Book Read Free

Girls on Campus

Page 11

by Sandy Lowe

  “I promise I’ll be better than all the rest,” Ryley muttered, not loud enough for Alara to catch. Her eyebrow raised inquisitively, maybe a little confused. She thinks I’m a guy with an effeminate voice. She stepped in a little closer. Looking for stubble, sweet lady?

  “Alara, meet Ryley. Juliet, meet Romeo. When you’re ready…” Dida’s impatient voice interrupted the strange silence.

  Alara lifted her script to fill the intimate space between them and nodded at Ryley that she was ready to begin.

  “What man art thou that, thus bescreen’d in night, so stumblest on my counsel?”

  I’m no man, Alara, but I’ll happily counsel your stumble into my bed. “By a name, I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee. Had I it written, I would tear the word.”

  “My ears have yet not drunk a hundred words of that tongue’s utterance, yet I know the sound; art thou not Romeo, and a Montague?”

  And you’ll know my tongue, if you’re so inclined. “Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike.”

  “How cam’st thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb; and the place death, considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here.”

  I’ll climb mountains if that’s what it’ll take for you to let me fuck you. “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out: and what love can do, that dares love attempt; therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.”

  “If they do see thee, they will murder thee.”

  I bet you’ve got a jock boyfriend. Will he want to kick my ass or watch us together? Yuck.

  They continued to exchange lines, their eyes never leaving each other. She could see Alara trying to figure her out as she looked up and down Ryley’s body, searching for the telltale sign of a bra beneath her T-shirt, searching for a bulge in her just-too-baggy-to-tell jeans. But Ryley wasn’t giving away any outright confirmation. You’re just gonna have to ask, and, please God, be interested when you find out. I have got to have my mouth on those breasts.

  Ryley delivered the last line of the audition slowly, her voice wet with wanton lust. “I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far as that vast shore wash’d with the furthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise.” And you are some beautiful merchandise.

  “Very nice, Ryley, very nice. Alara, I think we’ve found our tragic hero, wouldn’t you agree?” Dida was up from his seat and advancing toward them, wringing his hands with excitement.

  Alara pursed her lips before breaking into a tight smile. “You mean you’ve found yours, Dida?” Her tone was playful, gently accusing him of unethical thoughts.

  “Oh, my dear girl, Ryley’s not my type—we’ll be doing some gender-bending with this season’s Shakespeare. Seems like she’s your perfect Romeo, though.”

  He winked at Alara, and her face flushed. Question answered.

  “When do we start rehearsals?” Ryley was eager to get started, both on the play and on bedding Alara. This college life was fast becoming all it promised to be. Only two weeks in, and she already knew what skirt she’d be chasing.

  “Tomorrow. Be here at five, and we’ll go through to ten p.m. Make sure you’ve eaten—I can’t stand to hear stomach growling interrupting dialogue. Be prepared to work very hard every night for the next month.”

  “Yes, sir.” Ryley smiled and saluted Dida, who tipped his head in appreciation at the gesture before strolling away to gather his clipboard. “Do you want to get some coffee?” Ryley had decided to waste no time in getting to work on Alara. “We could run some lines? Or just talk about how you see us playing out…” She let the last sentence hang, waiting to gauge Alara’s response.

  She tutted and shook her head. “Us playing out?”

  “Yeah, Romeo and Juliet. Us.”

  “Okay. I’ll play along. Are you already in love with me, then, Romeo?”

  “Hard not to be. I’m only human, and you’re a damn fine woman. If you don’t mind me saying so.”

  Alara smiled widely, as if she didn’t really believe Ryley was coming on to her. “You’re funny. Let’s get coffee.”


  “So, what’s your story?” Alara wrapped both of her tiny hands around the oversized bucket of a latte, and Ryley immediately thought about those fingers tracing patterns on her body. She shivered with the reaction that coursed straight to her already throbbing pussy.

  “My story? Do I have to have one?” Ryley hated small talk, and she didn’t like talking personal stuff. There were far better things to discuss. And do.

  “Everybody does. What’s yours?”

  “Can we just skip the formality of meeting and get to know more interesting things about each other instead?” She wasn’t a big fan of talking about herself, and hearing Alara’s voice would be far more entertaining.

  “Like what?”

  “Like, how you like your sex.”

  “You’re very cocky for a freshman. You talk like you’re nearly thirty and have fucked your way across half the States already. Give me your background, and then I’ll decide if I want to talk about sex with you.” Alara’s phone bleeped an incoming message again, and she read it with a smile. She’d already sent and received seven texts between the theatre and the coffeehouse; it got Ryley to thinking there was a girlfriend already installed. That was no surprise, she was a goddess. Question now was, were they exclusive? Is there even such a concept in college?

  “Fine, I’m from a tiny little place called Amsterdam—New York, not Holland. My dad works in a warehouse and my mom’s a waitress. I’ve got three older brothers, and they all work in blue-collar jobs. I’m the great white hope of the family and I’m on a full-ride soccer scholarship. That’s me. What about you?”

  Alara pulled out a nail file and started work on her left hand. “I’m one-eighth Cherokee and I hail from Oklahoma. I’m lucky enough to be here because UNC had to fill a quota. I’m a junior majoring in Theatre Study, and I’m part of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, so I get to live in a pretty, historic house with twenty-nine other girls. I don’t know my dad, and my mom’s had just about every job she could ever have had. She pulled us both up by the bootstraps, and it’s my responsibility to take that one step further by graduating from college.”

  Trying to ignore the possible boredom that had driven Alara to pull out her manicure gear, Ryley pressed on. “So now we know the boring stuff. Tell me what kind of girls you like.”

  “Wow, you’re straight in there, aren’t you?”

  Alara giggled a cute laugh that made Ryley want to pull her into her arms and kiss her…everywhere. “Yep. So?”

  “I’m a classic femme, Ryley, I love stone butches.”

  Ryley’s hopes sank…just a little. Maybe Alara could still be turned to the dark side. She motioned to herself, just as she had at the audition. “So this is not for you?”

  “Well, you’re hot. There’s no denying that. You’ve got that andro, pretty-boi thing going on. It’s not unattractive.”

  Not unattractive. Nice. Ryley scoffed and pushed her chai tea away, preparing to leave. “It’s dark, let me pretend to be all butch and I’ll walk you home.”

  Alara looked a little taken aback, but pushed her chair away from the table and got up to leave. “Okay, but when we get back to my place, there’s something I have to show you in my room.”

  Ryley pulled on her letterman jacket and opened the café door. “See, I can be a gentleman, just like your butches.” She couldn’t hide the slight scorn in her voice. Alara was right, she did have a boi thing going on herself, and Ryley had nothing against stone butches. She had nothing against any woman who fucked other women…except when it meant they stopped her fucking a woman she liked.


  They’d sneaked up the stairs to Alara’s room, narrowly avoiding the house mom and the chef, both of whom were on the lookout for stray college boys trespassing in their girls
’ territory. Little did they know, girls could be just as dangerous.

  Although Alara had seemed to put the brakes on a possible sexual encounter at the coffeehouse, as they’d walked back to the sorority house, she’d linked her arm through Ryley’s and huddled in for warmth against her chest. Ryley thought she might have been chosen as the gay best friend, unthreatening and safe to be around, another theatre lesbian to hang out with. She’d decided to drop her off and think about a new strategy for the coming month. The days when lesbians just stuck to a particular kind of lesbian…surely those days were in the past. Why limit yourself, Alara? You’ve no idea what you’re missing out on.

  Alara made her intentions crystal clear when she pulled Ryley into her room and pushed her up against the closed door. She looked unsure, but tipped her head up to kiss her. Ryley didn’t need a second invitation and bent her head to meet her lips.

  “I’ve never really touched a woman before…” Alara whispered her confession into Ryley’s ear as she slipped her arms underneath Ryley’s jacket and raked her nails across her back.

  Ryley sighed deeply. “I think you’re gonna do just fine judging by what your touch just did to me.” Ryley took Alara’s face in her hands and kissed her hard. “Do you share this room?”

  “No. It’s private. You just have to put up with the noise from adjoining rooms and people walking down the hallway, is all.” Alara punctuated her words with eager kisses before breaking off, switching on her bedside lamp, and lying down, waiting. “And there can’t be any screaming…”

  “You might be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “You can save the lines, Ryley, you had me at with love’s light wings. Get over here and show me your cockiness is warranted.”

  Ryley hastily tore off her jacket and tossed it aside. She pushed Alara’s legs apart and knelt between them, leaning down to kiss her while her hands began to explore the perfect breasts she’d so admired earlier.

  That was when the door opened.

  And closed.

  And it became clear that Alara did have a butch girlfriend after all. One about six feet tall and standing by the door with her big, beefy arms crossed.

  Ryley jumped off the bed and waited for it to come.

  “Don’t get up on my account, Romeo.” Her voice was surprisingly gentle given that she’d just walked in on her girlfriend making out with someone else.

  Alara slid out of the bed and was enveloped in a tight embrace, accompanied by a heated kiss. “You were supposed to be here when we got back, Jesse.”

  “The student council ran on, you know what Ira’s like.”

  Ryley picked up her jacket and started to move toward the bedroom door. “So I’ll be leaving, then?”

  Jesse stepped into her path, shook her head, and laughed. She reached for Ryley’s face and ran her fingers across her cheek. “No, beautiful boi, you’re not going anywhere. My lady wants to learn how to fuck a woman, and she chose you, given that you came on so strongly. I’m here to teach her.” Her fingers trailed a path down Ryley’s neck and onto her chest. She squeezed her small breast, hard. “You’re nearly all muscle, Romeo. You’ll be perfect for her.” Jesse took Ryley’s jacket from her hand and threw it on a nearby chair. “Take off your T-shirt.”

  Ryley took a moment to breathe the situation in. She’d wanted to end up in bed with Alara, and that was where this was heading. She didn’t care much for butches per se, but she’d had her fair share and Jesse was butch sexy—tall, dark eyes, wicked smile. When it got down to it, there was something attractive in every woman. She looked at Alara, and her eyes were swimming with desire. “She wants this, and she chose you.” It’s not often you get a hall pass to fuck a beautiful femme, granted by her butch.

  She took a step back from both of them, took the hem of her T-shirt, and pulled it over her head. Slowly. She enjoyed the breathy gasp that Alara elicited and the growl that came from Jesse.

  “Nice six-pack. Your biceps look like they could go for hours, but you won’t be needing that kind of stamina tonight.” Jesse sank onto the bed and sat against the headboard with her legs spread. Ryley could see she was packing and felt her clit jump at the thought of seeing Alara’s mouth making it disappear. Jesse patted the space between her legs. “Take off your boots and join me.”

  Ryley did as instructed. With her back to Jesse and her head on Jesse’s chest, Ryley slipped her arms under Jesse’s knees and held on to her calves. She could feel the hard dildo pressing into the middle of her back and nestled against it.

  Jesse thrust her hips just a little. “Patience, Romeo, we’ll get to that. Alara…” She gestured for her to join them, and she got on her knees between Ryley’s legs. Jesse took Alara’s hand and pressed it to Ryley’s chest. “Feel it, baby. See how she reacts when you touch her…Use your nails.”

  Ryley groaned as Alara raked her nails from her nipple to the belt of her jeans. Alara’s hair fell over her shoulders and caressed Ryley’s stomach as she moved downward. She sighed deeply; there was something crazy sexy about a woman with long hair.

  “She likes that, did you see her hips rise, baby?”

  “Yes.” Alara’s voice was husky and her breaths shallow. “Your body’s amazing.”

  Ryley smiled. “Thanks, I work hard at the gym.”

  “And on the field, Romeo. I’ve seen you play; you play hard and rough. Is that the way you like to be fucked?”

  Ryley let out a gasp that answered Jesse’s question when she pinched her nipple hard.

  “I want to be inside her,” Alara whispered.

  “Did you file your nails like I told you?”

  Ryley couldn’t help but smile—that’s what the texting was about. All of this must’ve been planned from the moment Alara found out she was a girl.

  “Of course I did.” Alara flicked Ryley’s belt buckle open and slowly undid her jeans.

  Ryley fixed her eyes on Alara’s small, delicate hands. They were perfect, just like the rest of her. The way she was undressing her was making her waterfall wet. And Jesse was helping with that too: she’d balled one hand in Ryley’s hair and the other was across her face, finger-fucking her mouth.

  Alara pulled Ryley’s jeans off and sat back on her heels, admiring the view. She ran her fingers over Ryley’s lips. “You’re so slick.”

  “She’s wet for you, baby, you did that. Slip a finger in.”

  Alara did so, then let out an appreciative groan as Ryley’s pussy contracted around her finger. “That feels so fucking good.”

  Ryley pushed down onto Alara’s hand, desperate for more. “Fuck me, babe.”

  Jesse yanked Ryley’s head back. “Pipe down, Romeo, I’m the one giving the instructions. You just lie here and let my lady appreciate how your wet boi-pussy feels.”

  Ryley swallowed hard. Fuck, this butch knows how to use me. “Sorry.”

  “Put another one in, baby, and drive it deep. Our boi-toy likes it hard, remember?” Jesse removed her hand from Ryley’s mouth and clamped it around her breast. She squeezed hard and Ryley hissed. It was quickly followed by a loud groan as Alara pushed in another finger, then a third. Her right hand reached up to Ryley’s other breast and she crushed her nipple between her fingers.

  “Now can I fuck her?” There was impatience in Alara’s voice.

  “Sure, baby, use her fierce.”

  Alara pulled her fingers almost the whole way out before thrusting them back in brutally. Ryley cried out and Jesse clamped her hand over her mouth.

  “Shh! We don’t want to wake the house mom—if she bursts in on this, my lady’ll be kicked out of this fine house and maybe even the college. Bite down on my hand if you need to scream.”

  Ryley nodded and made use of her offer as Alara worked herself into a nice, even, firm rhythm. Fucking her hard and fast, pulling out and making Ryley raise her hips to chase her fingers, then powering back in, forcing the pleasure right through her.

  “That’s right, baby, fuck her hard. S
he’s loving it…feel how wet she is for you. You, baby.” Jesse was moving her hips to match Alara’s rhythm, and her cock was solid against Ryley’s back.

  “Fuck me, this feels so fucking good. I feel so fucking powerful.” Alara pushed her words out almost as hard as she was fucking Ryley.

  “You’re a fucking goddess, baby.”

  Ryley nodded and bit harder on Jesse’s hand. To say she’d never fucked a woman before—this girl was a natural. Ryley felt her orgasm building, felt the fire ball in her pussy before exploding into the room with a scream muffled by Jesse’s hand. When Ryley opened her eyes, she focused on Alara, who looked like she’d just discovered fire. She slowly withdrew her fingers and lifted them to her mouth. She took a second to appreciate the copious amount of come on her hand and watched it trickle down her wrist before she tentatively tasted Ryley’s juices with the tip of her tongue.

  She sighed and nodded approvingly. “You taste good.”

  “Nectar of the gods, baby, lick it all up.” As Alara followed Jesse’s instructions, Jesse pushed Ryley upright by the shoulders and spun her around to face her. “Time to take care of me, boi-toy.” She undid her own belt and jeans and pulled out a seven-inch black silicone dildo that made Ryley falter. Sucking cock wasn’t really part of the deal.

  “I can’t…”

  Jesse put her hand around the back of Ryley’s neck and pulled her down toward it. “Sure you can.”

  Ryley hadn’t really been on the other end of a dildo before, and the smell surprised her. Not rubber, but chemical-y, kind of. Not so bad. She opened her mouth to take the head of Jesse’s cock, but gagged instantly when she was pushed down on it. She pulled away, unsure how to continue.

  Alara placed her hand on Ryley’s shoulders. “Let me show you.” She knelt down beside her and wrapped her hands around the base of Jesse’s shaft. She traced her tongue from its tip to her hands, back up and then down the other side. Watching her made Ryley wish she’d brought her dildo to college. Instead, it was in a locked drawer at home, all lonesome and unloved.


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