Safehold 10 Through Fiery Trials

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Safehold 10 Through Fiery Trials Page 89

by David Weber

  Kynyth Tompsyn—the name of Seijin Kohdy’s best friend and mortal sword companion.

  Kyousei hi—“great fire” or “magnificent fire” from the Holy Writ. The term used to describe the brilliant nimbus of light the Operation Ark command crew generated around their air cars and skimmers to “prove” their divinity to the original Safeholdians.

  Land-bomb—Temple Loyalist armed forces’ term for a land mine.

  Langhorne’s Tears—a quartet of alpine lakes in the Mountains of Light. Langhorne’s Tears were reportedly known as Langhorne’s Joy before the destruction of Armageddon Reef.

  Langhorne’s Watch—the 31-minute period which falls immediately after midnight. It was inserted by the original “Archangels” to compensate for the extra length of Safehold’s 26.5-hour day. It is supposed to be used for contemplation and giving thanks.

  Lizardhole—Temple Loyalist armed forces’ term for “foxhole.”

  Marsh wyvern—one of several strains of Safeholdian wyverns found in salt and freshwater marsh habitats.

  Mask lizard—Safeholdian equivalent of a chameleon, mask lizards are carnivores, about two feet long, which use their camouflage ability to lure small prey into range before they pounce.

  Master Traynyr—a character out of the Safeholdian entertainment tradition. Master Traynyr is a stock character in Safeholdian puppet theater, by turns a bumbling conspirator whose plans always miscarry and the puppeteer who controls all of the marionette “actors” in the play.

  Messenger wyvern—any one of several strains of genetically modified Safeholdian wyverns adapted by Pei Shan-wei’s terraforming teams to serve the colonists as homing pigeon equivalents. Some messenger wyverns are adapted for short-range, high-speed delivery of messages, whereas others are adapted for extremely long range (but slower) message deliveries.

  Mirror twins—Safeholdian term for Siamese twins.

  Moarte subită—“sudden death,” the favored martial art of the Terran Federation Marines, developed on the Terran Federation colony world of Walachia.

  Monastery of Saint Zherneau—the mother monastery and headquarters of the Brethren of Saint Zherneau, a relatively small and poor order in the Archbishopric of Charis.

  Monkey lizard—a generic term for several species of arboreal, saurian-looking marsupials. Monkey lizards come in many different shapes and sizes, although none are much larger than an Old Earth chimpanzee and most are considerably smaller. They have two very human-looking hands, although each hand has only three fingers and an opposable thumb, and the “hand feet” of their other forelimbs have a limited grasping ability but no opposable thumb. Monkey lizards tend to be excitable, very energetic, and talented mimics of human behaviors.

  Mountain ananas—a native Safeholdian fruit tree. Its spherical fruit averages about four inches in diameter with the firmness of an apple and a taste rather like a sweet grapefruit. It is very popular on the Safeholdian mainland.

  Mountain spike-thorn—a particular subspecies of spike-thorn, found primarily in tropical mountains. The most common blossom color is a deep, rich red, but the white mountain spike-thorn is especially prized for its trumpet-shaped blossom, which has a deep almost cobalt-blue throat, fading to pure white as it approaches the outer edge of the blossom, which is, in turn, fringed in a deep golden yellow.

  Narwhale—a species of Safeholdian sea life named for the Old Earth species of the same name. Safeholdian narwhales are about forty feet in length and equipped with twin horn-like tusks up to eight feet long. They live in large pods or schools and are not at all shy or retiring. The adults of narwhale pods have been known to fight off packs of kraken.

  Nearoak—a rough-barked Safeholdian tree similar to an Old Earth oak tree. Found in tropic and near-tropic zones. Although it does resemble an Old Earth oak, it is an evergreen and seeds using “pine cones.”

  Nearpalm—a tropical Safeholdian tree which resembles a terrestrial royal palm except that a mature specimen stands well over sixty feet tall. It produces a tart, plum-like fruit about five inches in diameter.

  Nearpalm fruit—the plum-like fruit produced by the nearpalm. It is used in cooking and eaten raw, but its greatest commercial value is as the basis for nearpalm wine.

  Nearpoplar—a native Safeholdian tree, very fast-growing and straight-grained, which is native to the planet’s temperate zones. It reaches a height of approximately ninety feet.

  Neartuna—one of several native Safeholdian fish species, ranging in length from approximately three feet to just over five.

  NEAT—Neural Education and Training machine. The standard means of education in the Terran Federation.

  Needle tree—a fairly low-growing evergreen (adult trees are no more than ten to twelve feet tall) which grows in a near-symbiotic relationship with nearoak. It grows best in shade, and the nearoak canopy provides an ideal environment by keeping much sunlight from reaching the forest floor. The needle tree’s dense root system helps hold water and stabilize the soil and its dense branches shield dropped nearoak seed cones from predators and provide a rich mulch of dropped needles.

  Nest doll—a Harchongian folk art doll, similar to the Russian Matryoshka dolls in which successively smaller dolls are nested inside hollow wooden dolls.

  New-model—a generic term increasingly applied to the innovations in technology (especially war-fighting technology) introduced by Charis and its allies. (See “new-model kraken,” below.)

  New-model kraken—the standardized artillery piece of the Imperial Charisian Navy. It weighs approximately 2.5 tons and fires a 30-pound round shot with a diameter of approximately 5.9 inches. Although it weighs slightly less than the old kraken (see above) and its round shot is twelve percent lighter, it is actually longer ranged and fires at a higher velocity because of reductions in windage, improvements in gunpowder, and slightly increased barrel length.

  Northern spine tree—a Safeholdian evergreen tree, native to arctic and subarctic regions. Spine tree branches grow in a sharply pointed, snow-shedding shape but bear the sharp, stiff spines from which the tree takes its name.

  Nynian Rychtair—the Safeholdian equivalent of Helen of Troy, a woman of legendary beauty, born in Siddarmark, who eventually married the Emperor of Harchong.

  Offal lizard—a carrion-eating scavenger which fills the niche of an undersized hyena crossed with a jackal. Offal lizards will take small living prey, but they are generally cowardly and are regarded with scorn and contempt by most Safeholdians.

  Oil tree—a Safeholdian plant species which grows to an average height of approximately thirty feet. The oil tree produces large, hairy pods which contain many small seeds very rich in natural plant oils. Dr. Pei Shan-wei’s terraforming teams genetically modifed the plant to increase its oil productivity and to make it safely consumable by human beings. It is cultivated primarily as a food product, but is also an important source of lubricants. In inland realms, it is also a major source of lamp oil.

  Operation Ark—a last-ditch, desperate effort mounted by the Terran Federation to establish a hidden colony beyond the knowledge and reach of the xenophobic Gbaba. It created the human settlement on Safehold.

  Pain bane—a more potent opiate, also prepared from the sleep root tree (see below). It is normally prescribed as the next stage in potency from pain root (see below). It will normally produce drowsiness and usually produces dizziness and mild disorientation in its users. Addiction can occur.

  Pain root—a fairly mild opiate painkiller made from the root of the sleep root tree (see below). It can produce drowsiness in its users, but is generally a first step when something more potent than silk leaf (see below) is needed. It is generally nonaddictive.

  Pasquale’s Basket—a voluntary collection of contributions for the support of the sick, homeless, and indigent. The difference between the amount contributed voluntarily and that required for the Basket’s purpose is supposed to be contributed from Mother Church’s coffers as a first charge upon tithes received.

sp; Pasquale’s Cleanser—the Safeholdian term for carbolic acid.

  Pasquale’s Grace—euthanasia. Pasqualate healers are permitted by their vows to end the lives of the terminally ill, but only under tightly defined and stringently limited conditions.

  Pasquale’s hand—one of the most potent opiates in Safeholdian pharmacology, Pasquale’s hand is prepared from the sleep root tree (see below). It has significant transitory side effects, including depressed breathing, nausea, dizziness, and muddled thinking. As such, it is generally considered the last stage of pain medication. Addiction for heavy users is not at all uncommon.

  Persimmon fig—a native Safeholdian fruit which is extremely tart and relatively thick-skinned.

  Picklefish—any of several small species of Safeholdian forktail (see above) which are prepared and preserved in oil or wine sauce much like Old Earth sardines.

  “Pikes of Kolstyr”—a Siddarmarkian military march composed to commemorate a Desnairian atrocity in one of the early wars between the Republic of Siddarmark and the Desnairian Empire. When played on the battlefield, it announces that the Republic of Siddarmark Army intends to offer no quarter.

  Prong lizard—a roughly elk-sized lizard with a single horn which branches into four sharp points in the last third or so of its length. They are herbivores and not particularly ferocious.

  Proscriptions of Jwo-jeng—the definition of allowable technology under the doctrine of the Church of God Awaiting. Essentially, the Proscriptions limit allowable technology to that which is powered by wind, water, or muscle. The Proscriptions are subject to interpretation by the Order of Schueler, which generally errs on the side of conservatism, but it is not unheard of for corrupt intendants to rule for or against an innovation under the Proscriptions in return for financial compensation.

  Rabies—a native Safeholdian disease which produces symptoms very similar to those associated with the terrestrial disease of the same name. It does not affect imported terrestrial fauna, however, and the terrestrial disease was not brought to Safehold with the colonists.

  Rakurai (1)—literally “lightning bolt.” The Holy Writ’s term for the kinetic weapons used to destroy the Alexandria Enclave.

  Rakurai (2)—the organization of solo suicide terrorists trained and deployed by Wyllym Rayno and Zhaspahr Clyntahn. Security for the Rakurai is so tight that not even Clyntahn knows the names and identities of individual Rakurai or the targets against which Rayno has dispatched them.

  Rakurai bug—a Safeholdian insect analogue similar to a Terrestrial firefly but about three times as large.

  Rakurai fish—a Safeholdian analog of the terrestrial electric eel. The rakurai fish is distantly related to the saltwater kraken. It has a maximum body length of about five feet and can generate an electrical shock substantially more powerful than that of the electric eel. The rakurai fish’s shock, unlike the electrical eel’s, is capable of killing an adult human under ideal circumstances. Unlike the electrical eel, the rakurai fish’s shock is primarily defensive in nature, not a means of disabling prey, and rakurai fish are not normally aggressive unless threatened.

  Reformism—the movement within the Church of God Awaiting to reform the abuses of power and position which have infested it by the time of Merlin Athrawes.

  Reformist—one associated with the Reformist movement. The majority of Reformists outside the Charisian Empire still regard themselves as Temple Loyalists.

  Reformist movement—the movement within the Church of God Awaiting to reform the abuses and corruption which have become increasingly evident (and serious) over the last hundred to one hundred and fifty years. Largely underground and unfocused until the emergence of the Church of Charis, the movement is attracting increasing support throughout Safehold.

  Rising—the term used to describe the rebellion against Lord Protector Greyghor and the Constitution of the Republic of Siddarmark by the Temple Loyalists.

  Round Theatre—the largest and most famous theater in the city of Tellesberg. Supported by the Crown but independent of it, and renowned not only for the quality of its productions but for its willingness to present works which satirize Charisian society, industry, the aristocracy, and even the Church.

  Rugby—a Charisian version of water polo, played by nine-man teams: one goalie and eight field players.

  Saint Evehlain—the patron saint of the Abbey of Saint Evehlain in Tellesberg; wife of Saint Zherneau.

  Saint Kohdy—a seijin who fought for the Church of God Awaiting in the War Against the Fallen. He was killed shortly before the end of that war and later stripped of his sainthood and expunged from the record of the Church’s seijins.

  Saint Kylmahn Rifle—a single-shot, breechloading, caplock rifle, developed from a rifle designed by Dynnys Zhwaigair of the Royal Dohlaran Navy.

  Saint Zherneau—the patron saint of the Monastery of Saint Zherneau in Tellesberg; husband of Saint Evehlain.

  Salmon—a Safeholdian fish species named because its reproductive habits are virtually identical to those of a terrestrial salmon. It is, however, almost more like an eel than a fish, being very long in proportion to its body’s width.

  Sand maggot—a loathsome carnivore, looking much like a six-legged slug, which haunts Safeholdian beaches just above the surf line. Sand maggots do not normally take living prey, although they have no objection to devouring the occasional small creature which strays into their reach. Their natural coloration blends well with their sandy habitat, and they normally conceal themselves by digging their bodies into the sand until they are completely covered, or only a small portion of their backs show.

  Sandrah’s Doorknocker—also simply “doorknocker.” ICA engineers’ slang term for the Composite Demolition Charge, Mark 1; the Safeholdian equivalent of the Bangalore Torpedo.

  Scabbark—a very resinous deciduous tree native to Safehold. Scabbark takes its name from the blisters of sap which ooze from any puncture in its otherwise very smooth, gray-brown bark and solidify into hard, reddish “scabs.” Scabbark wood is similar in coloration and grain to Terran Brazilwood, and the tree’s sap is used to produce similar red fabric dyes.

  Sea-bomb—Temple Loyalist armed forces’ term for a naval mine.

  Sea cow—a walrus-like Safeholdian sea mammal which grows to a body length of approximately ten feet when fully mature.

  Sea dragon—the Safeholdian equivalent of a terrestrial whale. There are several species of sea dragon, the largest of which grow to a body length of approximately fifty feet. Like the whale, sea dragons are mammalian and insulated against deep oceanic temperatures by thick layers of blubber, and virtually are krill-eaters. They reproduce much more rapidly than whales, however, and are the principal food source for doomwhales and large, deepwater krakens. Most species of sea dragon produce the equivalent of sperm oil and spermaceti. A large sea dragon will yield as much as four hundred gallons of oil.

  Sea-kite—the Imperial Charisian Navy’s name for a minesweeping paravane.

  Seijin—sage, holy man, mystic. Legendary warriors and teachers, generally believed to have been touched by the anshinritsumei. Many educated Safeholdians consider seijins to be mythological, fictitious characters.

  Shan-wei’s candle (1)—the deliberately challenging name assigned to strike-anywhere matches by Charisians. Later shortened to “Shan-weis.”

  Shan-wei’s candles (2)—a Temple Loyalist name given to the illuminating parachute flares developed by Charis.

  Shan-wei’s footstools—also simply “footstools.” Charisian name for non-directional antipersonnel mines which are normally buried or laid on the surface and (usually) detonated by a percussion cap pressure switch. See “Kau-yungs.”

  Shan-wei’s fountains—also simply “fountains.” Charisian name for “bounding mines.” When detonated, a launching charge propels the mine to approximately waist height before it detonates, spraying shrapnel balls in a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree pattern. See “Kau-yungs.”

  Shan-wei’s sweepers—also simpl
y “sweepers.” Charisian name for a Safeholdian version of a claymore mine. The mine’s backplate is approximately eighteen inches by thirty inches and covered with five hundred and seventy-six .50-caliber shrapnel balls which it fires in a cone-shaped blast zone when detonated. See “Kau-yungs.”

  Shan-wei’s War—the Holy Writ’s term for the struggle between the supporters of Eric Langhorne and those of Pei Shan-wei over the future of humanity on Safehold. It is presented in terms very similar to those of the war between Lucifer and the angels loyal to God, with Shan-wei in the role of Lucifer. (See also “War Against the Fallen,” below.)

  Shellhorn—a venomous Safeholdian insect analogue with a hard, folding carapace. When folded inside its shell, it is virtually indistinguishable from a ripe slabnut.

  Siddar Loyalist—the self-identifying post-Jihad label for citizens of the western provinces of the Republic of Siddarmark who remained loyal to the Republic when those provinces were first wracked by the Sword of Schueler and later overrun by the Church of God Awaiting’s armed forces. They tend to be extremely bitter and hostile towards any of their pre-Jihad fellow citizens who supported Mother Church.

  Silk leaf (1)—a native Safeholdian tree with birch-like bark. There are many varieties of it, and one or another of them grows in almost every subarctic or temperate climate zone. Its edible inner bark is rich in salicylates.

  Silk leaf (2)—a painkiller and fever reducer very similar to aspirin which is produced from the bark of the silk leaf tree (see above).

  Silk leaf tea—a popular restorative and “sports drink” brewed from the inner bark of the silk leaf tree (see above).

  Sisters of Saint Kohdy—an order of nuns created to honor and commemorate Saint Kohdy. The last of the “angels” used kinetic weapons to obliterate their abbey and the tomb of Saint Kohdy shortly after the last of the original Adams and Eves died.

  Sky comb—a tall, slender native Safeholdian tree. It is deciduous, grows to a height of approximately eighty-five to ninety feet, and has very small, dense branches covered with holly-like leaves. Its branches seldom exceed eight feet in length.


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