Fairies of Light

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Fairies of Light Page 14

by J. E Hanson

  I groan, but he kisses my cheek.

  Ember studies her map, “We have a long trip ahead of us. I think I will go ahead, and catch up on my sleep. I will see all of you later.”

  I catch him off his game, by sneaking behind him. I lean my head on his muscular back, “I know I don’t cook anything like Violet, but I hope you enjoyed the cookies.”

  I join her long enough to change into my pajamas. Blade is instantly sound asleep in one of the loungers. My dog curls right next to Blade.

  I notice that he’s only wearing his tight fitting blue jeans. He squats to the ground to plug in his cell. He’s so much hotter with his hair down. Not to mention all those muscles down his back. I sprawl out on a recliner, and the fleece blanket comforts me. He grabs a pair of ivory shorts, and his toiletries. He even grabs his expensive cologne. The television is set to vampire news. I turn up the volume noticing another ginger girl walking inside a castle. I remember what Oberon told me on graduation night. I sit up straight.

  A long platinum blonde hair man speaks with his shades on, “Our princess was kidnapped by Reno and Khan. The BIB successfully rescued the princess without any casualties.”

  Spike finishes showering, and he enters the room. He deliberately blocks my view, “I need to see this, Spike.”

  He turns around, and he gazes at the television, “I don’t understand why you’re even watching this.”

  The television remains on pause. Those men, who are standing right there, are the ones responsible for my rescue as a young girl. I’m excited to know that they are still around, “I know those guys!”

  His demeanor is aloof, but I return with my pink teddy bear in my hands. I still have it after all these years. My teddy bear rests in my lap.

  “There’s no way you should know them.”

  “That guy is Ian, and the other guy is Zane. Are those their names—or not?”

  He sits next to me in a daze, “There’s no possible way that you should know them. They are vampires, Rosalie. You were in Avalon, since you were born. You shouldn’t even know who they are.”

  “You really don’t have a clue—do you?”

  “After your parents’ deaths, you were taken home—right?”

  My head shakes a very slow no, “I never made it back to Avalon until I was five. I remained here on Earth for the first five years of my existence.”

  He inches even closer to me, and he takes my hand in his, “I have a strange feeling that I’m not going to like this story very much. How did you remain on Earth? I always assumed that Oberon found you, and he brought you back to Avalon as a baby.”

  My head shakes no, and I squeeze the pink teddy bear even tighter, “Ian and Zane are the ones, who saved my existence. They took the time to see, what was wrapped up in a blanket, and they saved my existence. Ian gave me this teddy bear as a five-year-old child. I named this pink bear after Ian. That guy is Dr. Alexander Hunter, and he was going to give me his blood, but he felt uneasy about it. He was the one who called Uncle Oberon. He had no idea who I was until Uncle Oberon identified me. That guy is Christian and he made sure that my full name is on the back of my locket. He killed the people who did really bad things to me.”

  “You need to tell me precisely, what happened to you during those first five years.”

  My eyes close as I reveal my dark secret, “I was in the house, when my parents were murdered. Someone hid me out in the closet, by putting my pink blanket over me, and I still have that pink blanket. Social services found me three days later, and I never made it back to Avalon. I spent the next five years bouncing from foster home to foster home. I even stayed at a group home in Iowa. The foster homes were in between good and bad. I had cigarette burns up and down my body from mortals.”

  Gadriel, Gabe, Spike, and Blade sit up for this one with their hands over their mouths to hear my story. My eyes remain closed, and I reveal my pain for the first time in years. This is my horrible tale of woe, “I was shoved in closets, and I was even locked there for days. They even poisoned me with lemon. I had my hands burnt with lemon soap for punishment. Sometimes I would have a bed, and other times I would have nothing to sleep on. They forced me at times, from different homes, to be their human slave. I never went to school. I had to do their common household chores, and sometimes they would pee on the floor just to make me clean it up again.”

  He starts to cry, but I finally unleash my heavy burden, “However, this last time was really bad. I refused to wash their dishes with the lemon dish soap. The foster parents called me every name in the book, and I was only five years old.

  They picked me up, and they slammed me into a table. They kicked me in the stomach and back. Those people broke almost every single bone in my body. They assumed that I was dead, so they wrapped me up in a blanket, and threw me in the back of their pickup truck. Those people drove to a forest, and then they threw me out of their truck. They took their biological daughter, and they tried to escape to Mexico. They purposely left me there to die. Ian and Zane heard my cries, and they were the ones who brought me back to their castle. My existence changed forever, because of them. Dr. Hunter called my uncle, and then I was reunited with my family.”

  Spike holds me tight, after I unleash my dark secret, “I want to know how you were left alone in that closet. I promise you that I will find out what happened to your parents. There is absolutely no way your parents were murdered as easily as they were. I honestly believe that they received sleep medicines not to fight back. I’m so sorry, and I thought you were in Avalon this entire time. I’m such a fucking asshole!”

  I hug him in return, “I admit that I have a hard time trusting people. I have a need to clean because of it, but I’m far from selfish. I just love cute shoes and clothes. I never had shoes or decent clothes, so I tend to be a little carried away with all my stuff. I don’t worship it—or anything. I’m just afraid that I will never have good shoes.”

  He toys with my hair, “You seem okay now, and those men on the television screen are our best friends. I always help Christian and Alexander out, and they help us in return. I’m really surprised that you know them.”

  He has steamy crystal eyes, and I lean in closer to him, “If you ever see them again, will you please tell them thanks for me?”

  “It will be my honor, and I’m very happy that you’re still here.”

  He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand. I love feeling his gentle touch. He rubs his thumb on my chin.

  Ember enters, and I quickly changed the channel, “I’m such an airhead, and I’m so sleepy that I forgot my iPod. Don’t pay any attention to me.”

  Spike covers me up with that fleece blanket, and he chose to hold me close to him. I’m starting to enjoy him as a bed partner.

  We woke up the next day, and visit the battlegrounds in Georgia. We even make it to the amusement park. Ember remains my riding partner, and so we continue to ride all the roller coasters together.

  Gabe walks behind her, and he scares her to death, “I would like to know, if you want to ride with me, and Spike would like to ride with Rosalie.”

  Spike has a hard time asking me in return, “I would love it, if Rosalie would ride one with me.”

  I rode a few more with Ember, and then I finally rode one with him. We peddle together, and he stops us behind a set of bushes, “I want to talk to you about a couple of things.”

  “What things do you want to talk about?” I nervously ask.

  “I want to know your opinion on relationships. Do you still believe in dating, and being in one?”

  “I really don’t have a clue with what I want at this time. I really want to have kids one day though.”

  He touches my face with the tip of his index finger, “I want you to always be happy, and you deserve it. You will never be truly happy with me. Your grandparents would never want to see you with someone like me.”

  “My grandparents don’t dictate what I can or can’t do anymore. Unfortunately, I’m a fairy wi
thout a snap, so I can’t do anything right now anyway.”

  He touches my hands, “How much longer do you have to go without your snap?”

  I scratch my head with irritation, “I’m still waiting for them to tell me when I can have my snap back. I don’t know when they will return my snap back to me. I guess they are waiting for her to turn eighteen in a couple of months. That’s the purpose of traveling across the states. I turned eighteen back in April. I think it would be safer for my snap, but I think they’re afraid that I will abandon her.”

  He paddles us back to the dock, and he helps me out of the boat.

  Ember whines to me, “I miss my riding partner.”

  Spike walks over sighing, “Are you girls ready to go?”

  We watch the fireworks intently, and leave the park after the fireworks finish. We enjoy the drive from Georgia to Alabama. The guys want to watch a race in Alabama. After watching a NASCAR race, we travel at night in the RV. The RV struggles until we make it to Mississippi. It blows out right on the highway, and now we are officially stuck on the side of a highway.

  Spike and Gabe try to fix it. Spike informs all of us of the new status change, “We unfortunately need a part, and it won’t be fixed until tomorrow. We will have to stay at a hotel until the shops open in the morning.”

  The extra lift is for their motorcycles. Their motorcycles appear expensive too. Spike takes my car off the lift instead. To decide who gets to sleep at the motel, they put their names in a hat. Blade and Gadriel have to remain on the RV. Gabe and Ember sit together in the backseat. I want to drive my convertible Mustang, but he jerks the keys from my hand, “Someone informed me about your terrible driving skills. I will drive us to safety tonight.”

  A low groan sounds, and I attempt to argue my point. He makes me sit down in the passenger’s seat. My cousin seems lonely in the backseat, and she even scoots away from Gabe. Spike whips my car out on the highway. Everything is fine until a familiar song blasts through the speakers. Rick Springfield’s ‘Jessie's Girl,’ echoes through my car, and I turn away completely amused.

  “That’s really funny, Rosalie,” she snickers from the backseat.

  He peers over in my direction, and I pretend not to notice. He shifts the gears in my Mustang. I’m so thankful, when the song finally decides to end. My hand touches his hand accidentally, when we try to change the radio station. He allows me to turn it to hip-hop, and it seems to catch his attention.

  He glances over at me, “We have the same taste in music. I had no idea that you like hip-hop.”

  “That suits me better, especially when it comes to dancing.”

  “That is the second time you’ve mentioned dancing to me. I highly doubt that you’re any better than me though.”

  I sigh, and now my cocky side decides to show up to toy with him, “I highly doubt that you can dance, Spike. I have won numerous contests, both here and back home.” Our little spat starts up again.

  “You really underestimate me, and there you go with judging me again.”

  “I didn’t judge you! I just know that I’m that good! I’m going to call you out on your bluff though, and say that you’re full of shit!”

  He smirks at me, and he raises a pierced eyebrow, “You honestly have no idea who you’re talking to now—do you?”

  I stare at him, but my cocky side valiantly displays herself again, “Yes I do, I’m talking to the king of bullshit. You will have to put your money where your mouth is, Spike.”

  Gabe starts to laugh again, “Shit is getting deep! I will give him a compliment for a change, by saying that I believe he can put up. The question is my dear—can you?”

  “You’re absolutely right! The shit is getting deep in here, and I will back up my girl by saying that she has it. She’s better than I am at least. Rosalie lets others take center stage, but she can drop men to their knees when she needs to,” she immediately rushes to my defense.

  He stares at me incredulously, “I would never allow someone else to take center stage. You see, that is the difference between us. With who we are, you never give up the spotlight. You still have a lot to learn about dancing, Rosalie.”

  Where is his smug attitude coming from? “The difference between us, Spike is that you have to feel comfortable with yourself to give up the spotlight every now and then. You clearly aren’t comfortable with your own ability to dance, if you crave that much spotlight.”

  He places his hand on my thigh, “I highly doubt that you’re any better than me. If you want to show me your moves some time, I’m always interested in new dancers. I highly doubt that you’re any better than me.”

  I lean over to his ear, and tuck his blonde strand of hair behind it, “You are way too cocky for your own good. I’ve never lost a dance off, and I never will. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you will beg for lessons from me one of these days.”

  “I believe that you will be the one taking the lessons, and you might as well take notes from the master.”

  Gabe starts to award us points, “He has you there, Rosalie.”

  I want to say something cruel, but I stop, “I’m nice enough not finish with what I was going to say. You can gloat all you want, but we all know who can move better. You’re much older, and so your joints might need a little grease.”

  Ember giggles, and then she awards my point, “I think that was a burn there, and a point goes to Rosalie.”

  Spike grins, “Ha, ha, and double ha! You are hilarious, but I’m much older than you are. There’s no doubt there, but I’m like fine wine, baby. It tastes so much better with time.”

  We pull into the very last hotel that has open availability. There are only two rooms, and the man can put us up for the night. I try to pay for the rooms with my credit card, but Spike pushes my hand away.

  “I can afford it much more than you can.”

  “Spike!” I yell at him.

  Spike hands them his diamond credit card, and it’s hard to ignore, because even Oberon doesn’t have one of those credit cards. I didn’t notice the name just the card colors. My grandparents also have a diamond credit card.

  He distracts me, “You can find us something to eat.”

  I took off with my gold credit card, and frown at him. Luckily, we find a small diner at the hotel. The small diner serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I order food for everyone. Ember helps me carry the food trays to the table. I’m so glad that Gabe is with us, so he can order Spike’s meal. We are fairies, and we are horrible for eating junk food. I try to stay more on the healthy side, by eating grilled fish, or chicken whenever I can. Spike returns, and he sits next to me. I learn to keep my mouth shut about his expensive cell phone, and his diamond credit card. I really don’t feel like fighting him about it either.

  She studies our itinerary, “This might put a little a damper on our trip to Florida.”

  I take another bite from my sandwich, and my phone starts to ring. He happens to notice, “You seem to be a very popular person, Rosalie.”

  His cell phone also rings, but we both place our cell phones on silent at the same time.

  “You complain about my cell phone, but your cell rings just as much as mine does. That’s the pot meets kettle. Don't you think?”

  “What do you have that is so important? I have deals that need to be made. You’re just a kid.”

  “You think what you want, and I will think what I want.”

  This hotel is very strange, and I’m in shock over the owner explicitly stating that he wants only male and female per room. The man is a religious nut. We are tired as it is, so I room in with Spike. I’m already starting to hate this. Our luggage makes it to each room. Ember and I hang out for a couple of hours until she leaves.

  We realize that we have to share a heart shaped bed together. I thought he would be a gentleman and sleep on the floor, but he makes sure that he has his half of the bed.

  “This should be interesting, and it appears you will be sleeping on the floor tonight, Ros

  “I deserve the bed, Spike.”

  “That may be true, but I paid for the room. It seems like we will be sharing the bed together. We will be a little more cramped than normal.”

  Due to fatigue, I give in, “Fine, but you better have shorts on underneath the sheets.”

  He grabs a pair of pants, and he beats me to the shower. He locks the bathroom door behind him.

  I pound on the door, “Don’t use all the hot water!”

  “You can always join me, but this shower is really small. I would hate to take your chaste in it.”

  “You’re such a pervert, Spike!”

  I turn a small radio on, and shift the radio stations. I have to try that dance step once again. This is my opportunity to pin it down. I continue two more times working on that same move, but I fell on the ground both times. On the last attempt, I jerk to a stop once the door opens. He has a pair of flannel maize with charcoal pajama bottoms on.

  He returns with a blow dryer in his hand, “You’re up, Princess.”

  I casually walk over to my suitcase, and take out my nightgown. I dig through my suitcase to realize that I chose the wrong nightgown. I purposely strut past him, and grab the other towel. The door slams shut behind me. After my hot shower, the nightgown I brought is not the correct one. The nightgown that I have is a short lemon negligee, and you can see right through it. There is a sigh of frustration escaping my chest. At least my robe will cover this up.

  I leisurely step out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom. He turned the radio off, while I was in the shower. He lays there, and he’s watching a human dance competition on television. I guess I’m not the only one who watches human dance competitions. It surprises me to see him propped up as he studies their techniques.

  “You have to close your eyes, because I packed the wrong nightgown.”

  He eyes me intently for a minute. He’s about to say something smart, but he rolls his eyes at me instead, “My eyes are closed, Princess. Thanks for the advance warning.”


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