyes. “Really nice.”

  Before she caught her breath, he moved on to the other one and despite the fact that he was lifting it and passing the light from the flashlight underneath it in the most impersonal way imaginable, her pulse hummed. Her skin heated and her body was melting under his touch, into his hands.


  “So far so good, Colin. I’m proud of you. Let me finish.”

  The light swept across her stomach, lower to her belly and landed at the apex of her thighs with a telling hover.

  “Damn. What?” He touched his earpiece and said, “No. Absolutely not. I know, but…that much I’ll do, but not the rest. No, fuck that. You stay where you are, I’m doing

  She tried not to react, but it was hard. Her fight-or-flight instinct was kicking in. Obviously they wanted him to do something more than he was prepared to do to her. He’d said no, though, and looking into his eyes she gained back a large measure of previously deserted composure. His look said that he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. She read this truth in his expression and that alone eased her nerves and caused her to trust him all the more.

  “I need to pull your panties down. Just a little. To make sure that the mark isn’t hidden beneath.”

  She took a deep breath.

  “Do you trust me enough, Colin? Can I take hold of the sides of your panties and bring them down so I can look at you?”

  She closed her eyes and swallowed. “Yes.”

  “Hey, no hiding, baby girl. Not from me.” He tapped her on the nose and for some reason she was instantly swamped with an internal blanket of comfort. Until she heard the husky tone in his voice, as he said, “I want your eyes open and watching me while I look at you. Focus on me.”

  When she did as he told her, her surroundings blurred. The mirror with the men behind it was forgotten. All she saw was him, slowly inching her panties down. One gentle tug at a time. With each pull her stomach fluttered, making her inner muscles contract and squeeze while she worked to control her breathing. Her air intake had automatically increased, which got her blood rushing and her pulse beating. She was lightheaded and wobbly, totally enthralled by him and what he was doing until he positioned her panties halfway between her hips and knees. Leaving the most private part of her fully exposed for his view.


  He didn’t hesitate as he used the flashlight in the same manner as he’d been doing. The fact that he didn’t call special attention to that part of her allowed her to endure the intimate perusal without collapsing.

  “There, that wasn’t so bad.” After he adjusted the flashlight, he pulled up her panties and said, “Now turn around so we can have a look at the back of you.”

  Her blush was scalding her, but she did as ordered because his expression said, Trust me, I’ll be quick. When she’d turned he told her to lift her hair off her neck and she had. She didn’t know how long she’d stood there with her fingers linked at the back of her head, corralling her hair, yet it seemed as if three full minutes had passed. Then instead of telling her she could put her arms down, he’d taken hold and pulled them apart, putting them into a rested position.


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