Fairies of Light

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Fairies of Light Page 29

by J. E Hanson

  Oberon turns around, “I swear that I would never have left you like that. Let me handle this, Rosalie. I want you to enjoy the rest of your honeymoon. Let the rest of the FOL and I look into this right now. I want to find out which fairy is responsible for their murders.”


  I try not to obsess about it. Joey picks me up in his arms, and he carries me to our new house. He snaps the front door open, and he carries me through the threshold. I kiss him passionately all the way home. He puts me down, and I peer around the rooms. I notice that everything is clean and modern, and everything sits in its perfect spot. The floors feel amazingly soft on my feet. He carries me up the carpeted stairs, and we move through the hallway, while making out together.

  He carefully places me on our new king-sized bed. My clothes last a whole two seconds. Our lovemaking turns into a wild night of passionate sex. He hangs me upside down, as he slams his enormous man wand deep inside of me. We’re inventing new ways to have sex. Since we are dancers, we are more agile. He keeps me upside down, and I can hear his grunts with every hard thrust. The tingles make my body quiver. A loud moan echoes as he moves even faster. He holds my legs above his head. His name bounces off the walls inside our bedroom. The tingles are too much for me to handle. I have even more intense and explosive orgasms as of late.

  My favorite thing to do is to have sex spontaneously, and so we chose creative ways to have sex. We are fucking each other hard on the kitchen floor with food all over the floor. Now I have rug burns all over my knees. He picks me up and escorts me to the stairs. His hand pushes down on my back, to inform me that he wants me to bend over the steps. I place my hands on the third step, and he spreads my legs apart. I brace myself for impact, and he slams inside me. His hands continue to clench my hips, while he slams his hard man wand inside me once again. The pounding is swift and his sack slaps against my ass. I’m unable to keep the moans away, “Oh, Joey! This feels so fucking good.”

  A couple of hours later he sits me on the washer, and he puts it on the spin cycle. I’m moaning as he shifts his cock back inside me. I enjoy the pleasure he’s giving me. We break in every single equipment that we could use, and fuck each other in every single corner of our mansion. I went from not knowing how to please him, and with his gentle instruction, I mastered the art of pleasing him. Just by looking at his body, he makes me thirst for his body. He makes sure to quench my thirst.

  “I need to show you something in the shower Rosalie,” he whispers.

  The sweat pours from our lengthy fuck fest. He picks me up, and he carries me to our shower. My thighs clench his hips as we continue to fuck against the back wall of our shower. My arms clench around his neck, while I enjoy his rough ride. The shower beats down on his muscular chest and over his pierced nipples. There’s something starting to come to life underneath his five stars. My mouth sucks his pierced nipples causing him to groan, but he turns me around. I’m nervous about showing him my new tattoo. He focuses on making me have another mind-altering orgasm.

  “I want you to give it all to me! Moan my name, baby,” he whispers breathlessly in my ear.

  My thighs quake with my spine rippling hard from another intense orgasm.


  I’m content after enjoying the violent aftershocks. He pulls his long man wand out of my wet pussy. I turn around and watch him scrub his chest. My arms wrap around his waist and my hands toy with his firm ass by squeezing it.

  “I want you to look right here.”

  He points to his chest, and my mouth forms into a smile. He has a tattoo of me on a surfboard. I remember that day very well. I see my full name underneath his picture of me. This is a tattoo of me wearing my old teal fairy outfit. I’m standing on a surfboard catching a wave.

  I kiss him, and snicker, “I felt so bad for telling you off that day!”

  “I was more afraid for the surfing instructor. You tore him a new ass, and I also have one more tattoo to show you too.”

  “Oh, by the way… you’re not the only one with something to show.”

  My fingers snap to show him the tramp stamp. He appears confused until I turn my stomach to the wall to face him. There’s a picture of two fairies. One of the fairies is of him, and the other one is me. I also have his name and my name in small print below the picture.

  The phrase itself states, “August 20th, 2012 Rosalie Summer Cirrus 1-0 Joseph Pike Cirrus.”

  “That’s not fair!”

  “I’m sorry, but you will remember this date for all eternity. This is the day that I kicked your ass fair and square.”

  “No baby, that’s the day you chose to dance your sexy ass back into my existence. Now spread your legs.”

  We fuck for another hour hard in the shower. He trails his kisses up my spine, and the nape of my neck. He makes sure to slam his man wand hard in both ends tonight. As his thumb massages over my cunt, he plunges his enormous shaft in my ass. I gasp from the intense pleasure, and fifteen minutes later, I suffer two intense orgasms from both ends. He leans over me, and I love what he just did to my body.

  “I forgot to show you more tattoos too,” he points at the extras.

  He now has one on his left side, and it’s a large tattoo of Ember and I covered with mud sitting on the ground laughing at each other.


  The caption underneath it clearly reads, “Double Trouble.” He put her married name underneath and my married name underneath the two drawings that represent us. Next to that tattoo, he has two more tattoos of Gabriel and himself laughing at us in the background.

  “I had to add that one too. Sorry, but that was probably the funniest moment in our existences.”


  We finish the week by making even more love to each other, and our pool received the brunt of it. I spoil him with all the meals I cook for him.

  He holds me in his arms, “I love you so much, and are you ready to return to Meropis? I need to settle you in,” he pauses, since I’m sucking on his bottom lip, and he asks, “do you know what you’re doing to me? You really don’t want to make it out of Avalon, do you?”

  “I have to and I need to make my own money, so I feel like I’m contributing.”

  He pulls his hair back in a low ponytail, “I believe whatever I make is your money too. You really don’t have to work, if you don’t want to. I understand your reasons for why you want to earn your degrees, and I believe that education is important. I also understand that you’re trying to help her out.”

  “I realize that, but Ember has been in the dumps lately. Maybe this will keep her mind occupied.” I quickly change the subject, “Is there any word on Everest? Have you guys found him yet?”

  He snaps all the dishes back in the dishwasher, and he hands me a drink.

  “You won’t like what I have to say in a minute. I have a theory about what happened to your parents. This might be hard for you to hear, but this is what I believe happened.” I move close to him, and I kiss his cheek. My husband starts, “I love you very much, but you need to know this. You are aware that Phoenix and Blaze were inseparable. You rarely ever see identical twin fairies separate from one another.”

  I snap another dish in the dishwasher, and I remember our meeting, “Phoenix mentioned something to me about staying around his brother all the time.”

  Joey picks me up and sits me down on the counter. He leans in, “You need to remember when we visited your parents' house. Do you remember when we found that orange bottle of pills in Everest's room? Everest was always around your mom even when they were children. You need to be clear about that before I begin.”

  “I know that Oberon and Skylar are close, but they’re significantly younger than Everest and my mom. Everest and my mom only had a couple of years between them. They always hung out with each other. Why are you asking?”

  He places his hands on either side of me, “Everest and your mom were always together. What you didn’t know is that Ev
erest was always the one getting into trouble. Your mom always cleaned up after his messes.”

  I never get the point that he tries to make, “I don’t have any idea, because I never had a sibling.”

  He closes his eyes at first then he reopens them a second later. “My brothers and I have that unique sibling connection. I remember covering for Puck, or Wally in my younger days when they did something wrong. We did that so that the other wouldn’t get into trouble. I really believe that your mom kept Everest out of a lot of shit. Oberon refused to help him, because he did that once before, and he was stuck in the Pits for a week. He hated him for that, and he refused to cover for him ever again. I believe that your mom got away with a lot more, because she was an extremely talented dancer. I believe that she covered for him so much that she became used it. Not only that, but your grandmother was always more lenient with her versus Everest. I believe your mom also knew about Ember.”

  “What does Ember have to do with my parents’ murders?”

  “I believe she knew Everest was dating an angel. She must have known something by the time she had you. I also believe that she found out about Michaela and her pregnancy with Ember. My guess is that in order to silence your mom, he ratted her out to Reno—or Khan.”

  This revelation causes me to gasp in horror. I stand up, but I nearly faint. He holds me tightly. “I know this is extremely painful to hear, but I believe he planned on killing Phoenix also. Phoenix never saw Rosebud’s stomach flashing. When you’re on Earth, your pregnancy turns into a mortal pregnancy. There are no flashing lights, so you won’t have a glowing stomach either. I believe he disposed of Phoenix, by setting him up. Phoenix was charged with killing another fairy on Earth. He was sent away for eighteen years. Phoenix said that he was in the desert at the time of the murder. He was so drunk and out of his mind, but he stayed at a camp. He almost made his way back to Blaze, but someone claimed Phoenix murdered another fairy. I reviewed the documents, and this is the kicker, Rosalie. You’re not going to believe this, but Everest accused Phoenix of murdering a fairy by the name of Misty. I remember Misty, because she only dated vampires. When they found her, she was turning into dust. Another fairy didn’t kill her. A vampire killed her. We think it was either Khan or Reno. This was a setup instrumented by none other than Everest.”

  “What happened to my parents?”

  “Your parents probably did their normal routine at night. I believe that Everest injected those tranquilizers in their drinks somehow. I have my suspicions that he drugged them. The tranquilizers that we found were fairy made. Oberon and I visited the pharmacy here and sure enough, Everest's signature was on the receipt. The pharmacy has to have signatures, before releasing toxic medicines. We believe that he was also there the night your parents were murdered.”

  “Why would he do this to me? Why would he be so evil? Please tell me that he didn’t do this to me!”

  He keeps feeding me additional evidence, “There’s a lot more. I also believe that they placed you in your crib. They probably laid in the bed together. They never heard anything, but you did. I believe Everest grew a heart, and placed you in the closet. Remember when we found that blanket?”

  I pull my hair back in a ponytail. My hands are covering my face as I remember our trip to Iowa this past summer, “I remember the indigo blanket that was left in the closet. We smelled it, believing that it has the same tranquilizers in it.”

  “We just received the tests back this morning. The baby spit up tested positive for the same tranquilizers. The same spit up matched your DNA. That was your spit up on the blanket. We believe he waited three days, and he probably panicked. I also believe that he wanted to get rid of you too. He probably couldn’t bring himself to kill you, but he made sure you vanished. He must have heard something about human social services somehow. I also believe that he dialed their number, before he called Oberon to inform him about Blaze and Rosebud. That makes perfect sense to me. If Oberon found you, you would have spit up all over you. He would have smelled the tranquilizers on your breath. Everest wasn’t smart enough to get rid of the mugs. You have to believe me. Your dad was a better fighter than I am, when it comes to killing rogues. Your dad was on Khan's hit list, and I’m almost positive of it. Now that he’s gone, there’s an influx of rogues.”

  My hands clench into tight balls, and I want to hit something hard. Everest is the first fairy I want to hit and kill. My mind contemplates an idea on how to kill Everest. I kiss my husband tenderly. I clasp my hands together, and I try to throw him off by acting surprised, “I need to make sure that I didn’t leave anything at the Palace. I think I might have left some photo albums over there.”

  “Please stay away from Everest. I’m afraid that he will hurt you, or even try to kill you. He’s extremely dangerous and unpredictable. Make sure to call me, if you see him.”

  I lie to my husband this one last time, “I promise I will.”

  I left him at our new home, and I stroll past Jesse. He notices that I’m married and pregnant. Gardenia seems startled to see me, and she shakes her head at me with disbelief. I don’t have any time to deal with those two right now, and I wouldn’t want to anyway.

  I run inside the palace in record time. I survey the area to make sure nobody is watching. The first place I chose to visit is Everest's room. My cell phone starts to dial his number, but he fails to pick up the first few times.

  He finally notices the fourth, “What do you want, Rosalie?” he snaps at me.

  “I need to talk to you about Oberon. Where can I meet you at?”

  Everest sighs, “You can meet me down the street, and I’ve been working on a few things.”

  “I will see you in a minute.”

  I end the phone call and Oberon knocks, “Rosalie you need to leave it to us to find Everest. You are pregnant, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, squirt.”

  I smile warmly, and I kiss his cheek, “I love you very much, Uncle Oberon. I just want answers about my parents.”

  “I know you do, but Everest is extremely dangerous. He can kill you. It will destroy Joey, if something bad were to ever happen to you.”

  I quickly formulate a plan in my head, “I know and I won’t do anything stupid to jeopardize our existences.”

  We shoot the breeze for a moment, but he receives an emergency phone call, and he has to leave.

  I call Ember, and I quickly explain to her what’s going on. She isn’t pleased, and she agrees to meet me on our side of Avalon. I end our phone call abruptly.

  Without missing a single beat, I snap myself in the alley. Snow and Ice are supposed to follow me. They see me from a distance, but I quickly disappear inside a magical door. I close the door behind me, and I notice Everest painting again.

  I want to kill him, but I need my answers first, “Hi, Uncle Everest. Why are you hiding out here lately?”

  “I have a lot of things on my mind,” Everest sounds indifferent.

  “So… can you believe that Oberon left me in the closet for those three days? It turns out he knew all along.”

  Everest stops painting, and he eyes me suspiciously, “I’m sorry for that Rosalie. There are some fairies who aren’t what they seem.”

  I have to test him to gage his reaction, “Are you mad that Ember chose to be an angel over a fairy?”

  “She has the better half inside her. She’s nothing like me, and she isn’t anything like me at all. I try to stay out of her existence, so that I can love her from afar.”

  “Did you know that she’s pregnant with Gabriel's baby?”

  “Oh, really… how far along is she?”

  “That makes you a grandfather. She’s probably a couple days ahead of me. Her stomach flashes blue, and it’s actually cute. I’m so grateful for Ember being here. Are you happy that she’s here?”

  “I wasn’t ready to be a father to her, so she was placed with mortal parents.”

  “I’m so glad that we found out about her. Did you know that s
he would have died, if she never chose a side? Both sides would have eventually fought with each other, and she would have died from the inside out. Does that sound fair to her?”

  “What are you getting at, Rosalie?”

  “I think you wanted to get rid of Ember. You knew it was an abomination for distant cousins to mate. You tried your best to kill her. I wonder if that’s what you wanted to do to me. I wonder if you ever had second thoughts about leaving me alone in that closet all those years ago. What I really want to know is did you enjoy watching my mom dance with me? Did you know that she was about to be murdered that night?”

  Everest tries to snap his fingers, but I already tied his arms down. He tries to fight me, “You don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about! You’re so wrong!”

  My eyes narrow in disgust. “I wonder if you told my dad that you would always be there for me. How many lies did you tell my parents? I have another question for you that I need to know. How did a fairy murder another fairy, if a vampire drained her blood? I deserve to have my answers, and I refuse to release you until you can look me in my eyes, and tell me the fucking truth!”

  He struggles with the ropes, “I have nothing to tell you, Rosalie! You need to butt out of my affairs!”

  Ember finally shows up after I tell here where I’m at, “Did you make him talk yet?”

  “No, not yet, Ember. It seems that he wants to evade the subject.”

  Ember snaps a chair for him, and then she chains him down, “I would like to know, if you were ever going to tell people who and what I am? You say that you love me—but you never show it. I think, or believe that you are only out for yourself. I want to know what happened to my mom. I have a strong feeling that you killed her. We are talking about the angel you had a weekend of fun. That is what her friends told me. I obviously wasn’t planned—was I?”

  She triggers something evil inside of him. We meet a completely different Everest than the one we were accustomed to seeing.


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