Reluctant Surrender

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Reluctant Surrender Page 22

by Riley Murphy

  “You want me to stop?”

  She nodded and bit her lip.

  “Why? I’m not hurting anything, little girl, except for your pride.”

  He increased the pressure on her aching flesh. Steady and firm. Sliding and gliding until she did the unthinkable. She flexed against his fingers. Seeking. Begging. Just as he’d promised she would.

  “That’s right. Now, tell me,” he repeated. Only this time he whispered that order against her neck, licking the delicate flesh on her earlobe. Kissing the soft and sensitive skin just below it before he demanded, “Tell me you want this. Say it.”


  He went after her with a vengeance. Stroking and teasing her as if he were going to slip his fingers inside her. “Say it.”

  “I-I want this. I do,” she admitted in a half sigh, half cry as the last of her resolve crumbled and she let go of her pride.


  She expected him to take advantage of her. To do what she’d just said she’d wanted. So when he stepped back and pulled up her pants she was stunned. It took a moment, but finally she asked, “W-what are you doing?”

  He gently brought her arms down to her sides and took hold of her by the waist, turning her around to face him. Without a word he did up her jeans and gave her t-shirt a tug for good measure.


  “You’re free to go.”

  She blinked. “Go? Where?”

  He pointed to the door. “Home, princess. I made my point. You’re no better than the rest of us.”

  It was then that it came back to her that this wasn’t real. This was another BDSM tapas lesson. She’d been sucked in again. Taking a deep breath, she held it for a second and let it out slowly. Without a word she scooted around him and walked on shaky legs to the door. Her only conscious thought? Real or not, the ache between her legs was a terrible bitch to deal with.

  Ethan stood where he was until she was gone and the door was tightly closed. Once alone, he swung around and slapped both hands on the wall, slamming his eyes closed. Fuck. The feel of her naked ass nestled against him, the scent of her combined with her eventual acquiesce had almost pushed him over the edge. His head dropped between his shoulders and he stared at the floor. He’d nearly done it. He’d been so close to losing control it was a fucking miracle he didn’t and it was all because…

  Colin Reneaux was perfect for him in every way imaginable. He’d suspected as much last night when he’d reacted to her so strongly. When he couldn’t even think about another Dom getting his hands on her, but today? Just now when she’d given in? Let go of her pride and spread her treasure for him?

  He groaned.

  It was more than that. Much more. She’d trusted him absolutely and the moment she had, he’d felt it. It was a tangible thing. A joining or connection of soul that went beyond anything he’d ever shared with anyone else. And he knew why. She was a natural submissive. A strong and intelligent woman who made the experience all the richer because she could handle it. She had enough control over her intellect to seek out her needs without shame or pride getting in the way. Damn, nothing was sexier than that.

  He gave himself a few moments to get his shit together. To calm his revved-up nerves and let the blood drain out of his dick. He couldn’t ever remember a time he wanted a woman as much as he wanted her. Only two more tapas lessons to go and then she was all his. That gave him comfort.

  He found her in the hall, pacing. “Are you all right?”

  She stopped and turned on him. “No. Is this some kind of twisted game you like to play with the BDSM-challenged or what?”

  He wanted to smile because he figured he knew exactly what she was feeling but he wanted to be sure.

  “Come here.” He opened his arms and half expected her to refuse his invitation, but she didn’t. Instead she dove into his embrace and hugged him tight. When she settled, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

  “You’re not going to make me say it. Please don’t make me say it,” she grumbled against his chest.

  And he knew. “You’re horny.”

  She buried her face between his torso and arm. “Bad.”

  “Colin? You do know that if we weren’t doing tapas, I would have moved forward in that scene. I would have taken whatever I wanted from you despite your protests. The only thing that would have stopped me was if I heard you say your safe word.”

  “I know.”

  “Good. This is really good. Let’s move on. This is the best one.”

  And, just like he knew it would, that got her attention. “Really?”

  He nodded and peeled her off him. “Yes.” Leading her to the second to last door down the hall, he explained, “This one we’re doing together.”

  “It’s the dungeon, right?”

  “Um-hmm.” He turned and plucked up one of her curls, rubbing it between his fingers. “I don’t want you to be scared. There might be things in here that look daunting to you now, but that’s only because they’re unfamiliar.” He dropped the strands. “Colin?”


  “I want you to be comfortable. Ask any questions you want about anything you see or don’t see.”

  Her blue eyes went wide and curious as she wondered. “Don’t see?”

  “I know you did your research before you came to me. I don’t want you to be disappointed if we haven’t stocked the things that may have intrigued you. Some of the stuff touted on the internet for people in the lifestyle is nothing more than glorified infomercial items.”

  “I thought so. Who would make a woman wear a spiked collar?”

  “I might.” She did a double take, but he ignored it. “I was speaking more about fur-lined cuffs or silky blindfolds. You’re not going to find anything like that here, okay?”

  “You’d really put a woman in a dog collar?”

  “If she wanted me to, I might. I prefer metal over leather though, so we’d have to discuss it. Which do you prefer?” He unlocked the door and waited for her answer.

  “I never really thought about it.”

  “That’s understandable.” He pushed the heavy door open. “You can get back to me on it.”

  He gave her a minute to take it all in. If she didn’t run he figured they were in good shape. It was hard to pinpoint what she was thinking. Her gaze roamed over the various cages, wall-mounted crosses, a hulking bondage table, several spanking horses and the ever-popular bondage chair and he bit back a grin. She was trying to be blasé, but her blush and owl-eyes gave her away. She was having a meltdown. Especially when those eyes fell on “the wall”. At least that’s how he referred to it, because it had numerous leather restraints, several different types of paddles, crops and a plethora of belts, all with different lengths and widths hanging on it.


  “I didn’t expect it to be so bright in here.”

  He reached for one of the dimmer switches and adjusted it. “Better?”

  She nodded and went right to the bondage table. Fingering one of the heavy-duty attachment points, she angled a look at him. “I take it these are used in conjunction with the restraints?”


  “Do you ever get tied on here?”

  He waited until he had her full attention. “No. Never.”

  With the light dimmed and casting the room in a hazy glow, he was primed. Standing there watching her hand absently brush back and forth across the leather top of the table did it for him. All he could see was her writhing against those restraints as he tormented her.

  “What about that?”

  She pointed to the bolted slats on a side wall, which was high-polished shellacked wood stacked like a wide ladder from floor level to eight feet up. “It’s a flogging station.”

  “And this?”

  “That,” he said, coming up right behind her, “is a spanking horse.”

  She tilted her head right then left. “I don’t get it. What are those things on the side?”

bsp; He reached around to show her. “These are rails. Hands go here and depending on which position you want your sub in, the sub’s knees would either go here, here, or,” he pushed the top of the unit forward, “here.”

  “Really? Why the change in positions? They don’t look much different to me.”

  “They are.”

  She gave the horse the once-over and looked up at him. “I don’t see it.”

  “Would you like me to show you? We could do a practical experiment.”


  He shouldn’t have been surprised by her answer. Obviously she explored the unknown the same way she attacked a chess game. Recklessly. “Up you get.”

  When she didn’t move, he waited. Clearly she was having second thoughts.

  “Come on, Colin. Be a brave girl. It will be fun.”


  He nodded.

  She took a deep breath and climbed on. “Like this?”

  “Yes. Now pick a color out of these three. Black, brown or pink?”

  He was trying to distract himself from the gorgeous picture she presented up on that horse with her ass presented, her shoulders angled downward and her hair cascading to one side of her while she rested her cheek on the horse-spine. The only thing to make this better would be her naked.

  “That’s easy. Pink.”

  “Hmm.” He went to the wall and took down the weighty pink belt. “I probably should have mentioned this before, but it’s always a safe bet, when you’re given a choice of colors, to go with the standard black or brown. Think special order. If we go through the trouble of ordering a custom color for a belt,” he snapped it so it made a sharp whap, “we’re going to want to get something for our money.”

  It was an innocent I-need-to-get-comfortable wiggle, but when he saw her do it the breath was knocked out of him. He’d never wanted to play with a woman as badly as he wanted to play with her right now.

  “Yes, but it’s a girl color,” she replied evenly.

  “Conventions like that don’t apply here, Colin. Sometimes the girl in question is a guy. Now.” He came forward and adjusted her on the horse. “This is position one. Your knees are aligned with your hips. Ready?”



  He gave her a slightly harder hit than he normally would have for two reasons. First she was being flip. He didn’t like that. And second she was wearing jeans. If he hoped to get anything across to her, she needed to feel it a little. “All right?”


  She wasn’t flip anymore. He held the belt in one hand and shifted the rails forward with the other. Until her knees were tucked under her rib cage. “Take a deep breath, Colin, and let it out slowly.” When she did he told her, “Again.”


  “Did you feel the difference that time?”

  “I did.”

  She sounded so amazed he smiled. Because this next time was going to be an eye-opener for her. He kicked the front end of the horse down, ignoring her gasp, and locked it into place. “Put your hands here. Like this.” He showed her. “Very good. Now take a deep breath. You ready?”

  When she nodded he used the thickest part of the belt across the full width of her ass. Landing it in such a way he knew she would enjoy some after twangs right through her center as she was spread and squashed up against the horse-spine.


  “Umm…” she half grunted, half groaned and his cock instantly filled with blood. She was perfect. A fucking wet dream.

  “Up you get.” He helped her off the horse fast, before he was tempted to strip her naked and really play with her. “Are there any more things around here you want to check out?”

  “I-I don’t know, exactly.”

  The color of her cheeks and the glassy look in her eyes made him inwardly groan. She’d liked being on the horse. She’d liked it a lot.

  “Feel free to roam. I’m going to sit over here while you explore.”

  Better he do that than spoil her introduction into the dungeon. This was supposed to be a harmless show and tell. A meet and greet of some of the equipment. What the hell was he thinking to let her use any of it?

  “Hey, it’s dark over there.”

  He sat on the stone bench, resting his back against the wall as he spread his legs, for no other reason than to ease the huge hard-on he had at the moment. “It’s called the twilight zone.”

  She walked over and stood on the threshold where the twelve-foot ceilings stopped and the eight-foot started. “It looks more like a cave.”

  Ethan watched her through half-closed lids, waiting for her to examine her surroundings because once she did he knew she was going to have questions.

  She squinted. “Are those eye-hooks in the ceiling?”

  He adjusted his bulk down one side of his pant leg and answered, “Yes.”

  “For…?” After a moment her eyes widened and she sounded like a kid saying nuh-uh when she asked, “Do people hang from the ceiling in here?”

  The look on her face was priceless. “Colin, we’re not bats. If you mean is this where suspension play happens, that would be a yes.”

  “Is that why the flooring is rubber?”

  He nodded, although technically this wasn’t the truth. She was guessing the rubber was installed in case someone fell, but the truth was the rubber covered the floor for other reasons. Soap play, cream or Jell-O, but he wasn’t going to get into that with her right now. He settled back against the wall and closed his eyes, answering, “Maybe.”



  “I was wondering about something.”

  He was afraid of that. Opening his eyes, he saw her there. Standing in the shadows. No more than three feet in front of him. “Yes?”

  “If I dropped down on all fours and crawled to you would you let me try something?”

  She didn’t wait for him to answer. Truthfully he didn’t even know whether he would have. Now that she was heading his way at crotch height he was interested to see how far she would go with this.

  “Whatever you want, baby girl.”

  He expected her to climb on his lap the second she made it to him, but she didn’t. Instead she came up between his legs and snuggled in. Lifting his shirt, she kissed and licked each ripple on his abdomen, rubbing her face against the wetness she created there.

  She was like an artist. No thought or pretense, just pure talent as she moved over him and when she unbuttoned his fly, he held his breath. She wasn’t asking permission. She wasn’t giving him what she thought he wanted. She was doing what she wanted to do. With him. It was a wholly unique experience and he couldn’t say he didn’t like it.

  Even when she lifted the hard length of him out of his jeans and boldly stared, which, without permission was disrespectful, he let her get away with it. He was too intrigued not to let her have her way. He thought she’d speak or comment on how he was shaved and yet, God help him, she didn’t. She stroked him. Petted him. Rubbed the side of her face against his length as if she’d found heaven.


  “Shh,” she said, opening her mouth and generously licking on him. “Please…”

  That was the last coherent thing she said before she dove in and went to town. He found himself sinking against the wall as the beautiful suction of her mouth took him deep. She swallowed and laved. Rimming his tip with her tongue, biting and chewing before doing a wide-mouth free-fall over him. Opening her throat and letting him slide in good and tight. Until his stomach muscles clenched and his cock grew thicker, pressing against her tonsils.

  This was no ordinary blowjob. He’d had enough to know that. She was orally fixated.

  He buried his hands in her hair, careful not to mess with her rhythm, as he watched her enjoy what she was doing. It was as if the part of him above his waist was secondary. Not even connected as she made time and forged an intimate relationship with his dick. Swallowing. Licking. Worshiping. Until he had to get
involved and the second he applied pressure in her hair he heard it. Her moan vibrated through him from the base of his cock to his tip. And when she groaned the tremble worked its way back from the tip to the base as she ate on him.


  Why he bothered to speak her name he didn’t know because she was too far gone to hear him. She was lost, and her being lost caused him to stray. Especially when she made another sexy sound and leaned back to push the tip of her tongue into the crease around his cock head. Circling. Over and over again she tortured him. His blood was thick, pounding beneath the surface of skin she made love to.

  For many long moments he let her enjoy him. She seemed starved for it so he fed her. It wasn’t until she pressed herself against his leg, looking for her own relief that he knew they needed to move on.

  With his hands buried in either side of her hair and a comfortable position on the bench he took over. “Suck me deep, Colin. That’s a good girl. Nice and deep.”

  She moaned in pleasure and he nearly lost it. What a fucking mouth she had.

  “Are you ready? I am, but you don’t have to swallow.”

  His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when she groaned and did another free-fall right over his length, opening her throat and welcoming him deep, deep inside her. It was too much with her muscles clenching around him. Wanting him. Begging him. This was the key. She’d worshiped his dick without being trained or told.


  Every muscle in his body tensed and when her head lolled from side to side, her mouth taking him, sucking him as if that’s all she’d ever lived for, he sat up straight and fucked her mouth. In and out he moved. Shifting. Penetrating. Using her the way she wanted to be used until he was ready to come. And then all coherent thought fled as the lure of her mouth became too much to bear. He anchored her, holding her flush to his groin as hot liquid pumped from his cock with his every heartbeat, while his muscles flexed, jerked and finally eased as he drained himself down her throat. “That’s my beautiful girl,” he whispered as she not only swallowed everything he had to give, but continued sucking until every last twinge left his body. “Very good.”

  Gently he pulled himself out of her mouth. With his hand still in her hair he guided her until her head rested in his lap. He didn’t say anything. He just let her settle at his feet. He wanted her to get used to the position. To understand it. Because if he had his way, this is where she’d be more often than not.


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